This looks awesome, the roster is great, there is some great young talent there and I am really clueless as to who you will have being pushed and everything. I think Kurt Angle will be the lead man in this but I may be wrong. I know that if I was incharge of this roster I wouldn't know what to do with who so hopefully you have good plans for them because the roster looks stacked. The BTB is set up nicely.
After seeing the rumors I don't know why you decided to drop the tag team division, it looked good and now having them all be singles wrestlers will only make the midcard and everything even more clustered which makes it hard to manage because you don't know who does what and everything so hopefully you have that all sorted.
Lethal Lottery for the RWC Women’s Championship = Mickie James
First Four Opening Matches in the RWC Unitedcontinental Championship Tournament:
Jay Lethal vs. Shelton Benjamin
William Regal vs. Rob Van Dam
Paul Burchill vs. Consequences Creed
John Morrison vs. Booker T
Battle Royal for the RWC World Heavyweight Championship:
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Kurt Angle vs. CM Punk vs. Christian Cage vs. MVP vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy
First show looks to be a huge one, I am unsure of who will be the last two in the battle royal so I just chose the two who have been there longer. The tournament matches looks good, those are hard ones to predict also and I am sure the matches will be good and could create a few good feuds if wanted. Women's Championship gauntlet type of match looks interesting, hopefully Mickie wins it but pretty much all the women in the match are deserving.
Looks great and ill check this out. IPW first half of the PPV is up if you wanna check it out.
After seeing the rumors I don't know why you decided to drop the tag team division, it looked good and now having them all be singles wrestlers will only make the midcard and everything even more clustered which makes it hard to manage because you don't know who does what and everything so hopefully you have that all sorted.
Lethal Lottery for the RWC Women’s Championship = Mickie James
First Four Opening Matches in the RWC Unitedcontinental Championship Tournament:
Jay Lethal vs. Shelton Benjamin
William Regal vs. Rob Van Dam
Paul Burchill vs. Consequences Creed
John Morrison vs. Booker T
Battle Royal for the RWC World Heavyweight Championship:
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Kurt Angle vs. CM Punk vs. Christian Cage vs. MVP vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy
First show looks to be a huge one, I am unsure of who will be the last two in the battle royal so I just chose the two who have been there longer. The tournament matches looks good, those are hard ones to predict also and I am sure the matches will be good and could create a few good feuds if wanted. Women's Championship gauntlet type of match looks interesting, hopefully Mickie wins it but pretty much all the women in the match are deserving.
Looks great and ill check this out. IPW first half of the PPV is up if you wanna check it out.