
Raw Week 1
Dark Match: Cody Rhodes def. Alex Shelley
“Ladies and gentleman welcome to Monday Night Raw!â€
Stephanie McMahon’s music rings as one of the General Managers of Raw walks down to the ring with a big smile on her face.
Steph- Welcome one and all, to a blockbuster edition of Monday Night Raw!
The fans cheer for the beginning of Raw.
Steph- My brother and I have had some talks backstage, and since a superstar from Raw did not win the Rumble, we are going to find our own way to get a challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 25. As the trend has grown over the past few years, there will be, once again, a match at No Way Out to decide the Number One Contender. This match is one of the most brutal ones ever created here in the WWE, and it will allow six men to fight for themselves in a demonic structure. I am talking about the one and only Elimination Chamber match!
The crowd goes wild as the prospect of another Elimination Chamber match.
Steph- Over the weeks leading up to No Way Out, there will be a series of qualifying matches and they begin tonight! Regarding the Intercontinental Championship rematch with John Morrison and CM Punk, it will now have an added stipulation. The winner of that match will qualify for the Elimination Chamber.
The crowd pops again.
Steph- I also have a huge announcement for the title situation on Raw and the next challenger to John Cena’s title. I have made it official. The Number One Contender to John Cena’s title is the man he faced last night at the Royal Rumble and the man he will now face again at No Way Out, Randy Orton!
The crowd throws out boos at the mention of Orton’s name.
Orton’s music plays to a chorus of boos and he walks down to the ring accompanied by Priceless, looking rather pleased.
Orton- Thank you Miss McMahon for being the voice of wisdom here on Raw. I can not commend you enough for giving me another shot at John Cena’s title after I was cheated out of my first one last night.
The crowd boos, knowing Orton lost fair and square.
Orton- Mark my words, this time will be my time, and at No Way Out, John Cena will fall victim to-
Shane McMahon’s music cuts Orton off and the other General Manager on Raw skips out and makes his way to the ring.
The crowd pops for Shane who is interrupting Orton.
Shane- I’m sorry Randy. I must have missed the part of your match last night where you were cheated out of winning. And I’m sorry Stephanie, because I don’t see how Randy deserves yet another shot at the title after losing his last one.
Orton- Excuse me? Shane, I know you love money, and what better way to make money than putting the most valuable and most talented person in your No Way Out title match?
Shane- Oh don’t worry, that’s exactly what I have planned on doing. This is where he comes in.
Steph- Who?
HBK’s music suddenly blares over the speakers to an ovation as Shawn walks down to the ring wearing a big grin.
Shane- Shawn Michaels!
The crowd goes absolutely wild at HBK’s mention as they realise that he might get a title shot at No Way Out.
Shane- For you see, I couldn’t help but think that the next person in line for a title shot would be the person in the Raw roster who lasted the longest in the Royal Rumble. And the Heart Break Kid was this very man.
Orton- Are you kidding me? You do know that in the Royal Rumble you reward the winner and nobody else. Shawn was a loser, just like 28 other men in that match.
Shane- Randy, you do know that I am the General Manager here on Raw and what I say is the final say?
Steph- Well Shane, sorry but you’re not the only General Manager on this show so your decision means nothing without my approval.
HBK- Hey guys, I think I have a solution. Mrs. Helmsley over here wants Randy Orton to face Cena.
Stephanie blushes while Shane laughs.
Orton- Which I will-
HBK- Shut up!
The crowd goes wild at Orton’s frustration.
HBK- As I was saying, Mrs. Helmsley over here wants Randy Orton to face Cena, and Mr Money over there wants me to face Cena. So, tonight I propose a match to make a fair decision. I say we have Randy Orton face Shawn Michaels in a Number One Contendership match. Winner faces John Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship at No Way Out.
The crowd cheers for this decision and possible match.
Shane and Steph both look at each other and nod while Orton looks absolutely furious.
Shane and Steph then both open their mouths in unison.
Shane & Steph- Done!
The crowd pops knowing the match is confirmed.
Orton- You can’t be serious.... you... erghh!
