Only seen two matches:
Ziggler/Cesaro was great and I don't remember enjoying a Ziggler match this way since the SmackDown series with Kane. Not that I watched many Ziggler matches in the meantime, but still. I love when 2/3 Falls end 2-0 for someone. ****
Ambrose/Rollins was terrible and honest to god - one of the worst matches I've ever seen. Fighting on the top was kind of cool, but that double table bump was LOLOLOLOLworthy and the match jumped the shark right there. Then we got the cheesy (in a very bad way) D-level movie acting which WWE tries to sell as "storytelling" (see WM28 HIAC), then that finish happened. But even before the finish, the match was one big NOTHING. Boring, dull, empty. The commentators clearly knew it sucked, the crowd too. Well, minus your usual overexcited suspects with DEM CHANTS. What a DUD.
I heard Cena/Orton went over 25 minutes. Dear god...