Money in the Bank Rate Money In The Bank 2013

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The Game
Feb 3, 2013
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Boston, MA, USA
5/10. Some matches were good, but there were things that didn't make sense, for example, Orton winning the briefcase. That was as pathetic as Jericho's career right now.

CM Punk

AJ Styles
Dec 27, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Can't believe you guys are degrading the PPV that much just because of the results.
I can understand Cena/Henry was boring, I understand. All the other matches were average and above. People are mad that Orton won, but he's been out of the title picture for nearly 2 years and has put many talent over, from the Sheamus's, to the Henry's and the Bryan's.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
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Buffalo, NY
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I'm happy to have probably the highest rating here. Optimism, and just because results didn't go everyone's way doesn't make it bad. Daniel Bryan will get his shot eventually, Orton vs Cena will probably be good and the way I see it, DB will be thrown in their anyway. A lot of good came from last night.
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Jan 23, 2012
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Solid 7/10.

WHC Ladder match was fantastic and showcased the young talent and how good they all are.

The IC match was ok

Divas match was ok

ADR vs DZ was fantastic was interested from start to finish. Even the end despite frustrating me was acceptable for the continuation of the storyline.

Cena vs Henry was ok.

WWE Ladder match some great spots but they were outshone by the youngblood imo.

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
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Before I begin my typical review, there are four things that make this review in particular different from pretty much every review I've done or at least to most of them. I) I was actually looking forward to watching this one. II) I spoiled myself on the results, I'm impatient but I will point out that none of the victors garnered a negative response from me, if anything it received a positive response but I'm getting ahead of myself. III) I watched the pre-show this time because I love The Shield but in fairness, it won't be counted in the overall PPV ranking. It only makes sense not to include it anyways but I figured I should point that out. IV) I am not making this review immediately after watching the PPV. Normally, I'd watch the show and then just come on here and waste the time to write up a review but this time I had other stuff to do and it's been a few hours. So, I may forget certain things, I doubt that'll be the case, I tend to have a good memory but it may so just letting you know in case I say something stupid in this review. Without further ado . . .

The Pre-Review
The pre-show kicks off with The Shield defending against The Uso's and it's a shame that it wasn't included on the show but I think I know why it was. I think because they needed that Smackdown MITB to open the show, and before that was the one of the only time it really made sense not to have Ambrose there or it didn't make sense for Reigns & Rollins to interfere when they got a title match coming up later. So I get it but it's a real shame because this was one of the best matches of the night. I loved the powerbomb-superplex-backdrop spot they had, honestly one of my favorite spots of the night. The Uso's and The Shield were awesome as always and just really churned out one really solid match that this show could've probably used.

Match Rating: 8/10

Money in the Bank Review

Smackdown's Opener
Surprisingly, there isn't much I feel compelled to talk about here, it was just a really solid and fun match. I loved Rhodes at the end, loved how Sandow was used (like the last you see of him before winning is escaping from the ring), love Swagger & Cesaro team-work, and my favorite spots where either when Ambrose skimmed the cat after Swagger & Cesaro started lifting him using the ladder or Rhodes dropkick on Swagger while he was holding Cesaro. I loved the interference spot and the build to Swagger/Cesaro vs. The Uso's (that happened on Raw, right?). I do have some problems with it, like Fandango & Barrett really didn't do much did they? Fandango did that slingshot leg drop thing and Barrett did his elbow but really I hardly felt their presence. But it was good and fun match.

Match Rating: 8/10

IC Title Match
It was alright. Nothing real special, I did like a few moments though. I actually liked the Eddie moment because I just love that spot and well, I like being reminded of Eddie. I'll take a Miz match that reminds of someone great like Eddie instead of one that just reminds me I'm watching a Miz match. Anyway, I also liked the Figure Four Leglock moment where they kept reversing the pressure but elsewise this didn't really make an impression. I liked it fine but out of every match with maybe one exception, I'm struggling to think of anything else to say. This match really didn't make any kind of impression on me and I really shouldn't be forgetting eight out of the nine matches just a few hours after finishing the PPV.