Orton motions to Priceless, who then suddenly lunge at HBK and begin to unload on him in a two on one attack as Shane and Steph bail up the ramp and the crowd boo fiercely. Orton watches from ringside as suddenly CM Punk comes running down to the ring to a huge pop and he takes Priceless down in the ring to aid HBK. Legacy reunite and retreat back up the ramp, as Punk aids HBK while being watched by Orton, who has an evil look on his face.
Beth Phoenix v Alicia Fox
The match begins with Beth Phoenix in a furious state, still seething over the loss of her Women’s Championship to Melina at last night’s Royal Rumble. Phoenix’s frustration makes her jump straight into the match without thinking, and Fox manages to use her speed to momentarily gain the advantage over the Glamazon. Alicia uses some acrobatic moves to try and gain an upper hand over Beth, but the former Women’s Champion’s sheer aggression stops Fox in her path with a lariat. This move changes the tide of the match and afterwards Beth begins to dominate Fox, decimating her with power moves. She sets up for the Glam Slam, but Alicia escapes after a mule kick. Fox musters up a small comeback comprised mainly of kicks, but then Phoenix catches her mid air as she was going for a crossbody and lifts her onto her shoulders. Beth then plants Alicia to the mat with the Down in Flames before pinning her for the three count. After the match, Rosa Mendez runs into the ring and destroys Alicia, attacking her with boots before hitting a devastating Backflip Reverse DDT leaving Alicia down and out.
WINNER- Beth Phoenix by PINFALL in 3:22
Booker T is backstage with Todd Grisham for an interview, and the crowd throws out boos when they see Booker’s face.
Grisham- So Booker, you made it to the top five in the Royal Rumble match last night. What are your thoughts on that match?
Booker- I am sickened that I had to participate in a match with such scum. The king of Raw should not have to go through 29 other superstars to get a title shot, the king of Raw should be awarded a title shot. Booker T is outraged that a low life peasant such as Batista would eliminate him.
There is heat from the crowd as they do not support Booker making such comments about Batista.
Grisham- Is that why you illegally went back into the ring and eliminated him yourself.
Booker- Precisely, that commoner got what he deserved.
Grisham- You do know that that was against the rules?
Booker- Haha, Todd, you do realise that there are no rules in this world? The Raw kingdom is a dog eat dog world, and since that dog Batista decided to throw the king out of the ring, he got what was coming to him.
The crowd boos as they know Batista was unfairly eliminated, and Booker cheated.
Grisham- Is there anything you would like to say to Batista?
Booker- Batista, by no means am I done with you. My revenge is not fully executed and mark my words, I am coming for you. You’d better watch yourself from now on, because when you have a king as your enemy, you have no chance of survival.
Booker drops the mic and walks off with a serious look on his face to heat from the crowd.
Intercontinental Championship & Elimination Chamber Qualifier
John Morrison v CM Punk
As both superstars stand in the ring before the match, Morrison taunts Punk with his newly won title and says something to him that makes him snap and unload on John with rights and lefts. Punk continues the furious offense and backs Morrison into the corner, where he grabs the ropes making Punk break the hold. Morrison smirks and walks back to Punk, only for CM to catch him with kick after kick to the midsection and sides, before landing a vicious roundhouse to the jaw that knocks Morrison off his feet and sends him cowering into the corner. John pulls himself up in the corner of the ring and as he catches his breath, Punk sets up for the double knee lift. He hits it, but when he goes for the subsequent bulldog, Morrison pushes him away and into the ropes. Punk turns around and Morrison dropkicks him in the knees before hitting the wounded Punk with an inverted neckbreaker for a two count.
Morrison puts Punk in a headlock and taunts him while applying the submission to add insult to injury. Eventually Punk fights out and hits a bulldog. Punk tries to lock in the Anaconda Vice but Morrison quickly gets to the ropes before major damage is done. Punk gets up but then Morrison trips him and sends him throat first into the ropes. John gets up and continues to work on Punk’s neck, putting him back in the headlock before eventually continuing it into a spinning neckbreaker. Morrison then lies in waiting for Punk to get up and when he does, he goes for the Moonlight Drive but Punk grabs his arm and tries to twist him down into the Anaconda Vice, but once again Morrison lunges immediately for the top rope. He kicks Punk away and then goes for the Springboard Roundhouse but Punk ducks the boot and picks up Morrison at landing, putting him into GTS position. However, Morrison manages to nail some elbows to Punk’s head and escape, before following it up with the Moonlight Drive for the 1, 2, 3.
