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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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So I'm gonna be reviewing random feuds, matches wrestlers have had together and even title wins. It's just a Random thread of stuff I've downloaded but it's not full PPV's/Shows or stuff like that. Rock/Austin up first. Gimme 5 minutes.

I might even take requests.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
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Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock

WWF In Your House #19 “D-Generation X 1997†– WWF Intercontinental Championship: Steve Austin vs. The Rock (w/the Nation)
So the angle coming into this match was, Austin was forced to vacate the IC title due to Owen breaking his neck at SummerSlam. Also Austin cost Faarooq the IC title at the last PPV so Rock stole the title and started proclaiming himself the champ. The build to this also included the AEWSOME! Moment when Austin sent the 3:16 to Rocky beeper and the way Rock sold it in his facial expression was great. Fun, Fun, Fun match but too short. I’m guessing length was due to Austin’s injuries. Before the match the Rock gets on the mic and says “Finally the time has come for The Rock do defend his Intercontinental Title†that’s it :lmao Austin drives his black 3:16 truck down the aisle and attacks Rock, the bell has yet to ring so The nation attack him 4-1 style but that doesn’t last long and D’Lo gets backdropped into the windshield and takes a Stunner on the top AWESOME! Okay now the match officially begins and it’s the usual real good back-and-forth Rock/Austin chemistry until Rock tosses Austin to the floor. Kama tries a chair shot but knocks Faarooq out. Rock’s heat-segment was really fun for what is and him just starting to work heel. The match would end when Austin goes for a Stunner but Rock pushes him off, so Austin goes after Kama. The ref spins him around, so Austin Stuns the ref buy accident. Rock grabs the brass knuckles, but Austin Stuns him as a new ref comes in and counts three. **1/2

WWF WrestleMania XV - No Disqualification Match for the WWF Championship: The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
I think everyone knew from the time Rock turned heel at Survivor Series 1998 that this was gonna be the WM main event and everyone wanted to see it. Pretty sure the story here was Rock/Foley were killing themselves for at least 5 months with brutal matches trying to get the Rock over as this viscous corporate champion and it worked. As for Austin well he was feuding with the big dog, Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Vince screwed Austin out of the Rumble match, but Austin would later win a “Number one contenders, steel cage match†at St Valentines Massacre PPV, oh and the “Beer Bash†was part of the build to this match but no one cares about that still segment 8D Cole introduces JR as he gets to call the Main Event with Lawler. Vince McMahon was introduced as the special referee. Suddenly, the music of Shawn Michaels music started playing. He was the commissioner at the time that was a heel until the Corporation turned on him. Shawn gets on the mic and says "We can't have a WrestleMania without the Heartbreak Kid, can we?" If you buy a ticket you can also get your theme music played apparently. Now you know. Shawn says that Vince had to read the rule book, and that only one man can appoint an official at a WrestleMania and that one man was himself. He then tells Vince to get the hell out of their and don't let the door hit him in the ass on the way out. Rock comes out first, and then Austin who gets his ridiculous huge pop but he’s wearing a t-shit, silly Austin forgot his vest. As expected they brawl it out all over the arena and it’s AWESOME! But they did do this dangerous spot where, Rock gave Austin a back bodydrop with Austin's left leg hitting a spotlight/steel area. Man that really could of tore something; thankfully it wasn’t as bad as it looked. They continue to brawl all the way down to ringside and Austin drops Rock throat first onto the barrier around the ring and then an elbow on the Spanish table. The table didn't break. Austin did it again. The table broke. The finally roll back into the ring 10 minutes later :lmao and The Rock begins to take over but Austin wouldn’t stay down until the Rock hit a Rock Bottom of nowhere for two, it was a good near-fall though. Rock would then bring a steel chair from ringside; but Austin steals it but the Rock pulls referee Mike Chioda in between and he takes a brutal chair shot. Rock counters the Stunner and gets the chair back and works on Austin’s knee. As Austin struggles to get to his knees and another ref runs out, that would allow Rock to nails Austin in the head for a two count. Rock now begins to work on the head and neck knowing Austin’s past so begins to wear him down with chinlock and punches. Austin would begin to fight back with punches only for Austin to hit a Samoan Drop for two. Rock was frustrated so he gave Tim White a Rock Bottom. AWESOME! That moment of frustrating would allow Austin to hit the stunner and Rock sells it like only he can, ref Earl Hebner ran out for a count of two. Vince McMahon came out, so Austin flips him off and Rock low blows him. McMahon enters the ring and nails Hebner and they both stomp Austin. Mankind runs in wearing his spray-painted referee shirt, and decked Vince with a punch and Austin rolls up Rock for two. Austin then would hit the Lou Thesz press by Austin but Rock comes back with a clothesline and the Rock Bottom. But decides to not go for the cover instead, he tries the “People's Elbow†but that misses cause Austin moved out of the way. Rock blocked the kick, went for the Rock Bottom and Austin countered that for another stunner and the pin fall. Post-Match: Austin celebrates with the WWF Title and some beer for at least 7 minutes, hell he even gets Hebner involved :lmao Vince then decides enough is enough and gets in his face and Austin decks him. He hits the Stunner on McMahon in the ring. I loved the pace of the match, it was very Austin like with a ton of brawl and not many rest holds to slow the action down. One thing I love about the Austin/Rock matches is that they know how to have drama in everything they do and always have me on the edge of my seat; they also know how to work great near-falls. This is the weakest Rock/Austin WM match but it’s was off to a damn good start. ***1/2

WWF Backlash 1999 - No holds barred match for the WWF Championship: The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Okay so the build for the WM rematch was, Austin came out I think it was the next night on raw and demanded Vince give him the “Smoke Skull Title†But Shane instead gave it to the Rock and told Austin he would have to go through him to get it. And then I think they did the angle where Rock decided to give Austin some of his own medicine. So Rock showed up on a bridge with Austin’s Smoking Skull belt in tow, threatening to toss it in the river. Call back to 1997 :mark: Austin then goes after him and managed to find him on the bridge. They fight for a little bit and the Rock managed to dump Austin off the bridge and into the river, tossing the belt in after him :lmao good times. Maybe the next week Rock would hold funeral services for Austin and arrived at the arena, which featured a graveside and hearse, sporting the Smoking Skull belt, letting us know he had tossed a fake one in the river. Anyway, Austin who is PISSED! Decides to get some revenge and destroys Rock’s Lincoln Town car with Austin’s own monster truck. Shane McMahon is your special referee, and Vince has also decided he’s done with Austin and he wants Taker now. Shane also added a stipulation that “if Austin touches Shane, he loses his title automatically†As expected they brawl to start the match off again but it’s not as great as the WM fight, but the brawl does include Rock gives Austin a Rock Bottom through the Spanish announce table. He stars doing some commentary, and even grabs the cameraman’s camera, and starts filming Austin. Rock shows the crowd on the camera, but when he turns around; Austin is flipping him off, and then hits a Stunner. AMAZING! They finally get back into the ring after 12 minutes of brawling and Rock hits the Rock Bottom, but he can’t cover. Shane puts Rock on top of Austin and tries a fast count but Austin kicks out. Rock picks Austin up and holds him for Shane's to nail him in the head with the title but Austin ducks, and the Rock gets hit in the head. Rock being Rock he sells it like a shotgun shot to his head, Austin hits the Stunner, but Shane refuses to count. Shane gives Austin the finger and runs away. Austin goes after Shane, and here comes Vince with Earl Hebner and the Smoking Skull Belt. Shane talks some trash to Vince so he gets nailed by the title from Vince. That moment of allows Rock to hits Austin with the other belt but that gets 2 and makes for another great near-fall. He tries again, but Austin catches him with the Stunner for the win. Post-Match: Vince McMahon then throws Austin his smoking skull, I have this rated the same as the WM 15 match as it’s pretty much the same formula or AWESOME! Brawling, non-stop actions from the get go to go along with the great near-fall and good drama. But I will give this the slight edge that the middle was still hot and wasn't slow a tad like the WM one. ***1/2

WWF WrestleMania X-Seven - No Disqualification match for the WWF Championship: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock
If you know me you know I love this match with a passion, and it’s the reason why I love professional wrestling. Everything about it perfect, from the build with Austin winning the Rumble in January and even hating the most hate filled feud with Triple H, which WWE doesn’t want you to remember. Then you have the Rock who finally put an end to Kurt’s WWF title run. Part of the build to this was few weeks before this show, Vince McMahon named Austin’s wife Debra as the Rock’s manager. Rock said he wasn’t responsible for her, but Austin warned him that if anything happened to her, he was in trouble. Well, something did happen and Austin lost his shit leading to a brawl. But that wasn’t even the best part of the build. The best part was the sit-down interview between JR, Rock and Austin a couple of days prior 3/20 Smackdown I think is the date, WATCH! Austin made it clear to the world how much the championship meant to him and that he would do anything to feed his obsession and that kinda started the “Paranoid Rattlesnake†The reaction Austin gets here is absolutely insane, to the point that Austin and many people say he wished they called off the heel turn based on this reaction alone, or at least delay it until they were out of Texas. The Rock gets booed out of the building, and the crazy thing is it only got worse for him a year later in Toronto. Thankfully they didn’t call it off; the match starts off like every other Rock/Austin match a huge brawl. But this time they don’t go up the ramp mainly because the stage was so fuckin’ huge that fighting up and then back down would have taken at least 20 minutes, so that just go right at each other in the ring PUNCH FOR PUNCH! And even attempting to trade finishers 10 seconds into the match, Austin scores with a superplex for two; Austin removes the padding off the top turnbuckle but the Rock comes back with a belly-to-belly toss and clotheslines Austin over the top. They battle into the timekeeper’s area and referee Earl Hebner falls over the steel steps; Austin uses the distraction to nail the Rock with the ring bell. AWEOMSE! Rock even does a blade job. Austin tosses the Rock onto the announce table; it collapses which means they must have had something planned :lmao Back in the ring and Austin is just beating on him with fists and boots but Hebner keeps trying to cut off like he doesn’t want to see him get DQ’ed or something, Austin gets annoyed with Hebner and Rock uses the distraction to explode out of the corner with a clothesline. Rock begins to build momentum to a chorus of boos. Rock tosses Austin face-first into the exposed turnbuckle. Austin is now bleeding and the Rock now goes for the ring bell and clobbers Austin with it for a two count. The match continues to got back-and-forth at a high level until Austin slingshot’s the Rock into the ring post on the floor. They battle in the announce area which actually looks like a car wreck. Austin uses a television monitor to nail Rock in the head and Rock is opened up even more. THIS FUCKIN’ MATCH :mark: back in the ring and Austin tries to Stunner, but Rock turns that into a sharpshooter. And we get flashbacks of the Austin/Bret – WrestleMania 13 match; Austin makes the ropes. Rock goes for it again and Austin reverses into his own Sharpshooter; Rock eventually powers out. Austin begins to work the knees and replies the Sharpshooter but Rock makes the ropes. Now, Austin locks in the Million Dollar Dream cause he said he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win. But Rock knowing this does the run up the ropes, uses Bret Hart’s counter to get a pinning sequence from Survivor Series 1996, that’s no 4/10. Suddenly, Vince McMahon starts walking to the ring as both men are a bloody mess in the ring. Both men stagger to their feet, and Rock charges, but gets planted with a spinebuster for two. I love that after each close two count Austin gets more and more pissed and the desperation on his face is just magnificent. Rock spinebusters Austin and begins a comeback and hits the People’s Elbow but Mr. McMahon prevents the three count. Rock is astonished and chases McMahon… right into Steve Austin who hits a Rock Bottom Austin Bottom for a AWEOSME! near-fall. Rock counters a Stunner but sends Austin into Earl Hebner who falls to the floor. The shocking happens as McMahon and Austin team up to blast the Rock with a chair. Vince puts Hebnar back in the ring, but Rock is able to kick out at two. Austin goes for the chair again, but the Rock catches him with the Rock Bottom. Vince detains Hebner so he cannot count. Rock beats the crap out of Vince; and Austin hits Rock with a Stone Cold Stunner for a two count. The look on Austin’s face was priceless after that one. McMahon hands Austin the chair, and the Rock gets absolutely creamed, but again he kicks out at two. This time, Austin grabs the chair and beats Rock over and over again until he finally stays down for and Austin covers for the win. HOLY SHIT! Post-match: Austin does the unthinkable he shakes Mr. McMahon’s hand. They share a beer as Jim Ross is horrified. The Rock staggers to his feet, so Austin blasts him with one last belt shot just for the hell of it. I think what's most impressive about the match to me was it never slowed down. Neither guy stopped. It was full of action with memorable moments happening all the time. There wasn't a point in the match where you could say it was boring or slow. It didn't get boring ever. It continued to flow from the minute the bell rang until the match was over. I thought each guy was phenomenal, which is no surprise when you're talking about guys that are the calibre of Austin and Rock. I don't know if Rock was ever better than his performance here. His chemistry with Austin was always amazing. They had several good matches before this, no doubt. It's just that this one went up another level. His bumping was phenomenal and the heart he showed in kicking out after all the punishment made him look more of a champ than he already was in the eyes of the fans. He took a beating, yet he kept on coming. The work Austin did here was the real story. He was, simply put, a machine. There was nothing flawed in his performance. The crowd was cheering him, but he wrestled as aggressively and as viciously as the best heels of any generation. The facial expressions he used when he couldn't pin were great. I loved how he sold the Rock's late kick out by yelling "Shit!" repeatedly because he was frustrated that he couldn't put him away. You could look in his eyes to see the emotion. And the story of Austin drifting into his new paranoid heel persona was top notch. Even with the overbooked finish this was still a flat-out awesome battle with non-stop action and drama and some great stuff from both guys. *****

WWF Rebellion 2001 - WWF Championship: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock
This really didn’t have much of a build apart from Rock seeking revenge for WM X-Seven and this is part of the WCW/ECW vs. WWF story. As always Austin waste no time taking it to Rock, and they brawl all over the arena. The brawl lasts around 10 minutes just like the others, until Austin rolls Rock back in the ring and being the more dominant they are back in the ring. But Rock’s mini-comebacks are great, just full of energy. The go up onto the announce table and Austin wants a piledriver, but Rock low blows him. Austin chokes him with some camera cables and they chop each other, he then front suplexs on Rock on the announce table. Rock’s knee is hurt, and he’s trying to crawl back in the ring. Back in Austin with some bad knees and he chokes away. During the match I did notice Austin was working like 6 different body parts throughout the whole match and had no idea which one he wanted to stick with so that made Rock’s selling look spotty and a mess. They continue to go back-and-forth for a while until Austin whipped into the referee, and Rock clotheslines the ref down inadvertently. Austin then tries a stunner but that gets blocked, and Rock gets a spinebuster, Rock goes to check on the ref, so Austin gets the Sharpshooter now. Angle comes down to the ring with a chair in hand and whacks The Rock across the back with it, which leads to Jericho taking down Angle, getting the chair off of him and throwing him out of the ring. The Rock gets to his feet and see’s Jericho with the chair, a look of disbelief painted across his face. They start going at it, and Rock gets the better of Jericho and there’s nobody to help Rock when Angle hits him with the belt and Austin hits the Stunner for the win. ***1/4

WWE WrestleMania XIX - The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
The story here is “HOLLYWOOD†Rock has accomplished everything in wrestling except beat Stone Cold Steve Austin @ WrestlerMania he’s currently 0-2 in mania matches against him and is currently 0-6 all-time against Austin in one-on-one matches :lmao But it that build wasn’t good enough for you Rock had the Rock in concert on the go-home edition of Raw :mark: But not everything was good news here as Austin suffered a panic attack the night before and spent the previous night in the hospital, but knowing this was his final match was able to gut this one out :( Austin’s entrance still gives me Goosebumps, it’s just the visual of the camera behind Austin and you see him taking that final walk down that aisle. Rock’s Hollywood theme is pretty great two, no brawl to start was mad weird but I liked it as Rocky knew every time he played into Austin’s game of brawling he lost so as soon as he felt Austin starting to control the match he would bail to the outside and Austin goes out after him meeting him in the aisle with a clothesline. Austin fires Rock into the guardrail, and then to the ringsteps, and Austin follows up dropping Rock on the security wall. A clothesline from Austin sends Rock into the Smackdown table, and Austin again drops Rock on the security wall. Austin then whips Rock into the ringsteps, and then fires him back into the ring. Austin continues to assault him until Earl Hebner gets in his face allowing Rock to clip the knee. Austin bails to the floor, and Rock sneaks out with another chop block. Rock slams the front of the left knee on the Smackdown announce table. Back in the ring, Rock stomps on the left knee. He drags him around the post where he wraps it around. In the middle of the ring, Austin comes back with a flurry of punches, but Rock gets control again thanks to a hard kick to the left knee again. Sharpshooter by The Rock near the ropes. Austin gets to the ropes after about a minute. Rock wraps Austin's leg around the ring post again. He puts on Austin's vest, grabs a bottle of water and takes a drink and Lawler calls it “Hollywood water†Anyway the cockiness of the Rock allows Austin to begin his comeback and totally ignores or forgets the knees, I know he was nervous but C’MON! Austin that’s wrestling 101. Rock ducks a clothesline, and hits a leaping clothesline of his own. When he gets up, Rock nips up and taunts the crowd by clapping and pointing at his head, I remember you could do that in “Here Comes The Pain†:mark: Anyway once Rock is done taunting the crowd, turns around and walks into a Rock Bottom from Austin for two. Rock still has the vest on. Austin goes for a Stunner; Rock blocks the kick and hits his own Stunner for a two. Rock hits three punches in a row and on the fourth Austin ducks and scores with the stunner but Rock kicks out at two. Austin throws the referee out of the way, and Rock delivers a low blow to regain control. Rock goes for the peoples elbow, but that misses. Austin goes for the stunner, but Rock blocks it and delivers a spinebuster. Rock finally takes off Austin’s vest, and delivers the peoples elbow, which gets a two count. Rock delivers a Rock Bottom, but Austin again kicks out at two. Rock gets in position, but Austin spins out. And Rock regains control and hits another Rock Bottom for a two count. HOLY SHIT! Austin finally gets to his feet again and turns into a third Rock Bottom and that finally gets the win for the Rock. Post-match: Rock right next to or is it over top of Austin and they exchanged some words. It was a mutual respect. Rock then goes out of the ring into the crowd and greets his mother and then wife before leaving Austin to have his moment in the ring. Really AMAZING! Way to finish this rivalry, both men just went out and did something that they didn’t do in their previous match and spent the majority of the match without resorting to a lot of brawling. Most of it was done in the ring. I think they proved once again why they can always have good matches together. ****1/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

