RWA (Reality Wrestling Alliance)

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CT Styles

BM: First One


BP: Crane's & commentators seemed in character


Check out WWE: Big Time!

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
BM First elimination match


BP I gues Cranes before the match.

WP The re was pretty much one promo

AC Great build up to unlimited, All matches were great the only problem I ahve with your matches is that you have heaps of pauses in between the count and quite frankly I don't like those type of matches the ones with heaps of pause, my advice, thanks for a person from the IWF E fed for this advice


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Breaking News from has learned that Randy Orton challenged AJ Styles to a match at "Unlimited" a few days ago and we can now confirm that AJ Styles has accepted the challenge.

CT Styles

Thanx for the review man I will be checkin out 'Unlimited' and droppin a review.


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
RWA have come to terms on the release of Rellik.
RWA have agreed to a 1-year deal with Cody Rhodes.

Official Preview for RWA's Saturday Night Shine:
The race to the RWA World Title continues with two triple threat matches to determine who will be in the RWA World Title match at Unlimited.
Also after Finlay's actions, after Matt Hardy became the #1 contender for the RWA European Title, GM Crane has annouced that both Matt Hardy and Finlay will pick a member of the RWA roster to represent them and the winner will get to choose the type of match they compete in at Unlimited.
Saturday Night Shine will be live this Saturday January 19th 2008.
Be sure to tune in. You do not want to miss this.


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
The Official "Unlimited" Poster:

Credit: Enigma22

The Rated R CMStar

Good poster. Here is my late review.

BM: Definetly the first match, it put HBK amazingly over, and gave him great momentum going to the following weeks.


BP: The Crane one, you can't go wrong or out of character when the wrestler is made up.


AC: Good show, you made a great work in the 5 man matches. Keep up the good work. Check out BTW.


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
From Finlay and Matt Hardy have decided on there representative for Saturday Night Shine and we can now report that John Morrison (Finlay's) vs. Jeff Hardy (Matt Hardy's) will take place on this weeks Saturday Night Shine


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Just to let everyone know, Saturday Night Shine will be posted in a few hours (and yes I know its Thursday). At the end of the show I will have the final card for 'Unlimited' at the very bottom and you can post your predictions (winners and how they win) and if someone gets all of them right, I will give you rep.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The first elimination match

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Crane

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedback: You're good in wrinting match imo but you really need to improve your promos. I am checking out your next show.


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
RWA's Saturday Night Shine
January 19th 2008

(Music of GM Crane enters the arena)

JR: "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Saturday Night Shine and what a great night we have in store for you as our GM makes his way to the ring."

King: "Right here tonight we have two triple threat matches to detrermine the competitors in the RWA World Title match at 'Unlimited'."

JR: "And also Finlay's selected competitor versus Matt Hardy's selected competitor and the competitor that wins for his representative will choose the match that Finlay and Matt Hardy will compete in at 'Unlimited' for the RWA European Title, but right now lets go into the ring where our GM is going to speak."

Crane: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I know you all can not wait for our two main event triple threat matches tonight but I have an annoucement to make reguarding the crowning of the first ever RWA Tag Team Champions. I have decided that the only way to do this is for there to be a 8-team tournament. I have put 7 teams into so far and there is still one spot open but the 7 teams so far are: Motor City Machine Guns, The Dudleys, Tomko-AJ Styles, The Hardy's, John Morrison-The Miz, CM Punk-Abyss, Umaga-Black Reign. Those 7 team are in the tournament. The one open spot will go to the first team to say they want it."

(Music of Kurt Angle enters the arena)

Angle: "Crane, I am not here to claim the last spot in the Tag Team Tournament. I am here cause I want a shot at the RWA World Title and your going to give it to me!"

Crane: "First of all do not demand title shots around here, you earn them, and second if you want a title shot then start making statements and stop being a little bitch."

Angle: "Crane! Just watch the show and you will see what I am capable of."

(Commercial break as Angle walks to the back)
'Unlimited' on PPV January 20th

Finlay's representative vs. Matt Hardy's representative for right to pick the match at 'Unlimited' for the RWA European Title:
John Morrison vs. Jeff Hardy​

(John Morrison makes his way to the ring first)

(Jeff Hardy makes his way to the ring next)

Hardy and Morrison square off in the middle of the ring an tie-up. Morrison gets hardy in a headlock. Hardy bounces Morrison off the ropes to release the hold only to get a shoulder block from Morrison. Morrison goes right back down to the mat and reapply the headlock he had before. Hardy gets up and fights off Morrison with elbows to the gut. Hardy runs off the ropes and connects with a clothesline on Morrison. Morrison gets back up and Hardy bouces off the ropes and hits a front dropkick. Hardy picks up Morrison and attempts whips him into a corner only to be reversed but Hardy counters back with a whisper in the wind attempt that Morrison counters and hits a dropkick to Hardy's back. Morrison goes for a cover but Hardy kicks out at 2. Morrison goes over the turnbuckle and attempts an split-legged corkscrew moonsault but Hardy moves. As Morrison is on his knees is pain Hardy hits him with a dropkick and makes a cover but Morrison kicks out at 2. Hardy goes to the top turnbuckle to attempt a swanton bomb but Morrison gets up and knocks Hardy off of the top turnbuckle. Morrison goes up and hits a superplex on Hardy. Morrison crawls over the Hardy to make the cover and Hardy kicks out at two.

