Ranked in order of interest:
1. Child's Play 2 - One of the more fun slasher sequels out there. They really captured what the series should be - gory deaths, funny one liners and not taking itself too serious.
2. Bride of Chucky - After the mess of Child's Play 3, the Chucky series came back in a huge way with this movie. The best part was that they brought the series back from death and made it fun for the mainstream audiences again. The addition of Jennifer Tilly as Chucky's wife was a great move to offer something a little different than just the same thing we've seen in the last two movies.
3. Child's Play - A very different movie from the others in the series. It plays out more as a thriller with the spotlight being on Andy's mom instead of on the wisecracking Chucky. It's a good movie, but Chucky sells the series. To downplay him makes it less fun for me.
4. Seed of Chucky - This movie doesn't get enough respect. More Jennifer Tilly action means more fun. The addition of Glen does turn the series into more of a comedy geared horror series, but as long as it's fun, I'm fine with that.
5. Child's Play 3 - This is only good for Chucky's one liners as all of the good guys are unlikable. While Child's Play 2 is a blueprint for how horror sequels should be, Child's Play 3 is an example of how most turn out.