WWF In Your House 17 "Ground Zero" - The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Ahhhh the forgotten Taker/Michaels match, you know it's true. And why would you remember it was just an angle advancement match to add fuel to the fire and to show that the real blow off match that would be HIAC. This was also just here to show Michaels' new dick heel persona as well as putting over his new allegiance with Rude, HHH and Chyna. But with that being said it's still a fun match. I will say this the first 10 minutes of still is Rock/Austin great so Michaels makes his way down to the ring, but his pyro was out of sync so he does the jerk off sign to the guys backstage. Then Taker makes his way down to the ring and Shawn uses referee Jack Doan as a shield and tosses him into Taker so he punches the referee out and stalks Shawn. Michaels runs away, complaining to Vince McMahon for booking this match, Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter forces him back towards the ring where the Undertaker tosses the referee’s carcass out onto Shawn. That would lead to Michaels bumping like a fuckin' god in this, the start of the match was Taker beating living shit out of Michaels; in the ring, outside the ring, on the ramp, down the ramp which included the most hilarious Michaels sell/roll down the ramp bump ever, all that before the match even gets started. So that’s pretty much 10 minutes, but when the do finally get in the ring Shawn starts playing the coward heel but takes shorts that work for a split second, but in the end it just causes Taker to get extra pissed off and further dig Michaels grave. So Michaels resorts to trying to out-wrestle Taker but again Taker stuffs it and begins to work on the arm for some old school. Shawn tries to run away, but Taker yanks his tights down. Shawn desperately hits a swinging neckbreaker to buy time. Taker sits-up so Michaels runs to the floor again, this time he acquires a chair, but Taker boots it out of his hands. Earl stops the Taker from using the chair and gets bumped when Shawn attacks from behind. Shawn hits the Flying Elbow Drop, but the ref is slow to count and when Taker kick out sends Shawn onto the referee knocking him out again as Rick Rude heads to ringside. Rude gives Shawn brass knuckles, as if the chair was not enough, HBK clobbers Taker with the knuckles; Triple H and Chyna bring a third official to the ring and he counts two. Shawn nails Chioda out of frustration; Helmsley gets in shots on the Taker on the floor and then he and Chyna toss Taker over the steps. Michaels wraps a cord around Taker’s throat and Hunter stomps away. They toss Taker back into the ring, he quickly recovers and almost lands a Tombstone but Shawn slips out and tries Sweet Chin Music but Taker grabs the boot and goozle-tosses Shawn into the turnbuckles. Taker retrieves the brass knuckles from Shawn’s tights and knocks him out with them. He goes for a cover but Michaels kicks out, so Taker chokeslams Earl for counting slow :lmao Tim White calls for the bell and disqualifies both men. Taker decides he’s not done so he chokeslams Hunter into Shawn and then tosses Helmsley to the floor but Shawn is able to hit a superkick tying the Undertaker in the ropes. Chyna grabs a chair and hands it to Shawn as Hunter punches the ref down, Shawn charges Undertaker with the chair but meets Taker’s boot and he frees himself. Undertaker dismantles both Shawn and Triple H. He tries another Tombstone but Triple H breaks it up. And officials run in; Shawn nails Pat Patterson and Jerry Brisco but the Undertaker manages a Tombstone to Triple H. Shawn attacks him from behind, as the locker room try to break it up. Anyway, they manage to hold the Undertaker back. But that doesn’t last long and Taker frees himself does the no-hands plancha over the top rope on to Michaels and other wrestlers. ***3/4

WWF In Your House 18 "Badd Blood" - Hell In A Cell Match: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
We all know the story behind this, at Summer Slam Shawn cost Taker the World Championship then turned heel 2/3 weeks later and when he hit Taker in the head with a chair and formed DX with Hunter, Chyna and Rude. Then they would have that chaotic brawl at “Ground Zeroâ€￾ see above which would lead to this match. So the next logical step was a cage match to pretty much to make sure Shawn couldn't/wouldn't be able to escape. Shawn was European Champion at this point the feud was above it so it's not on the line. Also what many of you might/don’t know this was also for the #1 contender slot for the WWF World Title, with a title match slated for Survivor Series. There is not a thing wrong with this match. The psychology in this match mirrored the action in the ring, It was intense, the buildup was great just all kinds of violence, everything fit perfectly in the match. This was the match of the year for 1997, establishes HBK as the escaping pussy heel who will do anything for his body to make a 5-star match, and Taker was built to look like a badass beast that if you piss him off your gonna DIE. The story of the match is simple Taker knows Shawn is trapped in this magnificent stricter with him so he’s gonna kill him, and Shawn is the resilient piece of shit that deserves to die “Keyfabeâ€￾ but he’s gonna do everything he can to outlast Taker. The match starts with D-Generation X leaves the ring as the cell begins to lower. The door is locked by referee Earl Hebner at Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter’s request as Shawn begins to panic; he then ejects Hunter, Chyna and Rude from ringside. Taker slowly stalks HBK around the ring as the bell rings; Shawn tries to run the ropes but gets a big boot in the face. The next few minutes is pretty much Taker methodically pick apart Shawn, by tossing him into the turnbuckles, out of the ring and into the steel mesh then hitting a big power move. Michaels tries to fight back, punching in the corner, Taker reverses a cross-corner whip and Shawn sails upside down in the corner. He strikes Shawn with trapped shoulderblocks and drops the Ropewalk Forearm. Undertaker slams Shawn and drops a big leg for a two count; a high angle backdrop sees Shawn bang his feet on the roof of the cell nearly causing him to land on his head. Taker misses a lariat but Michaels cannot capitalize because Taker immediately nails him and sends him over the top to the floor, nearly in to the cell. Taker choke lifts Shawn into the cell, nearly taking out a cameraman in the cell, Shawn uses the distraction to attempt to climb the cage to get away but Taker catches him and flings him off the cell by his tights. Taker sets up for a powerbomb on the floor, but Shawn grabs the cage to secure himself but the Undertaker shrugs it off and powerbomb-rams Michaels into the cage a few times. A few minutes later when Shawn gains control he climbs the cage to drop an elbow and then runs off the apron with a diving clothesline onto the Undertaker; Michaels dismantles the steps and slams them onto Taker’s back a few times. He then PILEDRIVES! the Undertaker onto the steel steps and follows up with a ringpost assisted stomp. Taker finally gets back into the ring and Shawn retreats and goes for the steel steps again and lays Taker out with it in the back a few times but it only gets a nearfall. Michaels ties him in the ropes just throws lefts and rights for as long as he can before Hebner breaks it up. so Shawn pushes him aside and heads back over for more punishment but Taker has recovered and boots the incoming Michaels in the face. Taker backdrops Shawn over the top onto a cameraman, Michaels is pissed, so he kicks the crap out of the cameraman :lmao I guess he’s frustration. Anyway, Slaughter comes down to ringside and they unlock cell to get medical help for the cameraman; but while that is happening in the ring Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music but the Undertaker no-sells it and sits up (I will say Michaels facial expression selling the disbelief is AWESOME!) Shawn freaks out and sees the door is open so he charges out, but the problem is Taker is right behind him and he’s able to slingshots Michaels into the cell, with his head hitting the metal pool holding the cage together. Well that busts Michaels open and he his bleeding bad it’s might be the 2nd best I don’t know if it’s even a blade job but I’m gonna call it “busted openâ€￾ moment in WWE. Taker adds to it, by using Michaels as a human javelining and starts ramming his head back into the cage a few times. On the forth try Shawn slips out and kicks Taker in the balls to get some breathing room and climbs to the top of the cell so Taker follows him up. They fight on the top of the cell, Shawn tries to piledrive him on top of the cell, but he gets backdropped. Taker cheese-grates Shawn’s face in the chain links causing blood to drip down onto the camera lens below AWESOME! Taker then press slams Michaels onto the cage. And Shawn desperately tries to escape down the other side of the cell but Taker being the dick that he is stomps on Shawn’s hand which forces him to lose his grip on the cell and he comes crashing through the announce table. Taker follows him down and decides that that wasn’t enough so he press slams HBK onto the remains of the table; and begins to drag him back into the cell and the door is locked again. He chokeslams Shawn off the top-rope; but again decides it’s time to get a little revenge so he goes down to the floor and brings a chair into the ring AND KILLS SHAWN! The Undertaker gives the throat-cut taunt but the lights go out and Paul Bearer comes out, and with him…in the immortal words of Vince McMahon, “That’s gotta be…That’s gotta be KANE!â€￾ Kane, Undertaker’s long lost brother makes his debut. He rips the door to the cell off the hinges, hits the pyro on all four corner posts, Kane grabs Taker and hits him with his own move, the Tombstone. Paul Bearer tosses some water onto the referee to revive him; Shawn crawls out of a puddle of his own blood and drapes his arm across the Undertaker as Hebner counts to three. *****

WWF Royal Rumble 1998 - Casket Match for the WWE Championship: The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
I actually don’t remember the build to this at all, except for the Raw before this Taker was in the ring getting beaten down by DX and out of nowhere Kane came charging to the ring and tossed HBK and Triple H out, saving his brother. Kane left the ring and was out on the top of the ramp when he decided turn around and offer his hand to big brother. The match starts off like always with Shawn trying to avoid the Undertaker as much as possible but also adding quick punches to keep pissing him off. He keeps charging in the corner and getting tossed off. Shawn springboards out of the corner but gets caught in a double choke lift, he press slam Shawn into the casket but he counters. Undertaker backdrops HBK over the casket but he catches his lower back on the edge. OH SHIT! His career just ended 3 minutes into the match. Taker tosses HBK into the ringpost and press-slams him on the floor. Undertaker pummels HBK in the corner and sends him upside down and out on the other, taking a cameraman out with him (JESUS! No cameraman is safe when these two lock up, I wonder if it’s the same man that was in the cell?) They do a spot where Taker gets all of Shawn in the casket, but Shawn pops out of the casket with power in Undertaker’s eyes and that allows Shawn to finally take over and string some moves together. Which included a moonsault press, clotheslines him to the floor, skins-the-cat back in but Taker drags him out anyway. Taker dominates out there until Shawn sends his knees through the steel steps. He then picks the steps up and smashes it on Takers back, a few times then he PILEDRIVES Undertaker onto the steps. Shawn rolls the Undertaker into the casket but fights his way out and sends Shawn over the top back into the ring and nails Helmsley. HBK manages a swinging neckbreaker to stay on top. HBK hits the flying burrito and kips up. He hits the elbow drop and calls for Sweet Chin Music and hits it. He rolls Taker into the casket and gloats with the crotch chop so Taker grabs him with the testicular claw and escapes :lmao Undertaker hits a high-angle backdrop and sends Shawn upside down in the corner again. Big boot but Shawn avoids the 360 clothesline and Undertaker winds up in the casket. Shawn follows him in via a top rope elbow drop INTO the casket. For some reason, the referee closes the lid with BOTH of them inside. HBK tries to escape but then gets dragged back into the casket by the Undertaker. Both escape and Undertaker Tombstones him off the apron into the casket OH SHIT! Suddenly, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and Los Boricuas run down and assault The Deadman until the lights go out and Kane comes down and clears the ring but TURNS ON THE UNDERTAKER! He chokeslams Undertaker into the casket and DX closes the lid to give Shawn Michaels the win. Post-match: Paul Bearer comes down with helping Kane in padlocking the casket. They wheel the casket up the ramp, where Kane whacks it a few times with an axe and then set it on fire. After they put the fire out and look inside the Undertaker is gone. Taker speaks over the PA system saying he will not rest in peace; just like the 1994 Royal Rumble. Damn this was a Solid match until the booking at the 94 casket match came in but at least this one had a slightly better execution. But other than that this is a really fun and fast paced brawl match. ***3/4

BONUS! WWE Royal Rumble 2007
So the video file cuts in progress of the match to Taker #30 entrance. Khali is the only man standing, Undertaker punches away at him. But Khali comes back with a brain chop, but just makes Taker want more so he still punches away. Undertaker punches him against the ropes and tries a clothesline but won't go so Taker keeps pushing until finally Khali over, Old school to MVP and then Taker throws him out. MVP gets a chair and tries to bring it in. The ref stops him but Orton gets the chair and he drills Undertaker in the head with it. He turns his back to Edge, who is sizing him up for a Spear and as he goes to deliver it Orton turns around for the chair and Edge stops and says Orton has the wrong idea. They argue, and Michaels comes walking over and Orton catches him with this beautiful RKO and he falls out to the floor under the bottom rope. Rated RKO go after Undertaker, who is busted open from the chair shot. Taker manages to overpower them, hitting all of his clotheslines. There's a double clothesline. Snake eyes to Edge, then the big boot. Edge spears Undertaker just as he was about to chokeslam Orton, then Edge nails Taker again in the head with a chair. He grabs another chair to set him up for the con-chair-to. Michaels back up, back body drop sends Orton out and Michaels hits a superkick to send Edge out. OH SHIT! Undertaker sits up, Michaels kips up :mark: Undertaker charges, Shawn ducks and the boot sends him on the apron. He fights Shawn off as they both get back in. They slug it out as the "HBK" chant builds but he runs into a big boot from Taker, he tries to front suplex Shawn over the top but he lands on the apron. HBK cuts him off and sends Taker into the turnbuckle. He goes up top, Undertaker follows and wants to toss him out to the floor, but that doesn't work. Shawn ends up hitting the elbow drop. Superkick attempt...NO! Taker caught the foot. Chokeslam, he then signals for the Tombstone...NO! Sweet Chin Music knocks Taker down. AMAZING! Michaels goes for a 2nd superkick, but Undertaker ducks it and lifts him over the top for the elimination.

WWE WrestleMania XXV - The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
This match right here, oh boy. I loved the entrances from Shawn coming down in this elevator all in white with this lighter version of Taker's theme before Sexyboy hits then Taker coming up from the depths of hell, WHAT? It’s not as good as the 26 coming up from hell cause that one had freakin’ green lasers. But this was just as enjoyable. Now on to the match, the opening Saw Shawn sticking and moving using his quickness to piss off taker and possible but doubt in Takers head that “Maybe He Can’t beat Shawnâ€￾ Shawn FAKING! A knee injury 4 minutes in was hilarious, but Taker used that as motivation for when he was on offense just to beat the shit out of him. Michaels’ bumping in this match was AWESOME! A couple of minutes later Taker would miss the running big boot in the corner which would allow Michaels to begin working on the leg with a figure-four but Taker had an great break up for it, he would pull HBK towards him and punch him in the face. Takers selling post that, was spotty as fuck as he would do a bunch of power moves then remember he had his legs worked on slap it one then time and that’s all it took for the knee to be fine now. Another thing I like was it was probably mid match when Taker is going for the chokeslam but Michaels counter into the crossface and has him locked in it for at least a minute but Taker would get out of it and hit a side walk slam. They do some more great back and forth action, and they do another AWESOME! Spots where Shawn goes to hit SCM out of nowhere but Taker just falls onto his back out of instants and to ensure he doesn’t get hit by it so Michaels’ goes for the figure-four again but Taker counter that into “Hell’s Gateâ€￾ Michaels ends up getting to the ropes and the fight on the outside. SHIT BEGINS TO GET REAL! First Michaels misses a moonsault or it looks like Taker just shoves him away in mid-move but then seconds later, Taker goes for the Vintage dive but Michaels pulls a camera man in front of him to take the full attack BUT! They completely miss where the dive is gonna be so Taker lands on his FUCKIN’ HEAD AND NECK, I’m shocked he didn’t break hi fuckin’ neck on that. I love the rest spot they used to cover up that Taker might be dead as the whole crowd is pretty much silent at this point and they just look at Taker on the floor, so Shawn asks the ref to count him out and he does. This is when they get the crowd back into it as they begin to get louder-and-louder as Taker slowly makes it back to the ring. AND NOW THE MATCH GETS FUCKIN’ EPIC AS THEY BEGIN TO TRADE FINISHERS! So Taker makes it in to the ring on the 9 count and Michaels goes for SWEET CHIN MUSIC but Taker grabs the throat and delivers a chokeslam for a great near-fall. Minutes later Michaels again goes for SWEET CHIN MUSIC but Taker again grabs the throat but this time Michaels’ slaps the hand away and hits a superkick. Oh shit the Last Ride counter into the sunset flip just for Taker to grab Michaels with both hands and back to his and nail the last ride was another awesome false-finish. But shit gets even great with probably the best false-finish I’ve ever seen okay Taker throws Michaels’ over the top rope and Michaels being Michaels’ has to do the skinning the cat thing and try to come over the ropes again, well Taker sees this and catches him in mid-move in the tombstone position and Michaels’ try’s to fight him off but that doesn’t work and he hits the tombstone but Michaels kicks out at the very last Millie second. TAKER’S FACE SOLD IT TREMENDOUSLY. Oh then they ruin the awesome stretch but countering the tombstone into the DDT but Taker didn’t hit his head at all and Michaels took all the punishment on the back. The Michaels tuning up the back and actually delivering some more SWEET CHIN MUSIC which was a hell of a false-finish too. The match would end when they would trade offenses but Michaels would get the better of the two but he would go up to the rope and attempt the moonsault from the top but Taker would catch him in the tombstone position and connect with it for the 3 count and the win. HOLY SHIT! The finish was ridiculously smart and it helped the rematch the following year with the story of Shawn wrestling a near perfect match but made that one mistake and it costs him immortality. ****3/4

WWE Wrestlemania XXVI - The Streak vs. The Career: The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
The story behind this is at the WWE Slammy awards HBK/Taker won MOTY for that WM 25 match and Shawn accepted the award on his behalf. He then openly challenged Taker again but I think that was turned down so, he was determined to win the 2010 Royal Rumble so he could face Undertaker the then World Championship at WrestleMania and break the streak but obviously he didn’t win Edge did. Shawn became obsessed with ending Undertaker’s streak it even put a strain on his friendship with Triple H. Undertaker continued to refuse to grant HBK the title shot at WrestleMania. So Shawn cost Undertaker the World Championship at Elimination Chamber, but coming out from under one of the steel floors and super kicking Taker allowing his long-time rival Jericho to win the title. Well that finally got The Undertaker’s attention he got his match at WrestleMania on one condition; Shawn put his career up against Undertaker’s streak. So, if Shawn Michaels loses here he retires. Shawn drops the line “If I can’t beat you at WrestleMania, I have no careerâ€￾ Or if you don’t want to read that first part HBK vs Undertaker WM26 Promo (Running up that Hill) - YouTube SO MUCH SEX! Before I talk about the match I just wanna say IN MY OPINION, these two were born for each other and have maybe top 5 all time in terms of chemistry in the ring. It’s the reason god created these two he made Shawn for Taker, just like he made the Rock for Austin, he made Steamboat for Flair and he made Rey for Eddie. This was arguably the most anticipated match in WWE since Austin/Rock WM X-Seven. Undertaker has his greatest entrance to date here as he comes up from the depths of hell and has PURPLE FUCKIN’ LASERS around him. They start with an epic stare down and Shawn mocks the Undertaker’s throat-cut taunt and lays in the chops, but his corner whip is reversed and he takes Snake Eyes and a big boot. Taker goes for Old School, but Shawn holds him down, although Taker does get it on the second try. But on the way down Taker land awkwardly on the knee and starts selling it, He tries the Chokeslam, but he can’t hold Shawn up because of the knee. Shawn starts kicking at the knee, Taker rams Shawn to the buckle to regain control and sets up the Tombstone, but Shawn escapes and goes for a crossface, but that doesn’t work but Shawn nearly pulls off a superkick but Taker backs off just in time. This time, however Shawn notices him hobbling on the knee so Shawn works it over in the corner. Shawn in control but he gets clotheslined over the top to the floor, Taker then considers the no hands plancha dive over the top, but Shawn cuts him off and runs his body straight into Taker’s bad knee. Figure-four attempt; Undertaker’s counter sends HBK over the top again. Taker joins him on the floor this time where he drives HBK into the steel post, back first; apron guillotine legdrop by the Undertaker. Back in the ring Shawn finally manages to lock in the figure-four on the bad knee; Taker eventually reverses. Shawn hits the Flying Forearm and kips up into the Chokeslam! For an AWESOME near-fall, Taker then tries the Tombstone again, but Shawn crawls down Taker’s body for the anklelock! Shawn even grapevines the leg, showing he will do whatever it takes to win. But Taker kicks Shawn off and Michaels comes back with Cactus clothesline over the top :mark: Shawn wants the springboard splash, but Undertaker catches him and delivers a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ON THE FLOOR! He takes a while to get Shawn in the ring though, and when he finally covers, Shawn kicks out at 2. Now he goes for the Last Ride, but Shawn counters into a facebuster Shawn goes up top for the elbow, but Taker gets the knees up, and then catches Shawn in Hell’s Gate’s. Shawn rolls on top though and gets 2 before Taker is forced to break to avoid being pinned. Sweet Chin Music OUT OF NOWHERE! But that only gets 2, Shawn tunes up the band; but Undertaker blocks into a Last Ride and that gets a 2. Taker tosses Shawn to the floor he then tries to Last Ride him through the table but Shawn wriggles free and superkicks Taker onto the table. Shawn hits a top-rope moonsault putting Undertaker through the table. THIS IS AWESOME! The finally get back in the ring, where Michaels delivers some more SWEET CHIN MUSIC! But Taker kicks out after 2. Shawn tries another superkick but that gets countered into a chokeslam. TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! For the best near-fall of the match, and DOWN COME THE STRAPS! Taker then goes for the cut-throat taunt but stops midway like he doesn’t want to do it, he doesn’t want to be the guy that ends it. So he yells to Shawn “stay downâ€￾, Undertaker stands over Shawn and lets him get to his feet by using his own body to pull himself up. Shawn, ever so defiant to the end, gives him the cut-throat gesture and slaps him asks him full begging Taker to end it. So Taker is like alright you want it this way you got it, and delivers a JUMPING TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! For the win. Post-match: Taker gets hit 18-0 celebration, then helps Shawn up and they share a hug. He leaves Shawn Michaels alone in the ring to have his moment. The crowd gives Shawn the ovation he deserves as tears run down his face. He says goodbye to the fans as the ovation grows louder, and it was one of the most emotional moments in wrestling history. I loved the story of Taker injuring the knee early and selling it throughout he also changed his game-plan a little. They played off some spots from the previous year and even took some of what Michaels/Flair did just 2 years ago, with the “I’m Sorry, I Love You,â€￾ but this time it was Shawn slapping Taker just before having his career ended was perfect. ****3/4


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Good start.