(Finlay makes his way out to the ring as the crowd boos)

Morrison looks over and sees Finlay and smiles. Hardy moves towards Morrison and puts him in a school boy but only gets a two count. Morrison picks up Hardy and attempts his finishing corkscrew neckbreaker but Hardy counter and irish whips Morrison into the corner but the ref gets stuck between Morrison and the turnbuckle and gets the wind knocked out of him. Finlay rushes in the ring and hits Hardy over the skull with a shilleigh. Matt Hardy then rushes out and attacks Finlay and those two go through the crowd. Morrison picks Hardy up and hits his corkscrew neckbreaker and gets the 3 count.

Result: John Morrison def. Jeff Hardy and Finlay chooses the match at 'Unlimited' for the RWA European Title.

JR: "Finlay just cheated so he could choose his type of match to defend his title in."

King: "That right but the question is what type of match will he choose."

(Commercial Break)
NCW the new face of all E-Feds

JR: "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to Saturday Night Shine and it is now time to find out who will be one competitor for the RWA World Title."

Triple Threat Match to determine RWA World Title Match:
Mr. Kennedy vs. Undertaker vs. John Cena

(Mr. Kennedy makes his way to the ring)

(Undertaker makes his way the the ring)

(John Cena makes his way to the ring)

Undertaker runs and connects a big boot on Kennedy as the bell rings and knocks him to the outside. Undertaker and Cena have a staredown in the ring. They start with a tie-up. Undertaker gets a side head lock on Cena. Cena bounces Taker off the ropes to release the hold. Taker shoulder blocks Cena to the mat and goes for a cover only to get a 1 count. Taker begins to stomp on Cena's right arm. Undertaker grabs Cena's arm twist and lifts Cena in the air bringing all of Cena's weight on his arm. Taker brings Cena down and attempts Old School. Kennedy shakes the ropes that Taker is standing on and Taker gets a low blow for his troubles. Kennedy gets on the apron and gives Taker a right hand an knocks him to the outside. Kennedy goes in the ring and heads straight for Cena's injured arm. Cena hits Kennedy with a round of right hands and sends him to the mat. Kennedy gets up and Cena hits a spinning back slam and sets up for the 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena runs off the ropes and goes to hit the 5 knuckle shuffle but Kurt Angle runs out to the ring and delivers and Angle slam on John Cena.

JR: "What the hell is Angle doing out here. I know Crane said to make an impact but not like this."

King: "Crane brought this on himself by telling Angle to make an impact."

Angle drags Cena to the outside and continues the assault in the crowd. Kennedy and Taker are back in the ring and are exchanging right hands. Taker gets the upper hand on Kennedy. Taker lifts Kennedy and delivers snake eyes. Taker runs off the ropes and hits Kennedy with a big boot and Taker goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Taker grabs Kennedy and hangs his head over the apron. Taker goes to the outside and gets on the apron. Taker runs and comes down on Kennedy with a leg drop. Taker pushes Kennedy back into the ring and goes for a cover but again only gets a two count. Taker picks Kennedy up and Kennedy hits Taker with a thumb to the eye. Taker can not see where he is going and he walks into Kennedy. Kennedy lifts him up and puts him in position for the standing plunge and Kennedy connects. Kennedy is in shock as he begins to argue with the ref. Kennedy then looks back at Taker and waits for him to get to his feet. When Taker does Kennedy picks Taker up and attempts a tombstone piledriver. Taker reverses into a tombston of his own and gets the three count.

Result: Undertaker def. Kennedy and John Cena and becomes a competitor in the RWA World Title Match at 'Unlimited'

(Undertaker celebrates as he leaves Kurt Angle and John Cena return to the ring as Angle is still beating down Cena)

Angle clotheslines Cena over the guard rail back into the ring area. Angle grabs the steel steps and hits Cena in the head with them. Angle then applys the ankle lock on Cena. Angle lets go after about a minute and a half. Angle goes over to the time keepers table and grabs two chairs. Security and Agents come from the back and try to restrain Angle but he gives all of them chair shots as Angle is on a rampage. Angle takes one chair and folds it with Cena's ankle inside. Angle takes the other chair and delivers a con-chair-to Cena's ankle. Cena is screaming in pain as EMT's make there way out to the ring area to tend to Cena.

