Rate TNA 03/28/13

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Feb 11, 2012
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Nashville, TN
Crayo said:
I woke up and the show was still abysmal. Maybe it went to a 2/10 in hindsight but nothing more. Testify, sorry to say this, but if something pathetic like Team Mexico going over Bad Influence -- your companies best tag team by a mile -- happened in WWE, you would be the first one to post some shitty smiley to shit on the product. But because it happens in TNA, your reaction is "well, the match was good, so the result means nothing" -- results mean everything. Especially with that stipulation. It could be a case of what Senhor said where TNA were teasing us perfection and then taking it away so we want more, but that's not teasing, that's just damn right lame if Team Mexico going over was the end result.

Sorry, but it isn't true. For example (when you already took WWE), I hated when Kane jobbed to Batista every single time. Every. But then I understood there was a bigger picture at the time (dunno what happened there exactly, can't really recall). And when it went down the way it did, I was OK with Batista winning and wasn't upset so much about Kane losing. And I always cheer when I see a good match, regardless of who won, just like I did with Batista-Kane (they did have some good matches folks).

Do you see my point? If there's a bigger picture and greater purpose, one result of a match that happened in the middle of the road doesn't mean that much in the end. That is why I'm not bitching about Shaun & Chavo winning.

I read the spoilers for next week and what will happen on 4/11 live show, and I saw there's a possible bigger picture than just "Daniels & Kaz job to Kunts". Like when Hogan choose Bully as the #1 contender for no reason, I was pissed then. BUT, I wasn't anymore when Bully Ray explained it all. I could also be pissed at how Tanahashi wins his every match in NJPW, but he still has great match regardless of how he wins (just another example I'm throwing in).

If that bigger picture indeed happens on 4/11 and we still get to see Aries&Roode vs. Daniels&Kaz, I will be even more pleased with this one Shaun & Chavo win. Hope you understand.

Hogan/Sting sucked even though you're a huge fan of it. You tell me that they won't face off like they're teasing, so what was the point in giving them that time? Hogan was receiving boos from everyone, and he's one of their top faces (lol), so I don't see how the segment was purposeful at ALL if they're actually not going to face off.

Yeah, I was a huge fan of it, and stand by it. And again we go with the bigger picture to directly answer your question about the purpose of the segment. Well the answer is bigger picture. They're teasing something, the story is still unfolding, we don't exactly what. It's called slow burn. And the delivery by them? Youngsters in the back should watch the replay when they go to bed. Anyway, we know the continuation of their story will feature Matt Morgan.

Anyhow, I stand by my 6/10 grade for the show, really solid show, nothing overly spectacular in it, as it's a middle-on-the-road show, and was about building things. If you don't like slow burn storys, you probably(!) won't like this episode that much.


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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I wasn't blown away by the show (finally got around to watching it) but I certainly didn't hate it. I didn't sit down and pay super close attention so I wasn't really viewing the show critically, but it did entertain me.

-Opening w/ Hardy was bad but Bully saved it. I thought Anderson was cringeworthy to the point of maybe being drunk, but he was better later in the show. I love Hardy being less cookie cutter face and starting to show more human emotion. CREAAAAAAATUUUUUUUUUUUUURES

-Do I like seeing Chavo win matches in 2013? Ofc not. But I can't hate on that tag match. it was fucking amazing to watch. The sad truth is Kaz & Daniels are like Dolph. They can lose, make their opponents look amazing and not lose momentum. If Chavo and Super Mex lose matches nobody will give a fuck about them. Hate away, but I haven't seen a live crowd yet that wasn't at least somewhat on their side.. and for a face Mexican tag team.. they put on a lot of good matches, even if it is mostly a result of working with such awesome talent.

-I'm not into the Taryn/Gail storyline, as I am at least honest enough to just come out and say I don't care about women's wrestling. Gail is cool, but she can't carry Taryn to a good match. Taryn is hot, so what. I don't watch wrestling for eye candy, there are plenty of places to get that.

-The AJ segment wasn't much, left us wanting more...


so it did it's job. As Test said if you don't like slowly developing storylines you must have A.) been shitting on Aces & Eights all along (hey look, that's all of you) and B.) not enjoyed this show (2/2). Maybe we should bring in Russo for some crash tv booking and you will all love it

-Sting Hogan is pointless but the segment made me laugh. "Get the hell out of my face, BROTHER". hahahaha

-Anderson, after the original dreadful mic time, was awesome on this episode. The main event was fun, and GASP, we have a face who actually stands up for himself and does something outside of the norm by taking a hammer and hitting a dude from behind. Another thing often cried out for by the IWC, but when it happens they don't even acknowledge it.

So all in all, some good and some bad, not the best Impact of the year but it was solid entertainment. 1/10, 2/10? My fucking ass. 5/10 at worst.

@Bully Rain (idk how to tag w/ spaces involved :neymar2: )
@Haters of last weeks impact
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Feb 11, 2012
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Nashville, TN
Dolph'sZiggler said:
1/10, 2/10? My fucking ass. 5/10 at worst.

@Bully Rain (idk how to tag w/ spaces involved :neymar2: )
@Haters of last weeks impact


Like I said, if the shit goes down on 4/11 with Chavo & Shaun (the tag title match is then), I'll be even more happy about them beating Bad Influence.


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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I seriously want more people to explain to me what was so diabolical about this show. It was mediocre, sure, and you may have expected more out of the live show, but it was far from offensive


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Dolph'sZiggler said:
I seriously want more people to explain to me what was so diabolical about this show. It was mediocre, sure, and you may have expected more out of the live show, but it was far from offensive

It came across way worse when watching it live.
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Dolph'sZiggler said:

Explained it earlier. Part of it was because we all hated on it in the thread which was fun, but a big part of it was horribly timing. After the end of the tag title match (which was awesome) there was literally an hour before the next match, and Chavo/Hernandez winning pissed us off and there wasn't anything interesting to take our minds off that before Morgan showed up, and then AJ Styles ofc.

Plus you know most of us are blind haters for anything involving Aces and Eights, two WWE-style workers, and old fucks, especially Hogan.

As mentioned before, the next morning I didn't think this deserved a 2/10. It was important for storylines and didn't kill our buzz for TNA at all. But as a standalone show it was a real bore.
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