I agree that the Mania 15 match was Rock/Austin's weakest and did like the Backlash rematch more, but like you like Mania 17 match most of all. The two always had great chelmstry.

Same with Undertaker and Shawn who saved the very best for last. The first ever HITC match is also a stand out moment in their early feud mind. Would say the Casket match is maybe their weakest. Did they not meet in 92 or something early in HBK's singles career? Maybe your not counting that as it was a one off match.

My request is Flair VS. Steamboat, make sure you include the Spring Stampede match too.


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Jun 20, 2012
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Pretty good man. I am just gonna give you a random ass request off the top of my head.

Triple H vs. Mick Foley (cactus jack)


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Good start.

I agree that the Mania 15 match was Rock/Austin's weakest and did like the Backlash rematch more, but like you like Mania 17 match most of all. The two always had great chelmstry.

Same with Undertaker and Shawn who saved the very best for last. The first ever HITC match is also a stand out moment in their early feud mind. Would say the Casket match is maybe their weakest. Did they not meet in 92 or something early in HBK's singles career? Maybe your not counting that as it was a one off match.

My request is Flair VS. Steamboat, make sure you include the Spring Stampede match too.

I think that was Bret but I'm not 100% sure cause the pack I dloaded was just PPV matches. Yeah I was gonna do Flair/Steamboat next but I'm just looking for the pre-1989 matches.

Pretty good man. I am just gonna give you a random ass request off the top of my head.

Triple H vs. Mick Foley (cactus jack)

I'll jump on that too.


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Apr 16, 2013
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This thread definitely needs Cena/Angle 8D

All jokes aside I like the concept of this thread. A good choice to have Austin/Rock start off. I've never actually watched the Wrestlemania 15 match they had but I probably should just for novelty sakes, although it's good to know that it's probably one of their more weaker matches they've had. And I never knew that Taker/HBK had so little matches together, but I guess that's technically not a bad thing since they produced soooo many good matches over the years.

Can't wait to see Flair/Steamboat!


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Jake “The Snake” Roberts vs. Randy Savage

SummerSlam 1991 – Savage & Liz’s Wedding Reception
We are backstage in a room, and we have a live band and we see wrestlers shaking hands and other no bodies. Mean Gene even gives a little toast, first kiss and now the first dance. We then cut to them cutting the cake and Liz feeds him and he does the same AWWWWW! I was disappointed that the ladies didn’t fight over the bouquet. Next we see Randy opening the gifts and Liz tells him they should wait but he doesn’t listen :lmao, first gift is a blender. Liz jumps on and they open candles. Liz does to open the 2nd gift and a SNAKE jumps out OH SHIT! Taker jumps Randy from behind and Jake waves the cobra right in front of her as she screams. Then out of nowhere Big Sid Justice makes the save by hitting Jake in the back with a wooden chair and stares down Undertaker and Jake.

One and a half months later.

Superstars 11/23/1991 – Miss Elizabeth Interview
Miss Elizabeth is backstage and she begs Jack Tunney that her husband, Randy Savage, should be reinstated. The fans are helping out chanting “RE-IN-STATE.”

Superstars 11/23/1991 - Jake “The Snake” Roberts vs. Bob Werner
Randy, Piper and Vince are on commentary for this and this goes around a minute and it’s all Randy, as he hits a DDT 40 seconds in for the win. Post-Match: Jake grabs the mic, and says he almost looked up to Macho Man at a time in his life as an IC Champion and a former WWF Champion. He almost envied him, but now he looks at him and he thinks Savage has grown soft hiding behind his woman and that desk. Jake then tells him to borrow Piper's skirt if he needs to, and Macho can’t take it anymore and heads to the ring, “to get a closer look.” Macho actually goes to the apron and the official at ringside try to stop it. Jake says common sense and fear are stopping Savage from doing anything, as he’s about to go into the ring official grab his leg allowing Jack to jump on him. He clothesline Savage down on the apron, he brings him into the ring and ties him up on the bottom two ropes. Jake takes out this huge Cobra snake and WAVES IT AROUND AND THE COBRA BITES SAVAGE ON THE ARM HOLY SHIT! NOOOOOOO! I have the censored version :( Piper runs out as does Liz and a bunch of agents and referees. EMTs come out and they get Savage out and they get Jake and the cobra away. Vince losing his shit on commentary was gold. There’s a great shot of a kid crying at ringside.

OH SHIT! The person who made this pack added the UNCENSORED ONE :mark: http://i43.tinypic.com/30t2xko.gif

Survivor Series 1991 - Jack Tunney Announces Reinstatement of Randy Savage
We get an uncensored version of the snake bite segment that happen on Superstars. Tunney is at his office and he accepts full responsibility of what happen and he’s banned all reptiles from ringside. He says RANDY SAVAGE WILL BE REINSTATED AND WILL RETURN THIS TUESDAY IN TEXAS! He will face Jake Roberts, who has been pulled from his match tonight as punishment for his actions last weekend.

Survivor Series 1991 - Randy Savage Interview
Mean Gene introduces the reinstated Randy Savage. Gene talks about Tuesday in Texas and says 97% of people voted to have Macho reinstated. Savage says he was delirious and it was a living hell and he couldn't see or hear. But the one thing he could see and could hear was Elizabeth crying, and that hurt him worse than anything Jake Roberts could do to him. Gene ask bout Liz, so Randy brings her out and she thanks all the people that helped get Randy reinstated.

Survivor Series 1991 - Jake Roberts Interview
Back on the stage, Gene brings out Jake “The Snake” Roberts. Gene talks about the snake incident and Jake says trust me it was a “accident” :lmao Gene asks him if the snake was devenomized and Jake’s reply “He says cross his heart and hope to die” Gene asks if he knows the anguish he caused Randy and Elizabeth, and Jake says "Yeah, it got me excited a little bit. I thought about it for a long time..." :lmao Gene says some people think Jake should be gone from the WWF and brings up the match on Tuesday. Jake says he's not the original sinner, and he spoke to God this morning, and he doesn't like him, and the people who voted for Savage, Jack Tunney, and the WWF are just as much to blame for what's going to happen. Gene brings up how the snake is barred and Jake laughs. He says it's hard to believe that after 6 years, you people haven't caught on yet. "The thing in the bag was simply a toy, something to amuse myself with. I've always been the snake you should worry about!" OH MY FUCKIN’ GOD! This guy is money. Anyways, he says he's surprised anyone can be that ignorant because Tuesday in Texas, Elizabeth has a ticket and tells her not to be shy and she has a one-way ticket to the other side. He says not to expect the prince to wake the princess with a kiss because it's not the end. It's not the beginning and it's not even the beginning of the end. Yet, the end of the beginning.

This Tuesday In Texas 12/03/1991- Jake “The Snake” Roberts Interview
Sean Mooney is with Jake Roberts in the locker rooms, Mooney says he saw Randy earlier on and he can’t wait to get his hands on Jake. Jake says the last time he saw Randy he was flailing on the ground like a small child, drowning in the poison running through his own veins. He says his eyes are black holes, the snake's eyes were cold and deliberate and devilish. Savage's eyes? They were gone, he was out of it. But he enjoyed Elizabeth's eyes the most. Such small pupils, intent and frightened for the man she loves. And what a rush he got from that. Up and down his back, hell he had Goosebumps. As for Jack Tunne? Well He is to blame for what happens tonight after giving putting Randy Savage in a match, and he may as well have given him full permission. Snake or not.

Elsewhere, Mean Gene is with Randy Savage and a nervous Miss Elizabeth. Randy cuts Gene off and cuts a promo about trust, fear and the snake. I think, IDK! I know the “YEAH!” word count was 48. Oh and he says he’s gonna come off the top rope and deliver an elbow for the win.

This Tuesday In Texas 12/03/1991- Jake Roberts vs. Randy Savage
As Jake comes down to the ring, Randy jumps him and gets the quick advantage hitting punches, and comes off the top for the sledgehammer punch to the head. Jack goes to leave but Randy throws him back into the ring and continues the assault until Jake begs off and then goes low and tosses Savage out to get sent into the ring-post. Back in again, Jake goes to work on the arm that got bit by the snake :mark: He works on the arm for like 2 minutes and Jake cuts him off at every turn stopping the momentum until Savage ducks one Short-Arm Clothesline, but not the second one. Jake taunts the crowd instead of going immediately for the DDT, and gets backed into the corner as Savage comes off the top rope for the MACHO ELBOW! For the win. WHAT! That’s all it took, getting thrown into the buckle and an elbow. FUCK MAN! This match was like 6 minutes. Post-Match: Savage grabs the ring bell, but the ref gets it away from him as Jake hits the DDT. Both men slowly start to get up as Jake still selling the ribs, Jake gives him another DDT, and begins to talk shit as the ref yells at him. Jake finally leaves but smiles and turns around. JAKE SAYS HE GAVE TUNNEY HIS WORD THAT THERE WAS NO SNAKE IN HIS CORNER, BUT HE SAID NOTHING ABOUT ANYWHERE ELSE! JAKE GRABS A BAG FROM UNDER THE RING AND HE HAS ANOTHER SNAKE! He taunts Randy with the bag but Elizabeth runs out! She covers up Randy and pleads with Jake to stop and to leave him alone. Jake harasses her and then tells her to look into his eyes while he gives Savage a THIRD DDT. Jake then grabs Liz by the hair and SMACKS her. HOLY SHIT! Another ref finally comes out to keep Jake back and Jack Tunney comes out to make Jake leave. AND JAKE EMPTIES THE BAG TO REVEAL THERE WAS NO SNAKE AND HE SPITS ON SAVAGE! HOLY FUCKIN’ SHIT! ***

This Tuesday In Texas 12/03/1991- Jake “The Snake” Roberts Interview
In the back, Mean Gene interviews Jake “The Snake” Roberts; He says no man wants a woman that will lie down and grovel and beg for somebody's life. He wants a woman to stand up. He says he'll slap himself or Gene. He says DDT’ing Randy felt good, sure, but the best feeling was grabbing his woman's hair and pulling her up, and yeah, he slapped her. It felt so good he should have had to pay for that! He says Randy needs to think about tonight the next time he wants to cross this snake's path, but if he does cross his path again, he's got one favour to ask him and says to please bring her back and to let him touch her again and says he could cultivate her into something even he would want. I think I just came.

This Tuesday In Texas 12/03/1991- Randy Savage Interview
Randy is losing his shit, and it’s fuckin’ AMAZING! He says he knows what Roberts did to Elizabeth and he’s NOT happy. Snake DEGRADED her, and he only blames himself. He’s going to get Jake, and there will be NO stopping him. The pain he showed here might be top 10 promo of all time.

Invasion 1992 – Randy Savage & Jim Duggan vs. Jake “The Snake” Roberts & The Undertaker
This was okay; Taker was in zombie mode here while Duggan bored the shit out of me. But the best parts were Jack laughing at Randy when he was on the apron whenever Randy looked at him. The match would speed up and get the crowd going as soon as Randy/Jake got it but that didn’t last long as Jake would tag out and Taker would begin to work on Savage. The match would breakdown and Savage would run into the ring and hit both Taker and Jack with a chair for the DQ. **

Providence, RI 01/30/1992 - Jake “The Snake” Roberts vs. Randy Savage
This is cam held footage so, the audio is pretty bad but at least the vid is watchable. Randy goes right to him and they brawl around ringside until Randy rolls Jack back into the ring and grabs a chair but the ref throws it out allowing Jack to get the upper hand. He begins to work on the head setting him up for the DDT but occasionally he would throw in a body blow. Randy had a ton of fire here and his mini-comebacks and cut-off spots were great. I also loved Jake taunting the crowd after ever move but that would ultimately lead to his downfall and Randy would have that big comeback. At one point Randy hits a flying double-ax handle and whips Jake into the buckle he goes charging in but Jake gets the knees up, he would then hit the short-arm clothesline and continue to taunt the crowd which allows Randy to the DDT for the win. ***

MSG 01/31/1992 - Randy Savage vs. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
Just like the previous 2 matches Randy goes on the attack early and they fight to the outside and back in where Jack gains control. He was being super methodical here and it was one of those Jack matches where he doesn’t do much but it’s still better than when guys do a million moves to get over. And unlike the other matches they had I would say this was a lot more back-and-forth with Randy’s mini-comeback getting at least 3-4 moves in before Jack would cut him off. At one point in the match Jake would hit the short-arm clothesline but he would taunt the crowd again and when he does finally go for the DDT, Randy would grab the ropes so Jack would go head first on the mat and Randy would hit an elbow off the top for the win. Jack should really stop taunting if he ever wants to win :side: **3/4

Saturday Night’s Main Event 02/08/1992 - Randy Savage interview
Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage; Savage says you thought he was crazy before? Oh, you haven’t seen crazy yet.

Saturday Night’s Main Event 02/08/1992 - Jake “The Snake” Roberts vs. Randy Savage
This is only 5 minutes, and it starts off with the normal and typical out-side fight with Randy getting the better of the two but instead of just punches. Roberts gets posted shoulder-first on the ring-post, and gets rolled back into the ring. Savage starts choking and clawing at Roberts like a crazy man. But Jake manages to turn it around puts on the brakes during a turnbuckle smash and throws Savage out to gain a breather. Back in, Savage fights back and attempts a flying double-ax handle, but Roberts catches him on the way down and then levels Savage with the DDT. But instead of going for the pin, he continues to taunt and tells the ref Earl Hebner to start the ten-count. He gets to eight, but Savage is up to his knees. Roberts gives Savage a short-arm clothesline. He makes the mistake though by taunting the crowd again in this match and like the 35th time he’s done it in the four matches they’ve had together. Anyway, Jake tries a second DDT but get backdrop out to the floor he tries to pick himself up using the guardrail and doesn’t see Savage coming off the top rope with a double-ax handle and that connects. Back in, Savage finishes Roberts off with the MACHO ELBOW DROP. Post-Match: Savage feels that this win wasn’t good enough so goes to the top rope as referees and security try to block him, but he’s like fuck this and delivers another Elbow. Savage goes out and grabs the ring bell, but by the time he gets back to the ring, Roberts has already left and is behind the curtains. Elizabeth runs down to celebrate with the “Macho Man” Randy Savage. As for the match it really needed more time and looking at the story really should have been a “Hardcore” Brawl match. But, FUCK IT! The feud was pretty AMAZING! ***


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Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

WCW Great American Bash (06/16/1996) - WCW World Cruiserweight Championship: Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
This is Rey’s debut, the early portion of the match was both Rey and Dean do some sweet escapes and counters out of wristlocks and they both mange to add in a double kip up before Dean uses what little part of height and weight to ground Rey, but that doesn’t last long as Rey uses his quickness to stay away from Dean which included a lucha armdrag and a Springboard dropkick takes Malenko off the apron to the floor. Back in, Mysterio sunset flips OVER Malenko out of a knuckle lock, but Malenko rolls through that and catapults Rey over the top rope to the floor. Rey avoids a baseball slide, and Dean uses this time to rethink he game plan. Back in, and Dean begins to target Rey’s arm and it is vicious. He tries so hard to rip the arm out of socket and to make it look as brutal as possible. At one point Rey tries to fight back and actually hits a walks up the ropes to dropkick and then tries the running hurracanrana in the corner but Dean counters it into a clothesline and goes right back to the arm for a couple of minutes. Rey begins to make a comeback but Dean would counter it into a butterfly suplex for two, then goes back to the arm, and the fans begin to get even more upset :lmao So Dean still wanting to keep Rey grounded he applies the “surfboard” But Rey manages to slips out into a bridge from Malenko which only gets a 2 count :mark: Butterfly suplex gets another two count, and Dean decides to work another armbar. Rey finally counters and sends Malenko to the floor, Rey then hits him with a springboard somersault splash! And then a Springboard missile dropkick by Rey for a near fall. They do the counter pin-fall spot, which each man getting at least 3 near falls. And Rey would roll out of the ring and hit the SPRINGBOARD HURRACANRANA which gets a two. Malenko catches him on the top rope, however, but Mysterio hits another rana off the top. Malenko goes for a tilt-a-whirl but Rey falls on top for two. Mysterio jumps up on Malenko’s shoulders and tries a spinning hurracanrana, but Malenko sees it coming and Powerbombs Rey down and puts his feet on the ropes to pick up the win. It’s a shame Rey totally forgot about the 10 minutes of arm work done to him, but other than that this was great debut for Rey and another showcase of Dean’s goodness. ***3/4

