I hoped that it would be better than it was tbh.
MOTN was Punk/Taker, great match that I thought it should have gone longer than it did.
Fandango/Jericho was good.
Henry going over Ryback was great to see, although I think it hurts Ryback's push alot.
Rock/Cena I didn't even cvare about it, so I skiped it believe it or not
Swagger/Del Rio was good imo, and the Tag Team titles match was decent.
Miz winning the IC title only to drop it the next night on Raw was stupid.
The 2 matches that I disagree with most of you about, were the shield's and Brock/HHH.
Brock/HHH was great imo, I enjoyed it alot although the outcome was predictable, but I really liked it.
The Shield's match on the other hand was terrible, yes TERRIBLE IMO, I don't think it should have started the show, it should have been somewhere in the middle of the show & start with the Tag Team titles match or something, but it's not the Shield's fault imo, it's just that I don't get into Big Show and Orton's matches lately.
Overall, the show isn't even comparable with WM28, last year was much better, but I expect great things this year, lets just wait and see.