(Angle face is intense as we go to commercial break)
RWA's next PPV

Crane: "Welcome back to Saturday Night Shine. After what I just witnessed with Kurt Angle and John Cena I can not afford to lose any more top talent because of no reason. Therefore Kurt Angle at 'Unlimited' you will go one on one with Bobby Lashely and the winner of that match will be the #1 contender for the RWA World Title at RWA's next PPV Febuary 17th 'Black Hearts' and Kurt if you attack another member of the RWA Roster without being provoked or being inside the confines of a match then you will lose you opportunity and be suspended for 6 months without pay.Also I have to annouce that Finlay has decided that he and Matt Hardy will fight for the RWA European Title in a stretcher match at the 'Unlimited' PPV."

(Camera moves back out to the ring)

JR: It is now time to find out who will be taking on The Undertaker for the RWA World Title at the 'Unlimited' PPV.

(Shawn Michaels music hits be he is nowhere to be found)

(Camera rushes to the back and see Samoa Joe has a rear naked choke locked in on Michaels and Michaels is unconcious)

JR: "What the hell is going on here tonight. First Kurt Angle screws John Cena out of his match and now Samoa Joe has taken out Shawn Michaels of his match."

King: "I know that you have to make statement around here but this has gone to far."

(Commercial Break)

(Shine returns and Crane is in his office)

Crane: "After what we just saw with Samoa Joe and Shawn Michaels I must inform you that Shawn Michaels will be unable to compete in tonight's main event. However I am making a match at 'Unlimited': it will be Shawn Michaels vs. Samoa Joe.

(Camera returns to ringside)

JR: "Well ladies and gentlemen that is big news and I really hope Samoa Joe gets what coming to him at 'Unlimited.''

King: "Also at 'Unlimited' Randy Orton will take on AJ Styles"

JR: "Also at 'Unlimited' The Motor City Machine Guns will take on the Dudley Boyz in the first round of the Tag Title Tournament."

King: "Also at 'Unlimited' CM Punk and Abyss will take on Black Reign and Umaga in the first round of the Tag Title Tournament."

JR: "Also at 'Unlimited' Kurt Angle will take on Bobby Lashley for the #1 contendership for the RWA World Title at 'Black Hearts."

King: "Also at 'Unlimited' it will be Finlay defending the RWA European Title agianest Matt Hardy in a stretcher match."

JR: "Finally, it will be our main event of the night as Christian Cage will take on the winner of this next match for the RWA World Title."

1-on-1 match to determine The Undertaker's opponet for the RWA World Title at 'Unlimited:
Edge vs. Christian Cage

Bell rings as Edge and Cage circle around. They tie-up and Edge pushes Cage into a corner. Ref asks for a clean break but Cage gives Edge a thumb to the eye. Cage turns Edge around and gives him some knifeedge chops. Edge then turns Cage around and gives him some knifeedge chops. Edge irish whips Cage across the ring. Edge runs towards Cage but Cage gets a boot up and clotheslines Edge to the mat.

JR: "We have to take our last commercial break so stay tuned."

(Commercial Break)

JR: "Welcome back to Saturday Night Shine."

Cage has the upper hand on Edge in a sleeper as we come back from commercial break. Edge gets up and gives Cage 2 elbow to the gut. Edge runs off the ropes and clotheslines Cage. Edge picks Cage up and irish whips him across but Cage reverses. Edge comes back with a spinning heel kick and goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Edge then makes his way to the top turnbuckle but Cage gets up and trips Edge off the top rope. Cage goes up to deliver a superplex. Cage gets Edge in position but Edge give Cage some right hands to the gut and pushes Cage off the turnbuckle. Edge gets back on the top and jumps and hits Cage with a missle dropkick. Edge covers Cage but only gets a two count. Edge then goes over to set up for the spear. When Cage turns around Edge runs at him and then Cage moves and Edge spears the turnbuckle. Cage rolls up Edge and grabs the tights but still only gets a two count. Cage begins arguing with the ref. Edge comes up from behind and hits the Edge-o-matic on Cage and goes for a cover but once again only gets a 2 count. Edge then walks over to Cage and puts him in position for the Edgeacator. Edge locks in his signature submission move and Cage is screaming in pain as AJ Styles makes his way down to the ring and distracts the ref. Tomko comes through the crowd and hits Edge over the head with a steel chair. Randy Orton the runs down and fights off AJ. Back in the ring, Tomko left back through the crowd and Edge is standing but dazed as Cage comes up from behind and hits the Unprettier on Edge and gets the 3 count.

Result: Christian Cage def. Edge to face the Undertaker for the RWA World Title at 'Unlimited'

Christian is celebrating in the ring as a gong sounds over the arena. The arena is pitch black as Saturday Night Shine goes off the air.

