Rate Smackdown Live! 8/8/2017

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Rate Smackdown Live

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Moist Nephew
Mar 23, 2016
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Kingdom of Nazarick
Am I the only one who thinks Carmella not cashing in made a million times more sense than her cashing in? The whole point of money in the bank is "You're tired, I'm not, let's fight!" Don't forget, Carmella just finished her match, she was tired too, and it's not cash in then pin, the ref would let Naomi get up, she'd catch her breath, then they'd fight, meaning Naomi could easily still beat the also fatigued Carmella

Anyways, I thought it was a good show sans a few parts. The Cena/Corbin promo made no sense, it reminded me of South Park's bully episode where Stan tries to intimidate Kyle, but then plays the victim card. Also the dumpster fire bit was a little corny for my taste

With Fashion Files, Ascension and "Anal probes" made me chuckle, but let's be real, this whole angle has been stretched out to the point of stupidity, especially since two or the three crimes were written off as nothing. "Who killed Tully?" Oh, Arn, because he wanted the horse named after him. "Who kidnapped Officer Dango?" Oh, aliens, gotcha. "Who trashed the Fashion Headquarters?" Honestly I don't even care anymore

My final gripe comes with Jinder losing. To be straight, it's the dumbest decision I've seen in a very long time, and it took my vote from 9 down to 7

Wait, 9? Yep, because despite those things, I thought it was a great show

Team Canada 6.0 vs Usos was great, and Usos even used my new favorite move (sorry senton), that calf stomp thing. I also thought the New Day bit was really good

Both women's matches were entertaining to me, especially Charlotte vs Lana, and I really don't like Lana. Because I don't like her, seeing her getting squashed was so fun for me, especially because it makes Charlotte look like a million dollars

I actually like Ellsworth, sorry, he's got some bad moments, but I likes the fact that he's trying and failing to be a bad boy because he has a crush on Carmella, and litterly nobody takes him seriously

The US title thing... Man... Golden all the way through. KO and Styles for some reason don't have much chemistry, but there was something about this segment that just clicked

Finally, the Shinsuke interview was okay, above average but nothing killer

Anyways, like I said, 7/10, [HASHTAG]#DontHinderTheJinder[/HASHTAG]

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Am I the only one who thinks Carmella not cashing in made a million times more sense than her cashing in? The whole point of money in the bank is "You're tired, I'm not, let's fight!" Don't forget, Carmella just finished her match, she was tired too, and it's not cash in then pin, the ref would let Naomi get up, she'd catch her breath, then they'd fight, meaning Naomi could easily still beat the also fatigued Carmella.
A valid point...but I don't think Carmella should be wrestling
Naomi in the first place.

There are 6 other women on SmackDown she could be wrestling
and all this match did was make Naomi look bad and Carmella look
pathetic because she can't get anything done without Ellsworth.

I'm sick of the creative teams focusing on generating heat...
why not just have wrestlers win and look strong and competent?

especially because it makes Charlotte look like a million dollars.
That she does...Woooooo!!!

I actually like Ellsworth, sorry, he's got some bad moments, but I likes the fact that he's trying and failing to be a bad boy because he has a crush on Carmella, and literately nobody takes him seriously.
No...he's a pathetic toilet bug who is crippling the entire women's division
by his mere presence.


Of course these are just my opinions and I harbor no ill will towards those
who like Ellsworth.


ur booty is heavy duty like diarrhea
Apr 14, 2016
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Why not have a strong champion winning matches and a strong challenger winning
matches and then have them eventually face off in at pay per view where you
actually don't have any idea who is going to win.
Carmella isn't the challenger at the moment. Natalya is. Just so you know. Carmellas shot at the title is guaranteed therefor you don't need to build her up as some ultra strong woman because if that'd be the case, she wouldn't need the briefcase. Why do you think Charlotte doesn't have a briefcase? Because she doesn't need it. Carmella needs it. The point of the briefcase is to give lesser characters a chance to win the big one.
And this is typical "easier said than done" right here because how would you make Carmella look strong? Because I'm not buying it. They could have her win matches clean or dominate her competition and I'd just go "this is typical WWE fake". You brought up the Miz, remember when they turned him face and it just didn't work? Exact same reason. There are certain people that aren't supposed to be strong based on their persona. Eventually you can have them show resilience like Miz kicking out of the AA at mania 27 when nobody thought he would but other than that, I don't really see a problem here. I don't even know what I'm justifying here. I enjoy watching Ellsworth. If you're not cool with him then just add him to the list of people you [HASHTAG]#ignore[/HASHTAG]

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
You know you have a real condescending way of getting your opinions across...
Just saying...

Carmella isn't the challenger at the moment. Natalya is.
No shit...tell me something I don't know...

Carmellas shot at the title is guaranteed therefor you don't need to build her up as some ultra strong woman because if that'd be the case
So because she has the briefcase she can be booked like
an idiot who can't achieve anything on her own?

Yeah...because booking a MitB winner weakly never
happened before.

What was that guys name again...Damien Sandow wasn't it?

Why do you think Charlotte doesn't have a briefcase? Because she doesn't need it.
Again...No shit...tell me something I don't know...

how would you make Carmella look strong?
Glad you asked...

1st...she ditches Ellsworth...
2nd...she begins to attack Naomi backstage and after matches...
even a car park attack would help establish her as a threat...Christ...
she's played this role before in her feud with Nikki Bella.
3rd...I'd have Carmella score "clean heel" wins over Becky, Charlotte,
Natalya, Tamina & Lana...all using her Code of Silence finisher.

