Reasoning for no Christian vs Edge?

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Moonlight Drive

It's whoever leaked it to the 'nets fault.

And what is this so-called history? So what if they were tag team parnters, they already did the brother vs brother angle in 2001, and the last time they were on TV together they actually teamed a couple of times (leading into 'Mania 21 I believe, but I may be wrong).

don't get me wrong, I reckon it would be a great feud, but what exactly is the base? You're my brother and I hate you?

Evil Austin

It's a little early yet IMO. He just returned. We don;'t know what show they'll put him on yet, but there's a possibility he'll feud with Edge after Mania.
They probably wanted to establish him as a face on ECW first. After the draft, we'll see.

Exactly, I think that Christian will be a decent Main Eventer in at least a year and a half or two years time. He just returned, I mean come on non of us thought Jeff was going to be a Champion but he was.

Plus adding onto what Mike said, Vince is probably just giving him a fresh start on ECW as recently they have had a different target audience with the 'kidies' and it wasn't like that when he left or at least not so much focus on the kids there was still a bit for the teens, onto the point the kids now probably don't know who Christian is or didn't watch TNA and Vince brings him up from the bottom to the top once again as if he was debuting a brand new superstar from FCW. Edit - Cause when he did debut on ECW and his music hit the crowd was dead.


Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Leeds, England
Vince hasn't promised me an Edge/Christian fued... :roll:

He basically has, given he's brought Christian back. Every fan over the age of 10 will remember their tag team days and will want to see that feud. Vince knows these fans exist, therefore by re-hiring Christian he's essentially given them a subtle acknowledgement that this will happen at some point in the future. You don't actually have to come out and promise something to make fans expect it.

So what promise did Vince break re: the invasion?

Making it good. The fact that he decided an invasion angle was a worthy use of his company's time and resources, but also decided that the top stars of WCW weren't worth using in it was a massive slap in the face to any wrestling fan who had been watching during the Monday night war. He had the ability to deliver on an angle that most wrestling fans had been dreaming about for well over a decade, but he botched it with terrible booking and a deference to his own ego ahead of good business sense.

Beer Money Army

Dude are you serious. Did those words actually leave your mouth. Edge and Christian would not be overshadowed Matt and Jeff Hardy. Matt and Jeff Hardy would be overshadowed by Edge and Christian. Both Edge and Christian are better than both Matt and Jeff.

but typical WWE fans probably don't have a clue who christian is Yet, Let him ride on ECW/Raw for a couple months and have Edge seeking help once Vickie/him end for once, He might try to seek help from christian to get his WWE or World championship back..

all i am saying is it is way too early for a edge vs Christian feud at the moment, I wanna see how christian goes before giving him huge feuds such like that, as is he use to wrestling in a 6 sided ring rather than a 4 sided ring...

I am not a fan of the hardys.. but most WWE fans would rather see that than edge vs christian, Plus you wouldnt want a bother vs brother feuds happening at once or else one would be overshadowed, (althougth we all know edge and christian aren't brother in real life)..

in addition the feud happen in 2001 and it was okay i guess, could of been much better. But neither man were in there prime at that time. As they were leaving tag wrestling and converting to Singles wrestling.


Re: VKMs so-called "broken" promises....

He basically has, given he's brought Christian back. Every fan over the age of 10 will remember their tag team days and will want to see that feud. Vince knows these fans exist, therefore by re-hiring Christian he's essentially given them a subtle acknowledgement that this will happen at some point in the future. You don't actually have to come out and promise something to make fans expect it.

I don't wish to appear rude, but you are talking crap.

I repreat, VINCE DID NOT PROMISE US ANYTHING and his signing wrestler 'X' is in no way a guarantee, implied or otherwise, that they will face wrestler 'Y'.

Re: The Invasion "broken promise"....

Making it good.

I don't recall that promise being made either. Do you get exclusive JimmyD broadcasts of WWE TV where Vince tells you things in the first person, the majority of which never make it to the 'public' broadcasted version?