WCW Monday Night Nitro 06/17/1996 - WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
Mean Gene interviews Rey Mysterio Jr. before the match, Rey says he wants the title and he didn’t like Dean cheating to win the match. He then speaks some Spanish before making his way to the ring. More great mat work to start which had Rey landing on his feet smooth after a monkey slip, and he even hit a springboard moonsault and catches Dean with this AWESOME! Roll-up which looked like he had the title won but Dean would kick out and klled him with a clothesline. Dean now begins to work on Rey’s back, with this killa “Half Boston-Crab” with the knee on the back of the head. Malenko delivers a brain buster for two, but then gets crotched up top. Mysterio avoids a diving Malenko, but gets caught for an electric chair drop for a 2 count. Dean then applies a sick stretch and then further tries to kill Rey with a Powerbomb but Rey is able to kick out. Fallaway slam gets another two, and Dean put Rey in the camel clutch just for fun before throwing him out of the ring. Mysterio reverses a whip into the guardrail and then delivers a springboard head scissors from the inside out :mark: Back in, Mysterio hits a sunset flip Powerbomb but Dean kicks out. Dean tries to hit a crucifix bomb but Rey counters into a magnificent victory roll for a near-fall. Mysterio gets another near-fall, but then Malenko blocks a wheelbarrow move into a reverse DDT for the win. Great TV match here, lots of fun near-falls and it didn’t have long rest holds to kill time. ***

WCW Monday Night Nitro 07/08/1996 - WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
Rey beat Psychosis @ Bash at the Beach 1996 for this title shot. Oh and this Nitro is outside, I think near the Disney/MGM Studios or outside. Dean tries to take it to the ground early on but he’s unable to keep him grounded for long as Rey takes Malenko to the floor early on with a headscissors over the shoulders and a satellite armdrag. Mysterio fake dean out with the 619 dive, Back in and Malenko tries a suplex, but Rey flips out and tries a quebrada. He gets caught, but shoves Malenko off into the corner for a sunset flip off the shoulder attempt but he avoids the punch and levels Malenko with a springboard dropkick for a 2 count. Mysterio escapes a Powerbomb attempt with an armdrag, but Malenko finally stops this guy with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, and applies the camel clutch as we got to commercial. Tiger Driver gets two by Dean and he applies the camel clutch again, he breaks the hold and whips Rey into the ropes but Rey counters it into a quick roll-up for a 2 which pissed of Dean so he front suplexes Rey onto the top rope hanging him out to dry and Rey falls to the ground. Rey manages to roll back in and Dean u a reversed chin lock and to further add damage he leg scissors’ his body, but Rey get to the ropes so Dean just throws him out. AND DELIVERS A FUCKIN’ BRAINBUSTER ON THE OUTSIDE! Back in, that gets two. Mysterio ranas Malenko to the floor and tries an Asai Moonsault, but Malenko doesn’t get up in time to catch him and Mysterio goes SPLAT on the concrete. Back in, and Mysterio connects with a flying headscissors from the top for a two, Split-legged moonsault gets two. Mysterio heads up, but gets crotched and taken down with the SUPER GUTBUSTER! :mark: Dean goes for a cover but pulls Rey up at two, WHAT? Belly to belly throw, but Malenko lifts Mysterio off the mat again. Malenko goes for a tilt-a-whirl, but Mysterio counters into a hurracarana and hold the roll through for the win. HOLY SHIT! ***1/4 - ***1/2

WCW Saturday Night 07/13/1996 - WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Psychosis
The crowd is super-hot early on with both men trading mat holds until they take this ugly fall (Psychosis is no Dean) Thankfully Rey makes up for it with these sick revolutions and flips before Psychosis drops him throat first on the top rope before we get a Dean Malenko promo while the match is going on :lmao Anyway Psychosis continues to stay in control but Rey counters sending him to the floor and connects with a sunset flip plancha over the top landing on Psychosis. Rey looks like he injured his knee but he still manages to hit a springboard sunset flip and he tries to bounce off the ropes again but Psychosis hits a clothesline and taunts the crowd. In the corner and Psychosis hits this weak chop and tries to do the same in the opposite corner but Rey counters and hits and an off headscissors take down, he didn’t catch the head but instead he uses the hair to take him down :lmao Psychosis comes charging in but Rey catches him and hits a perfect looking tilt-a-whirl backbreaker (Very Dean Malenko Like) Standing moonsault gets a two, and Psychosis hits the whip into the corner he comes charging in with the dropkick but Rey moves and Psychosis crashes and burns. This allows Rey to hit this magnificent running springboard hurracarana for the win. Post-Match: Gene interviews with Rey; he talks about Dean giving him 3 matches and he accepts Dean’s challenge before ending the interview by speaking in Spanish. ***

WCW Monday Night Nitro 07/15/1996 - Rey Mysterio Jr. Video package

WCW Clash of the Champions XXXII (08/15/1996) - WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Dean Malenko
Dean attacks him before the bell start, but that doesn’t last long as Mysterio slides out and makes Malenko give chase just to screw with him a little bit. Rey dropkicks Malenko off the apron and delivers a baseball slide into a headscissors. Back in the ring, and the FUCKIN’ VIDEO OUTS OUT :( FUCK MY LIFE. It finally comes back 3 minutes later and Dean has him locked up in a bodyscissors with a front face lock. And we go to a commercial FUCK YOU! We come back to see Mysterio fighting out of a chinlock. Malenko launches him HIGH onto the middle rope. He springboards back onto Malenko trying a wheelbarrow armdrag, but Malenko blocks and goes for the reverse suplex. Mysterio flips out and trips Malenko up for a roll-up with a bridge for a two. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE SPOT OF THE DECADE IF IT WASS SMOOTH :( Malenko puts a knee bar on, but Rey rolls through into the ropes though. Mysterio escapes another chinlock and trips Malenko up out to the floor to avoid an O’Connor roll. Down on the floor, Mysterio leaps off the guardrail for a moonsault, but Malenko is hardly there to catch him. :lmao that’s like the 2nd time that’s happen in this feud. Back in, and Rey hits springboard dropkick for 2. Malenko falls back on a tilt-a-whirl and Rey scores another near fall. Springboard Hurracarana gets another 2.Malenko backs Rey into the corner and up, and absolutely kills Rey with a SUPER GUTBUSTER! For the win, BUT WAIT! Rey had his foot on the ropes and Malenko thinks he’s won, NO! Mysterio quickly hits a victory roll for the real win.

WCW Saturday Night 09/28/1996 – Rey Mysterio Jr. Interview
Tony Schiavone interviews Rey; Rey calls Dean the toughest guy he’s faced so far and he respects him. Tony asks him the last time they faced Dean gave him one too many opportunities to win and Rey says he’s gonna keep the belt. Tony then brings Dean in who says he will bring the belt back and he shakes Rey’s hand but attacks him and then STEALS THE MASK, OH SHIT!

WCW Saturday Night 10/05/1996 - Dean Malenko interview
We get the final seconds of Dean killing some jobber with a tiger driver and the cloverleaf for the win. Post-Match Tony Schiavone interviews Dean, who is still holding the mask. Tony says he knows what the mask means to Rey and asks him why? And Dean says he took the mask to let Rey know what it feels like to have something he loves get taken away from him. And he will get his title back.

WCW Saturday Night 10/19/1996 - Dean Malenko interview
Again we get the finish of the match only, but this time Dean looks like he’s going for “Cattle Mutilation” but instead rolls to his back so it looks like he has the dragon suplex pin for the win, THIS FUCKIN’ GUY! Post-Match: Dean holds the mask up again, and Tony Schiavone says he’s on a hot streak and Dean says last week he beat some guy and this week he beat Alex Wright just so show lightning does not strike twice when you face Dean Malenko.

WCW Monday Night Nitro 10/21/1996 - Rey Mysterio Jr. Video promo
We get another video package highlighting all of Rey’s moves, and sure the vid is cool but the music they added is some awful non-racist generic theme. It’s one of the songs you hear when you watch those shitty movies for men films.

WCW Halloween Havoc (10/27/1996) - WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Dean Malenko
Malenko brings Rey’s mask that he stole and places it in the corner for motivation and a little mind games. Tenay is on commentary for this cause he knows names of the moves. Dean boots down Rey before the bell and gets a quick two count. He picks him by the waist and slams him down and goes for the Cloverleaf, but Mysterio shrugs it off. And catches a quebrada and a rana, but a satellite headscissors puts him on the floor as Mysterio fools him with the fake 619 dive. On the apron, and hits Rey with a forearm but he gets distracted when he starts looking at the mask. This allows Rey to springboard dropkicks him sending him crashing to the floor and then somersaults right on top of Malenko. He grabs the mask and takes off the new one and slips the old one on. That fires Mysterio up momentarily as he catches Dean with a couple headscissors into near falls, but Malenko blocks one with a side slam. Malenko grabs him but gets rolled up for a two count. Rey charges him but is grabbed and put in a side suplex. Malenko takes his time and picks him up in a front suplex and just tosses him onto the ropes knees first. Dean then body slams him and puts him in a half crab wrenching the knee back. He grabs the arm and drives his foot into the small of his back and applies some serious pressure, while Rey screams in pain. He breaks the hold and then takes Rey up top and delivers a superplexes for 2. Malenko snaps him over and then applies a headscissors, but Rey gets to the ropes and Dean would get another two count after a delayed vertical suplex. Malenko is up first and low dropkicks him in the back then applies a clutch as he stretches Rey's head back so it touches his back, well he tries to. He breaks the hold for some reason, and decides and gives him a spinning backbreaker but is slow to cover and gets a two count. Rey starts to crawls to the apron and Dean pulls him to the floor and rams him back first into the side of the ring and rolls him back in, where he puts Rey in a sleeper. Rey gets arm up at the third attempt and elbows free but Malenko grasps the head and bounces it off the canvas and he reapplies the sleeper. The ref rises up the arm again and Rey keeps it up the third time as he delivers a sweet belly to belly overhead suplex which gets a 2 count. They both fight up and on the top rope but both knock each other off the top and hit the apron on the way down. Rey would whip him into the rail and jumps on his back; he would try for a hurracarana but slipped off so instead he would just punches Dean in the face, but that wouldn’t last long as Dean would hit a low blow. Back in the ring, and Rey hits a beautiful springboard somersault but is too slow to pin and only gets a two count. They switch around and go behind and Rey has him down and almost gets the win. But Malenko crushes him with a forearm and gives him another vertical suplex and he gets a two count. Malenko tries to grab Rey off of a whip but is led to the floor and Rey springboard flips right on top of him. Dean gets in the ring first and Rey follows hitting a hurracarana for a two count. He again springboards off the rope but Malenko Powerbombs him for the closest near-fall of the match, Dean drops Rey onto the apron and he goes for the super hurracarana but gets shoved off and Dean hits a with a SUPER DOCTORBOMB! For the win. **** - ****1/4

WCW Saturday Night (11/09/1996) - WCW World Cruiserweight Championship: Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
This is the rematch, and before the match we get highlights from the Halloween Havoc 1996 match. Dean a clean break to start but Rey is still pissed so he drop kicks him. Rey then starts speeding the pace up and we get Psychosis promo :lmao When that finishes we see Rey going charging in but Dean catches him with a Alabama Slam :mark: Delayed suplex gets a 2, so Dean locks in a stretch, I wanna call it a abdominal stretch but Dean breaks the hold and hits a backbreaker for 2. Dean begins to stomp away on the back so Rey takes a little breather on the outside but as soon as he comes back Dean kills him with a gutbuster but doesn’t go for the pin, instead he whips Rey into the counter by Rey counters the electric chair and front rana’s Dean over the top to the floor. REY WITH THE PERFECT SUICIDE DIVE, back in and Rey hits a springboard sunset flip for two but Dean Stops all or Rey’s momentum with a butterfly tiger bomb. Dean then whips him into the ropes but fakes him out, but Rey fakes him out first and delivers an elbow. He would climb to the top and hit this diving move that I have no idea what it’s called for a 2 count. He then goes for another springboard but Dean catches him, Rey tries to rana out but Dean pushes him off and gets him in the backslide for the win. 5 minutes of goodness to end this feud. ***1/4


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Lord Steven Regal vs. Psychosis

WCW Monday Night Nitro 12/16/1996 - WCW World Television Championship: Lord Steven Regal vs. Psychosis
This was quite fun, well it’s was gonna be hard not to be when you have Regal beating the shit out of little guys by stretching them 12 different ways. The early part is Regal working the arm, but the mask man uses his quickness to reverse but Regal sticks with it and continues to bend the arm and LEGIT! Looks like he wants to pull it off as we go to a commercial, we are back and forearms in the corner and Regal counters a whip into a roll-up. But Psychosis catches him with this sick arm breaker, Nigel use to do it when he throws your arm and your body into the mat (Regal’s sell job was AMAZING!) A spinning heel kick and a Koppou Kick send Regal to the floor for a plancha! Back in, a flying sunset flip gets a near fall. JESUS! The crowd is fuckin’ hot and the commentary doesn’t give a fuck about this match. Psychosis would hit a t Top rope hurracanrana for 2. A small package gets another two by Psychosis and he would hit this big Gullitone Leg Drop which gets 2. Regal would pull out this desperate German suplex to buy himself some time. But Psychosis comes rushing in with another spinning kick which gets a two, Regal then gains control again by putting a full nelson submission on to keep him grounded but he would break the hold just to put Psychosis n the corner and punches away at his face. Psychosis shoves Regal off a Butterfly Superplex attempt off the top and hits a HUGE flying splash for a near fall. Psychosis gets a bunch of near-falls off cradles, but then takes a faceplant to set up the REGAL STRETCH to give him the submission victory. ***

WCW Saturday Night 01/11/1997 - WCW World Television Championship: Lord Steven Regal vs. Psychosis
The match starts off as normal, Regal tries to ground him and out-wrestle him but Psychosis does his best to pick up the pace and fly around the ring. But that doesn’t work as Regal pin-points like 5 different body parts, and gets a couple of close falls. Psychosis does get an early comeback and begin to quicken the pace, which allows Regal to bail and catch his breath but Psychosis continues to be all over Regal unit he tries to do one high flying move to many and misses the dive splash as Regal gets the knees up. He poses a bit and goes for the STF but Psychosis rolls him up for a 2! Regal tries to go back to the fighting but Psychosis traps him in an abdominal stretch. Regal's hurting so he pulls the referee hard head first into Psychosis for the DQ. **3/4

WCW Saturday Night 01/18/1997 - WCW World Television Championship: Lord Steven Regal vs. Psychosis
Before the match we get highlights of the DQ finish from the last match, this match is around 3 minutes long and it seems like the more times they wrestle the less time they actually get :( Regal goes right to him working the arm picking off where he left off in the previous matches, but Psychosis reverses and Regal reverses right back and kills him with forearms in the corner until Psychosis hits a dropkick and a spinning heel kick off the top. Regal would then put Psychosis on the top but he fights out and nails a moonsault for a 2. Quick roll up gets a 2, and Regal rolls out of the ring to catch his breath. But Psychosis quickly hits a springboard twisting leg drop while Regal is still lying on the floor. Back in, Psychosis goes to the top and leaps off but Regal catches him in mid-air with a dropkick and hits a reverse suplex into the Regal stretch and Psychosis quits right away. **1/2

WCW Saturday Night 07/05/1997 - WCW World Television Championship: Lord Steven Regal vs. Psychosis
What a difference 6 months makes, Psychosis now has a manager “Sonny Onoo†with him and they take pictures during the entrances. And apparently Psychosis is now a heel. As for Regal he’s dropped the lord but put on some weight, JESUS! I know he was never the best body but his new attire really does not cover up that gut. OHNO! Must have gotten his advice from Regal 8D As for the match it was 3 and a half minutes, and Regal surprisingly goes to the arm early but Psychosis is too quick and reverses as me get a short mat trade off until Psychosis nails a dropkick which sends Regal out and Sonny kicks away at his chest but Regal no-sells it and goes after him :lmao but the ref gives him a talking to BUT IN ONE SPLIT SECOND SONNY BECOMES MY HERO IN LIFE AS HE TRIES TO PAY OFF THE REF TO SAY HE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING AND LET HIM STAY, I LOVE THIS GUY. He’s still trying to do it as he goes to back, Psychosis places Regal on the top and hits the rana for two, springboard sloppy forearm and he goes to the top again but Regal catches him and kills him with the butterfly suplex but it appears he injured himself so he rolls out grabbing his head. This allows Psychosis to run up the ropes in sloppy Psychosis fashion and connect with a double axe-handle blow to the outside. Back in, and Psychosis kicks and punches away he tries a headscissors takedown but Regal just throws him to the mat and applies the Regal stretch and Psychosis quits right away or the ref just calls for the bell cause I didn’t see him tap. **1/2


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Dec 3, 2010
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Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black

ROH Breakout 01/25/08 - Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black
Before the match Tyler cuts a promo about the “Age of the fall†overcoming the odds and they were never given the chance against the so called best in the world. But a few months ago Jimmy pinned Bryan, well tonight he’s gonna do the same. Black refuses the handshake as the fans chant “You’re gonna get your fucking head kicked in†They take it to the mat early but Black would use his quickness to get out and pie faces Danielson like 2 times until Bryan uses his smartness during the test of strength and back Tyler to the ropes a hip toss is blocked and Tyler pie faces Bryan again. They continue to do some great counter wrestling and Tyler gets a quick pinfall attempt and again pie faces him :lmao Tyler backs Bryan into the ropes and slaps him in the face like a bitch. So Bryan backs Tyler into the ropes and he goes for the slap but Tyler again uses his quickness to duck it and slap Bryan two more times in the face as he backs off. So far it’s like Tyler 7 Bryan 0 :lmao Now the fans begins a “Fuck him up Dragon†chant. Tyler begins to get cocky and tries to work the arm but Danielson counters out and slaps him in the face, backs him into the corner and starts slapping the shit out of him to now make it Bryan 9 Tyler 7 and Tyler rolls to the floor. Lockup in the middle and the pace begins to quicken until Bryan tries the surfboard attempt but Tyler doesn’t give up the arms so Bryan goes to the nose and eyes until he does finally get the surfboard up but he manages to get the dragon sleeper in a spot they seem to do to this day. Bryan now begins to get more aggressive with slaps and talking shit at the same time :mark: Danielson says he needs to show some respect and gets the rebound suplex for 2. Danielson goes to a chin lock, but Tyler refuses to tap and does finally get out and pie faces him again to which Danielson replies and the two trade forearms. European uppercut by Danielson, but Tyler gets a head of steam but Black shoves him to the floor Black then hits a snap suplex on the floor. Tyler then goes to the eye and hits a chop. Danielson tries to come back but Black whips him hard into the guardrail which breaks the rails off the hinges and he would hit a moonsault off the guardrail. Back in, and Tyler gets revenge for those earlier slaps with some of his own. I’ve lost count of pie faces and slaps. Black sends him into the turnbuckle hard and hits an IED for 2, and tries a cross faced chicken wing but Danielson elbows out but runs into a back elbow, knee drop, and a gamengiri for 2. Black smacks him around but Danielson is starting to Hulk up :lmao Danielson comes back with the brutal Euro uppercuts and reverses a whip with a baseball slide and hits a BIG uppercut but Black comes back with a jawbreaker and chops in the corner. Dragon flips up and over in the corner and hits an elbow. He goes up top and hits the missile double foot stomp but Black powders out and Danielson follows with the suicide dive. Danielson is fired up but Black blocks an apron suplex and instead KILLS BRYAN WITH A SUPLEX TO THE FLOOR. Tyler being Tyler doesn’t go after him instead he jumps over the ropes, hits the ropes and hits this awful looking Fosbury Flop. Back in the ring now, and Tyler hits a flapjack into a kick for 2. More slaps by Tyler and he whips Bryan into the corner he begins to fire himself up and comes charging in but Bryan gets the boot up, leg lariat buy Danielson and a series of Curb Stomps for 2. Danielson tries a Crossface Chicken Wing but Black escapes out and gets a sunset flip for 2. They trade covers for a minute and then both duck kicks and then double clothesline and Double KO. They smack it out and come back with forearms until Danielson comes at him and connects with a perfect looking ROARINGELBOW! Danielson ducks a clothesline and locks in the Cattle Mutilation. Black powers out and shove him into the corner but Danielson puts him up top and hits the top rope back suplex for 2. He goes to the KO elbows and Danielson wants the match stopped but no go. Cover gets 2. Danielson then re-hooks in the Cattle Mutilation. Black refuses the tap out and rolls over Danielson :mark: Danielson tries a Tiger Suplex but Black flips out and hits an enzuigiri and tries a roll up but Danielson rolls out so Black hits another enzuigiri and Paroxysm for 2. Black goes for the Phoenix Splash and hits it but during the Cover that gets 2 and then Danielson small packages him for the win. Post-Match: Tyler hits Bryan in the eye with the ring bell and hits the Small Package driver but the Briscoe’s run in to stop any further damage. As for the match it doesn’t hold up like I remembered it but it’s still really solid. I wasn’t a big fan of the slapping exchanges but I can see why they did it as Tyler was doing his best to show disrespect to Bryan. It didn’t have much selling during the match but to tell the truth neither man was in control longer enough or worked a body-part that effective, but I did love the finish with small package and the match did get the job done of putting over Tyler Black huge and was his “breakout†performance. ****

