Eddie won his only world championship with interference from Goldberg. And people still think of him as one of the greatest WWE champions.
Yeah...I wasn't around for that...so I have no valid opinion...
although comparing Bayley to Eddie is an insult if you ask
what do you remember from Sashas title reigns? Cause all I remember is her being a loser.
Well...I remember a lot actually...
I remember each time Sasha won the title the matches
became more intense...I remember thinking that Sasha
was surely going to eventually go over in the end...which
she didn't. I remember it seemed strange that it is was
Sasha suggesting the Hell in a Cell & Iron woman matches...
even though it would have made more sense for Charlotte
to suggest those being the heel challenger at those points
in time. I remember actually being invested in every match...
I remember Sasha USING A KENDO STICK & an arena
guard rail to win the title in the falls count anywhere match
on RAW.
Should I go on? Word of advice Reag...don't ask me what
I remember. I remember EVERYTHING....especially about
women's division.
Bayleys Kendo Stick thing was clearly some attempt at character development even though it failed because WWE don't know how to organically build up underdogs in 2018
The WWE has no idea how to book babyfaces anymore...
one only has to look at their "Chosen One" to see that.
But at least it was something that showed a actual personality trait which most women on the main roster don't have.
I'm sorry but looking stupid & weak in a wrestling federation is
not character development...its character assassination.
Its not a character trait...its a character weakness...a weakness
for others to exploit.
Alexa Bliss had done nothing but humiliate Bayley & attack her
multiple times with a Kendo stick...and Bayley couldn't even strike
back against her...IN A KENDO STICK MATCH.
It was fucking lame & was the final nail in the coffin for Bayley as
far I was concerned.
I will never be able to take her seriously ever again...and for the
record the same would go for any other woman on the roster.
Allie (on Impact) is the same kind of character as Bayley...if not
even more so...yet she still gets to be cute & huggable while still
having the brains to superkick a bitch in the face if she needs to.