Reasoning for no Christian vs Edge?

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Christian won't win MITB. I am sure he will be drafted to SD! after Mania and maybe get his hands on the U.S. title and work his way up by siding with Edge. If Edge somehow gets rid of Vickie, he can Christian can get back together as a tag team. Edge would be World Champion with Christian as U.S. Champion, but both being Tag Champs. That would rule, but I don't see it happening if there is only one set of tag belts from here on out.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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How will Christian not win? I agree with you saying he will get drafted to SD!, but look at the rest of the MITB participants. Lets cross out the obvious, Henrey won't win, and neither will Finlay. Kofi Kingston is to new to the game, and doesn't show MANY signs of World Title material. They won't give it to CM Punk two years in a row. Kane? Obviously he won't be winning, and neither will Shelton. From what I've heard WWE isn't to fond of Benjamin any more. So that leaves us with MVP, and CLB. MVP is already US Champion so him winning it, I doubt will happen. Its more likely if Christian screws MVP, wins MITB, MVP consistently challenges for MITB after Wrestlemania. Christian then picks up the US title, and then wins the Tag Team titles with Edge, and unexpectedly screws Edge to win the title.


They won't give it to CM Punk two years in a row.

MVP is already US Champion so him winning it, I doubt will happen.

1. I wouldn't be surprised

2. MVP and Shelton have a US Title rematch this Friday on SD, so I wouldn't could out that he loses it and MVP wins MITB.

I'd be really shocked if Christian wins it.


I seriously cringed when I saw this thread. How many time do we need to discuss Edge and Christian?
Alright, bottom line is that it's obvious Vince doesn't feel Christian is ready for the main event, and honestly he really hasn't done anything since returning to make me think otherwise. Therefore, Christian ended up on ECW... whether the reason was the leaked storyline or Vince simply not liking him, we'll never know.
I'm pretty confident that neither Edge or Christian will be staying on their current brands after the draft. Why do you say? Because if Christian was indeed staying on ECW they would have him facing Swagger at Mania, not in MITB. Edge needs to take time off due to a few nagging injuries and with rumors swirling that Jericho is going to be moved over to Smackdown it only makes sense he is going to be filling the heel void that Edge will leave behind upon his departure...most likely headed over to RAW with most of the other big names.
If Vince is a smart business man...which quite obviously he is.... he's not going to waste something like Edge vs. Christian OR Edge and Christian together right away. Let's be brutally honest, I haven't seen people exploding from their seats for Christian since his return and I really don't think the reaction would have been much different had be been in some way involved with Edge. And as far as him being in the Jeff storyline...HIS OWN BROTHER CAN'T GET HEAT FROM TRYING TO KILL HIM! What makes you think someone who's been gone for what...3 years?...and who most younger fans don't even know who the fuck is would gain heat.
I also think people need to make up their minds. They want Christian to be a main eventer or RAW or Smackdown, but want him paired with Edge....HUH!? Edge is one of the companies biggest heels right now...putting him in a tag team is pretty bad booking IMO.
I don't think we're going to see EnC or any 5 second posedowns anytime in the near future.
Agreed, Christian shouldn't be on ECW, it was a horrible return which I think 90% of people missed.
In the meanwhile, move Edge over to RAW and Christian over to Smackdown. Allow Christian to actually make a name for himself in WWE, the guy was never anything more than a midcarder here, lets be honest. Then MAYBE next year we can start building towards Edge and Christian doing something.


Like I said, I think Christian is a World Champ in the making. He could possibly flirt with a world title run but never actually getting it. I could see him being in a championship match at Survivor Series or Summer Slam but doesn't win. I think that by this time next year he will be gearing up for a world title run...possible Royal Rumble 2010 winner?? HMM

The Rated R CMStar

For time being, I consider the "Edge needs time off" rumor complete bogus. Around this time (WM), apparently Edge always needs time off, as we had the same rumor swirling last year.

As for the feud itself, scrapping the fact that Christian went and main evented for a while in what basically is an indy promotion, what makes him worthy of challenging Edge for the belt, especially going into Mania. Now, if he wins MITB, then it would make sense, as he would have been in a 6 week built up match and then hold the briefcase for a while. That's different from coming back from a midcard status and challenging in the main event of WM.

