
^^^I could say the same about Edge & Taker post-WM24.
It's just the way long term fueds are 'engineered' that some matches will be more memorable or poignient to the storyline than others.
Good shit from the Orton & HHH 'archive':
Unforgiven 04
Royal Rumble 05
EC @ NYRevolution 2005
LMS NO Mercy 07
No Hold Barred @ Extreme Rules 08
Cage Match on Raw (at some point last year)
Triple Threat w/Cena @ WM24
Triple Threat w/Cena @ NOC 2009
....OK, only a matter of opinion, but not bad considering a large amount of those "24" matces cited by the report would have been false finishes and tag matches on Raw (I didn't blindly include WM25 and other PPV encounters).
Not saying for a minute that it hasn't had it's down-points, but - and this is where WWE are shit hot at what they do - they succesfully manage to re-ignite interest in the pairing..... Maybe X-amount of the IWC may turn their nose up but at the end of the day the majority of crowds (particularly on TV) totally lap it up.
Not sure why you think that..... The two states of affairs aren't inextricably linked.
It's just the way long term fueds are 'engineered' that some matches will be more memorable or poignient to the storyline than others.
Good shit from the Orton & HHH 'archive':
Unforgiven 04
Royal Rumble 05
EC @ NYRevolution 2005
LMS NO Mercy 07
No Hold Barred @ Extreme Rules 08
Cage Match on Raw (at some point last year)
Triple Threat w/Cena @ WM24
Triple Threat w/Cena @ NOC 2009
....OK, only a matter of opinion, but not bad considering a large amount of those "24" matces cited by the report would have been false finishes and tag matches on Raw (I didn't blindly include WM25 and other PPV encounters).
I'm really not seeing how people can honestly enjoy and defend seeing Randy Orton Vs. Triple H every other main event feud. Are you honest to God enjoying seeing the neverending feud between Orton and Triple H every single week?
Not saying for a minute that it hasn't had it's down-points, but - and this is where WWE are shit hot at what they do - they succesfully manage to re-ignite interest in the pairing..... Maybe X-amount of the IWC may turn their nose up but at the end of the day the majority of crowds (particularly on TV) totally lap it up.
Honestly, the fact that people disagree so vehemently that guys like MVP need a push is borderline disgusting.
Not sure why you think that..... The two states of affairs aren't inextricably linked.