ROH Southern Navigation 05/09/08 - Tyler Black vs. Bryan Danielson
So this is just around 4 months later and Just like in the first match the crowd is super into Danielson here, Tyler is still heel with awful music. Black agrees to the shake this time, and as soon as the bell rings Tyler is all over him and slams Danielson over the top to the floor he then boots him in the head and sends him into the barricade. Snap suplex on the floor and he puts his head against the ringpost and drives it into it with his knee. Back in, and he goes for a cover right away which gets a 2. Tyler hit some forearms but Danielson starts to Hulk up and come back with Euro uppercuts. Black comes back with a dropkick for 2. A facelock attempt but Danielson gets a rope break so Black gets a slam and wants the clap stomp and gets it. Black boots him and then does the Christian choke and flips back to the middle for taunts. AWESOME! So Tyler begins to get cocky and does the unthinkable and goes for the Mexican Surfboard. But it seems he can't lock it in so he slaps the back of Bryan's head but he still can’t lock it in so he sends him into the corner but runs into a boot and a leg lariat by Danielson. Man Black was just on offense for 5 straight minutes. Danielson now fires himself up and goes for a surfboard and goes to the eyes and face, instead of locking it in he slams the knees into the mat and works the midsection with knees and one to the back before going back to the surfboard and he does get it in but still isn’t happy so he applies the Dragon Sleeper while still in the board, again a sport they still use to this day. Danielson reverses his own hold and looks for the Cattle Mutilation as well but Black gets the ropes immediately, so Bryan places him in the corner and starts reigning down with lefts and rights to the midsection and yells at the ref to count him out:lmao he now begins to kicks him down and wants an Indian Deathlock but Black gets the ropes. Danielson won't release and instead pulls him to the middle and drives it into the mat a few times. And switches it up to a Bowen arrow and floats over into a leg lock. Cover gets a 2 Danielson kicks him around and taunts him to COME ON, TYLER! And Danielson takes him down with Euro uppercuts a few times, Danielson fishhooks him into the back Dragon Sleeper and bridges into a cover for 2. Danielson comes back with some stiff kicks for 2, but Tyler grabs a waistlock and fights a counter off and back suplexes Danielson over to the top and to the floor. He backflips over the top onto Danielson, Back in and Danielson a duck the springboard clothesline again but is meet with a sweet leg lariat. Black now tells HIM to come on and Danielson shoves him off the ropes and to the floor and Danielson's suicide dive carries him into the front row. Back in, Danielson hits a missile double foot stomp gets the boot up in the corner but Danielson kicks him down and gets the DR enzuigiri but that only gets only 2. Cattle Mutilation attempt by Danielson but Black powers to his feet and flips out of a suplex for a standing rana that Danielson sunset flips for 2 :mark: They begin to trade strikes but Danielson cuts him off with a ROARINGELBOW!!! Again and Black shakes it off with an enzuigiri. Black gives him the Buckle Bomb and a big boot. Tyler looks for the Phoenix Splash but Danielson crotches him and attempts to hit the top rope back suplex but Black knocks him off. Black rolls through the Phoenix Splash and tries a LARIATO but Danielson catches him in the Cattle Mutilation. Black rolls it over and Danielson goes to his bread and butter the “KO Elbows†But Tyler won’t stay down instead he elbows his way free and backs Danielson into the corner and hits more elbows he now looks for the Pele but as he’s doing that Danielson ducks and catches him in the Ankle Lock or Leg Lock the camera work isn’t showing much so I don’t know, Anyway Black kicks his way free so Danielson switches to a Half Crab on the other leg and Tyler taps. Post-Match: Bryan and the fans both are begging for Tyler to shake Bryans hand and he sells like he’s going to but instead he spits his gum in Bryan's face and bails, so Bryan being the stand-up guy that he is; he calls the ref over and picks up the gum and forces into the refs mouth and makes sure he chews it :lmao As for the match it was a lot better than the first but weird as the first 5 was all Black and the next 10 minutes was pretty much all Danielson with Tyler getting offense in here and there but nothing like he was in the first 5 and the final 5 was pretty chaotic. I wasn’t a fan of the finish because Danielson wasn’t working the leg enough for it to get a tapout. ****

ROH New Horizons 07/26/08 - Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black
So this one is 2 months after the 2nd match and the last time they faced off was in a Tag match with Aries/Danielson vs. Jacobs/Black which was a phenomenal match so much AMAZING! Storytelling in that match anyway Tyler pinned Black in that match if I remember correctly so he has some momentum coming in here. Bryan comes out first and Tyler next who has Jimmy with him, Danielson is distracted by Jimmy’s presence long enough for Tyler to get the jump and start choking him with his own robe. But Bryan stops Tyler from getting the advantage early on in this match like he has in the previous 2 and rolls though a lariat attempt and gets a Dragon Screw leg lock but Black quickly rolls to the floor. Back in, and Danielson targets the arm but Tyler manages to counter and comes back with knees and a clothesline for 2. Tyler now begins to get cocky again and tries fucking with Danielson’s’ hair be he’s having none of it and escapes from the arm lock by rolling through and dropkicking Black down to the mat. He now kicks the hamstring a couple times and gives Black a couple of more shots to the chest for good measure before going to work on the leg he tries to make Tyler’s foot and ankle touch the back of his own head :lmao but once he realizes it’s not gonna happen he takes that same leg and applies the Indian Deathlock. Danielson drives his back into the mat a few times which would bring more pain to the hold, and then he goes the GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD! He would into a pinfall by grabbing his arms for 2 :mark: Black gets a break and hits some strikes in the corner. Danielson ends that with a few Euro uppercuts. Danielson then armdrags him down and goes to work on Black's hand as Nigel joins them on commentary. Danielson then stomps the hand and butterfly suplexes directly into the armbar which is fuckin’ amazing looking but Tyler manages to roll him up and kicks his head to escape. They now trade strikes in the middle of the ring until Danielson puts a end to that and goes back to the wristlock. Danielson now switches it into the hammerlock and then drives his foot into the opposite arm for an armbar into a bridge for 2. This fuckin’ guy is putting on a mat clinic. Tyler sends him off but gets taken down with a shoulderblock, as Danielson tries a suplex but Black lands on the apron he tries to suplex him to the floor but Danielson counters with it this time and lands next to him. So now Danielson tries a neck breaker but Black holds the ropes and the back and neck of Bryan crash right on the hard ring apron. Tyler kicks him off the apron just because he can at this point; Tyler now chokes him into the ring post using his knee to stop the oxygen and making it hard for Bryan to breath. He kicks Bryan 2 times in the head and does the “Christian choke†with the middle rope and then he flips back to the middle for the cocky taunt. Danielson sees this and he gets fired up and comes back with the deadly uppercuts but Black gets the sleeper to cut him off. Nigel: “Dragon might be going to sleep. Normally, it's the fans that go to sleep during his matches.â€:lmao Danielson fights out with elbows and connects with a leg lariat for 2. Tyler kicks away at the face 2 or 3 times and does a jumping stomp he next hits a neck breaker for 2. And Nigel would say “You gotta respect Tylenol Black. He probably learned a thing or two from being in the ring with me; the way I picked his body apart. He's probably trying to learn from me and develop, ya know?†:lmao Tyler would whip Danielson into the corner and comes rushing in by Bryan would move which would make Tyler go face first into the buckle which would allow Danielson to takes him down with a running forearm in the corner but again Tyler would come back with a rake to the eyes. Danielson ducks a clothesline and comes back with a leg lariat, and goes up top and hits the missile double foot stomp. Kips up by Danielson and follows out with a suicide dive but Black moves which would lead to Bryan going body first into the mats outside. Black follows out with a moonsault off the top Back in, Black with a springboard clothesline for 2. He picks Danielson up and gives him his best slap to date as you can really hear that thing. He back Bryan into the corner and yells, HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH?! YOUR TIME HERE IS DONE! (SLAP TO THE FACE) WE ARE THE REVOLUTION, BRYAN! :mark: Tyler backs up and fires himself up and comes charging in but this time Bryan gets a boot up and connects with a flying knee strike for 2. Danielson rolls him into Cattle Mutilation attempt but Tyler easily gets to the ropes forcing a “I HAVE TIL 5†Nigel says that Danielson is stealing his stuff because Nigel used it earlier in the show:lmao Now Bryan begins to payback Tyler back with slaps and goes for the Tiger Suplex but Black lands on his feet and goes for a rana but again Danielson counters to the roll up for 2. Reversal of pin-fall sequence spot for 40 seconds until Bryan gets a roll-up for 2 but Tyler goes to the RNC with bodyscissors. Danielson sends him off and gets the sleeper long enough to roll Black into the armbar but Tyler stacks him up so Danielson switches to the triangle choke:mark: Black picks him up from the triangle choke position and Buckle Bombs him but the impact was so strong that THE FUCKING TOP ROPE/BUCKLE BREAKS OFF SMASHING BRYAN IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD! They slowly gets up by the count of 8 and begins to slug it out and Danielson looks to win but Black gets the Pele. Danielson tries the flip up and over but Black catches him with the modified F-5! But Tyler isn’t done superkick for more impact gets 2. Tyler hits “God's Last Gift†for 2. And looks as if he was gonna go up top for the Phoenix Splash but we have no top rope OH SHIT! They now trade forearms and rights in the center which pisses off Danielson who takes him down with palm strikes right into elbows and Sinclair calls for the bell as Black is out. FUCK YEAH! Best match they've had so far with storytelling, psychology but the lack of selling is still upsetting at times. ****1/2

ROH on HDNet 04/25/09 (Episode 6) - Tyler Black vs. Bryan Danielson
Nine months after that AMAZING 3rd match we are here, and again it my memory is correct Tyler is now a face. But he’s not that fan favourite yet as the fans are not begging for him to be world champ yet. Bryan is up 3-0 in the matches, we get the code of honor and the crowd start the “You’re gonna get your fuckin’ head kicked in†chant and mat wrestling to start well it’s the “test of strength†with Bryan doing the sweet bridge and Tyler being unable to break the bridge. Back to their feet and Tyler tries a facelock takedown but Bryan somehow manages to get out of it and goes to work on the leg with the Indian Deathlock, but Black tries rolling him into a half crab out of it but Danielson gets the ropes. A couple more counter and Tyler tries a kick but Bryan dodges it and say “Not today†before Danielson hooks in the Bow and Arrow but Black escapes out. Tyler tries to shoot but Danielson throws him into the ropes. In the corner, Danielson gets a Euro uppercut and Black shoves him away. Tyler gets the better of a tie up and pushes Bryan to the ropes but instead of breaking clean he shoulder blocks him in the gut and goes for a leap frog but flips back to his feet and gets a standing rana for 2. Tyler goes to the wristlock but Danielson sends him off. Black comes back with a snapmare and the clap stomp for 2 and puts the boots to him in the corner but Danielson comes back with the Euro uppercuts. He goes for the Mexican Surfboard but again Tyler doesn’t give up the arms so Bryan fishhooks him and then rolls him back into it and goes to the Dragon Sleeper. Kicks to the chest of Tyler gets him down for a 2 count, the Tequila Sunrise variant again and back to the Indian Death lock and then drives Black's knee into the mat :mark: They begin to trade strike until Tyler gets the O'Connor roll for 2 and Danielson takes him down with a Euro uppercut. Bryan starting the slapping early but Tyler puts an end to that with a series of clotheslines but Danielson shakes them off and gets takes him down with one of his own. Danielson follows out with a suicide dive. Back in, Danielson wants the double foot stomp but Tyler counters with a dropkick. The handspring Pele by Tyler connects and he places him up top and gets the top rope Frankensteiner for 2. Both men counters and both duck kicks, as Danielson looks for the ROARINGELBOW but Black dropkicks him down to the floor and Tyler connects with a backflip splash. Back in, Black springboards in with the clothesline for 2. Bryan starts Hulking up, and blocks a suplex and gets the flip up and over. Black tries another Pele but Danielson catches him in the anklelock and grapevines the leg but Tyler does manage to get to the ropes with his last ditch effort. Tyler would back flips out of a German suplexand continues to sell it still :mark: He wants a standing rana and again Danielson rolls him up for 2. Danielson clips the knee with a dropkick but runs into an F5. Black wants the superkick but Danielson counters with the anklelock but catching the foot and grape vining it again, Danielson releases the grapevine but gets a German suplex with a bridge for his troubles for 2. Danielson places Tyler on the top and looks like he wants to hit the top rope back suplex but Black floats over with the crossbody right on Bryan’s face. They get to their feet and slug it out. Danielson gets the ROARINGELBOW. Black shakes it off and goes for a roll up but Danielson rolls through and hits the enzuigiri, and now a Paroxysm gets 2. The Announcer Bobby Cruse says 1 minute left to go. Black goes for Phoenix Splash but Danielson rolls under so Black rolls through. Danielson gets the gamengiri and hooks in the Triangle Choke but Tyler picks him up and connects with the deadly Buckle Bomb. CALL BACK FROM THE MATCH THAT HAPPEN 9 MONTHS AGO :mark: Now both men are out and the bell rings for a double time-limit draw. As enjoyable as this is, it just seemed to be lacking some of the other tools and emotional that that previous 3 had maybe it’s because Black is a face her and isn’t trying to disrespect Bryan at every turn. They played the mutual respect story. ***1/2

ROH on HDNet 05/9/09 (Episode 8) - Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black
Few weeks after the first match, and Jerry Lynn is the world champ here. I say that just out of pure hilariousness and that he’s at the production studio watching cause he needs to take notes. They take it to the mat early until Bryan gets a fireman's carry TO and into the wristlock. Black gets a drop toe hold and he goes to the arm until Danielson armdrags him over and grabs a side headlock, but Tyler sends him off but Danielson gets the shoulderblock and another headlock takeover connects by Bryan but this time he adds a top wristlock with his legs. Tyler somehow bridges into a cover for a 2 and send Bryan off and connects with a shoulderblock. Back to the test of strength and Black gets the better until Bryan rolls backward with double jointed shoulders and gets the advantage now. Tyler fights out and sends him off and does the leap frog backflip again and now a monkey flips him over. And we have a standoff. Danielson shoots for a single and now gets the Indian Deathlock and drives it into the mat but Black gets the ropes. Danielson sends him off but now Black gets the shoulderblock and Danielson tries a monkey flip of his own but Tyler gets a stomp in and covers for a 2 count. Headbutts connect and Bryan catches on and turns it into a side control to get the wristlock and torque it back. Danielson turns a wristlock into a series of sick stretches and back to a headlock and Danielson uses the wristlock among others. Black gets the ropes though. Bryan now hits some knees and some front kicks for 2. Bryan goes for my new favorite move the Tequila Sunrise variation and switches to the back of the legs. Black won't give his arms so Danielson drives him into the mat and kicks the hamstrings some and Danielson gets a twisting anklelock before Black gets the ropes. Tyler tries coming back and Danielson kicks him legs out from under him and hits a couple of chest kicks, but Bryan comes back with a sick uppercut for 2. They work a cover for a while off the test of strength. Danielson with some elbows but Black gets the go behind so Danielson pulls him to the outside. Danielson tries a plancha to the outside but Tyler Black moves out of the way leading to Bryan hitting the mat and Black then follows up with a running sunset flip splash of his own. Black is still selling the knees at this point:mark: Back in, and Tyler looks to hit the springboard clothesline but Danielson ducks so Black gets a flying burrito and a neckbreaker. Danielson backdrops him to the apron and Black gets the enzuigiri and the springboard clothesline this time for 2, but Black lands on his feet trying a Lionsault and then hits a standing SSP for 2. Buckle Bomb attempt by Black but Bryan counters out driving him back first into the corner until Bryan does the fuckin’ ROLLING CANADIAN MAPLELEAF! But Tyler manages to get to the ropes. Danielson heads up top and gets the missile double foot stomp and gets the running knees to the chest for 2. Both men get back to their feet and start trading strikes to which Bryan gets the better of and running dropkicks Tyler in the corner, he then tries the half crab but Black small packages him for 2. Reversal counter pinning spots which lasts around 40 seconds until Danielson connects with a ROARINGELBOW but Black no sells and gets the Pele. BOTH MEN ARE DOWN! Tyler hits the modified F5 and wants to end it with a Buckle Bomb but Danielson counters to the triangle choke, and Tyler again tries a Powerbomb but Danielson rolls through and under and stays on the hold:mark: Danielson puts him up top for the top rope belly to back suplex but Black slides under and Black gets the Buckle Bomb and a superkick. He covers but Sinclair won't count because he's under the ropes :lmao He pulls the arm back and covers but Danielson gets the foot on the ropes. DAT DRAMA! Black now heads up top looking or the Phoenix Splash but Danielson puts a stop to that by shoving Tyler off the top and into the crowd, and Bryan brings back the FUCKIN’ SPRINGBOARD SUICIDE DIVE INTO THE CROWD:mark: they sell in the crowd and start to make their way back to the ring when Todd Sinclair is at the count of 10, oh I should mention ROH have a 20 counts. Anyway, Danielson elbows Black back but Black sends him into the barricade. Black is about to get back into the ring at the count of 18 but Danielson pulls the GOAT move and lunges/grabs his leg and pulls him back for the Double Count out. Again it’s a damn good match with both men pulling out all the stops to get that world title match and as much as I loved that finish with Bryan pulling the leg and all the call back sports they are really lacking that intensity and emotion they had when Tyler was a heel being a dick. ****

