and I guess the biggest dissapointment of all was probably the absence of Samoe Joe...unless the idea is to have him show up on RAW tonight and make his debut there instead. Perhaps an angle with Rollins, as in a hired gun for HHH..? "
At this point, I think it's time we get rid of Meltzer and maybe I take his spot on the Observer cause he may have the "inside info" but it seems to me that he ain't got shit as far as insight is concerned. Hey, fuck it, maybe I'll do an Observer of my own, lol...
In all seriousness though, while I understand the dissapointment of having Samoe Joe on RAW instead of SD (I too figured he'd be a better fit on the blue brand), I personally made my "peace" with the idea as soon as I heard HHH's little promo during NXT on that Facebook exclusive. It was as clear as day that by uttering the word "destroyer", Joe was coming to RAW so all in all, it wasn't really hard to figure out. I guess the bright side is that the presence of Joe on RAW adds an extra reason for us to tune in but then again, who are we really fooling here?
I mean, look at the rest of the show. Boring promos, Stephanie blah blah blah, Enzo & Cass still a comedy act and, of course, the big obsession, the Roman Reigns saga. Like it was hard to figure out he'd interfere and cost Strowman the match. But wait, that was not all, oh no no no. Gof forbid Roman had to look strong (for the trillionth time) so let's make Strowman look like....Ellsworth, shall we? Sure, good job WWE....
So let me get this straight. Are they setting up Roman versus Strowman at Fastlane? And is Roman going over, being the first to defeat the monster? And then what? Roman versus the Undertaker at Mania? And Roman will go over again? Well then I guess on RAW after Mania we shall all line up on the ramp, pull our pants down and have Roman come out and fuck us all one by one.
What more will it take for WWE to understand that this shit with Roman Reigns has to end? Just two nights ago, you had 50.000+ fans at the Rumble chanting "this is bullshit" when Roman came out at #30; and yes, Dunn, you can toy all you want with the sound but we all heard it loud and clear. When is enough enough already? Unless Roman is turning heel by Mania, here's another FUCK YOU to WWE...
From Roman Reigns to the freaking lack of creativity, this show is becoming more of a shitfeast every week. Look at what has become of Rusev ever since Roman Reigns took the US title off of him. Look at what they are doing with Enzo & Cass. Look at the New Day, whom are fucking around with Titus Oneal after just breaking a massive record. Look at what has become of the Club and how much of a joke they've become, even if tag champs now. Look at the cruiserweights, with the crickets getting louder every week. Sigh....
I got nothing else, really.....
