- Cena beating Flairs title reign record
You can surely bet on this happening. I can't say I'd be full of rage personally either (though many others sure would be) since winning multiple world titles doesn't mean today what it meant back then.
-If Cena had not only defeated Daniel Bryan at Summerslam but done so by submission. Making Cena overcome the "Submission Specialist" by making him tap out to a submission move of his own would induce so much rage lol.
-If Cena or especially someone like Ryback beat the Undertaker's streak. Imagine how badly people would flip their shit if Cena made Undertaker tap out to the STF.
-If Triple H defeated Daniel Bryan in their eventual match, clean or not (but especially clean.)
-If Dean Ambrose was either released and/or put into a gimmick that made him out to be a fool. Imagine they saddled him with a comedy gimmick or used him as a Ziggler-like jobber to put over other stars for the vast majority of his career.
-If Sami Zayn was released the way Ohno was.
That's all I got for the moment. Funny how you'll find Cena and Triple H at the center of most of the things that would send the IWC into a frenzy lol.