ROH on HDNet 07/25/09 (Episode 18) - Tyler Black vs. Bryan Danielson
So this is the final match of this series, and the record is pretty hilarious Bryan is up 3-0-2 :lmao but in a shocking twist. Danielson refuses to shake hands here as they trade arm wringers and Danielson bridges up and smacks the shit out of him, bringing back the slap spots :mark: about time this series got some edge. Test of strength takes them into the corner and Tyler tries a shot but Danielson ducks and smacks him again. Bryan is now dicking it up so we all know how this Is gonna end, Danielson shoots for a single and works the leg but Black drives him into the corner. They both block smacks and Tyler gets sent off and gets a shoulderblock and an arm drag. Danielson counters and arm drags him over and goes to the top wristlock, but Black refuses a whip an gets s dropkick for 2. Back into the corner and Danielson smacks him around and Black gets pissed and goes for the takedown but Danielson reverses that anger into a Crossface but Black gets the rope and Danielson taunts. Hammerlock is applied by Bryan but Black reverses and armdrags him down, Tyler goes for a snapmare and goes for that payback slap but Danielson blocks and gets the armbar but before he can sink it in Black gets the ropes, so Danielson again taunts him. Black shoves him away and now an exchange contest is on, but Danielson gets a head of steam but Black gets the bodyslam and a Lionsault for 2. Black throws him into the turnbuckle and hits a couple elbows but Danielson switches and smacks him some more. Danielson is playing the heel here as he drops Black with an elbow to the neck and a headbutt. STIFF kicks to the back of Tyler, but Black no sells and comes back with shots to mild boos but runs into a sleeper. Danielson releases to switch to a neck wrench and then the behind the back Dragon Sleeper but Black gets the ropes, Danielson with a headlock but Black elbows out. Yet Danielson slides out of a suplex and gets the sleeper again. Danielson now sends him off and goes back to the sleeper, Black then hits a back suplex but Danielson still has the hold on :mark: But Black counters again with a jawbreaker and Dragon still stays on the hold. Black elbows his way to his feet and drops Danielson over the top rope, Black wants the flip splash but Danielson counters with the elbow in a counter from earlier and comes off the top but is met with the dropkick counter. Tyler now starts his comeback with clotheslines and now slaps for REVENGE! Black gets backdropped to the apron but hits his enzuigiri again and the springboard clothesline again for 2. Black now smacks Danielson around in the corner. More smacks from Black and goes for the superkick but Danielson catches him in the anklelock in another borrowed spot but Black rolls through to counter and dumps Danielson. Black now follows out with the flip splash. Both men take a while to recover after that and Bryan goes for a German but Black lands on his feet. He ducks a clothesline but runs into a forearm. Danielson now gets the German for looks like a LEGIT! 3 count but it wasn’t man that has to be the best near-fall they've done so far. BRYAN IS PISSED! So he argues with Sinclair. But goes right back to work on Black putting him up top and then hits a running kick and a top rope Frankensteiner. Black rolls through the cover for a 2 count but gets caught in the Triangle Choke. Black stacks him up for the deadly Buckle Bomb and the superkick for a 2 count. Black heads up top looking for the Phoenix Splash but AGAIN Danielson shoves him out into the crowd which out a care in the world :lmao SPRINGBOARD SUICIDE DIVE INTO THE CROWD! Sinclair on the count and Danielson kicks Black back into the barricade as Sinclair gets to 19 before Black makes it back in. Stiff chest kicks connect to the chest of Tyler and he goes for the Sleeper again but instead of sticking with it he hip tosses him over and switches to a Crossface I LOVE THIS GUY! but Black gets the ropes, and Bryan pulls him back pounding away with KO elbows but Black no sells and comes back with the Pele. Danielson shakes that off to get the running knee strike. Black gets the German suplex. Danielson no sells but runs into a sick superkick and the seated superkick and the God's Last Gift finally gives Tyler his first win against Bryan. Post-Match: Bryan goes follow the code of honor and shakes Tyler’s hand. But as for the match FUCK YEAH! 2nd best match It had all the usual goodness but what put it over for me it they finally brought some emotion and psychology that the first 3 had with one guy playing the dick (this time it was Bryan) and the other being the face. Another thing I loved was they made this match call back heaven with them adding all the big spots from the other 5 and added them here but they would have counters for those counters and so on, Just beautiful. ****1/4


WWE Raw 06/10/2013 - Daniel Bryan (w/ Randy Orton) vs. Seth Rollins (w/ REIGNS!)
So before this we had a Orton/Roman match but that ended in a DQ, so we get this match straight after which was voted by the WWE audience aka universe. Seth goes right at Bryan with punches until he gets him backed up into the corner and continues to pound away. Whip into the corner and Bryan runs the ropes and connects with the lariat. Kicks to the chest and the a knee to the but, as Bryan goes to work with the kicks to the back but Bryan added elbows to the back and starts raining down with KO elbows. Surfboard attempt but Seth crawls to the ropes and Bryan slams the knees down to the mat. He allows Seth to get back to his feet before connecting with a drop kick which awkwardly sends Seth to the outside. Bryan comes springing off the ropes like he’s gonna hit the suicide dive but instead he fakes him out and hits this weird looking one legged baseball kick. Now on the apron and he connects with the running knee off the apron. Back in, and cover gets 2. But Seth manages to back Bryan into the corner with shoulders but Bryan fights back with punches and Seth counters that with a face buster in the middle buckle. Seth gives the fans this epic cocky smile and applies a surfboard of his own but it looks awful, but the GOAT Bryan counters out and kicks the legs before applying a surfboard of his own and adds the dragon sleeper to further add pain to the move but Seth goes to the eyes as we go to a commercial. Back now and Seth has a headlock applied but Bryan fights back with punches but Seth comes out flying with a forearm to the jaw. Snap mare take down by Seth and he applies the side headlock sleeper again but Bryan hulks out and the begin to trade punches in the center and Bryan catches the pele into the half crab:mark: Kicks in the corner by Bryan and he comes charging in with a dropkick to the chest and another to the face which gets a 2. More stiff kicks to the chest and the head kick misses but Seth counters with the enzuigiri. OH SHIT! Seth now getting chest kicks of his own. BUCKLE BOMB gets 2 and Seth’s face selling the disbelief is AWESOME! Kicks in the corner by Seth and we get a Ninja roll and a charging forearm he goes for a 2nd by Bryan counters that by throw Seth to the outside, he goes for the suicide dive but is met with an elbow. And Seth goes to the top for a leaping knee but Bryan ducks that and hits the rolling German and the kick to the head for 2. Bryan now heads up top but Seth crotches him and heads up top looking for a suplex but Bryan counters out and looks for the belly to back but Seth shifts his weight and counters to a crossbody. Roman tries to interfere but Orton puts a stop to that and Seth misses a leaf and Bryan catches him with a small package for the win. FUCK’ HOT TV MATCH, Bryan is on a role this year. ***1/2

WWE Raw 08/26/2013 - Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins (w/ The Shield)
This is a gauntlet match so Seth is up first; if he wins he gets Dean up next then REIGNS! All the superstars are on the ramp but they cannot get involved or their FIRED! Bryan back Seth into the corner and kicks away but that doesn’t last long as he goes right into the surfboard but Seth counters with a punch. Whip into the ropes and Bryan connects with s knee to the cut, Cactus clothesline by Bryan and the Shield look on which distracts Bryan long enough for Seth to throw Bryan into the barricade twice and he throws Bryan into the ring as he high fives REIGNS! In the corner and Bryan fights out but Seth fights hi back, running the buckle by Bryan and he connects with the leaping lariat and now the Stiff chest kicks connect before Seth bails to the apron where Bryan picks him up by his hair. But Seth counters with a jaw breaker on the ropes and heads up top, he leaps off but Bryan ducks and grabs the legs of Seth’s and counters it into a half Boston crab but Seth gets to the ropes forcing a break. Running baseball slide connects and Bryan hits this fuckin’ dive which Seth bumps like a god for sending him over the announce table as we go to a commercial. We are back and we see Seth has Bryan in the side headlock and Cole shows us how it came to this on the WWE APP, it was a Buckle Bomb :( Slaps by Seth in the corner and Seth comes charging in with a punch as Bryan hulks up, more slaps by Seth and another forearm smash as Seth yells “ALL YOU GOTTA DO IT STAY DOWN! IT’S THAT EASY SLAP!†and then he mocks the YES! Taunt He runs to the other corner but Bryan meets him with a dropkick. They trade strikes in the middle and do the reversal counter pin fall attempt before Seth hits an enzuigiri then a Paroxysm for 2. Both me slowly back to their feet and Seth bum rushes him into the corner with punches, he places Bryan up top and looks for a suplex but Bryan again slips out and delivers a FUCKIN’ GERMAN SUPLEX BUT SETH DOES A BACKFLIP IN MID AIR AND LANDS ON HIS BELLY, running knee connects for the win. ***1/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
Ric Flair & Magnum T.A. Part I

Championship Wrestling from Florida 1982 - Ric Flair vs. Terry Allen
Flair stalling early on is hilarious as he just stands around with the rope on until he gets out of the ring and walks over to the announce booth where Gordon Solie is and Flair says makes fun of Dusty’s $60 hat and he allows Gordon to look after his 7500 robe while he wrestlers oh and don’t forget about the 10 pounds of gold which is the NWA world title. Mat wrestling to start, lots or trading off armbars and hammerlocks until Flair backs him in the corner for a clean break. They trade mat holds again and to which Allen wins until Flair backs him in the corner. Side head lock by Allen but Flair gets free with a hair pull out of it and he begins to flex :lmao Another clean break by flair and he gives a sissy slap but Allen gives him a forearm and a cross body for 2. Scoop slam for another to and Flair blocks a whip with a knee and applies the front head lock. All of a sudden Flair walks over to the announce booth and steals Flair’s robe and just leaves (I see where Cody gets it from) As Flair gets up he sees Dusty wearing the robe and that takes him off his game allowing Allen to hit this awful looking take down, Dusty is just dancing on the outside while Flair is trying to get to him. Dusty begins to cut a promo and takes off the robe and throws it into the crowd, FLAIRS PISSED! So he pushes the ref for the DQ, he walks over to the booth and yells about this and Gordon does his best to cut him off saying we have to go to a commercial.

Mid South House Show 1985 - NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Magnum T.A. vs. Ric Flair
This is clipped footage and TA starts out with a headscissors, to which Flair gets out of with a bridge and into a headlock but TA gets him again and Flair claims TA pulled the hair, what a guy. Side headlock by TA but Flair counters out with a wristlock and both men battle for position and TA sticks with the side headlock using his power to maintain it. I love the headlock spots with Flair trying his best to push him off but that doesn't work so he backs him in the corner for the clean break. Flair trying to get flashy and that would allow TA again to get a side headlock, all of a sudden the tape cuts to TA having a side headlock on the mat L oh the title is on the line here, Flair gets back to his feet and manages to push off but again TA meets him at every turn and right back to the headlock, OH SHIT! This is going 60 minutes :mark: Rope break by Flair and shoulder block allows him to chop him and hit’s a whip to the opposite corner but TA fly’s out of the ring. He doesn't sell it and comes right back in to which Flair pulls the vintage coward back up tactic and the ref gets in the middle of it. Backdrop by TA and Flair is still backing off, but TA makes a mistake and panders to the crowd allowing Flair to knee him in the face, the tape cuts again and now we see Flair backing TA into the corner and punches away then knee to the midsection and a knee drop for 2. Another knee and punch as Flair locks in a sleeper but TA fight up and Flair goes face first into the buckle as the ref begins to count, Flair up and chop by Flair. Standing suplex is countered into a sleeper by TA cover by gets a 2 as Flair grabs the bottom rope. Punch by TA and a body slam gets a 2, now for the 3rd time the tape cuts and now we see Flair again begging off. TA whips him and Flair does the corner bump, but he gains control by head butting the midsection and chops. Flair goes to the top and that fails like always good old’ Flair. Dope toehold by flair and he looks to go to the figure four by Flair kicks him off twice. Shoulder block by TA, Hip toss is countered and Flair counters that into a backside for the win.

WCW TV 4/27/85 - US Championship: Magnum T.A. vs. Scott Irwin (Flair "scouts" Magnum TA)
Before we get to the match Flair who is wearing the ridiculously EPIC! All white 3 piece suit. He talks about how because he is the champion for 3 years he has to scout the top opponents that he will someday have to face. Match Time, and TA is the US champ here but Irwin gets the early jump on him with kicks and a back elbow then kicks to the midsection. Clothesline and scoop slam by Irwin and tries to finish it with a leg drop but that only gets 2. Headlock applied but TA gets out, they do some more stuff until Irwin gets in another headlock as we go to a commercial. Back and Irwin is still in control with punches, kicks and headlocks to which he drops and reapplies several times :lmao Dropkick gets a TA and I think TA has only done 1 move this entire match. Chin lock is applied but he drops it and TA begins the comeback but that gets cut-off with a head butt and Irwin now begins to work on the neck with 3 or 4 choke holds but again TA tries a comeback and Irwin cuts him off. This is actually pretty good, more side headlocks spots but TA counters it but Irwin is all over him and goes to work. Irwin now begins to get cocky and places TA on the top but he makes the mistake of shoving the rep out of the way and that allows TA to hit a knee lift and belly-to-belly for the win. JESUS! As enjoyable as that was TA’s superman role was hilarious to end it. Only in the 80’s could that finish be believable.

T.A. promo: He says that was his toughest match so far and it’s not all about power and strength that makes you champion, and now he has a message for Flair. He has respect for Flair but he wants to make T.A. a champion that everyone can look up to and deserve. He’s also looking forward to meeting Flair down the road and getting a shot at the title.

WCW TV 5/04/85 - Ric Flair & Magnum T.A. (joint interview)
This is the WWE 24/7 version of it. David Crockett & Tony Schiavone are hosting this, Flair talks first he puts himself over and then TA. Before making fun of TA’s clothing :lmao TA says he’s always been a man about Levis and leather, but as far as his wrestling ability that has nothing to do with it. Flair says Crockett has said many times before that TA might be the biggest young star in wrestling but Flair wants the people to know first hand that he doesn’t drive a motorcycle he drives a Benz, Corvette, Rolls Royce whatever he feel like. He doesn’t have to walk around because he is the most recognizable face and when he walked through the airport everyone was say Magnum TA is next.

WCW TV 5/04/85 - Ric Flair vs. Rocky King
Before the match Flair talks a little trash and shows off his AWESOME! Robe. Bragging to T.A he even says T.A is lost for words :lmao, TA cuts a promo about how he’s come along way. So the match starts and we go right to a commercial :lmao Back and Flair gets a chop in and whips him into the ropes and nails him with a elbow, delayed suplex and elbow drop but Flair locks in the figure four and King taps :lmao what a match. Post-Match: Flair says he’s going to Florida next week and he’s gonna lay in the son, drive some women wild and beat any men that think they've tough enough. He then challenges TA to get out of his $2.95 vest and challenged him to fight right now OH SHIT! TA rolls in first and Flair gets in but then bails and says he doesn’t feel TA can afford a loss in his young carer :lmao

WCW TV 5/11/85 - Magnum T.A. interview
This is the WWE 24/7 version of it. David Crockett & Tony Schiavone are here. TA cuts a promo putting over the talent and says Flair pulled a psychological ploy but all of a sudden Flair shows up flexing and he says when Ric Flair takes time out when he walks out TA better keep him mouth shut, he tried to embarrass him and by insulting him but he made the attempt of climbing the ladder to reach the top with out paying now respect, with his "RINK DINK†Chain and your pumped up muscles, so fan is talking shit so Flair tells him to keep his mouth shut. Back to TA he tells him to sign the contract by putting up or shutting up. TA says he doesn’t need to put his name in a book he’s the number one contender and the US champ and last week he called Flairs bluff, and Flair says he did him a personal favor that he won’t do again. He gave him the opportunity to leave last week. And allowed him to still be a contender to this, you see yours is silver and mine is gold :lmao and represents 80 years and it’s goona he him that makes his chimes ring when he decides. TA and Flair then have the awkward moment when they can’t decide whose gonna talk next so TA goes and says it must be real nice begin able to stand out here and talk about being the greatest (Flair runs his fingers through his hair) TA says he hasn’t had that shot yet but when he does he’s gonna show Flair what he can do. So Flair flexes, runs his fingers through his hair again and says “Looks like a world champion to me†and just walks off :lmao

WCW TV 5/18/85 - Ric Flair & Magnum T.A. interview
This is the WWE 24/7 version of it. David Crockett & Tony Schiavone are hosting this. T.A says it’s a pleasure to be here and he’s had a lot of people coming after him but he thrives on it. And Flair comes in clearing a custom fitted suit and he says he couldn’t help but hear that great intro, he says if you want to open the show you need the best not the second best “ Hey David how do I look today, huh! Stylin’ & Profilin’ huh!†Custom made from head to toe. Hey Magnum you carrying that around so someone knows who you are? We know you’re the US champion :lmao We know you are next in line to get a title shot at the great one and Flair just walks away. JESUS! Flair back and says he doesn’t want to hog the show but if T.A hangs around he’s willing to show TA for 20 minutes what he’s about.

WCW TV 5/18/85 - Ric Flair vs. Sam Houston
Flair is wearing the White & Purple robe tonight. Flair stalling early again is great as he says he came out here to show the world why he’s the greatest and you give me this to wrestle :lmao “Five thousand dollar worth of Robe, 2 Million dollar body and 5 Million dollar look†Females are loving Flair tonight. T.A is on commentary for this, clean break for Flair early and he gets the take down on ahead lock as he proceeds to talk more shit. Arm work by Flair now and Flair just breaks the hold, leaves the ring and is just OWNING! Everyone at the announce booth. Shoulder tackle by Sam and FLAIR IS PISSED! Side headlock by Sam and a hip-toss on Flair. Sam LEGIT! Looks like a 12 year, Flair now works on the leg bending until Flair slaps him to break the hold. Back from a commercial and Flair talks more shit before getting a clean break and now Flair tries to work the arm. SLAP! To the face in the corner which fires up Sam and Flair proceed to go into GOAT bumping mode for like 3 minutes and made this guy look decent. Corner bump by Flair and he goes to the outside. Back in, Flair begs off before knee him in the gut but the hip toss it countered into a stretch and elbow is missed but Flair punches him to takeover. Chop connects and Sam gets a back slide for a 2. Chops in the corner by Flair but that fires up Sam who gets 2 quick near falls before Flair chops to take over. Hip toss and a knee connects for 2 nears falls. Butterfly suplex gets 2 for Flair and now a chop and it seems every time Flair talks shit it fires Sam up. High knee misses by Sam and Flair hit’s a backdrop and begins to work on the knees :mark: and apparently T.A doesn’t understand why Flair would go after the knees. SLAPS! By flair back to the work on the knee for insult. Flair locks in the figure four and Sam quits. Post-Match: Flair won’t release the hold, he even takes the boot off and applies the hold again until T.A breaks it up. Shoving contest and T.A. is begging him to put up but Flair bails but T.A follows him to the floor, more shoving and the BOOGY WOOGY MAN yells some shit :lmao

Ric Flair promo: Flair says he’s be champ because he’s the best and if T.A interferes again he’s gonna be nothing when he gets finished with him. As for Dusty for all your greatness you gotta beat me to make me sweat as for Dickey Slater he’s the world champ. T.A. He’s got more woman in that locker room shaking and quivering for him than T.A. has in the past 5 years :lmao Oh and Buddy Landell you imitation, nothing happening punk! You keep walking around the ring think you’re me. You better go to somewhere else for your cloths apart from Kmart.

