I guess there is different ways to follow the product depending if you like spoilers.
1) (spoiler free $$) Buy the DVD's and PPV's and go to live shows. Depending where you live, ROH generally puts on a great live show. They hit most of the eastcoast martket. You can pretty easily follow the product with like one dvd every 6 weeks or so. Although normally ppl get a few at the you might go 2-3 months without watching any ROH.
2) (regular way) Newswires + Videowires are a good way to go, along with getting the shows. Newswires hype up the upcoming shows, and the video wires have highlights. I like to read results for the shows too. It doesnt spoil much because it doesnt get released to DVD for another 4 -5 weeks. So by the time i actually see it, the storylines can be 2-3 months behind. But the way they book their stuff. It might be 3 months behind, BUT with their format...its really like 2-3 weeks wwe/tna time. So when you do catch the shows, its pretty easy to pick up where you left off.
But live shows are the best, depending on your area.
1) (spoiler free $$) Buy the DVD's and PPV's and go to live shows. Depending where you live, ROH generally puts on a great live show. They hit most of the eastcoast martket. You can pretty easily follow the product with like one dvd every 6 weeks or so. Although normally ppl get a few at the you might go 2-3 months without watching any ROH.
2) (regular way) Newswires + Videowires are a good way to go, along with getting the shows. Newswires hype up the upcoming shows, and the video wires have highlights. I like to read results for the shows too. It doesnt spoil much because it doesnt get released to DVD for another 4 -5 weeks. So by the time i actually see it, the storylines can be 2-3 months behind. But the way they book their stuff. It might be 3 months behind, BUT with their format...its really like 2-3 weeks wwe/tna time. So when you do catch the shows, its pretty easy to pick up where you left off.
But live shows are the best, depending on your area.