The fact that he decided an invasion angle was a worthy use of his company's time and resources,

So let me get this straight, you're saying embarking on a task (in this case a wrestling angle) is a guarantee of quality?

NEWS FLASH: Not in this fuckin' world, pal!

but also decided that the top stars of WCW weren't worth using in it was a massive slap in the face to any wrestling fan who had been watching during the Monday night war.

Aaaaah, now we're getting somewhere...

The above statement is complete crap due to the fact that it was actually the big WCW guys that chose to ride out their existing contracts before talking business with WWE.

He had the ability to deliver on an angle that most wrestling fans had been dreaming about for well over a decade,

Your warblings are so reactionary and self serving it's not even funny...

What the fuck has your preception of his "ability" to do with anything?

but he botched it

[AT LAST..... A glimmer of sense!!!]

Yes, he/they did. No arguments there.

with terrible booking

They tried to book as best they could given the relative WCW dregs they had to work with. If you think they deliberately booked a shit invasion (for whatever reason) you're having a laugh!

and a deference to his own ego ahead of good business sense.

Damn right Vince has a big ego, but I dunno what to say to your last sentence bearing in mind you've already proven yourself to not know what you are talking about.


Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Leeds, England
Re: VKMs so-called "broken" promises....

I don't wish to appear rude, but you are talking crap.

I repreat, VINCE DID NOT PROMISE US ANYTHING and his signing wrestler 'X' is in no way a guarantee, implied or otherwise, that they will face wrestler 'Y'.

I will concede that promise was a strong word to use, but the fact is that Vince knows there are a significant number of fans out there who love Edge, and who love Christian, and that these fans would expect a feud between the two should Christian be brought back. To bring him back and play on these expectations to earn him extra popularity (admittedly this hasn't happened yet, but it probably will if he wins MITB) is as good as a promise in my book. Like I said, he hasn't promised anyhting, but playing on the expectations of this feud is as good as.

Re: The Invasion "broken promise"....

I don't recall that promise being made either. Do you get exclusive JimmyD broadcasts of WWE TV where Vince tells you things in the first person, the majority of which never make it to the 'public' broadcasted version?

So let me get this straight, you're saying embarking on a task (in this case a wrestling angle) is a guarantee of quality?

NEWS FLASH: Not in this fuckin' world, pal!

Aaaaah, now we're getting somewhere...

The above statement is complete crap due to the fact that it was actually the big WCW guys that chose to ride out their existing contracts before talking business with WWE

Your warblings are so reactionary and self serving it's not even funny...

What the fuck has your preception of his "ability" to do with anything?

[AT LAST..... A glimmer of sense!!!]

Yes, he/they did. No arguments there.

They tried to book as best they could given the relative WCW dregs they had to work with. If you think they deliberately booked a shit invasion (for whatever reason) you're having a laugh!

Damn right Vince has a big ego, but I dunno what to say to your last sentence bearing in mind you've already proven yourself to not know what you are talking about.

First off, it's every booker's obligation to produce quality. If they fail to do so then they have failed to do their duty to the paying fans and should be held accountable for it. So yes, he did make a promise that he would make the Invasion angle work, and yes, he did break it. I'm not saying that I expect every angle to be successful, but when you're handed the single biggest angle the wrestling business has ever seen then I think it's safe to say that an entertaining return is in order.

As for the WCW guys choosing to ride out their contracts: nonsense. The WWE chose not to pick them up. Ric Flair turned up on RAW the day after the Invasion angle went to shit, and the nWo not much later. Vince had the option to bring in these stars for the angle, but didn't. The reason he didn't was because it would have caused problems back stage if he had instantly brought in all the biggest stars from what had previously been the competition and pushed them over his own wrestlers, wrestlers who had been loyally working for him rather than for them. The problem here is that instead of choosing to explain to his own employees how much fucking money they'd make if they all learned to get along, he chose to side with the home team and in doing so watered down what was potentially the biggest money maker the WWE had ever got their hands on, to the point where it was little more than a WWE vs WCW squash match. When I said that he had the ability to make this angle work, I meant that he had the resources at his finger tips and chose not to run with them. He had a roster of talented workers who were all willing to come and work for him (Sting, Konnan and a few others aside) that he did not use because of backstage politics, and in the end the angle suffered greatly because of it.

