It sure is...
Yeah...but just because they admit they made
a mistake doesn't mean it fixes the problem.
Can you imagine if Vince came out & said "Sorry for pushing Roman for 5 straight years guys"
It wouldn't fix would just leave us screaming:
Personally... I wouldn't be amused if Vince came out and said "Sorry for pushing Roman for 5 straight years guys..."
I'd just appreciate if Roman actually took a backseat and had a run like Orton and Sheamus have had since 2013, where they're still pretty over midcarders who can add some elements to the show, while someone else gets to be the top guy.
I don't wanna see Vince come out and apologize, I want to see them do other things.
I didn't like this promo at all. You would have, but it just makes me want to watch a different company and realize this one isn't for me.
Nothing is more cringe than hearing people talk about "who started the revolution?" The pipebomb was fun but I want kayfabe back now please.
Ronda shouldn't be angry at Nikki for riding Cena to the top, she should be angry at the Bellas for being nothing but backstabbing assholes throughout their career.
As a matter of fact I'm so behind on NXT. Think I'll go stream a bunch of that. May be fun to leave some thoughts tomorrow or something.