(End of Show)

Final Card for Unlimited PPV:

RWA World Title: Christian Cage vs. The Undertaker

Stretcher Match for the RWA European Title: Finlay (c) vs. Matt Hardy

#1 contenders match for RWA World Title at Black Hearts: Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Lashley

Shawn Michaels vs. Samoa Joe

Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles

Tag Title Tournament Match: Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Dudley Boyz

Tag Title Tournament Match: CM Punk/Abyss vs. Black Reign/Umaga

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
BM: 1st Triple threat


BP Um the first one i will say


AC Good show you have there but one thing that I didn't like was that both Triple Threats were turned into singles matches. Imagine if WWE did that we would all be complaining and also if possible take the commercials out of the matches that was what I got told when I first starteed BTB

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Kennedy/Taker/Cena w/ Angle

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Opening one

Worst Promo:

Additional Feedbacks: Taker/Cage could be a good match and fued. I am voting for Taker to win this one but we all know that Cage is not an easy competitor. I can't wait for the PPV.

CT Styles

BM: Kennedy vs John Cena vs Taker

WM: -

BP: 1st

WP: -

AC: Good show pity bout Shawn Michaels tho! Oh well.

My Predictions so far -

Bold = My prediction

RWA World Title: Christian Cage vs. The Undertaker

Stretcher Match for the RWA European Title: Finlay (c) vs. Matt Hardy

#1 contenders match for RWA World Title at Black Hearts: Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Lashley

Shawn Michaels vs. Samoa Joe

Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles

Tag Title Tournament Match: Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Dudley Boyz

Tag Title Tournament Match: CM Punk/Abyss vs. Black Reign/Umaga


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
RWA 'Unlimited'
January 20th 2008
ARCO Arena
Sacramento, California

JR: "Welcome to the first ever RWA Pay-Per-View Unlimited. What a show we have in store for you tonight as we will crown the RWA World Champion. The RWA European Title will be on the line as Finlay defends againest Matt Hardy in a stretcher match. Also tonight Randy Orton will take on AJ Styles, and Shawn Michaels will take on Samoa Joe."

King: Also the Tag Team Title tournament will get underway with 2 first round matches. CM Punk and Abyss team up to take on Black Reign and Umaga, The Motor City Machine Guns take on The Dudley Boyz.

JR: "And the man that gave John Cena a broken ankle last night at Saturday Night Shine, Kurt Angle will take on Bobby Lashley and the winner will face the RWA World Champion at 'Black Hearts' on Febuary 17th. It is now time for our opening contest."

(Finlay makes his way to the ring with the RWA European Title around his waist as the crowd boos)

(Matt Hardy's music hits and he rushes to the ring and the crowd is poping huge)

Stretcher Match for the RWA European Title:
Finlay (c) vs. Matt Hardy

Hardy gets in the ring as Finlay swings his shillelagh at Hardy's skull but Hardy duck and hits right hands on Finaly, which cause him to drop his shillelagh to the mat. Hardy has Finlay dazed and throws him to the outside. Hardy grabs Finlay and puts him on the stretcher but gives Hardy a few right hands and gets off the stretcher. Finaly the short arm clotheslines Hardy and Hardy's skull bounces off the floor. Finlay grabs Hardy and throws him back in the ring. Finlay gives Hardy a right hand and drops him to the mat. Finlay puts Hardy up in a corner and hits shoulder thrust after shoulder thrust after shoulder thrust. Finlay whips Hardy into the across corner and delivers a clothesline in the corner. Hardy falls and is sitting in at the bottom turnbuckle. Finlay picks Hardy up and short arm clotheslines him down to the mat. Finlay jumps and comes down on Hardy right in his chest. Hardy is gasping for air as Finlay picks him up and whips him hard into the turnbuckle and Hardy falls to his knees. Finlay kicks Hardy in his head and Hardy doesnt seem to know where he is at. Finlay then throws Hardy outside and attempts to throw him on the stretcher but Hardy blocks it and gives Finlay some right hands to his abdomen and knocks him back. Hardy then picks Finlay up and tries to run his head into the post but Finlay counters and runs Hardys head into the post. Finlay then picks Hardy up and whips him into the steel steps and goes and gets a chair from the time keepers table. Finlay walks over to Hardy as swings the chair and Hardy's skull agianest the steel steps but Hardy moves. Hardy grabs Finlays left hand and throws it into the steel steps. Hardy takes Finlay and drives him into the guard rail. Hardy picks Finlay up and puts him on the stretcher. Finlay is quick to get off the stretcher. Hardy walks the stretcher back up to the ring and gets Finlay in position for the side effect but Finlay hits Hardy with elbows to the skull and throws Hardy back in the ring. Finlay then gets on the apron but is meet by a right hand of Hardy and another. Hardy runs off the ropes and elbows Finlay and tries to get him to fall on the stretcher. Hardy runs off the ropes again but as he does Finlay grabs his shillelagh and hits Hardy right over the skull with it as Hardy approches Finlay. Finlay then grabs Hardy before he can fall and puts him over his shoulder and drops Hardy with the Celtic Cross onto the stretcher. Finlay than pushes the stretcher across the line in the entrance way to win the match.

