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Know Your Role!
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
7/10 Only because Bryan and Henry didn't win. Change those results and I would have given this a perfect 10. The Ziggler loss made me mad, but I guess I can see why he lost.

Super Saiyan Goku

New Member
Feb 8, 2012
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Dat Kid1

King of smurf Style
Sep 2, 2012
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New York, NY
7/10 There were some good and bad. The reason it's not a 6 is because that pre-show tag match was the greatest tag match I have seen in months, if not years since the division started dying. The IC match and Ryback matches were dull imo. The MITB matches were good, but didnt live up to my expectations. The WWE Championship match was too slow, but there was an attempt at storytelling so it was alright. The WHC match probably one of the better matches on the card was great, i just didnt like the ending with AJ and all her emotions


The Artiste
Jul 1, 2013
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Stafford, England

*Dumb. Sorry, just had to.

Kickoff: The Shield (Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins) (c) vs. The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) - WWE Tag Team Championship.
Solid 7/10. Best pre-show/kickoff match since they started doing it at 'Mania 28. Some nice spots and actually thought The Usos were gonna win at one point.

Match 01: Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Wade Barrett vs. Fandango vs. Jack Swagger w/ Zeb Colter vs. Antonio Cesaro w/ Zeb Colter.
9.5/10, great match. Loved The Usos getting involved attacking The Shield, also loved the unpredictable ending. How Swagger and Cesaro worked together the whole match, and Swagger even held Cesaro up to grab the briefcase, but Sandow pushes Rhodes off the ladder and grabs the case, great ending. Hopefully this is the beginning of a face turn for Cody.

Match 02: Curtis Axel (c) w/ Paul Heyman vs. The Miz - WWE Intercontinental Championship
6/10. Decent match, liked the submission moment when it looked like Axel was gonna tap and then he turned over and put the pressure on Miz.

Match 03: AJ Lee (c) w/ Big E Langston vs. Kaitlyn w/ Layla - WWE Divas Championship
4/10. Their match at Payback was 10 times better. Way too short. An interesting feud that ended in a 4 minute match, mmm.

Match 04: Ryback vs. Chris Jericho
Didn't catch much of this match but from what I saw, 5/10. Average match with a predictable ending.

Match 05: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE World Heavyweight Championship
7/10, good match but fuck you, AJ, fuck you.

Match 06: John Cena (c) vs. Mark Henry - WWE Championship
The match was probably 6/10. Typical Cena match. Dominated for 15 minutes and then wins with one or two movs. Also, making Henry tap? That's 17 years down the drain. Cheers, Cena. Cheers.

Match 07: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Sheamus vs. Christian
9/10. Both ladder matches were great. Didn't expect Axel to interfere but marked out when he did. They Heyman attacks Punk, great stuff. Also I have no problem with Orton winning. Bryan will probably face Cena anyway. Orton hasn't exactly been doing much for the past 2 years. Kinda wanted Christian to win, though.

Overall 8.5/10. Two awesome ladder matches, best pre-show ever. Would have been 10 if Cena didn't make Henry tap and the divas match was a bit longer.
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Mar 4, 2012
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United Scotland of Ambrose
The first MITB was the only really good match on the card and even that wasn't anywhere near as good as last year's SD one. The All Stars match was just a let down if I'm honest, RVD's frogsplash as well as some of Sheamus's bumps were the only decent spots really, Heyman's turn on Punk was alright, but it was a bit of a letdown if you were hoping for Lesnar. The rest of the matches were all decent at best, why did they have to fuck up Ziggler/Del Rio though?

But yeah, what promised to be an exciting PPV turned into a pretty average one with crap outcomes. A generous 5/10 from me.
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Am gonna spoiler a mini-review, but if you're looking for 18 paragraphs worth of stupid jokes and spazzing out you won't find it, just jotting down a few things I remember from each match. Keeping it serious here because...

...because fuck Jerry Lawler, that's why. Seriously this had to be the worst commentary I've heard in a while. Lawler was Taz-level bad tonight. He made more stupid jokes than I've ever heard from him and didn't do anything to actually enhance the show, so in honor of him I'm going to lay off the bullshit and just talk about the show.