WINNER- John Morrison by PINFALL in 8:42
Beth Phoenix is backstage being followed by Rosa Mendez. Beth looks frustrated and the crowd boos upon seeing her.
Beth- Why do you keep following me to my matches? Just leave me in peace!
Rosa- Please Beth, I’m your biggest fan.
Beth- I don’t need your help, do you hear me?
Mixed reaction from the crowd at Beth’s stubbornness.
Rosa- Come on Beth, I can help you, you’ll never lose another match by my side.
Beth- I don’t plan on losing any either way.
Rosa- Please just let me prove myself to you. Err... we’ll tag together, how about that?
Beth- I’ve told you, I don’t need your help.
Rosa- Just give me one chance. One chance and I won’t let you down!
Beth- Fine, you know what, I’ll think about it. But Rosa, we are definitely not tagging together.
Beth keeps walking but then runs into Stephanie McMahon.
Steph- Beth I’m sorry but things don’t always happen the way you want. Rosa Mendez is the newest diva on the Raw roster and she will be given a chance. Next week Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendez will team together to face Melina and Kelly Kelly in a Women’s tag team match.
The crowd pops, excited about the announced match.
Beth looks livid as Rosa jumps for joy behind her.
Rosa- Trust me Beth, I won’t let you down.
Beth- You better not, otherwise...
Beth storms off while Rosa stays there with a huge grin on her face, looking ecstatic.
Chris Jericho is shown in an interview room with Matt Striker and the crowd boos seeing Y2J.
Striker- I am here with one of the most talented superstars on Raw, Chris Jericho. I understand you have a match tonight one on one with Batista.
Jericho- Yes I do, Matt, and I plan to walk away from that match a victor.
The crowd boos at this statement.
Striker- You seem confident Chris, I can almost feel the swagger emanating off you.
Jericho- I am confident Matt. So confident in fact that I don’t need to result to petty insults and ego buffing to make people realise who the winner will be tonight. There will be no stakes regarding that match, but I know that if I win, I will slowly but surely move up the hierarchy here on Raw and that is-
Jericho is cut off as Shane McMahon suddenly walks into view to a pop from the crowd.
Shane- Jericho, you’re wrong.
Jericho- What?
Shane- You’re wrong when you say that the match will have no stakes, because that is about to change. I have now made the decision Chris, that your match later on tonight against Batista will be a qualification match for the Number One Contendership match at No Way Out. That’s right, the winner will be participating in the Elimination Chamber!
The crowd cheers again as a big stipulation is announced for Jericho and Batista’s match later tonight.
Jericho says nothing but smirks and looks rather pleased. Shane walks away to more cheers.
Jericho says nothing but smirks and looks rather pleased. Shane walks away to more cheers.
Striker- So do you have anything else to say to Batista?
Jericho indifferently shakes his head.
Striker- Do you have any comments to make to anyone else?
Jericho- As a matter of fact I do. I’ve been watching someone for the last few weeks on Raw. Now, I’m not mentioning any names but I know they will be watching my match tonight. And they are going to witness an instant classic.
Jericho arrogantly walks off and leaves Striker sitting there, looking intrigued.