Result: Finlay def. Matt Hardy to retain the RWA European Title

(EMT's then rush out to check on Hardy then wheel him to the back as Finlay celebrates with the RWA European Title)

JR: "What a hellicously physical match that was and I really hope Matt Hardy didnt get a concussion from that shot with the shillelagh."

King: "I hope not either but it is something that will be of concern."

(Camera moves to the back)

Maria: "Please welcome my guest he is "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage. Christian what are you thoughts as you prepare for your RWA World Title match."

Cage: "My thoughts? My thoughts are that The Instant Classic is going to walk out RWA World Champion and it does not matter if the lights are out and it does not matter if my opponett takes 4 hours to get to the ring. My destiny is to be RWA World Champion and nothing will stop me from getting what is rightfully mine."

(Camera moves back out to the ring)

JR: "Well it is now time for the RWA Tag Team Title Tournament to begin."

King: I have been waiting to find out what two teams will face each other right here right now."

JR: "Well King, it is time to find that out."

(Black Reign makes his way to the ring with Misty and his spike as the crowd boos)

(Umaga makes his way to the ring as the crowd boos)

(Abyss then makes his way to the ring as the crowd pops)

(CM Punk is the final one to come out to the ring and gets a big pop from the crowd)

1st round match in the RWA Tag Title Tournament:
CM Punk/Abyss vs. Black Reign/Umaga

Punk and Reign start. They tie up and Reign backs Punk into a corner and knees him in the chest followed by an uppercut then a back elbow. Reign whips Punk across but then Punk climbs and hits a spinning kick to Reign and goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Punk gets up and runs off the ropes and gives Reign a bulldog and goes for another cover but only gets a two count. Punk then tags in Abyss. Abyss points over two Umaga and says he wants him. Reign then acts like he will tag Umaga but then uppercuts Abyss and whips him over to where Umaga is and then tags Umaga in. Umaga goes to work on Abyss's abdomen with right hands and backhand fist. Umaga then gives Abyss a shoulder thrust and whips him across the ropes and runs at him and Abyss moves and Umaga's shoulder goes straight into the steel post. Abyss goes and tags in Punk. Punk goes to the outside and grabs Umaga's arm and shoulder and throws it into the steel post doing further damage. Punk then whips Umaga across and hits a running knee lift and bulldog and goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Punk then whips Umaga across again but this time Umaga reverses and hits a clothesline. Umaga drags Punk over and tags in Reign. Reign then goes for Punk's right knee with kick after kick. Reign then drags Punk to the middle of the ring and grabs his leg lifts it and drops it to the mat. Reign then grabs Punk's leg and sends his elbow into Punk's knee. Reign then locks in a knee lock on Punk. Punk then reachs the ropes. Reign releases the hold and sends Punk's knee onto the mat. Reign brings Punk over to his corner and tags in Umaga. Umaga then stomps on Punk's knee. Umaga grabs Punk's leg and puts it on the bottom rope. Umaga jumps off the second rope and comes down right on Punk's knee. Umaga then goes to do the same thing again but this time Punk gets his knees in the way and gives Umaga a low blow. Punk begins to crawl but Umaga tags in Reign and Reign stops Punk by grabing his hurt leg. Punk then hits an insurguri kick to the back of Reigns head. Punk then makes the tag to Abyss and he takes Reign down with a clothesline then knocks Umaga off the apron. Abyss then gives Reign a few right hands and goes for a chokeslam but Reign counters and attempts a suplex but Abyss counters into the Shock Treatment. Abyss goes for a cover but Umaga breaks it up. Punk then knocks Umaga to the outside and Black Reign then grabs his spike and hits Abyss in the back of the head and gets the 3 count.

Result: Black Reign/Umaga def. CM Punk/Abyss after Black Reign pins Abyss)

JR: "CM Punk and Abyss just got robbed out of there chance at the RWA Tag Team Titles."

King: "It is never very ofton we agree but I must after Black Reign hit Abyss in the back of the head with his spike."

(Camera goes back to GM Crane's locker room and GM Crane is on his cell phone)

Crane: So what do you think of the show so far?......Well thank you but just wait till later when....(Door opens and slams)...ill call you back.

(Camera shows Kurt Angle in GM Crane's office)

Crane: What do you want Kurt?

Angle: There is just something I was thinking about.

Crane: And what is that?

Angle: That you might be setting me up tonight. You might have someone go out there and get my disqualified on purpose and thats what I want to know. Are you setting me up?(Angle then grabs Crane by his $2k suit)

Crane: NO!...Now get your damn hands off me. Ill tell you what: If any body interferes with you match tonight then they will be fired on the spot.

