I know I'm not part of IWF, but I like to share my wisdom of efedding when ever I can.
When doing a fed, Its important that the GM or boss or whatever DOES NOT compete for a title unless theres gonna lose the match. Its ok for owners or GM's to compete, but its best to have feuds not involving a title or main event. Why? Because when GM's or owners start winning matches or titles, then the losers are gonna complain. I don't care how good of an RPer you are, because who's judging the Staff RP's, other staff? Staff will stick together when it really comes down to it. And I think because if Staff is happy by winning, Staff will stick around. I book myself only for PPV matches, I'm 99% of the time I'm putting my opponent over and the feud has nothing to do with a title. For example, at the end of the month I'm fighting Biggs and his partner Chris Cyrus where in a storyline, I was kidnapped by another fed and during my absence, Biggs and Cyrus took over as GM (In Character) and since my return, we been fighting over power of our show and now we're having a match at our PPV to decide everything. A great base for a feud, yet, no titles are involved and we're not main eventing the show.
Also, when doing a fed, you need to offer something to everyone that going to want people to stay. Everyday there are hundreds of feds that closes and hundreds that start back up and there's thousands of feds out there. So you gonna think, put your ego to the side and say to yourself "What makes my fed better than another fed"
For example, with my fed, APW, we pride ourselves with our results. Our results are always consistant, usually posted within 24 hours of our deadline and I like to think we got some very good storylines going.
Also, I like to add video's in my shows when ever I can, I mainly do like an intro video for PPV's, and I think our PPV Posters are awesome. So I think its the little things like that, that makes my fed better than others.
But overall, Consistancy is key. Results needs to be posted one time EVERY WEEK, One way or another, because why wait for late results when there's tons of feds out there posting their results on time.
Anyways, thats just some of my oppinions, not saying everything I say is the way to go, but just the way I see things. Food for thought