Now, if you give me the "but they have history together" thing, we would have seen Edge vs Matt Hardy for the WHC long time ago for example.


So that leaves us with MVP, and CLB. MVP is already US Champion so him winning it, I doubt will happen.

Just because MVP is a champ, he can't hold MITB? RVD held MITB in 2006 along with the IC title. Given he didn't win MITB while being IC champ, but still he held both at the same time.


Mar 11, 2009
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Leeds, England
I agree with Xtreme, there's no reason whatsoever why MVP couldn't win MITB while holding the US Title. In fact the best thing about this years edition is that so many of the entrants could win it. Ok, Mark Henry's got no chance and the day Kane gets a push is the day hell freezes over, but MVP, Punk and Christian are all in with massive shouts (despite Punk's failure to hold the title successfully) and even Shelton (maybe he'll finally get the new push that a lot of people think he deserves) and Kofi (grudge match vs Edge) have outside chances.

As for why Christian vs Edge hasn't happened, most fans don't give a shit. Christian was an upper midcarder who occasionally main evented several years ago. He then left for what is, for all intensive purposes, a developmental territory to the WWE and the majority of fans. Ok, us lot on here know he did a good job in TNA and showed he can carry a world title, but do you think a 12 year old wearing John Cena wrist bands knows that? No, of course not. And he'd have no reason to. I certainly wasn't watching what is basically an indie promotion when I was 12. Christian is - at best - a guy they vaguely remember and - at worst - a completely unknown quantity. And make no mistake about it, these are the fans the WWE is listening to.

I suspect the WWE let him go to see if he could become the star he claimed he could, and frankly I think he managed it, although that's obviously up for debate. However all of his achievments in Florida count for nothing, because the majority of WWE fans don't know about them. Now that his previous employers have seen him as a world champ they can get to work pushing him towards that spot in their company. Maybe it'll work, maybe it wont, but I can gurantee that if he'd of just strolled in and won the title most people would not have cared.


Sep 5, 2008
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Jacksonville Florida
Vince does not like Christian and as long as he does not, Christian will be held back and overlooked just as he was recently with the move to ECW rather than being thrown into the main mix of things with Hardy and Edge. Even the fans overwhelmingly wanted that to happen and looked for it to happen but again, Vince axed that angle just like he is axing Christian. The only thing that will change Christians push at this point will be his fan support which is not as high as Jeff Hardy's was which makes matters harder for him to move up in the company as much as people would like for him to.

Beer Money Army

the edge/christian feud would of been overshadowed but Jeff/Matt..

but hey christian has only been back in WWE for about 2 months i think, saviour the Feud for Summerslam or W/Mania 26..


I don't think anything with a good of a heel as Edge would be overshadowed by mid-card Matt and his heel work.


Ya'll all want sex to be over in 5 mins?

Just enjoy the fact that you're 'on a promise'. (*)

(*So to speak....)


Mar 11, 2009
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Leeds, England
You mean it can last longer than that?

I think the main cause for concern for the Edge and Christian fans here is that Vince has been known to not deliver on storylines he's basically promised the fans, the invasion angle being a good case in point. He still has a good track record overall, but that failure left a big black mark on it that most of the older fans will still remember.


JimmyD said:
I think the main cause for concern for the Edge and Christian fans here is that Vince has been known to not deliver on storylines he's basically promised the fans...

Vince hasn't promised me an Edge/Christian fued... :roll:

...the invasion angle being a good case in point

So what promise did Vince break re: the invasion?


Feb 7, 2007
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North Charleston, South Carolina
the edge/christian feud would of been overshadowed but Jeff/Matt..

but hey christian has only been back in WWE for about 2 months i think, saviour the Feud for Summerslam or W/Mania 26..

Dude are you serious. Did those words actually leave your mouth. Edge and Christian would not be overshadowed Matt and Jeff Hardy. Matt and Jeff Hardy would be overshadowed by Edge and Christian. Both Edge and Christian are better than both Matt and Jeff.