The first MITB was the only really good match on the card and even that wasn't anywhere near as good as last year's SD one. The All Stars match was just a let down if I'm honest, RVD's frogsplash as well as some of Sheamus's bumps were the only decent spots really, Heyman's turn on Punk was alright, but it was a bit of a letdown if you were hoping for Lesnar. The rest of the matches were all decent at best, why did they have to fuck up Ziggler/Del Rio though?
But yeah, what promised to be an exciting PPV turned into a pretty average one with crap outcomes. A generous 5/10 from me.
- The Usos/The Shield. This was damn good, I mean too good to be on the pre show at any Pay Per View let alone this one. There was a point in this match where I was actually convinced that The Usos were going over, but obviously weren't so props to both teams for that moment. I nearly spat out my cereal when Jeremy or Joseph or Jimbo or whatever hit that splash on Rollins. Give your best non gimmick out for free on Youtube? Logic. The WWE will soon have to release that the Pre Show is The Miz's playground, mostly because I rarely watch the Pre Show.
- The WHC MiTB match. The night opened strong with the first MiTB match. The funnest aspect of this match was that I didn't have a fucking idea who was going to win and it made for some very interesting moments. The spots were entertaining, but not too much to overshadow the second MiTB match later on in the night. Cody Rhodes has now became one of my new favourites in the WWE after that star making performance, even with Sandow winning my focus stayed on him. Let's hope that this match was the seeds planting for a Rhodes Scholars feud with both men going onto big things in the future. Also, if there was ever a time to use the FAP FAP FAP smiley it would have been for Summer Rae in this match. Sweet jeebus, she looked good!
- I like Brad Maddox, but fuck, that segment was soooooooooooo lame. I used it as my cereal refill break.
- Axel/Miz was boring as fuck. Miz butchered another legend's traits when he used Eddie Guerrero's pretend to be hit tactic. The only thing that I hope The Miz imitates from Eddie in the future is overdosing in a hotel room. So yeah, this sucked ass, but it was nice to see Axel go over cleanly.
- AJ/Kaitlyn was no better than Axel/Miz and showed that the WWE Divas ain't got shit on the Knockouts. Congrats, TNA, you're superior to WWE in terms of Womens wrestling. Okay, don't get too proud now, everything else still sucks.
- Jericho/Ryback, please kill me. This sucked donkey dick and it didn't surprise me. I did find it hilarious that Ryback was selling his leg one minutes then hit Jericho with a running knee seconds later and ran perfectly in the match after. Please bring this guy back down to Florida so he can learn how to sell injury, as much as you want to be Goldberg, you're not so learn how to sell. Also, that ending benefited absolutely no one. Congratulations, both of you had a worse PPV match than The Miz. What an achievement! Either this or Axel/Miz should have been the Pre Show match, no doubt.
- Ziggler/ADR. I enjoyed this, Ziggler and ADR usually have pretty good matches together and this was no different. Props to Del Rio and the bookers for making Ziggler come out look so strong from this match. Even if Ziggler goes on to feud with Big E, it'll seem like he has ADR in his back pocket once they meet again. The question is, where does ADR go from here? Imagine a Sandow/Del Rio feud, oh lawd!
- Henry/Cena. This was predictable as hell, but I did enjoy Henry in it. He seemed like a fucking monster for the first ten minutes or so. It ended in typical "OH MY GOD! CENA'S PICKING UP THE GIANT!" fashion as if we hadn't seen it before. The build up in the weeks leading up to MiTB kept me interested in this match, but the ending was no surprise.
- The WWEC MiTB match. This match was awesome throughout and I loved the finish. RVD was moving faster than expected, but with a little pot belly on him. What should I have expected though? This isn't 2002. Other guys like Sheamus and Christian played their role well and fair play to Sheamus for taking that nasty bump through the ladder. Awesome stuff, fella. When Bryan got taken out by Axel I thought to myself, "Oh shit! Maybe he won't win it?", and that made the finish even more exciting especially when Orton looked around while on the ladder because that was exactly what I was doing at home. Nice progression in the Punk/Lesnar feud from this match and Orton winning completely shakes up everyone's ideas of Summerslam's WWE title match. It was an awesome match and booked well. Bryan marks, get over it.
6.5/10 - When it was good it was pretty good, when it was bad it sucked. There is some stuff to look forward to after this, so I'll definitely to be watching Raw tonight.
The only thing that I hope The Miz imitates from Eddie in the future is overdosing in a hotel room.
By the way, did anyone notice that Ryback has suddenly changed his gimmick from Goldberg to the newest member of the O' Doyle family from Billy Madison?