You know, I think Kane and Show could be used better. Yes, they're treated as roadblocks, but as you said, they're up in the card. What's a roadblock like them for a main eventer that has already beaten them multiple times? If they were working with guys lower on the card I think it would be more effective.
If everything went according to plan I think it would've been similar, now that you mentioned it. Maybe the crowd would be more accepting of Reigns but I could still see people complaining about DB not being in the ME. But, yeah, it would've been the same situation with the intensity turned down.
The more I think about it, the more I agree. It would have been the same. Even if Bryan gets completely destroyed, that will just get the fans more behind him, and with all the darkhorses not getting a kayfabe inch, the match will seem as obvious and "inevitable" as the pointless-feeling 2013 Rumble (except for Shadow in the back yelling "Ambrose has a chance, dammit!") , and the booking of the match itself will still be such horse shit
Still, imagine yourself as one of Vince's right hand men - not Pat Patterson, but another one - and he comes up with this whole concept before WM30 of building up Brock to put Roman over as the next "guy"... Other than saying "why do we need just one guy lol" would any of us throw it back in his face? I sure wouldn't have. Reigns was over as hell until the Rumble.