Match Rating: 5/10

The Dark Knight
Batman Begins is a good movie but I have some issues with it. Issues that really caused me to not enjoy it as much as I should and while it's not really important to this review, the issues involved the portrayal of Batman (and no, I'm not talking about that god awful Batman voice). It was mostly one thing but it was enough to make it my least favorite of the entire trilogy. Then came The Dark Knight which didn't have that fatal flaw and I enjoyed it so much more than the previous entry which I had trouble getting into because of that problem. This is essentially how I feel about the series of bouts between Aj & Kaitlyn. Of course, it's not a perfect metaphor, I disliked two big parts of Batman Begins (one of them carries over) and at the end of the day, I still liked Batman Begins and the Nolan films. I didn't like their Payback match and a big reason was the retardedness of Kaitlyn's action post-spear. This match did not include that; in this match, like Rain previously mentioned, Kaitlyn was the aggressor and I enjoyed that. I enjoyed a few moments of the match too, particularly loved the spot where AJ is knocked down and Big E catches her. I mean overall, I still didn't care for this match but I wasn't out bored like I was during the last one. They had a fair amount of psychology during this one (with the arm) unlike the last one where Kaitlyn does one of the stupidest thing for no logical reason within the context of the match or the story. Either way, improvement!

Also anyone else surprised at Layla's lack of involvement here? I was expecting something out of her other than just being eye candy (though she was appreciated as that).

Match Rating: 5/10

Dull match
This was dull. Unbelievably dull. Dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull and dull. I can't recall the last match I've seen that was this dull. It was dull on every front, I was staring at the screen with a blank expression throughout the entire match. I had no reaction to this, I didn't care. Did anyone care? Not only that, as previously mentioned but a certain Mystical man, this also featured poor selling throughout. On top of that, the school-boy finish was terrible.

Match Rating: 2/10

Goddammit Aj
My last post on here was quite a lengthy review of a segment between Kaitlyn and Aj where I stated something along the lines that I was finally able to start appreciating Aj. She still doesn't do anything for me but my hatred was starting to simmer down she comes back and ruins what was my favorite match of the night! Actually, I'm lying.

Yeah, I didn't really have a problem with the finish here (though I would've much preferred she didn't get involved) because of really one main thing. They made it so clear that Dolph will be winning the World title and that Aj interfering was the only way he was losing. Normally, when something like this happens, the distraction is enough but here, they subverted the hell out of that trope. Dolph get's distracted, Del Rio takes advantage but Dolph still kicks out! I absolutely loved that and if Dolph had lost on distraction, I would've been really pissed. But this, just seemed like a way to give Dolph's back a break and it kind of confirms that he's definitely on the way to winning (not that I really needed that confirmation). Not sure what come out of it on Raw but I think he's facing Big E at SummerSlam which is fine because I know it's this type of match is inevitable. But I'm expecting only positive things to come from this and WWE don't you dare fail me again.

Match Rating: 8/10

Hogan/Andre with a Twist
This was another match mainly focused on Cena trying to lift Henry for the FU but unlike all the other times they've done this kind of crap with Cena, he ended up winning via the STFU and that makes this ultra-predictable match so much worse. Oh, before I continue, the titles only referencing just how long this match formula/set-up has been going on (hell, it's probably been longer), I'm not really comparing them past that. That divergence out of the way, my main problem isn't that Henry tapped out because I understand that because they wanted Bryan to get his shot at SummerSlam they needed this to have some finality to it and Cena making Henry to tap out is the best way to do that but it happens to quickly. The second Cena drags him into the middle of the ring, Henry taps. Immediately. This is a guy who is suppose to be a near unstoppable monster (hell, the whole beginning of the match was dedicated to that) and a guy who believes he needs that WWE Championship to validate his career to validate his life. And the second Cena drags him and locks it back on, he gives all that up. That is a god awful decision. They should've at least gave him some time to struggle. If I was a Mark Mark, this would've really pissed me off. Luckily, I'm not so this just really annoyed me.