We had the best pre-show match I've seen this year, albeit the only pre-show match I've seen this year. Was formulaic for 10 minutes before the action finally picked up and we got the match these two teams should be delivering. I really hope the Usos don't fall off the map after this. Their babyface push is 2 years overdue and they're so damn entertaining, plus having such a competitive match with the Shield means alot in the eyes of the fans. These aren't a couple of jobbers anymore.

WWE, how dare you give Ambrose a jobber entrance. :finger: The first MITB was freakin' incredible. I loved every second of this, there were sick bumps, crazy spots, innovative spots, marked like crazy when Cody used the Musclebuster... I couldn't stay seated. This had everything you want in a chaotic spot-fest match like this. There was even storytelling, too. I completely forgot Sandow won this because of Cody's face turn, getting screwed by the Shield and then his partner. Rhodes was my favorite wrestler a year ago and WWE was about to make me care about him again (marked) and then that bastard Sandow had to ruin it. Worked me and the live crowd like a charm.

Oh, look... Brad Maddox... yay... Seriously, I care about the Raw GM about as much as the Aces and Eights VP. This sucked! Why was this here instead of Ambrose's entrance?

At least it got me to pop for Miz's entrance to end that waste of time. Pretty good match between these two, although after hearing the talk of all these legends from Perfect's heyday watching Miz lock in his Figure 4 was even more painful. Marked for the Heyman spot, if they really want Miz to work as a baby that's a good way to go, but not nearly as good a way of just turning the guy back heel. Really impressed with Curtis Axel. so far. Not only is he having the first relevant IC Title reign in a long long time (the little story of his father's history of the belt makes it interesting at least) but on NXT I always saw this guy as having charisma, mic skills, a great look, but he seemed green in the ring. Ever since his call-up he's looked like quite a veteran with impressive athleticism. Seriously think this guy will main event one day and win the title his father never got the chance to.

TNA just had a good women's match, so WWE's gonna rip that off and let this match be good too! While it wasn't nearly the dramatic (or long) match AJ and Kaitlyn had at Payback something stuck out at me: Kaitlyn immediately got in the ring and punched AJ in the mouth, then hit a (botched) gutbuster, pinfall, clothesline... There was no catfighting, no hair-pulling, no typical Divas' bullshit (AJ did some but it suits her character), Kaitlyn was just non-stop aggression right from the start. This felt intense and I enjoyed it. Wonder if the feud's going to continue though...

To explain my excitement level for Ryback/Jericho: I play Spider Solitaire during the entrances, and I played a full round that took about 5 minutes before realizing "oh shit I'm missing a match!" and having to rewind. This was what it was. I enjoy Ryback's moves so I enjoyed most of this match, even though Jericho controlled almost all of it (and as you know Ryback can't sell air to a drowning man). Nothing great here and Ryback getting a fluke win does nothing for him. He's ruined. This did nothing. Next.

Dolph Ziggler and ADR, oh baby Dolph Ziggler and ADR. Fans love Ziggler so much they actually cared about an ADR match long enough to boo him. But this match... holy shit. These two awesome wrestlers put on the awesome match you expected! Intense action! Non-stop fury! Edge of your seat excitement! MOTYC! It'll make your head explode...

Then AJ Lee showed up. :downer: DAMMIT! You. Ruin. Everything.! This was such a damn buzzkill that for a moment I saw Chavo coming out. (TNA reference #2!), and the finish... Guys, message me about whether this is a smartass nickpick or a legitimate complaint: AJ Lee ran in and hit ADR with the belt in full view of the referee. It looks like AJ intentionally tried to get Dolph DQ'ed, but they seem to be playing it off as "She didn't know" and let Dolph break up with her after her stupidity (sounds much, much better than AJ breaking up with Dolph), but... She didn't even look to see if the referee was looking or not! #TNALogic... oh, wait. (Also Lawler, when Ziggler was doing the elbows, when you said "Those killed me!" that came out over the air. Why is William Regal not on commentary?)