William Regal +Paul Burchill v Jimmy Wang Yang +Shannon Moore
(Tag Team)
Yang and Regal begin in the ring and Jimmy takes an early advantage using his speed and agility to counter most of Paul’s offense. Yang gets a nice crossbody in before tagging in Moore, who continues the quickness with kicks and a hurricanrana. However, the tide turns when Paul dodges a dropkick and boots the downed Moore. He then picks him up and nails a front facelock neckbreaker before tagging in Regal. Regal works over Moore and hits a knee drop before Irish whipping him into the corner and nailing him with a few left hands. Paul is again tagged in and he goes for a lariat in the corner but it is dodged, and Shannon nails a spinning hook kick to the back of his head. Both men then crawl for tags, and soon enough both Regal and Yang are in the match again. They trade blows but Regal is the superior brawler and he takes advantage with a few left hands. He then puts Jimmy in double underhook position and goes for the Butterfly Suplex but Yang reverses it into a crucifix pin mid move for a near fall. He then tags in Moore who goes to the top rope and hits a Supercanrana on Regal as Yang knocks Burchill off the apron. Shannon covers Regal and gets the win.
WINNERS- Jimmy Wang Yang +Shannon Moore by PINFALL in 5:57
After the match the Redneck Rumblers remain in the ring and get a microphone off some personnel.
Yang- Howdy y’all!
The fans let out a ‘howdy’.
Moore- We’re back on Raw and we’re ready to mow through our opposition like cows through a paddock.
Yang- We wanna head straight to the top, so we’re challenging the World Tag Team Champions. Hopefully they accept and we can have a dang old slobberknocker of a match.
The crowd cheers for this challenge, hoping Priceless accept and they get to see the match.
Moore- So Priceless, y’all better consider yourselves challenged!
Wang Yang and Moore walk backstage to cheers.
Kazarian is in the ring and has a solemn look on his face, although the crowd cheers for him anyway.
Kaz- You know, sometimes I wonder what happened to decency. Sometimes I wonder what happened to respect. Sometimes I wonder how people can do the things they do. You people know what I’m talking about. Two weeks ago on Raw I was knocked out from behind by somebody on this very show, and they cost me my spot in the Royal Rumble.
The crowd gives heat towards the attacker.
Kaz- Now, I know why they did this to me. Not only was that person a coward, but he was also jealous. He was jealous and tired of seeing me as a fighting champion each week on Raw. He was jealous because he saw me and then he looked at himself. He saw how I got my success through honour and fair winning, and how he became successful through cheating, disrespect and dirty tactics.
The crowd boos again at the person who took Kaz out.
Kaz- Now I know who this person is. This person is obviously a coward and a cheating piece of crap, but I’m going to let him get back a bit of his self esteem. I want the person that attacked me to come out here right now, and admit it themselves.
Kazarian waits patiently and the crowd begins to boo after nobody shows up after about twenty seconds or so.
Kaz- Fine. So be it. The son of a bitch who attacked me can go to hell! If by next week they don’t tell the world what they did, then I am going to find them and make them!
The crowd cheers as Kazarian’s music plays and Kaz walks back up the ramp and leaves, with a pissed off look on his face.
Elimination Chamber Qualifier
Chris Jericho v Batista
The bell rings and they lock up, with Batista forcing Jericho to his knees using his power. He knees Jericho in the gut and kicks him to the ground before pounding away at him with vicious blows using both fists. He waits for Jericho to get to his feet and then hits Jericho with a running shoulder block then a lariat when Chris gets back up. Batista then puts Jericho in position for the Batista Bomb but Jericho counters by grabbing Batista’s legs and pulling them up, sending him back first into the mat. He goes for the Walls of Jericho but Batista kicks him away. They both get up and Batista goes to grab Jericho but he takes a rake to the eyes an enzugiri. Following this, Jericho works on the back of Batista, hitting various modified backbreakers before locking in a camel clutch to stretch the spine of Batista. Batista struggles in the hold until he manages to turn over and grab Jericho’s legs, pulling them down and then putting Chris in a figure 4 leg lock. Jericho is worn down in the hold and almost taps but after near a minute of fighting, he gets to the ropes and it is broken.