Angle: Good. That was exactly what I wanted.

Crane: Then if your done, get the hell out of my office.

(Angle leaves then the Camera goes back out to the ring)

JR: "Well you just heard it ladies and gentlemen in Kurt Angle and Bobby Lashley's match if anyone interferes they will be fired on the spot."

King: "That's right and I think GM Crane is intimidated by Kurt Angle and Kurt just ruined some of his plans for tonight."

JR: "Well weither he is or not it is time to go to our next match of the night."

(AJ Styles makes his way to the ring and the crowd boos)

(Randy Orton makes his way to the ring as the crowd is 50/50)

"The Legend Killer" Randy Orton vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles

Orton and AJ go to tie-up but AJ pokes Orton in his eye. AJ then gives Orton some forearms and backs him into a corner and gives im a few more forearms. AJ whips Orton across and Orton comes out as AJ runs at him and gives AJ a clothesline and goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Orton then picks up AJ and puts him in the corner and gives some right hands. Then sends AJ straight into the opposite turnbuckle and AJ collapes on impact. Orton the drags AJ out to the middle of the ring and stomps every part of AJ's body. Orton then moves AJ's head to the side and lands a stomp directly on AJ's head. Orton then lifts AJ and whips him off the ropes and attempts a back drop and AJ counters and trips Orton. Orton gets right back up but AJ clotheslines him back down. Orton then gets up and backs into a corner. AJ then runs at Orton and goes for a 10 punch but Orton hits AJ with a low blow and the ref call for the bell.

Result: AJ Styles def. Randy Orton via DQ

Orton then waits for AJ to get to his feet and when he does he drops him with an RKO. Orton then goes outside and grabs two chairs and puts one under AJ's head.

Orton: "Now its time for you to feel the pain I felt, You Son of a BITCH!"

Orton takes the other chair and swings it above his head and connects on AJ Styles with a one man con-chair-to.

JR: "Good god almighty. Did you hear the sound of AJ's skull between those two chairs?"

King: "How could you not. That was sick JR."

JR: "No doubt and I hate to say it but AJ Styles deserved it."

(Camera cuts as a promo is shown for the Febuary PPV 'Black Hearts')

JR: "Indeed 'Black Hearts' will be a great night but we still have a great night ahead of us and now it is time that we decide who will be battling the RWA World Champion at the 'Black Hearts' PPV event."

(Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring as the crowd boos)

(Bobby Lashley makes his way to the ring as the crowd cheers)

#1 Contenders Match for the RWA World Title at 'Black Hearts':
Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Lashley

Both start out looking to take down the other. Angle gets behind Lashley and gets him down to the mat and locks a side headlock in. Lashley counters out of it and starts to ride Angle but then locks in an armbar and Angle gets to the ropes with his legs. Angle then goes outside to get a breather. Angle comes back in and ties-up with Lashley. Angle drop toe hold Lashley to the mat and locks back in a ground side head lock. This time its Lashley that has to get to the ropes. Lashley and Angle stare down then lock up. Lashley puts Angle in a headlock and Angle bounces him off the ropes and goes under Lashley as he runs towards him and when he comes back Angle grabs him and throws him with a belly to belly and goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Angle stomps Lashley and lifts him and throws him into a corner. Angle then hits some uppercuts on Lashley and he irish whips im across but Lashley explodes out of the corner with a huge clothesline and he goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Lashley picks up Angle and whips him across the ropes but Angle reverses but Lashley shoulder blocks Angle to the ground and goes for another cover but again gets a 2 count. Lashley picks up Angle and whips him across the ropes and goes for a back drop but Angle kicks him and gives im a german. Angle taunts to the crowd then goes for a cover and gets a 2 count. Angle picks Lashley up and puts him on the top rope. Angle climbs up and goes for a superplex but Lashley gives Angle some shots to the chest and knocks him down to the mat. Lashley is dazed as he makes his way back to the top but suddenly Angle runs up and gives Lashley a belly to belly from the top and goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Angle picks Lashley up and attempts the Angle Slam but Lashley counters and picks Angle up and drop him with the dominator powerslam and goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Lashley can not belive it as he makes his way back to his feet and picks Angle up and whips him across the ropes and spinebusters him to the mat and goes for a cover and gets another 2 count. Lashley then picks up Angle and sets up for the dominator. Lashley picks Angle up but Angle goes behind Lashley and hits an Angle Slam and goes for a cover and gets only a 2 count. Angle then argues with the ref and takes his straps down and he locks in the Ankle lock. Lashley counters and runs Angle into the middle turnbuckle. Lashley runs off the ropes and hits a spear on Angle and goes for a cover and Angle grabs the rope at 2. Lashley picks Angle up and puts him in position for the running dominator slam but Angle counters and goes behind Lashley and snaps off 1 german. 2 germans. And finally 3 germans. Angle then sets up for the Angle Slam and hits it on Lashley and goes for a cover and gets another 2 count. Angle then locks the Ankle Lock back in. Lashley makes his way to the ropes but Angle drags him away just as he is about to grab the ropes. Angle has Lashley back in the ring and figure-4's Lashley's ankle. Even with his leg figure-4ed Lashley still drags himself to the ropes. Lashley is right at the ropes and can not reach the ropes. The pain is to much even for Lashley and he has no choice and taps out.

