-If Cena or especially someone like Ryback beat the Undertaker's streak.
Only be acceptable if Cena turns heel whilst winning, two very big wrestlemania moments in one match. I would still be pissed off though.
-If Cena or especially someone like Ryback beat the Undertaker's streak.
Only be acceptable if Cena turns heel whilst winning, two very big wrestlemania moments in one match. I would still be pissed off though.
That might be the only scenario where I'd be fine with it too, but I don't know. It is fun to imagine Cena bragging in a promo about how he's added another accomplishment to his already long list of accolades by being the man who "finally killed the Dead Man for good", but I think I'd still prefer for Taker to keep his streak. I get the logic of wanting to turn Cena heel in the biggest way possible but I'd rather someone with more of a future ended the streak if it happens at all. Plus, the loss of the streak being the catalyst for someone else's heel turn sort of ends Taker's career on a down note, which isn't how I'd want The Dead Man to bow out.
I kinda wish this would happen, solely just for the reactions we would get to see. Would be great shit, besides D-Bryan retiring.Daniel Bryan retiring tomorrow.