I don't think Vince deliberately made the Invasion angle shit, I just think he chose to ignore the money he could have made on it and the entertainment he could have delivered to the fans in favour of soothing his own ego. He brought in the wrestlers that the fans wanted to see and he - eventually - gave them some of those dream matches, but not before booking an invasion angle that showed everyone who was boss. Instead of bringing in Bischoff and having the WCW stand on it's own as a legitimate threat he put his son in charge, and made Steve Austin their top player. Instead of establishing ECW as a band of outsiders who sided with no one he threw his daughter into the mix and made them join forces with the company they hated more than any other. What killed this angle more than anything else was petulance and a flagrant inability to see the wood for the trees.


I will concede that promise was a strong word to use,

No it was completely the WRONG word to use as nothing so much as approaching "promises" were made.

...but the fact is that Vince knows there are a significant number of fans out there who love Edge, and who love Christian, and that these fans would expect a feud between the two should Christian be brought back.

Tough shit to anyone "expecting" rather than simply hoping.

To bring him back and play on these expectations to earn him extra popularity (admittedly this hasn't happened yet, but it probably will if he wins MITB) is as good as a promise in my book.

Well you've said yourself, WWE have NOT done this.

Like I said, he hasn't promised anyhting, but playing on the expectations of this feud is as good as.

When has WWE done anything on screen which plays "on the expectations of this feud"?????

I'll save you the effort of answering..... THEY HAVEN'T.

First off, it's every booker's obligation to produce quality. If they fail to do so then they have failed to do their duty to the paying fans and should be held accountable for it.

There's an old latin saying that resonates throughout consumer law and it translates as "let the buyer beware".

Point is the booker is 'obliged' to strive to produce quality, nothing more (and even then his only 'concrete' obligation lies with his/her boss).

Yeah, fans have every right to complain afterwards, but not simply cos they didn't get what they, for no justifiable reason, convinced THEMSELVES that they were gonna get.

Example: No-one has the right to condemn the value or 'quality' of the RRumble09 PPV based on their dissapointment that Christian wasn't revealed to be Jeff's attacker.

So yes, he did make a promise that he would make the Invasion angle work,

NO, he/they DIDN'T.

and yes, he did break it.

You can't break a promise that was never made.

I'm not saying that I expect every angle to be successful, but when you're handed the single biggest angle the wrestling business has ever seen then I think it's safe to say that an entertaining return is in order.

Thank fuck.... Finally another sentence that isn't massively off the mark.

I agree.... No guarantees though (well at least there isn't when I hit 'order' on my remote on PPV night.).

As for the WCW guys choosing to ride out their contracts: nonsense. The WWE chose not to pick them up.

Well short of contract excerpts, I cannot fully back up my claim, but the ONLY documented version of this issue I have ever read/heard is as I stated previously... Example: Nash & Hall in their 2007 'Outsiders' RF shoot that they both said they CHOSE to sit on their ass and get paid for 'x' amount of months until their contracts ran out... Why would they lie? (Don't tell me... To protect the guy - VKM - that tried to kill their post-WCW career by keeping them off TV? YEAH, RIGHT!?!?!)

Ric Flair turned up on RAW the day after the Invasion angle went to shit, and the nWo not much later.

You make it sound like the angle fell apart, was never concluded and was written on the fly... They ended the angle coherently & conclusively at Survivor Series 2001. It's pure conjecture on both our parts, but if Flair or NWO were an 'emergency measure' (as you suggest) then why wait until the angle is over to bring them back to TV?

Vince had the option to bring in these stars for the angle, but didn't.

Please throw me a bone... ANYTHING to help subtantiate that claim.