Result: Kurt Angle def. Bobby Lashley via submission

JR: "My god what a match that was. Both of those men gave everything they had but in the end Kurt Angle had just a bit more than Bobby Lashley."

King: "And you can not take any thing away from Bobby Lashley he gave Kurt Angle everything he had but Lashley just could not reach the ropes and he had to tap out."

(Camera moves to the back with Maria)

Maria: "Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time they are just moments away from there first round match with the Dudley Boys, The Motor City Machine Guns."

Sabin: "Well Maria here we are, this is our first step to becoming the RWA Tag Team Champions."

Shelley: "That's right Chris and tonight we have to deal with the Dudley Boyz. In my opinion the most overrated Tag Team of all time. Dudley Boyz you say your the greatest ever? You say nobody can beat you? Well tonight you get proved wrong when me and Chris beat you and move on in the RWA Tag Team Title Tournament and become the first ever RWA Tag Team Champions."

(Camera moves out to ringside)

JR: "Here we go our second Tag Team match of the night"

(The Motor City Machine Guns make there way to the ring as the crowd cheers)

(The Dudley Boyz make there way to the ring as the crowd boos)

1st round match in the RWA Tag Title Tournament:
The Dudley Boyz vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

Sabin and Bubba start. Sabin grabs Bubba's arm and trips him to the ground and locks in an overhead wrist lock. Bubba gets to the ropes an complains to the ref. Bubba goes over and slaps Shelley. Shelley runs in but is cut off by the ref. Sabin tags in Shelley soon after. Bubba then tags D-von. D-von kicks Shelley and brings him into a corner. D-von gives Shelley some chops, brings him to the ropes, and whips him across. D-von goes for a clothesline but Shelley ducks and dropkicks D-von to the mat. Shelley grabs D-von's arm and tags in Sabin. Sabin whips D-von and back drops him to the mat. Sabin grabs D-von and sets up Cradle Shock but Bubba comes in a gives Sabin a boot to the face. D-von gives Sabin a backbreaker and tags in Bubba. Bubba gives Sabin a double axe-handle and elbows to his back. Bubba backbreakers Sabin and goes for a cover but only gets a two count. Bubba puts Sabin the the corner where D-von is at and distracts the ref so that D-von can choke Sabin. Shelley runs in the ring but is cut off by the ref. Bubba suplexs Sabin and goes for a cover but only gets a two count. Bubba tags in D-von. D-von quickly locks Sabin in a boston crab. Sabin begins to get off the mat then Bubba runs in and drops and elbow in Sabin's back. D-von attempts a suplex but Sabin counters with a suplex of his own. Sabin is crawling to his corner as D-von tags Bubba and Bubba stops Sabin from making a tag. Bubba then whips Sabin across and attempts to back drop Sabin but Sabin counters with a DDT on Bubba. Bubba tags D-von as Sabin tags Shelley. Shelley back drops D-von and gives him a german suplex. Shelley then puts D-von in position for the Sliced Bread #2 but Bubba hits Shelley from behind. Dudleys whip Shelley across the ropes but Shelley ducks under a double clothesline and dropkicks both of them. Dudleys go to the mat. Shelley then covers D-von but Bubba breaks it up an throws. Shelley to the outside. Sabin tags Shelley as Shelley was being thrown to the outside. Sabin backs Bubba up to the corner and tries for 10 punches but D-von throws Sabin back. Shelley runs and kicks Bubba off the apron to the outside. D-von bounces Sabin off the ropes and goes for a back drop but Sabin lifts D-von up and delivers Cradle Shock for a 3 count.

Result: The Motor City Machine Guns def. The Dudley Boyz

JR: "What an electrifing tag team match that was."

King: "And that means the Motor City Machine Guns will be in the semi-finals of the RWA Tag Title Tournament."

(Camera moves to the back)

Maria: "Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. Now Shawn after what has happend to you in recent weeks are you ready to compete tonight againest Samoa Joe."

HBK: "You know Maria, that is a very good question. The answer is yes. Im so ready for tonight because this is the PPV debut for the RWA and HBK will do what he does best and that is entertain the fans and show them something they have never seen before."

(Samoa Joe then runs up and bashes Shawn's head againest the steel structure in the background)

(Camera moves back out to the ring)

JR: "Well folks the next match is supposed to be HBK vs. Samoa Joe but after what we just saw I do not think there is any way HBK can compete."