Batista boots the downed Jericho and then picks him up, hitting a side powerslam. He dominates Jericho with some more power moves before eventually hitting a Spinebuster and giving Jericho the thumbs down. He goes for the Batista Bomb but Jericho runs forward and pushes Batista into the ropes. He gets out and goes to Irish whip Batista but gets whipped himself and then hit with a Spear on the rebound. Batista covers but only gets a two count. He picks Jericho up and throws him into the corner, before going for a lariat in the corner, only for Jericho to sidestep and hit the dazed Batista with a Codebreaker out of seemingly nowhere. Jericho covers, but Batista kicks out at the last second. Jericho lifts Batista to his feet and nails him with the breakdown. He picks Batista up and Irish whips him, bending down to do a back body drop. However, Batista sees this and grabs Jericho in the bent over position. He hoists Jericho up on his shoulders for the Batista Bomb but then Booker T runs down to the ring and gets up on the apron. While Batista is distracted, Jericho takes the opportunity to free his legs and pull Batista’s face down into an innovative Codebreaker. Jericho gets the three count as Booker laughs.
WINNER- Chris Jericho by PINFALL in 9:44
Shawn Michaels is backstage stretching in his locker room and the crowd in the ring pops as there is a knock on the door. HBK walks over and opens it showing CM Punk who receives some cheers from the crowd.
Punk- I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while now.
HBK- Me too, I’ve been waiting to see you.
Punk- Well I wanted to talk to you, but I also wanted to thank you. Last night when I lost my title I felt empty, and I’m glad there was someone to support me through that.
HBK- Don’t worry man, it was nothing. And can I thank you for returning the favor later on?
Punk- Yeah you can and you can also get used to my help. Shawn, ever since I started watching the WWE as a dreaming teenager, you were always my favorite. When I got into the wrestling business, I thought to myself how great it would be if I could meet my idol, the Heart Break Kid, Mr Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels.
The crowd pops for both Punk and Shawn.
HBK- Thanks man, that means a lot.
Punk- And that’s not all Shawn. I want an opportunity to have something that most people would only dream of having. I want your guidance, I want you to teach me, and I want you to help me learn. Please Shawn, it would mean a lot to me.
The crowd cheers and chant HBK’s name.
HBK- Sure I’ll do it, no problem.
The crowd pop even louder.
In fact, since I’ve seen you wrestling, I’ve always thought you had extreme potential and I even thought to myself how great it would be to work with you.
Punk- Really? Wow, that’s about the greatest thing anyone’s ever said to me, and it’s coming from my idol.
HBK- So it’s settled then. I’ll help you through your matches and teach you the best that I can.
Punk- Wow, this is definitely the best thing that’s-
Suddenly there is the sound of a door opening and the slamming shut and the camera cuts to show Randy Orton standing behind Punk and HBK, with a menacing look on his face, and the crowd pouring out heat.
Orton- Well I’m sorry to interrupt your little moment here, but your little heart to heart here is wasting valuable airtime on my show!
The crowd boos at the arrogance of Orton.
Orton- CM Punk, It’s great to see you’ve finally fulfilled your fantasies but you’re also going to have to watch your mentor get pummeled to a pulp tonight.
The crowd throws out even more heat.
Orton- By me!
By now the crowd is booing the roof off the building.
Punk- Randy, don’t you think you’re a little too up yourself? I’m surprised your ego can fit in your head, but then again that’s no surprise, knowing how thick it is.
Orton- Shut up! I don’t care what you say because the bottom line is that I will crush your idol tonight right in front of your eyes. And you can have fun watching me because there ain't nothing you can do about it!
HBK- Orton, I don’t understand. If you’re as good as you say you are then why do you have to try and tell me you are better? Surely your ego is massaged enough without having to make false claims to me that probably make you feel like a big man. Orton, nothing you can say will change anything about tonight. All I know is that I am going all out, and with my new student in my corner, you are not stopping me. So Orton, piss off before I beat the crap of you right here right now!
The crowd cheers, as Randy has been put in his place.
Orton is about to hit Shawn but then realises he is outnumbered and storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
Mike Knox v Charlie Haas
The bell rings and Charlie Haas is immediately on the defensive, as Knox rushes in with offense that resembles a raging bull. Charlie gets knocked around a bit before being backed into the corner. Knox then goes for a cornered big boot but Haas dodges and manages to roll Knox up for a near fall. Haas then tries to keep the big man off his feet with boots and an elbow drop, and he goes to cover Knox, only to be thrown off and land on the other side of the ring. Knox then gets up and almost takes Charlie’s head off with a big boot. He then applies a modified cobra clutch before lifting Haas up and hitting him with a gutbuster. Knox continues the powerful offense before taunting the crowd as Charlie uses the ropes to feebly get up. Knox runs to clothesline him over the ropes but Haas moves and Knox bounces back in to the ring and takes a dropkick making him stagger. Charlie then goes for a lariat but Knox blocks it with a forearm before grabbing his head and nailing him with the Knox Out. Knox covers and it is over.