WCW TV 5/18/85 - Magnum T.A. interview
T.A. says he wants to talk about wrestling for a minute, lets put the high fashion to the side what is about is the world title and the fact it young Sam Houston gave you a fight but you took the easy way out. Well T.A is coming for your title and he’s the US champ and number one contender but your gonna have to deal with him and you won’t be able to walk about.

WCW TV 5/25/85 - Ric Flair and Magnum T.A. interviews
Tony Schiavone says it’s a pleasure to have T.A. here and T.A. say it’s a pleasure to be here, everywhere he’s been people have asked him when is he facing flair for the belt. Well it’s not up to him it’s up to Flair but he’s been busy running around in high fashion and not worried about him. But he’s not sweating it and he’s being patient.

Tony Schiavone thanks Flair for taking this time in his busy schedule. Flair says he knows the gut reaction that he has on the public and he knows they all want to be him. He’s got a financial empire as well as the world title. He lists a group of guys that want to be him. WOOOOOOO! Ric Flair has been the man before being the man was cool. He then says he’s gonna stay here to watch T.A. try to be the man.

WCW TV 5/25/85 - Magnum T.A. vs. Paul Garner
As I said before Flair is on commentary for this, and this is a non-title match. Side headlock is countered into a back elbow by T.A. And a bell-to-belly wins it in like 10 seconds :lmao Post-Match: T.A. comes over and Flair says if you wanna come off and pass as me you gotta dress like me. Flair then begins to further make fun of T.A. until T.A. grabs him by the tie and challenges him “NO BODY TOUCHES MY CLOTHES†Flair backs up but again T.A. follows him out and then back in. Flair gets the jump and rubs his face into the mat and now boots, knee to midsection and chops him down. Now he butterfly suplexes him and drives him knee to the head before leaving and walking over to the booth to grab his stuff.

WCW TV 6/01/85 - Magnum T.A. interview
T.A. says as long as he can remember then NWA title has been the most respected until Flair took a hold of it and at one time he you to respect flair but not anymore because twice now he’s jumped him, well he doesn’t respect him anymore and he will take that title from him.

Ric Flair interview
Ric is wearing this magnificent Silver and Black rove with white feathers on it. JESUS! That this is beautiful. Flair says lets be realistic for a minute, am I cooking or what and he gives us a twirl. He says you can buy these anytime you want for about 10, 11 thousand but I have 15 of them wanna know why because I’m the world heavyweight champion. We can talk about allot of people in wrestling buy I’m gonna talk about the best RIC FLAIR! SLICK RIC! He deals with his opponents just like his love life, he leaves a lasting impression :lmao when you sign a contract you better be prepared to wrestle the best. He’s just like the LA LAKERS HE’S THE BEST THING GOING TODAY! We then gets clips of Starrcade ‘83 when he beat Race for the world title. Now to Tokyo, Japan when he beat Kevin Von Erich for his 3rd world title. Then Ric shows us his “biggest highlight of his carer†When he beat Dusty Rhodes half to death, Joe called the match. 4th clip is Flair beating on T.A. from last week. He’s got a pair of his 800 dollar alligator shoes on. Just to show T.A. he has no hard feelings he brought T.A. a 1500 dollar suit but now he’s gonna get In the right.

WCW TV 6/01/85 - Ric Flair vs. George South
Tie up that flair wins and he backs him up into the corner and delivers a shoulder to the but then a thunderous chop and follows up with a knee drop. Now front facelock is applied but George gets back to his feet and Flair backs him into the corner and peppers him with chops and right hands. Whip is countered into aback drop and Flair goes into EPIC! Stalling and gets control again with a shot to the mid section. Good back and forth strikes until Flair throws him out and delivers a nasty chop. Back in, butterfly suplex and into a headscissors gets two. Belly to back suplex and a knee gets a 2. Flair then begins to work on the arms and back but George fight out until Flair kills him with a chop and again works the head and puts him in the stretch, delayed suplex sets up for the figure four and this George jobber taps. Post-Match: T.A. gets in the ring with the suit and begins to rip it up :lmao FLAIR IS PISSED! T.A. now goes charging in but TA catches him with a belly-to-belly and takes the belt to the announce table just to say the next time he holds it, it will be his. FLAIR IS PISSED! AND YELLS NO ONE TOUCHES THE BELT BUT HIM GIVE ME MY BELT BACK. Tony says calm down Flair the belt is right here.

WCW TV 6/08/85 - Magnum T.A. and Ric Flair interviews
Tony Schiavone brings in the US champion Magnum T.A. Who says he’s so excited that he’s taken Flair to his limit and he knows he can beat Flair but he doesn’t believe Flair can beat him. It doesn’t matter where it is but the time is coming close and he’s gonna take that world heavyweight title away from him and theirs nothing he can do about it.

Tony Schiavone brings in the World champion Ric Flair. Ric says when you’re the most talked about kid on the block, or the most talked about man in the office you gotta know your doing something right. You can look at me from head to toe and know I’m not dusty Rhodes. The raging bull can come out here and call my name but when I’m tougher than Rambo you know I’m tougher than you. RAMBO WHO? GO GET EM’ SLICK RICK! Now Magnum T.A. tells everyone that he took him to the limit, he’s only been taken to the limit once in his life and it took Linder Carter and Bo Derrick back to back to make Ric Flair flinch :lmao HE’S GONNA BE TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS ALL OVER.

WCW TV 6/15/85 - Magnum T.A. and Ric Flair interviews
Tony Schiavone bring in the US champion Magnum T.A. (Side note; before Tony brings him in the camera zooms wide and we see this super CLB look on T.A. face while he waits) Okay now he comes over and now he’s got his mean face on. T.A. says he doesn’t believe Flair can beat him and it’s gonna happen soon.

Tony Schiavone brings in non other then the heavyweight champion of the world Rick Flair. Flair says before he talks about how slick. Slick Ric is. Lets have a moment of silence for the Boston Celtics, OKAY! Now back to reality :lmao Flair talks about Crockett going down at the hands of Nikita Koloff, well he has his attention now and he can’t wait to put his hands on him. As for T.A. telling the world he’s destine to be world champion. Well Maggie Mick :lmao I’m still standing here, custom made from head to toe. You like those alligator shoes. Custom made huh! GOLD AROUND MY NECK, ROLEX WATCH AROUND MY WRIST! Looking so fine till the world champion. Until you beat Ric flair your all still ducks in a row. But now he wants to talk to all the ladies going to Florida; “YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO TO DISNEY WORLD TO FIND SPACE MOUNTAIN†T.A. if you keep messing with Ric Flair you won’t have a carrier in professional wrestling.

WCW TV 6/15/85 - Ric Flair Interview + Magnum T.A. challenges Ric Flair to a 10 minute $1,000 challenge
So the footage here is off the “Rise and Fall of WCW†DVD Tony Schiavone introduces Flair who is wearing the beautiful sparkling Silver & Black robe with white feathers. Flair says he so far above all other athletes today that he might have to sit in a rocking chair and give the world title to another competitors. T.A. is just another kid trying to get to where Ric Flair is, Dusty Rhodes is still chasing him, Harley Race, Kevin Von Erich, Wahoo McDaniel’s, Dickey Slater you’re talking about greatness. Then all of a sudden Magnum T.A. comes out and asks Tony how much time is left in the show? 15 MINUTES! T.A. takes out $1000 and says he wants to bet him Flair cannot beat him in 10 minutes. Flair says he’s given this youngster so many chances but now he’s goona teach him a lesson and walks to the ring.

WCW TV 6/15/85 - 10 minute, $1,000 challenge: Magnum T.A. vs. Ric Flair
So after 2 months we finally get our first match and it’s not even a PPV/Huge show, JESUS! The bell rings and they do a hard collar and elbow tie up with TA backing Flair into the ropes but Flair switches it and delivers a chop to which TA answers back with a straight punch and flair goes down. Tie up again and TA gets a shoulder block and then a dropkick as wee have another face off but Flair catches him with a boot and chop to takeover, but that doesn't last long as TA back drops him and Flair begins to bump like crazy for him. OH SHIT! THE ANDERSON’S COME OUT FOR COMMENTARY! Flair throws TA out of the ring but he no-sells and gets right back in to which Flair stalls and begins to back off. Knee to midsection but the suplex gets countered into one of his own for a 2 count. Side suplex connects by Flair and he gets a 2 count from it, chop brings TA to his knees and flair gets him in the abdominal stretch with help by the ropes until TA breaks free with a hiptoss. TA is busted open some how buy manages to get a small package out of no where for 2, Flair backs off again but gets a knee in and the trade strikes CORNER BUMP BY FLAIR! And the Anderson's call for a DQ! Shoulderblock and a take down by Flair who then goes to the top and HOLY SHIT! He actually connects with the double axe off the top. A elbow drop gets two and Flair again throws him to the outside and chops then throws him arm first into the ring post, back in and flair begins to work the arm but TA reverses it and sends Flair arm first into the buckle and begins to work it himself. Back-and-forth moves but TA remembers he worked on the arm and decides to try again but Flair fights by getting the knees up after a big splash attempt. Back slide by TA gets a 2 and he goes for the arm but Flair fights out until TA catches him coming off the ropes with a military press slam for 2. MORE STALLING! And not a hip toss but Flair moves out of the way of a drop kick attempt 1 minute left. TA ducks a chop and looks for the cross body but Flair ducks that, but Flair makes the mistake of going to the top and TA meets him with the toss off the top and applies FLAIRS OWN MOVE THE FIGURE FOUR BUT TIMES RUNS OUT. Post-Match: Flair goes to attack him but TA sees it coming and punches him, atomic drop but the Anderson's make the save and Flair comes off the top with a knee to the back and they starting beating on him but 2 jobbers make the save. Overall a really fun little match, I just with they would have stick with arm work in the beginning instead of using it as a filler in the middle and not using it as part of the finish. ***¼

WCW TV 6/22/85 Magnum T.A., Ric Flair & Anderson's confrontation
We get the finish of the Anderson's/Flair vs. jobbers match when the begin working the knee soften it up for the figure four. T.A. is on commentary talking about how Flair can’t beat him and he knows sooner than later he’s gonna beat him. All of a sudden Flair jumps off the ring apron and walks over to TA and says it he wants some he’s right here (The camera man keeps the camera on the match the whole time) Anderson/Flair is just OWNING! This heat-segment, its just phenomenal. Quick tags and everything, Flair locks in the figure four for the win, but he’s not done as he keeps walking over to TA talking shit but then running behind the ARN & Ole :lmao


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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Ric Flair & Magnum T.A. Part II

WCW TV 6/22/85 - Magnum T.A. interview
Tony talks about the confrontation earlier with Flair getting the better of with help from his cousins the Anderson, until Magnum got some help. T.A. says Flair has gotten the help of the Anderson s because he can’t look him straight in the eyes without knowing he’s gonna lose the title and he knows he’s not the better man. He fact is he’s got friends too and they are all behind him but he doesn’t let them do his dirty work and its only a matter of time.

WCW TV 6/29/85 - Magnum T.A. interview
This interview cuts in progress with T.A. saying he doesn’t want to be him and wants no part or his lifestyle but he does want that world title.

NWA 9/24/85 (Portland) - NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Magnum T.A. vs. Ric Flair (Best of Magnum TA DVD)
JESUS! Christ 20 seconds in and the woman on commentary is annoying me. Flair has the epic green robe on during his entrance, and Flair gets introduced first during the introductions. WHAT! Flair has been world champ for 41 months now, wait WHAT! What a guy. I might have to mute this vid. Side headlock by TA to start and the woman is already taking shots at other companies. As Flair breaks out of the headlock but TA counters into a armbar but Flair gets to the ropes, another lockup and Flair gets the headlock but switches to a hammerlock but TA counters into hammerlock of his on but that get reversed by Flair but TA rolls his momentum through and back to the hammerlock. This leads to the male on commentary saying “SOME PEOPLE CRITICIZE FLAIR FOR NOT BEING SCIENTIFIC ENOUGH IN THE RING!†:lmao at this shit. The woman is already saying this is an unbelievable match :lmao Okay Flair backs up into the corner for the clean break and Flair stalls out of the test of strength 3 times but suckers him in with a knee and then a shoulder but TA gets in another figure four arm bar as Flair screams in pain. But he gets to his feet and another break, but NOW Flair goes after the head with a side headlock and takes it to the mat. TA manages to get back to his feet but again Flair takes him down with a headlock takedown but TA rolls through and manages to get Flair in headscissors until till Flair rolls though with literally half his body under the bottom rope but the ref doesn’t call for the break instead he lets it slide, JESUS! Thankfully Flair gets to his feet for the break and tells the ref “Hey, when I’m under the bottom rope break the hold next time†:lmao this is like 2 times in the past minute Flair has had to tell the guy how to do his job. Knee to the guy but TA counters a suplex twice and we get another standoff, and FLAIR GOES INTO STALLING MODE :mark: Side headlock is countered into a hammerlock but Flair pulls him down by the hair and goes back into stalling, oh shit now he’s taunting him. Another lockup happens with TA getting the advantage, whip off the ropes leads to a shoulder tackle, then a hip toss and finally a military press slam and Flair rolls out for a breather. MORE STALLING BY FLAIR! Until he suckers TA into the corner and gets a few chops in then a forearm he tosses him out of the ring but TA gets right back into the ring and attacks Flair in the corner before hip tossing him to the center and connecting with a dropkick. Forearm smashes into the corner until Flair kicks him in the midsection and he begins to go to work on it. Chop to the throat and we have our first 2 count of the match, it only took 15 minutes. Flair then throws him out of the ring and follows him to the outside and simply pushes him into the ring post and kills him with a chop. He rolls back into the ring to argue with the ref and that allows TA to get on the apron but Flair elbows him back down and we get the announcement that 15 minutes are left remaining. Flair uses this time to shout at some person in the crowd but out of no where TA gets a quick roll up for a 2 which almost looked like 3 so Flair pushes the ref out of anger but this fuckin’ dirty ref pushes him back so Flair goes back to TA and attempts the knee drop but TA movers and Flair knee crashes the mat so TA gets in the figure four and the crowd pop was AWESOME! THEN OH MY FUCKING GOD RIC FLAIR GETS TO THE ROPES BUT THE REF KICKS FLAIRS HANDS OFF THE ROPES :lmao this is some TNA/WCW shit right here. Flair gets to the ropes again but this time he gets the break. He goes for it again but Flair kicks him off and gets the thumb to the eye for separation, chop is ducked by TA and he goes for the cross body but Flair ducks that and TA goes flying out of the ring. Back in, and now Flair attempts to work the leg but TA counters and we get the 10 minute left call. Backdrop connects but Flair gets a low kick, back slide by TA gets 2, and Flair trips up TA and puts his feet on the ropes for the 3 but the ref sees the feet on the ropes and decides to let the match go on UGH! Flair must have slept with this ref’s wife, mistress, baby mamma, sister and daughter all in the one day he’s been here. TA comes charging in but Flair catches him with this weird looking knee before collapsing but TA counters a whip into a sleeper. Oh shit Flair is now reaching for the ropes but the ref is now leaning on the which prevents Flair from grabbing them :lmao TA manages to get him to the mat and goes for a cover but Flair gets his feet on the ropes. Body Slam but TA but the splash misses, suplex is countered but TA gets one of his own for a 2 count, Flair throws him out again but TA sunset flips in for a 2 count. And we get the 5 minutes announcement, knee breaker by Flair connects and he gets the figure four him. TA rolls through though but Flair goes for it again but this time TA counters with a small package again for 2. Flair gets up first and throws him out he follows out and tries to throw TA into the post but TA counters and throws Flair into it instead, back in and TA does the 10 punches in the corner but Flair counters with the atomic drop. REF BUMP! On the whip and TA connects with the Bell-to-belly but the ref is out, but then all of a sudden he leaps up off the mat and tries a quick count but the Flair kicks out. JESUS! Flair corner bump and he runs the apron and comes off the top with the double axe attempt but TA hits him in the gut and connects with a dropkick, SLOPPY ROLL THROUGH ATTEMPTS but TA manages to bridge out and connects with a back slide to which the ref does a slow count on and the match ends on a draw. ***¾

AWA Supperclash 9/28/85 - NWA World Heavyweight Championship: T.A. vs. Ric Flair
I will say this is footage taken off the “World Title History DVD†so it’s DVDRIP Good :mark: Before the match TA cuts a promo saying he told Flair this thing with never be over between them until he puts him down with the belly to belly. The fans are throwing trash at Flair, he cuts a promo putting himself over and says he will dictate the pace of this match. Flair is wearing the sexy Green and brown I think it is robe. FUCKIN’ AWESOME! Mat wrestling to start with neither guy being able to gain the advantage for any length of time, the mat wrestling is a hell of a lot smoother than the previous match in Portland. TA gets him in a hammer/wrist lock but Flair back up into the corner for the break. Armbar is applied by TA but Flair pushes off and TA gets the better with the hip toss, dropkick press slam spot that they have done. FLAIR IS NOW STALLING! :mark: Knee to the gut then a chop by Flair and now he begins to work on him in the corner but TA counters a whip with a back body drop and goes right back to work on the arm with a hammerlock in the middle of the ring. But Flair gets back to his feet and connects with a kick to the midsection and throws him out, but just like all the other times TA gets right back in and starts beating on Flair in the corner and hip tosses him out but this time Flair moves out of the way of the dropkick and connects with a chop then a snap mare as Flair sells 3 different body parts but connects with a knee. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Knee to the mid section and the butterfly suplex gets a 2, then the abdominal stretch is applied he grabs a hold of TA’s attire and the ref sees this to he makes Flair break the hold. This pisses Flair off so he pushes the ref and the ref pushes him right back (I can see where HHH/Hebner got it from now) Chop by Flair and he connects with a another snap mare but this time Flair misses the knee drop and TA uses this to apply the figure four (Nice call back from the last match) Flair gets to the ropes and starts begging off and goes for it again but Flair kicks out of it then connect with a head butt to the groin or midsection, Suplex is blocked and TA gets one of his own for 2, again goes for a cover but this time gets 1. Backslide gets 2 by TA and Flair pokes him in the eyes to gain the advantage, he throws TA out and delivers a chop then throws him shoulder first into the ring post and connects with another chop. Back in and TA tries a sunset flip in but Flair counters and goes to work on the arm with a hammerlock and uses the rope for leverage twice and gets a series of covers off it but get caught on like the 11th try. TA attempted comebacks were pretty sweet but every time Flair would stop it with cheap hair pulls :lmao Man Flair’s cheating tactic’s here are phenomenal I think he put his feet on the ropes LEGIT! 21 times he really put over the desperation. But then they almost ruined it with this half nelson quick pinning sequence, IDK what it is but they should really quit attempting those late in matches it just always looks mad sloppy. Anyway, Flair goes to work in the corner but TA counters a whip into a sleeper and that’s like the 3rd call back spot so far in this match. Pinning attempt by TA gets a 2 as Flair foot is on the rope, now TA gets a scoop slam and attempts the slash but just like the previous match Flair gets the knees up. Back and forth strikes between the two but Flair gets the better and connects with the knee breaker and now the figure four. This is pretty much the exact same match as the last. Flair goes for it again but TA counters into a small package for 2 and back to the strikes into the corner, Flair corner bump sends him to the outside and TA follows him out, but Flair jumps on him and goes to throw him head first into the post but TA gets the boot up and sends Flair in instead. Okay, Flair is busted open. Back in, TA goes the 10 punches in the corner and is just all over him to which Flair does the GOAT bumping and attempting to fight back from. 2 count off punches and a another backdrop gets a 2 and the do the call back, back slide spot, belly-to-belly connects but the foot of Flair knocks the ref out for a split second. But the ref does get back up and counts to 2, But the match ends when TA goes for the school boy roll through but Flair rolls through that and grabs the tights for the 3 count. The match was pretty much the exact same as the Portland match just with a cheep heel finish. ***¾