Match Rating: 4/10

Oh Noes, Bryan Didn't Win
Yeah, who cares? He clearly is still a top priority and as was announced on Raw, he is getting a title shot. The overreaction on here and everywhere else was incredible, I mean did people really think this meant Bryan wasn't going to be a contender anymore? That he didn't have a shot but I guess it just goes to show how great Bryan is with connecting to some people. Like, how many other people would've gotten this reaction, probably not a lot so kudos to him but I loved this finish. I loved that Orton won because it was unpredictable, I mean I had zero doubt that Bryan was winning and I remembered his recent feud with Bryan and realized that this will probably only benefit Bryan. That Bryan's going to be tied into this and will most likely save us from Orton/Cena feud III (one in 07 and one in 09 [?]). I don't really care to see Orton heel again, I don't really want something that is going give the guy more mic time as I haven't enjoyed Orton as a character since the days of Rated RKO really. So, this could potentially end up horrible for me but the signs are all pointing to a brighter road so I like the result.

As for the match itself, I liked it better than the Smackdown really. I loved the slower-pace as opposed to just a spot-fest that make up the vast majority of Money In The Bank matches, loved the spots they did have (which weren't much because that's not the point here). Loved how it really focused on the individuals instead of the spots like say the first one did (though clearly there was more than just spots but it was certainly more focused on it than anything else). Thought the beginning was awesome with them all picking one guy off, loved the setting up of the ladder twenty or so minutes before that spot happened, loved how everyone really got a moment to shine. Unlike the opener, everyone got a moment in this match to just be a bad-ass. Christian got his moment, Sheamus got like two, Orton got his moment, Punk got his moment, RVD got his moment (his was one of my favorites personally because it came rather early and like commentary pointed out, did showcase why he was the first they targetted. Plus, after hearing all the negativity surrounding RVD on here, it was good to see that he was still wrestling on good pace) and holy shit did Daniel Bryan ever get his moment at the end there. I didn't really like Axel's interference or even Heyman's betrayal to a lesser extent all that much but the latter moment was good. Loved the RKO at the end, it was just a great final spot. It did dragged once or twice but overall it was a much more engrossing match for me because of it was well-structured and it not being focused on spots like most are but more on the wrestlers themselves, allowing everyone to get their moment and to shine. One of my favorite matches of the year and my actual favorite match of the night.

Match Rating: 9/10

PPV Rating: 5.9/10


I. Payback ~ 6.3/10
II. Elimination Chamber ~ 6/10
III. Money in the Bank ~ 5.9/10
IV. Extreme Rules ~ 5.5/10
V. Royal Rumble ~ 4.9/10
VI. WrestleMania XXIX ~ 3.8/10

I. WHC, Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio: Payback ~ 9/10
II. The Shield vs. The Justice League (Cena, Sheamus & Ryback): Elimination Chamber ~ 9/10
III. Orton vs. Bryan vs. Punk vs. Sheamus vs. Christian vs. RVD, MITB Ladder: Money in the Bank ~ 9/10
IV. WWE Title, The Rock (c) vs. CM Punk: Elimination Chamber ~ 8/10
V. Sandow vs. Rhodes vs. Cesaro vs. Swagger vs. Barrett vs. Fandingoatemybabio, MITB Ladder: Money in the Bank ~ 8/10
VI. Tag Titles, Team Hell No (c) vs. The Shield (Reigns & Rollins), Tornado: Extreme Rules ~ 8/10
VII. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho: Payback ~ 8/10
VIII. WHC, Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler: Money in the Bank ~ 8/10
IX. Sheamus vs. Mark Henry, Strap: Extreme Rules ~ 7/10
X. Intercontinental Title, Wade Barrett (c) vs. Curtis Axel vs. The Miz: Payback ~ 7/10
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