Very true with Becky and seth. But it's not really a big deal. Seth Rollins is at that point where he can easily regain momentum. Becky is struggling. I blame it on not giving her a big fued. She is most likely facing Alexa at summerslam. May even drop the title to her. Really unispiring stuff. The relationship is unlikable and boring. Hope they dont pair them on TV for longer. No doubt both have been slowed down alot since Mania. I do think its important we get seth vs brock though. Otherwise Seth may actually be permanently damaged.I wouldnt put it past them, afteral they keep saying the whole automatic rematch isnt a thing anymore (but like they care about their own rules lol)
Seth and Becky have already been damaged ever since they were put together on screen, they were much more over seperate then they were together, but WWE has to hammer it in your head that they are together and thus they just keeping making it worse. (Not to mention the absurdity of last night...its a EXTREME RULES match..yet they still gotta tag in? men have to fight the men and women have to fight the women? why? there are no rules! what are they gonna do?! DQ them? IT MAKES NO SENSE lol...went on a rant there)
I know its wishful thinking, i just dont want them to screw bray up again, Firefly Fun House was absolutely amazing stuff and Bray needs to be pushed to the moon when he returns. (Hopefully he will return tonight)
I agree with Bray. Bray destroying Lesnar is a good idea. Unfortunately we are currently in the middle of a story that should probably be finished. Seth finally getting a clean win over Brock.
Bray needs to come back with a bang. He cant just come back and have hes first match back ve against Cesaro. Works for Black but Bray needs more. I wouldn't mind seeing Bray win the wwe title from Kofi. I think theres a cool story to tell there.
Wwe need to just figure out who the Bray character is and plan a story that fits. Resulting in Bray getting over huge.