9/10. Fantastic show amidst low expectations.
Enjoyed the IC Title match. Miz is really coming across as a guy who's doing fine character work combined with maximizing his limited in-ring ability, and he deserves some props (and Senhor can just read the "little in-ring ability" part). He still needs a guy who can make a match entertaining on his own though, and Ziggler's the perfect guy to do it. Neither of these two are going anywhere so the Curse of the IC Title doesn't apply so these two can feud forever if they can keep it fresh
AJ vs Paige I'll talk with people on Skype about since the rest of you don't care, but it's definitely a positive for the show.
Don't like talking about selling but loved it in the "flag match" as Rusev actually had to kneel down to lock in the Accolade, giving Swagger an out to reverse it... then it just got too much. Perfect booking on display here, marked for the shot to Zeb and love that they're unafraid to actually have segments on PPV now that get heels a ton of heel heat. Nine ninety nine.
Ambrose vs Rollins there just isn't words for. Loved every second of it, not even the bald dude from Office Space could kill this buzz, especially since Golddust attacked him because the Rhodes brothers hate the Authority. Yay continuity!
Four matches, four overdelivering, then Stephanie and Brie came out. Oy. Surprised to see Stephanie get as much offense as she did but she looked great in the ring for someone so rusty. Very impressed. Figured they had some kind of climactic finish planned but sadly it ended with the one black mark on this PPV. Sadly, arguing about this Nikki Bella heel turn will be like a TNA hater arguing with me.
Although here's reason
[HASHTAG]#412[/HASHTAG] how Cena is in cahoots with the Authority... just saying...
Reigns vs Orton had shitty match written all over it and then it didn't suck and Roman held his own. Yay!
And after all these years, hot damn was it cathartic to see Cena's smug smile get permanently disfixed at the hands of Brocccccccccckkkkkkkkkkk Lesssssssnarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Loved every second of this match as I watched with a sick, sadistic smile. Cena, you had it coming.
The only problem here is that Brock feels like a supernatural being after beating the Streak and dismantling Cena. He's ten steps above the entire rest of the roster and nobody can believably challenge him. In theory this should make for the perfect underdog story, but we know how WWE loves to quit on guys. Only time will tell. Either way for right now, I loved this show and it gave me some hope for the future, can't wait for the next promising young talent they bury to take it away again. Yay wrestling!