Oh. My. God. Melina banged Knox?

That has to be the greatest thing i've heard in years. What an amazing story.
JoMo sucks and will never get over or even be a good wrestler. Seriously, way worse than Truth in the ring, even Dolph, fuck, even Miz is better. Guy works a flashy style as is, but that can only work in WWE if you're good 99% of the time (See Evan Bourne/Sin Cara). I've never seen a sumbitch botch moves more than this guy. I hope he gets fired, so he can go somewhere to work on his ringwork, as a promo he's among the worst in the industry, right up there with Orton. Total lost cause there, he at least has potential in the ring.
This Raw sucked, as usual. Sin Cara's debut pretty much dashed any hope I had of him going anywhere.
Breaking up Corre to fire Slater I hope.
APPLE? Lord, poor Bryan.
Why didn't Cole/King end at 'Mania? Cole has to be the worst character in wrestling since Vickie.
Edge had an amazing speech and a true Raw moment. Totally saved the show for this viewer.