I woke up and the show was still abysmal. Maybe it went to a 2/10 in hindsight but nothing more. Testify, sorry to say this, but if something pathetic like Team Mexico going over Bad Influence -- your companies best tag team by a mile -- happened in WWE, you would be the first one to post some shitty smiley to shit on the product. But because it happens in TNA, your reaction is "well, the match was good, so the result means nothing" -- results mean everything. Especially with that stipulation. It could be a case of what Senhor said where TNA were teasing us perfection and then taking it away so we want more, but that's not teasing, that's just damn right lame if Team Mexico going over was the end result.
I agree that for a 2 hour show there doesn't need to be too much wrestling, but the timing was all off. An hour between matches and the actual promo/backstage segments we get were lame, and then we finally get a match and it's the boring members of A&8 vs the boring faces that simply aren't relevant? Inb4 you call me out in saying they're not relevant, let's face it, they're not. Storm has lost all momentum, I can't remember the last time Angle has actually entertained me properly, and let's not get started on Eric Young (I'm a fan of him btw). Hogan/Sting sucked even though you're a huge fan of it. You tell me that they won't face off like they're teasing, so what was the point in giving them that time? Hogan was receiving boos from everyone, and he's one of their top faces (lol), so I don't see how the segment was purposeful at ALL if they're actually not going to face off. The knockout segment(s) bored me as always too.
Then the main event was a Hardy match which was actually decent. I'm actually struggling to remember the other parts in the show; it was that lacklustre and boring to watch. It's okay to hate on TNA once in a while dude, because their product is still far better than WWE's at the moment.