The John Cena/Mark Henry video package was cool, and I was eagerly anticipating this match... then right after the ringbell sounded, Cole said: "On Raw, Cena tried to AA Henry but just couldn't lift him up. Henry's too big." *Snaps fingers* My interest completely died. I had this up on one screen and glanced at it every now and then. Cena kept trying, and trying, and trying... then eventually said "lol fk it you gonna tap son". How innovative! The work I saw was fine from both guys, but dammit Creative... you've gotta do better with the John Cena character than this! He's not an underdog, he's not a guy who can struggle to pick up monster heels, we know this. Please find something new to do with him. At least Henry will land on his feet after this loss, but Cena... I still see a face/face WWE title feud as an impossibility (reference Ryback) so... maybe he can feud with Bray Wyatt?

Then the main event happened, which I'd recap my thoughts on but already did it in a reply to Ralbs in another thread. But honestly... I was afraid of Bryan winning. Not only did he not need the briefcase as much as he needs to cash in on his momentum and main event right now, but he would just get a cheap cash in on Cena and turn heel by getting a big head again and think he's the greatest thing ever just like his last run... Have been saying time and time again how much I'd hate that... but Orton getting a cheap cash in on Cena and turning heel in the exact same way? HOLY SHIT! YES! MARKING! WOOT! HELL YEAH! LOVE THAT! Cena/Orton's been done to death, but it's been long enough. That's not an issue. But Cena needs a fresh challenger, Orton needs a heel turn... come on WWE don't screw this up!

6/10. Was mostly happy with the winners, not so much the matches.
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Pop Tatari

Christian vieri
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
London, United Kingdom
First MITB: Awesome match,one of the best ladder matches in ages,great creativity and Cody was on top form. Really thought Cody was going to win and i was marking out until Sandow came out of nowhere and fucked it up. Still not going to let the result bother me as i had fun watching this.

IC title=Average match,right person won

WWE title=This was so predictable,the counters,kick outs etc.

All Star MITB-Decent,had some nice moments in it but cannot compare to the creativity of the non all stars one.Last 6 minutes was overbooked and was just strange. Glad wham bam never won,orton is boring though. Only person who deserved to win is Bryan but it looks like he could be in a feud with Axel now.

Did not watch the other matches. 6/10


The Architect
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score

+Can this Del Rio v Ziggler feud just never end please? I love these two together. MOTN for sure.
+WHC ladder match, a great match. Surprised/disappointed with Sandow winning though.
+All stars match, not as good as previous ladder match but RVD just smashed it, he was great as was Bryan and Sheamus. Meh, Orton, not really happy bout that.

-Cena v Henry, this was the weakest peace of shit in a long time. And, 'can Cena lift him?' well every WWE fan knows he can so fuck off. Cena should have had this PPV off by claiming Ryback injured him, which would have done more for both characters.
-Ryback v Jericho, both guys came out of this looking bad: Jericho lost and Ryback stole a pin after being dominated.
-Shield v Usos on pre-show, by all accounts this was a good match that could have replaced 2/3 matches on the main card.


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
The first MITB was the only really good match on the card and even that wasn't anywhere near as good as last year's SD one. The All Stars match was just a let down if I'm honest, RVD's frogsplash as well as some of Sheamus's bumps were the only decent spots really, Heyman's turn on Punk was alright, but it was a bit of a letdown if you were hoping for Lesnar. The rest of the matches were all decent at best, why did they have to fuck up Ziggler/Del Rio though?

But yeah, what promised to be an exciting PPV turned into a pretty average one with crap outcomes. A generous 5/10 from me.

Agree on everything. Ziggler/ADR were having the MOTN until AJ's theme hit. I don't think they were on pace to top the Payback match, but they were telling another amazing story out there. I was marking hard for the top rope face buster and thought ADR had it won with that sick ass reverse top rope suplex spot they did in both matches (jumped out of my seat when Ziggs kicked out of that one).

I understand it advances Ziggler's storyline and propels the breakup from the goon squad, but it was still disappointing.


Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score
- The Usos/The Shield. This was damn good, I mean too good to be on the pre show at any Pay Per View let alone this one. There was a point in this match where I was actually convinced that The Usos were going over, but obviously weren't so props to both teams for that moment. I nearly spat out my cereal when Jeremy or Joseph or Jimbo or whatever hit that splash on Rollins. Give your best non gimmick out for free on Youtube? Logic. The WWE will soon have to release that the Pre Show is The Miz's playground, mostly because I rarely watch the Pre Show.

- The WHC MiTB match. The night opened strong with the first MiTB match. The funnest aspect of this match was that I didn't have a fucking idea who was going to win and it made for some very interesting moments. The spots were entertaining, but not too much to overshadow the second MiTB match later on in the night. Cody Rhodes has now became one of my new favourites in the WWE after that star making performance, even with Sandow winning my focus stayed on him. Let's hope that this match was the seeds planting for a Rhodes Scholars feud with both men going onto big things in the future. Also, if there was ever a time to use the FAP FAP FAP smiley it would have been for Summer Rae in this match. Sweet jeebus, she looked good!

- I like Brad Maddox, but fuck, that segment was soooooooooooo lame. I used it as my cereal refill break.

- Axel/Miz was boring as fuck. Miz butchered another legend's traits when he used Eddie Guerrero's pretend to be hit tactic. The only thing that I hope The Miz imitates from Eddie in the future is overdosing in a hotel room. So yeah, this sucked ass, but it was nice to see Axel go over cleanly.

- AJ/Kaitlyn was no better than Axel/Miz and showed that the WWE Divas ain't got shit on the Knockouts. Congrats, TNA, you're superior to WWE in terms of Womens wrestling. Okay, don't get too proud now, everything else still sucks.

- Jericho/Ryback, please kill me. This sucked donkey dick and it didn't surprise me. I did find it hilarious that Ryback was selling his leg one minutes then hit Jericho with a running knee seconds later and ran perfectly in the match after. Please bring this guy back down to Florida so he can learn how to sell injury, as much as you want to be Goldberg, you're not so learn how to sell. Also, that ending benefited absolutely no one. Congratulations, both of you had a worse PPV match than The Miz. What an achievement! Either this or Axel/Miz should have been the Pre Show match, no doubt.

- Ziggler/ADR. I enjoyed this, Ziggler and ADR usually have pretty good matches together and this was no different. Props to Del Rio and the bookers for making Ziggler come out look so strong from this match. Even if Ziggler goes on to feud with Big E, it'll seem like he has ADR in his back pocket once they meet again. The question is, where does ADR go from here? Imagine a Sandow/Del Rio feud, oh lawd!

- Henry/Cena. This was predictable as hell, but I did enjoy Henry in it. He seemed like a fucking monster for the first ten minutes or so. It ended in typical "OH MY GOD! CENA'S PICKING UP THE GIANT!" fashion as if we hadn't seen it before. The build up in the weeks leading up to MiTB kept me interested in this match, but the ending was no surprise.

- The WWEC MiTB match. This match was awesome throughout and I loved the finish. RVD was moving faster than expected, but with a little pot belly on him. What should I have expected though? This isn't 2002. Other guys like Sheamus and Christian played their role well and fair play to Sheamus for taking that nasty bump through the ladder. Awesome stuff, fella. When Bryan got taken out by Axel I thought to myself, "Oh shit! Maybe he won't win it?", and that made the finish even more exciting especially when Orton looked around while on the ladder because that was exactly what I was doing at home. Nice progression in the Punk/Lesnar feud from this match and Orton winning completely shakes up everyone's ideas of Summerslam's WWE title match. It was an awesome match and booked well. Bryan marks, get over it.

6.5/10 - When it was good it was pretty good, when it was bad it sucked. There is some stuff to look forward to after this, so I'll definitely to be watching Raw tonight.


Alien Princess
Sep 18, 2012
Reaction score
- The Usos/The Shield. This was damn good, I mean too good to be on the pre show at any Pay Per View let alone this one. There was a point in this match where I was actually convinced that The Usos were going over, but obviously weren't so props to both teams for that moment. I nearly spat out my cereal when Jeremy or Joseph or Jimbo or whatever hit that splash on Rollins. Give your best non gimmick out for free on Youtube? Logic. The WWE will soon have to release that the Pre Show is The Miz's playground, mostly because I rarely watch the Pre Show.

