Yo, Famous, Rell, you bitches think you are good!
I could rap better den you ni66az when I was young in my hood.
You both act like you gangster'ed coz your from the U.S or A
Well Im from New Zealand baby, so Tushay
You rapped to 3 rounds seeing who would win this War
Well Im here now people so Rell, Fam theres the door!
After this I hope you two don't still think you're cool
Because if you do then I will continue to take you to school!
^ There ends my first ever rap! If you don't like it then who gives a crap// if you liked it and thought it was great then come with me, no hate lets go have a good time and masterbate!(from MaJesty) :shifty:
hehe, I got pretty bored...I don't give a fuck if I suck tbh so diss me if you shall
(wiats for rell to diss him)