Sami Zayne and the long haire midget that gravity forgot were unbelievable!
When Zayne was wrestling early in the match, I was awestruck at how he has combined classic, old school wrestling (which is gone from WWE, you don't notice until you see it on Raw) with more complicated and intricate wrestling maneuvers which seem to have been pretty common at ROH, and were never seen at WWE until Punk showed up.
He may be the best "wrestler" on the WWE payroll.
The Cena/Paul E. in ring promo was excellent, and surprisingly Cena stole the show. He actually made me care about the importance of him being a good guy, and accept the fact that, while he is more entertaining as a heel, him being a good guy is far more important than us being entertained by his heelish abilities.
Jericho and Bray in a cage was a good match.
Seeing Seth Rollins dang near get impaled by the spike on the bottom of the cage while they were lowering it was cringe worthy. What a stupid over site that was. I wonder if the folks at OSHA were watching those events unfold. Talk about all the laws that were broken on that job site!