The reason he didn't was because it would have caused problems back stage if he had instantly brought in all the biggest stars from what had previously been the competition and pushed them over his own wrestlers, wrestlers who had been loyally working for him rather than for them. The problem here is that instead of choosing to explain to his own employees how much fucking money they'd make if they all learned to get along, he chose to side with the home team and in doing so watered down what was potentially the biggest money maker the WWE had ever got their hands on, to the point where it was little more than a WWE vs WCW squash match. When I said that he had the ability to make this angle work, I meant that he had the resources at his finger tips and chose not to run with them. He had a roster of talented workers who were all willing to come and work for him (Sting, Konnan and a few others aside) that he did not use because of backstage politics, and in the end the angle suffered greatly because of it.

As already stated above... That's pure conjecture with no proof available. I've never heard/read anything to back that claim up whereas there IS plenty out there to back up my opposing claim.

I don't think Vince deliberately made the Invasion angle shit, I just think he chose to ignore the money he could have made on it

LOL... Yeah, cos Vince hates money, yeah?

and the entertainment he could have delivered to the fans in favour of soothing his own ego.

Numerous times you've refered to Vince's ego, yet your theory above claims Vince was effectively being loyal to 'his boys'...

You're chasing this REALLY hard aren't you? :roll:

He brought in the wrestlers that the fans wanted to see and he - eventually - gave them some of those dream matches, but not before booking an invasion angle that showed everyone who was boss.

Look, whether you have the more accurate view on things than I (or not):

1. WWE was always gonna win-out at the end of the invasion regardless of who was or wasn't on team WCW/ECW.

2. Bearing that in mind the above and the fact that all the WWE guys dropped their titles to the supposedly sub-par WCW guys that WERE part of the angle, this protective strategy you refer to is fucked from the start.... If you're going for a Rocky-type story (i.e Hero loses, Hero come back and wins) then why not ultimately triumph over the best you have at your disposal when it'll make the WWE guys look even better? Furthermore, may I remind you that the WWE won out thanks, largley to a 'mole' (i.e. Kurt)... Hardly the most convincing win on the part of Team WWE is it?

Instead of bringing in Bischoff and having the WCW stand on it's own as a legitimate threat

As much as that would have been the ideal... i.e. Depicting a fully functional WCW... There is one fundamental issue which ALWAYS get's overlooked.... How do you explain the absense of Nitro etc. Vince wasn't about to get that Turner air-time and I doubt VERY much he was in the position to quickly strike a new deal and get more TV on the air.

he put his son in charge,

Yes. In an attempt to weave a storyline out of a creative situation which had fundamental flaws at it's root.

and made Steve Austin their top player. Instead of establishing ECW as a band of outsiders who sided with no one he threw his daughter into the mix and made them join forces with the company they hated more than any other. What killed this angle more than anything else was petulance and a flagrant inability to see the wood for the trees.

....I'm not saying that it was perfect, or even a particularly good angle, but then again these comments are very much far removed from the statements of yours to which I originally responded.

Bottom Line: WWE didn't "promise" me a kick-ass, best storyline ever, invasion and they sure as fuck haven't "promised" me a Edge & Christian fued. (If you'd written anything approaching your last post post in your original instead of spewing some mildly hysterical crap about "broken promises" then I doubt we'd even be having this discussion.)


Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Leeds, England
Airfixx, my original post was simply off the cuff and I will quite happily admit that I was wrong to suggest that Vince has an obligation to the fans to deliver the Edge vs Christian feud. My point was that I believe that Vince will play on the expectation of fans in order to garner more popularity for this angle and that fans might do well to be anxious, given that Vince has - in the past - failed to deliver on angles that should have been guaranteed money.

I appreciate your point, and I also appreciate that an argument as to why the Invasion angle failed is largely futile due to the fact that it almost always comes down to personal oppinion on Vince's mind-set at the time, but I genuinely believe that the the Invasion was fucked from the start because Vince's heart wasn't in it. Anyway, like I've said: regarding my original post, you were right and I was wrong. It was a silly post built with language that made little sense and looking back on it I wish I had actually elaborated on my point.