(GM Crane then appears on the titantron with a disapponeted look on his face)

Crane: "Ladies and Gentlemen it is my sad duty to inform you that, due to the actions of Samoa Joe moments ago, Shawn Michaels will not be able to compete here tonight and he will not be medically cleared to compete for another month. Samoa Joe you have robbed these fans here tonight of a match for the ages so this is what I am going to do: At 'Black Hearts' on Febuary 17th it will be Shawn Michaels vs. Samoa Joe and it will be a Last Man Standing Match."

(Camera goes back to ringside the JR and The King)

JR: Well what a match that will be but I was really looking forward to the match here tonight but it wont happen."

King: "Yea and you can blame Samoa Joe for that JR."

JR: Your damn right. Well ladies and gentlemen with that announcement it is now time to crown our RWA World Champion and both Christian Cage and The Undertaker qualified for this match by winning there triple threat matches last night on Saturday Night Shine."

(Video recap is shown of the race to the RWA World Title)

(Christian Cage makes his way to the ring as the crowd boos)

(A gong sounds as the lights go out and The Undertaker makes his way to the ring)

RWA World Title Match:
Christian Cage vs. The Undertaker

Taker approaches Cage as the bell rings and Cage runs to the outside and Taker follows. Cage runs around as Taker follows. Cage goes back in the ring and stomps Taker as he comes back in. Cage continues to stomp as Taker gets to his feet and Cage whips him off the ropes and Taker comes back and hits a flying clothesline and goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Cage gets up and goes back to the corner. Taker runs to the corner and clotheslines Cage and Cage falls to the mat. Taker pulls Cage to the middle of the ring and covers him. Taker picks Cage up and pushes him to a corner. Cage gives Taker a thumb to the eye. Cage turns Taker into the corner and gives some knifeedge chops. Cage snapmares Taker down and locks in a bow and arrow. Taker gets an arm free and hits Cage with a right hand but Cage kicks Taker in his back and starts to hit him with a round of clubs in the back. Cage then picks Taker up and whips him into the corner. Cage runs and Taker gets his boot up and Cage runs right into it. Taker runs and Cage and clotheslines him to the mat. Taker goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Taker gets up and hits a leg drop and goes for another cover but only gets a 2 count. Taker then throws Cage outside the ring. Taker goes over to the annouce tables and takes the protective covering for the monitors. Taker takes out the monitors and stares at the table with a sadistic look on his face. Cage then comes up behind Taker, turns him around and gives him some right hands. Cage then takes Taker and bounces his head off of the annoucers table. Taker goes back and leans againest the ring. Cage takes Taker's head and bounces it off the ring. Cage then tries to irish whip Taker into the steel post but Taker reverses and sends Cage into the steel post. Cage is dazed and goes back to Taker and Taker gives Cage a right hand and Cage falls to the floor. Taker looks back at the table and then sets up for a chokeslam. Taker grabs Cage by the throat but Cage gives Taker a low blow. Cage throws Taker back into the ring and grabs a steel chair from the outside. Cage gets in the ring and the ref tries to grab the chair away from him but can't. Cage turns around with the chair in hand and Taker kicks the chair back into Cage's face. The ref takes the chair and throws it to the outside. The ref turns around and Taker is pinning Cage and Taker only gets a 2 count. Taker gets up and grabs Cage's arm and twist it. Taker goes up to the top rope and walks the ropes and connects with old school. Taker sets up for the chokeslam once agian. Cage gets up and Taker grabs him by the throat. Cage then grabs the rope with one of his hands. Taker lets go and hits Cage with a right hand. Taker steps back then runs at Cage and attempts a big boot but Cage lowers the rope and Taker flies to the outside. Cage then slides under the bottom rope and stomps Taker and looks at the annoucer's table that is set-up. Cage then waits for Taker to get up and grabs him by the throat and act like he will chokeslam him through the table. Taker then grabs Cage's throat and lifts him and chokeslam's Cage through the table. Taker gasp for air and picks Cage up and barely throws him back in the ring before a 10 countout. Taker covers Cage but only gets a 2 count. Taker then gets up and gives his cut throat taunt. Cage gets up and Taker picks him up for the tombstone but Cage reverses and slides to the back of Taker and tries for the Unpreitter. Cage gets around Taker but then Taker counters and pushes Cage off the ropes and picks Cage back up and hits the Tombstone Piledriver and gets the 3 count and becomes the RWA World Champion.

Result: The Undertaker def. Christian Cage to become RWA World Champion

JR: "The Undertaker is the first ever RWA World Champion!"

King: "What a match that was JR."

(GM Crane comes down to the ring and hands The Undertaker the RWA World Title and leaves the ring)

JR: "Everyone thank you for joining us for RWA's first ever Pay Per View. Thank you and goodnight everyone."

(The Undertaker celebrates in the ring as 'Unlimited' goes off the air)​