WINNER- Mike Knox by PINFALL in 3:59
After the match as Haas lies wounded in the ring, Shelton Benjamin’s music plays and he stands on the ramp, shaking his head before letting out a big sigh.
Shelton- Charlie, what happened to you? You used to have pride; you used to have a will to win. But nowadays... it’s just not there. Look at yourself Charlie. You’re hopeless!
The crowd throws out boos at Shelton’s bullying.
Shelton- What have you done to yourself to end up like this?
Charlie- I... I...
Shelton- Look, you can’t even stand up for yourself. Charlie, you’re a pathetic human being and you-
Charlie- I am not pathetic.
Cheers for Charlie standing up for himself.
Shelton- Well that’s what I like to see, some passion. Pity you won’t be able to back that up with some winning.
Charlie- I have pride, I have a will to win. I... will win.
Shelton- Prove it.
Charlie- I will prove it. I’ll prove it to you, prove it to the fans, and most of all prove it to me.
Shelton- Well put up or shut up Charlie. It pains me to see you as a sad shell of what you once were, but at the same time, it’s hilarious to see you fail.
Charlie- Well you won’t be seeing it anymore! From now on, I am going to prove to everyone, I am as good as ever!
The crowd pops once again as they are behind Charlie Haas and they want him to succeed.
Shelton smiles and walks backstage as Charlie is left in the ring, rejuvenated by his proclamation.
Number One Contendership to the World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels
The bell rings and Orton stalks Shawn around the ring, before the two lock up. Shawn catches Orton with a punch and Randy retreats, before going back to stalking HBK around the ring. The lock up again and HBK catches Orton with a right hand and Irish whips him into the ropes, only for Orton to duck out of the ring when he reaches them. Orton circles the ring with Legacy by his side and HBK gets out as well. He walks over to Orton and goes to throw him into the ring but Orton pushes HBK’s back into the apron. He then gets back into the ring, before distracting the referee while Priceless beat down HBK. It is two on one on the outside and then CM Punk runs down the ramp and makes Cody and Ted back off from Shawn. Orton then slid out, got Shawn and pushed him back first into the ring post, before rolling him into the ring and covering him for a two count. He picks Shawn up and nails him with an uppercut before hitting the inverted headlock backbreaker, focusing on HBK’s back. He stomps on Shawn’s back and then delivers a double knees drop right to the spine. Orton taunts Shawn before getting down on his fists in push up position, signaling that the RKO is near.
He waits for Shawn to get up and signals for the RKO but when he goes for it he gets pushed into the turnbuckle and then takes a flying crossbody from Shawn in the corner. HBK then climbs to the top rope and goes for the diving elbow, but Orton rolls out of the way and HBK hits only canvas. Randy then continues to work on Shawn’s back and puts him in a chinlock, using his knee to stretch Michaels’ back. Punk cheers HBK on however and Shawn manages to get to his feet and escape. HBK hits Randy with some backhand chops before catching him with a Lou Thesz press, followed by an angry sequence of forearms and punches to the chest of Orton. HBK picks him up and hits an inverted atomic drop, before coming off the ropes with a flying shoulder block. Shawn then kips up off the ground and begins to tune up the band. Orton gets up and HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music but Orton ducks down and rolls out of the ring. He catches his breath but then Punk quickly rolls him back into the ring. Randy gets up angrily, but then turns around and walks right into a Sweet Chin Music. HBK covers and the referee counts to three. Priceless slide into the ring and go to attack Shawn but then Punk comes in and all three members of Legacy roll out of the ring and retreat up the ramp to close the show.
WINNER- Shawn Michaels by PINFALL in 11:30