- The WHC MiTB match. The night opened strong with the first MiTB match. The funnest aspect of this match was that I didn't have a fucking idea who was going to win and it made for some very interesting moments. The spots were entertaining, but not too much to overshadow the second MiTB match later on in the night. Cody Rhodes has now became one of my new favourites in the WWE after that star making performance, even with Sandow winning my focus stayed on him. Let's hope that this match was the seeds planting for a Rhodes Scholars feud with both men going onto big things in the future. Also, if there was ever a time to use the FAP FAP FAP smiley it would have been for Summer Rae in this match. Sweet jeebus, she looked good!

- I like Brad Maddox, but fuck, that segment was soooooooooooo lame. I used it as my cereal refill break.

- Axel/Miz was boring as fuck. Miz butchered another legend's traits when he used Eddie Guerrero's pretend to be hit tactic. The only thing that I hope The Miz imitates from Eddie in the future is overdosing in a hotel room. So yeah, this sucked ass, but it was nice to see Axel go over cleanly.

- AJ/Kaitlyn was no better than Axel/Miz and showed that the WWE Divas ain't got shit on the Knockouts. Congrats, TNA, you're superior to WWE in terms of Womens wrestling. Okay, don't get too proud now, everything else still sucks.

- Jericho/Ryback, please kill me. This sucked donkey dick and it didn't surprise me. I did find it hilarious that Ryback was selling his leg one minutes then hit Jericho with a running knee seconds later and ran perfectly in the match after. Please bring this guy back down to Florida so he can learn how to sell injury, as much as you want to be Goldberg, you're not so learn how to sell. Also, that ending benefited absolutely no one. Congratulations, both of you had a worse PPV match than The Miz. What an achievement! Either this or Axel/Miz should have been the Pre Show match, no doubt.

- Ziggler/ADR. I enjoyed this, Ziggler and ADR usually have pretty good matches together and this was no different. Props to Del Rio and the bookers for making Ziggler come out look so strong from this match. Even if Ziggler goes on to feud with Big E, it'll seem like he has ADR in his back pocket once they meet again. The question is, where does ADR go from here? Imagine a Sandow/Del Rio feud, oh lawd!

- Henry/Cena. This was predictable as hell, but I did enjoy Henry in it. He seemed like a fucking monster for the first ten minutes or so. It ended in typical "OH MY GOD! CENA'S PICKING UP THE GIANT!" fashion as if we hadn't seen it before. The build up in the weeks leading up to MiTB kept me interested in this match, but the ending was no surprise.

- The WWEC MiTB match. This match was awesome throughout and I loved the finish. RVD was moving faster than expected, but with a little pot belly on him. What should I have expected though? This isn't 2002. Other guys like Sheamus and Christian played their role well and fair play to Sheamus for taking that nasty bump through the ladder. Awesome stuff, fella. When Bryan got taken out by Axel I thought to myself, "Oh shit! Maybe he won't win it?", and that made the finish even more exciting especially when Orton looked around while on the ladder because that was exactly what I was doing at home. Nice progression in the Punk/Lesnar feud from this match and Orton winning completely shakes up everyone's ideas of Summerslam's WWE title match. It was an awesome match and booked well. Bryan marks, get over it.

6.5/10 - When it was good it was pretty good, when it was bad it sucked. There is some stuff to look forward to after this, so I'll definitely to be watching Raw tonight.

Haha great review. Agree with pretty much all of it.
Especially this
The only thing that I hope The Miz imitates from Eddie in the future is overdosing in a hotel room.


Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score

By the way, did anyone notice that Ryback has suddenly changed his gimmick from Goldberg to the newest member of the O' Doyle family from Billy Madison?


Senhor Perfect

Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score

By the way, did anyone notice that Ryback has suddenly changed his gimmick from Goldberg to the newest member of the O' Doyle family from Billy Madison?

^ made that summation a couple of weeks ago in another thread. Used the family going over the cliff scene though.