Man, this is nothing special at all. Just means that RVD's comic shop is either out of business or just doesn't make ends meet or doesn't pay the reefer dealer.
No one care's less than RVD. That's not an opinion, that's a fuckin fact, even when he was in shape he was sloppy as hell, wrestled the same match for the entire duration of his WWE career and is just a one trick pony. BAD. BAD. BAD.
LOL. ^This.
I couldn't stand the guy. Every match was the exact same spots.Rolling Thunder, Spinkick, Split Legged Moonsault, 5 * Frogsplash, pin. He put no effort into the most basic of moves, he couldn't even sell a punch . believably when he was throwing one!!!!!
Plus, look at the guy, he's BEYOND ridicule! He looks like he stepped out of 1986, lmfao