Focus on that move and make it seem that once its locked in
no one can get out of it.

Make it that Carmella can be thrown around and dominated for
an entire match but if she gets that hold on anyone...they have
no choice but to tap.

Also...play up her super kick...if that would help...but it wouldn't
because "everyone" uses a super kick nowadays...even Ellsworth.

Have Carmella cheat to win...but have her cheat and win on her own.

Because I'm not buying it.
And that's your choice...

They could have her win matches clean or dominate her competition and I'd just go "this is typical WWE fake"
Do you feel the same way when that Reigns guy kicks out of brass
knuckle shots or hits one spear and pins someone "bigger" than him.

Just curious...

I don't really see a problem here. I don't even know what I'm justifying here.
Your opinion? Or would that be "overthinking" it?

I enjoy watching Ellsworth. If you're not cool with him then just add him to the list of people you [HASHTAG]#ignore[/HASHTAG]
You see I can't do that...because unlike your Samoan,
wellness policy violating, Jack & the Beanstalk quoting
friend...Ellsworth is directly involved in the division I care
the most about.

Unlike your buddy...who I can easily ignore because by
simply not watching the RAW main event scene and most
of the RAW brand pay per view main events.

But hey...if you like Ellsworth & Reigns...more power to you...
Its your choice...and we are all free to make choice.

Oh...and feel free to ignore me if you want...I won't loose
any sleep over it.

I'd hate to make you "overthink" or "justify" anything...

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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So is every rate thread now gonna turn into Grievous vs SWL? Because if so then great because these posts are more entertaining than Raw/Smackdown. XD
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ur booty is heavy duty like diarrhea
Apr 14, 2016
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how would you make Carmella look strong?
Glad you asked...

1st...she ditches Ellsworth...
2nd...she begins to attack Naomi backstage and after matches...
even a car park attack would help establish her as a threat...Christ...
she's played this role before in her feud with Nikki Bella.
3rd...I'd have Carmella score "clean heel" wins over Becky, Charlotte,
Natalya, Tamina & Lana...all using her Code of Silence finisher.

Focus on that move and make it seem that once its locked in
no one can get out of it.

Make it that Carmella can be thrown around and dominated for
an entire match but if she gets that hold on anyone...they have
no choice but to tap.

Also...play up her super kick...if that would help...but it wouldn't
because "everyone" uses a super kick nowadays...even Ellsworth.

Have Carmella cheat to win...but have her cheat and win on her own.
Because I'm not buying it.

nice, I didn't even have to say that I'm not buying it.
look, sometimes there isn't a reason why you like a certain thing. If you don't like Ellsworth, I couldn't care less. But don't try and convince me to stop enjoying what I enjoy. That's like seeing a kid loving his ice cream and you going "that's bad for you because of this, this, that and this"
just chill a bit, aight?

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
So is every rate thread now gonna turn into Grievous vs SWL? Because if so then great because these posts are more entertaining than Raw/Smackdown. XD
I'm happy to discuss and explain my views and opinions to anyone who
will listen...Its not like I have anything else to do with my time...

*Looks at his now surgically deformed right foot*

Heal you Bastard!!!

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
It sucked. Or, it probably did. I don't know. I'm not wasting my time with that garbage company. I really have nothing to say about it, and I don't wanna sound like a broken record with my constant negativity about the WWE. I just didn't want to disappoint the giant bold letters that looked important :emoji_wink:

Negativity about WWE is part of being a WWE fan. We sort of feed off it. I like complaining to a degree so you don't sound like a broken record. It makes you sound like a fan.

Jeffry Mason

Your Local Sports Team Sucks
Jan 16, 2017
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Parts Unknown
Negativity about WWE is part of being a WWE fan. We sort of feed off it. I like complaining to a degree so you don't sound like a broken record. It makes you sound like a fan.
Shit, really? Well in that case, I take back everything I said. FORMER WWE fan here.
  • Haha
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Negativity about WWE is part of being a WWE fan. We sort of feed off it. I like complaining to a degree so you don't sound like a broken record. It makes you sound like a fan.

Hey, isn't wrestling as a whole based on negativity? Channeling your inner hatred into a TV character and cheering him getting his ass beat?

I actually like the Ellsworth thing in a vaccum. This (kayfabe) ultra-confident ultra-hottie dragging the biggest dork on the roster by a string is actually a quality idea haha. I'd like to see them do more with it though. Seeing Ellsworth drag Carmella's bags into the locker room or have him spot her while working out does sound fun from time to time. While I simply don't care about making history, I've got two issues...

As SWL said though, the heel that only wins through cheating is normally not bad but my gosh how many of those do we need. Between 2015 Rollins and 2016 Owens and 2017 Mahal those are three of the longest reigning world champions, add in the midcard titles and there's countless worthless heel champs lately and a few babyfaces - hi Bayley. We need to give it a rest.

But mainly, I feel really bad for Becky. I was totally okay with Ellsworth winning the first, because Becky looked up with this look of "this is bullshit" as Ellsworth grabbed the briefcase and the commentary put that over, and Becky was the main one fighting for the rematch that won't and that way... and she was prepared for Ellsworth to interfere anyway, fought him off just for Carmella to just "cheat" and beat her with a chair... And then the angle was dropped... Don't drop that! Stick with it! Feel justified in your anger, Becky! Go after her! Don't just dork around in catering!