NWA Word Wide Wrestling 12/28/85 - Ric Flair, Arn & Ole Anderson vs. Dusty Rhodes, Magnum TA & Manny Fernandez
This footage is off the “Nature Boy Ric Flair - The Definitive Collection†DVD if you are looking for a review of that DVD chick -> http://wrestlingsmarks.com/forums/t22640-6/#post870931 Just 11 minutes if fun. The crowd was hot from the opening bell to the end, It wasn't a classic wrestling match by any means but just each man doing what they do best as far as being entertaining & being able to hold the hot crowd in the palms of their hands. Ole and TA start but Flair taunts him so TA tags Dusty in and Flair tags in, the standoff with the crowd anticipation is fantastic. ARN TAGS IN! :mark: then Manny goes and they finally lockup Manny looks like a beast as does ARN! He runs the ropes numerous times before Manny catches him with a elbow and one to Ole, now TA is in and they are all taking shots at Ole. Now it’s back to ARN! with Manny with ARN! being the one getting the triple teamed. Ole in and he wants to slow it down so he stalls before going for the headlock but TA is in now and he works the arm, now Dusty who forces Ole to tag flair in :lmao SHOVING CONTEST is won by Dusty who taunts him, chops have now effect on him so he elbows’ Flair down and brings TA back him who quickens the pace hitting Flair with a ton of power moves and (we have to go to a commercial, dammit I wish WWE added the hidden commercial footage at times) Back now and ARN tags Flair in and it looks like they've targeted TA’s arm. TRIPLE TEAM HORSEMAN draws heat, but TA keeps fighting back and does get the hot tag in to Manny who nails ARN! With a dropkick and now a backdrop, he hit’s a leaping brain chop off the middle but ARN! Rolls to his corner and tags in Ole who beats on Manny before tagging in Flair, piledriver is block into a backdrop but ARN! Tags in and catches him with a elbow and takes it to the ground with a chinlock, I should note crowd have not stopped cheering for 11 minutes now. More horseman heat segment with Manny showing a ton of heart and the Horseman cutting him off at every turn, Flair taunting Dusty then running all around the ring leading to a double team is was great. OH SHIT! ALL HELL BREAKS LOSE AND ARN GRABS A CHAIR AND STRAIGHT UP KILLS MANNY WITH IT LEADING TO OLE GETTING THE PIN. Post-Match: The Horsemen try to go after Dusty’s leg again but TA breaks it up. This might be the hottest and must fun I’ve had watching a 6 man tag match, but I’m guessing the Horsemen have had better and now with the Shield here I think I should just watch a shitload of them now. ****

WPW 2/23/86 - Ric Flair vs. Magnum TA
This is a Japanese rip, so yeah. TA cuts a pre-match promo but I can hardly hear as the Japanese commentary guys are talking over it. I think they are translating it. This is around the time NWA changed into WCW as Flair has the beautiful world title on around his waist and is still wearing the green and brownish robe. Side headlock is countered into a hammerlock early on and we have the same mat wrestling spots that we had the prior 2 times they faced off. That goes on for around, 4 minutes until Flair backs him into the corner and connects with a shoulder block and pounds with chops and punches but TA puts a stop to that with press slam and starts nail Flair with punches in the corner but the ref steps in allowing Flair to knock him down. But Flair is still not happy so he pushes the ref and the ref responds with not one but two shoves to Flair into the corner, WHAT? Quick roll up by TA gets the crowd hot and gains a 2 count as Flair bails out. Back in, and Flair hit’s a knee followed by a chop before throwing TA out of the ring for good measure. Knee drop gets a 2 count, and apparently TA is busted open after that. Suplex by Flair and now he begins to work the left leg by stomping away at it and know a knee to the ankle sets up the figure four as wee get a reply which takes up the whole screen and wait that was a COMMERCIAL BREAK TIMEOUT, WHAT! Okay we are back and Flair still has him in it but TA is fighting so hard to roll to belly but Flair gets it back and uses the ropes for more leverage. This time the ref sees it and makes him break the hold, Flair goes for it again bt TA counters to the small package for 2. Flair throws him out of the ring again for a breather but snap mares him over the top but TA fights back and completely forgets about the knee, UGH! Sleeper is countered and now TA starts the full comeback hitting a backdrop and now the Flair buckle bump send Flair to the outside. Dive misses by TA but TA counters by throwing Flair into the ring post. Back in, and 10 corner punches connect but Flair hits one chop before trying to go to the top. TA hip tosses him down to the mat and applies the figure four, but like Flair grabs the red and throws him to the ground to try and gets DQ’ed :lmao the ref gets up and looks like he’s gonna call for the bell but TA breaks the hold and stops him, OH SHIT! Punches by TA bust Flair open or was it the blade job after the post that he’s done 3 times in their matches. LOW BLOW BY FLAIR! And the ref still doesn't call for the bell. TA NO SELLS that and punches him over the top and suplexes him back in for a 2 count. An elbow misses and TA counters a whip into a sleeper, but Flair counters that into a back elbow and collapses to the mat. BELLY-TO-BELLY connects but the ref gets hit in the knee and he falls out of the ring so now count. Flair sneaks up behind TA and crotches him on the top rope. The ref comes back in as Flair covers him on the 2 count TA gets his foot on the rope but because the ref is out of position he manages to pull the leg off and the ref counts to 3. As enjoyable as this was I really wish TA sold the leg more and the mat work along with the knee work kinda felt like a filler. ***½

WPW 8/3/86 - Elimination Tag Match: Ric Flair & The Anderson’s (Ole & Arn Anderson) vs. Rock & Roll Express & Magnum TA
This too is a Japanese rip, and Flair is up to his old tricks of taunting TA and hiding behind ARN! But this time TA shoves him to the ground and all hell breaks loose :mark: everyone is brawling in the middle with the faces gaining the advantage leaving Ole and TA to officially start the match. ARN! But TA counters a whip with a elbow and the fight is on again :mark: okay this have now settled down and we are back to ARN! Vs. Magnum, but again TA gets the better of it so Ole tags in and we gets a lockup battle won by TA, scoop slam connects and Slick Ric gets in. Flair talking shit before a getting a knee to the gut but TA hit’s the press slam and then the backdrop before tagging in Ricky who cleans house and now Robert gets the better of Flair until Ole breaks up a backslide and now TA is in how grabs a side headlock, shoulder block and hip toss connects then a BELLY-TO-BELLY on Flair but Ole breaks is up and tags in. Stomp to the finger and ARN! Illegally chokes plus rakes the eyes of TA. Suplex connects by Ole and the fans here are cheering non-stop and it’s been 10 minutes, I LOVE IT! Flair now rakes TA’s face on the mat as the ref is distracted before ARN! Does more damage. In comes Flair who fucks up some reverse looking walls so he just tags in Ole, but TA fights back with punches to the thighs. ARN! In but TA quickly rolls him up with the small package for the win. Super fun match here, I love the Horsemen style matches with the cut off and heat segments. The crowd really makes these even more fun to watch as they will pop for every little spot. ***¼ - ***1/2


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler

Cactus Jack 1992 Pack from XWT

WCW 01/04/1992 - Cactus Jack & Mr. Hughes vs. The Patriots
The Patriots are Todd Champion who is dressed as a military GI Joe attire, and Firebreaker Chip his tag partner, yeah that’s right his name is “Firebreaker Chip” and he’s dressed as a …… wait for it Fireman. Cactus is missing his front ¾ teeth and looks badass. This was awkward as fuck the Pats had a great look but sucked in the ring they are pretty much the American version of La Resistance. Jack and Todd did some stuff for like a minute and it was sloppy then Hughes and Chip came in and did nothing, thankfully Jack comes in and gets double teamed before getting backdropped on the floor to which he no sold. And while I’m watching this I have no idea who is playing the heel or face here. But I’m guessing no way the fans would booo Patriots, cause of the whole USA thing but they are also popping whenever Jack either gets hit or if he’s hitting someone but he’s sorta acting heel. IDK, well after the no sell backdrop Jack comes in and takes control of Chip before doing the hilarious pig scream and tags in Hughes. The control segment was pretty meh and I began to lose interest ASAP but Jack legdrops off the apron on to chip and rolls him into the ring to continue the assault. A couple minute later, Todd gets the hot tag and the match falls apart and stuff happens then out of nowhere the Pats hit this awful looking big boot into the spinning back elbow and go for the cover on Jack but, Hughes hits him with an elbow drop and Jack picks up the win. *

WCW 01/08/1992 - Cactus Jack & Abdullah The Butcher vs. The Steiner Brothers
Schiavone calls Jack and Butcher the old couple because they are so unalike 8D Rick’s trollin’ to start was great as he tries to shake hands with Abdul. Rick and Jack start and they just punch the shit out of eachother and begin to brawl. Abdul comes in and they try to get the jump on Rick but Rick fights it off and tags in Scot who scoop slams him followed by a suplex to Abdul for a great pop. But that doesn’t last long and Abdul has him caught in a terrible looking shoulder vice grip. Jack comes in now but Scot just throws him around and Rick comes in, but I've noticed neither team can gain control for long period’s time. Then out of nowhere something hilarious happens, Jack places Rick throat first onto the middle rope and connects with the leaping knee but Rick is still there so Abdul comes over and it about to hit him with the stick to the throat but Rick moves early :lmao so Abdul puts him back and Jacks comes back again with another leaping knee but this time Rick moves as Abdul is about to hit him with the stick but instead he hits Jack in the midsection :lmao Scott the kills Jack with a clothesline and Rick covers for the win. Post-Match: Jack is pisses and they fight other the stick and now begins to brawl on the outside, terrible match. *

WCW 02/01/1992 - Cactus Jack, Vader, & Terry Taylor (w/ Harley Race) vs. Ron Simmons, El GIgante & Van Hammer
So before the match the fans are doing the “Queens – We will rock you” chant with feet stomping :lmao Ron and Vader start with both men not moving on power moves so they do that whole NFL tease the 3 point stance and as Ron is about to do it, Vader just begins to hammer away on his back. DAT HEEL WORK! He pushes Ron into the corner and delivers some of the best body blows I’ve ever seen, but Vader gets too cocky and Ron is able to fight out with and get the better of Vader which leads to a Van Hammer getting a Vader punch to the face lol, and incomes Taylor and both men trade holds but Jack comes in and Hammer tags in El GIgante. He applies the claw but Taylor tries a crossbody but get caught and just tosses him into Jack. El GIgante now beats on both men as Vader just looks on :lmao Jack gets back in and El GIgante tags Ron in now who takes him down with a side headlock, but he turns his back and pays for it as Taylor body slams him to the floor and Jack rolls him back in. In comes Vader who kills him with a clothesline followed by a big splash for two, Heel team in pretty much in full control until Taylor fucks it up and allows Hammer to get the how tag but it never official got hot as Jack beats him up for a bit and now the match breaks down. With a huge brawl Vader & El GIgante are fighting on the outside, Taylor & Hammer are brawling in one corner while Jack & Ron fight in the middle. The ref moves Ron off Jack as Hammer suplexs Taylor but Jack is on the middle turnbuckle and leaps off with a double sledge to the back of Hammer’s head and covers for the win. *1/2

WCW 02/22/1992 - Cactus Jack vs. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat
Paul E. Dangerously is on commentary for this :mark: Steamboat is accompanied by a Ninja, the match starts with Jack who went under the ring during Steamboats entrance and came out the other end and started attacking him. He rams his head into the rail then drops him throat first onto it, Jack begins to bite the face of Steamboat and goes off the apron with a diving elbow onto Steamboat who it still on the floor. Jack rolls him onto the apron belly facing down and elbow him in the back of the neck, he kicks away at the gut and begins to throw punches as Steamboat tries to fight back but Jack just ends up choking him with his own black belt. High knee by Jack connects and he follows up with a legdrop to the neck. Jack takes him to every corner and throws him head first, as Paul E. talks about how Jack is not here to win the match he’s just in this match to see how good/bad Steamboats neck is, that’s why he’s yet to go for a pin cover. Jack whips him into the corner and comes charging in but Steamboat moves and jack goes flying to the outside, Jack is slow to get to his feet so Steamboat picks up his black belt and begins to choke Jack from the floor to the apron and back into the ring. Steamboat has been choking him for like a minute now and the ref has still yet to call for the bell :lmao Steamboat connects with the 10 corner punches, the ref now decides to step in and pulls him down and that allows Jack to hit the GOAT chokeslam. He doesn’t go for the cover and again goes back to the choke, elbow to the back of the head but Steamboat fight out and nails a scoop slam as he heads up for the double axe handle for the 3 count but the ref sees that Jack’s foot was under the bottom rope so the match continues, did they really do that false finish restart on a nothing match :lmao Jack jumps all over him but Steamboat comes back with one motherfucking karate throat chop to stop all the momentum. But Steamboat makes the mistake of charging in and Jack sends him over the top and that equals a DQ in WCW HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! **1/2

WCW Superbrawl II (02/29/1992) - Cactus Jack vs. Ron Simmions
Jack hammers away off a cheapshot, and Ron get meet with a foot on a blind charge. Jack is quickly put into the “head stuck in the ropes” They brawl outside, and back in Jack goes low and hits a facebuster, Slam and legdrop for two. Simmons charges in and gets hit with a lariat out of the corner. Double-arm DDT and legdrop get two. Back outside, Jack nails a Cactus Elbow off the 2nd rope, and they head back in. Simmons tries a dropkick but misses for a two count. Jack applies a chinlock, but Ron escapes hitting the dropkick as Jack tries the hold again. Both men are slow to get back and Jack dodges a shoulderblock and Ron tumbles to the ramp, he charges and literally walks right into a spinebuster on the ramp. Back in, Jack bulldogs Ron but instead of going for the pin he comes off the 2nd rope and gets caught in a Ron powerslammed on the way down for the win. Post-Match: Abdul comes down and turn on Ron as Jack joins on, suddenly some guy comes out of the crowd wearing this sweet suit oh wait it’s Junk Yard Dog, yeah Dog makes the save. **1/2 - **3/4

WCW 03/28/1992 - Armstrong vs. Cactus Jack
Jack jumps on him before the bell, as we get a video promo as the match goes on. Brad gets the better of him during the brawl on the outside and connects with a sweet looking dropkick. He backs Jack into the corner and whips him into the other but during the charge Jack gets the boot up and goes for what looks to be the double arm DDT but Brad switches to his back and applies the sleeper. Jack drops to his knees sending Brad to the outside but Brad is still on his feet and ends up taking him down by the ankle and both men are now brawling on the outside and again Brad is getting the better, he heads up top and connects with the double axe handle and tries the small package but Jack kicks out at one. Scoolboy gets a two followed by a clothesline and again he goes up top, he goes for a shouldertackle but is met with an elbow and that allows Jack to hit the double arm DDT for the win. *1/2

WCW 04/11/1992 - Cactus Jack vs. Dan Garza
Garza LEGIT looks like a guy that should be mowing lawns or plumbing for a living. Jack’s forearms to start looked godly and he just beats on this poor guy that involved the great backflip bump chokeslam. He bites away at him, then connects with a terrible looking suplex. Jack does the pull him up at two pin stuff which is hilarious, he throws Garza to the outside and slams him to the outside. HE HEADS UP TO THE APRON AND HITS THE SUISICDE JACK ELBOW! Back in, and the double arm DDT connects for the win.

WCW 05/09/1992 - Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Steamboat
Steamboat is wearing a facemask so Jack goes right for the midsection to start, but unlike the first one Steamboat is did not get attacked off the opening bell so he’s in this from the start. He uses his quickness to keep out of the reach of Jack and used the tactic of hit and run to avoid the getting hit in the nose. But Jack does eventually hit him once but comes charging in but Steamboat hits one of his beautiful arm drags and applies the pressure to the arm. Jack would fight out but Steamboat would be too smart as he looks like he’s gonna go for another arm drag but Jack holds onto the ropes so Steamboat dropkicks him instead. Jack uses Steamboats tights to throw him over the top but because Steamboats does the skin the cat and because his feet didn’t touch the floor it isn’t a DQ :lmao anyway Steamboat skins the cat but Jack comes charging in with the cactus clothesline sending both men to the floor for the double DQ RIGHT? WRONG! The ref lets it slide and counts to 10. Steamboat tries to shake it off but gets caught and Jack suplexs him into the ring, and now he begins to target the nose but Steamboat is quick to shove him off and tries a Oklahoma roll but gets a two, a boot is caught and Steamboat swings him around but Jack comes back with a desperation clothesline and both men are down. Jack has him in a side headlock and looks like he wants the running bulldog but Steamboat counters into the belly-to-back suplex, both men trade shots now with Jack winning he goes charging in but Steamboat moves and jack goes shoulderfirst into the ring post. He then comes off the top with the crossbody for the win. **1/2

WCW 07/11/1992 - Cactus Jack & Steve Austin (Paul E. Dangerously) vs. Barry Windham & Ricky Steamboat
Steamboat and Jack start, jack back him in the corner but Steamboat comes out tough and gets the better on punches before grounding him. But Jack comes back with strikes of his own and both men are just trading wicked shows. Austin and Barry get involved too and the faces get the better as Paul E. calls for a time out. He then Jack to get in by saying “Get in, Bang Bang, Get In” :lmao Jack tags in Austin but he doesn’t want Steamboat he wants Barry and Steamboat tags him in. Austin gets the better and it’s so weird seeing Austin throw different punches and going into a bear hug right off the bat. Man mid card/yet to find himself Austin is weird. Barry fights out with a belly-to-belly and now begins to work the arm as we go to a commercial, we are back and now Steamboat it working the arm and he does one of the coolest arm whips in history before twisting the arm several ways to the point like it’s about to rip off. He has an arm bar applied but instead of keeping the hold on to tags Barry in who locks up the arm for the arm breaker slam. Steamboat in and gets a quick two before going right back to work on the armbar but Austin fights out and works the back quickly so he can tag in Jack. And Jack quickens the pace working all over Steamboat with some help of Austin and now they begin to work over Steamboat but he’s like fuck that and tags Barry in who cleans house until a Jack knee to the back allows Austin to get some shots in and now Jack and Austin work over Barry for a bit but as the match got more exciting it just ended with a Windham small package out of nowhere for the win. **1/2