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the dark knight

If it's not a genetic thing, then why do tons of right winged blueberries condone "Gene therapy to make sure a child doesnt become homosexual"?

from what i can tell based on the homos i know in real life, genes may not be a reason for it.
THEORIES not facts. but mental illness makes more sense. thats why i said they should be locked inside an asylum.

It's called being confused. And besides they might have "changed back" for public show and keep their homosexuality under wraps because of biggots like you.

i hate that word. im not a god damn bigot! sticking to my thought and my theory doesnt make me a bigot. you're contradicting your self now. i thought i had the "freedom" to state my opinion.

if its about slaying the homos, you sir do NOT have any sense of lame humor. its like "ill cornhole you if u didnt bring the game on sunday" and when my friend doesnt get it, i just give him the finger. doesnt mean im really gonna cornhole him. if i was serious about killing or even insulting homos, i would've killed a 100 b4. and i even have a reason to do it, a lot of gay cocksuckers used to hit on me in school. i just told them to fuck off. nothing else.

Awww the pitty poor kid gets cornered with logic and he plays the smark card. Why dont you answer my question? Who decides what is and isnt too much freedom?

actually, its either u changed the Q or i misunderstood it. sorry. who decides = people who have logic. but i admit that it wont really work cuz the presidents these days have the IQ of my cat.

by your "logic", i assume that you are against smoking in public places. and dont tell me cuz it effects others. homosexuality can have a major effect on a lot of things in an in-direct way.

Yes because a 6 year old with an gun is the same as two conscenting adults participating in something that has NO CHANCE TO HURT ANYONE except maybe themselves. And if someone hurts themselves, no matter who they are, its their fault for being so damn stupid.

another reason, because what the kid is going to do is WRONG!

Why is homosexuality differnet than religion? According to your so called "logic" people choose to be gay. People also choose what God to pray to. So tell me why is a Saddam Hussein gassing Kurds for praying to a different God any different than your proposed "lets round up all them there queers and get rid of em"?

because religion is something we should have. its like a staple in a human's life. bottom line, its something good or atleast NOT BAD.

homosexuality, wrong wrong wrong wrong and some more wrongs!

thats why its different than religion. and there's a reason why its called "gay"....

No, unlike YOU, I am responding to EVERYTHING you say.

you call

Oh so its because youre so insecure about yourself, i got it.

a response?

Actually I did. You said "If you DID ban homosexuality" and I was comparing it to religion, as I just did above. Just because your feeble brain cant comprehend the comparison doesnt mean its not valid.

ok, maybe you misunderstood me like other times cuz u missed some points and your responses were somewhat far from the point. your brain understands everything tdk says wrong lol.


You did right there

again and again and again. YOU DID NOT UDERSTAND correctly! read the full post.
You didnt say SOME in your original post....

i did...

So your "logic" is because is because its physically possible its ok to do it? The dick fits in the asshole too you know. Its just a smaller hole.

guess what, i can cripple a guy using a tv rc right? is that the propose they made the rc? no.

i hope u understand.

Nothing is wrong with it unless of course your some dumb biggot. No, youre not hurting anyone, but it makes you a hypocrite. Just because YOU cant handle that FACT doesnt make it not true.

insulted me again. i can insult u too u know. anyway, how the fuck am i a hypocrite?

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
But mental illness makes more sense. thats why i said they should be locked inside an asylum.

They should be locked in an asylum for being sexually attracted to someone?

i hate that word. im not a god damn bigot! sticking to my thought and my theory doesnt make me a bigot.
Wikipedia said:
A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own.

I think it was the hating people because of they;re lifestyle part that got you labeled as a bigot.....not sticking to your opinion.

i thought i had the "freedom" to state my opinion.

He never said you couldn't....no contradiction there.

homosexuality can have a major effect on a lot of things in an in-direct way.

Like what?

another reason, because what the kid is going to do is WRONG!

Yeah, he was being sarcastic in that your comparison of a kid with a gun and gays is completely ridiculous.

because religion is something we should have. its like a staple in a human's life. bottom line, its something good or atleast NOT BAD.

homosexuality, wrong wrong wrong wrong and some more wrongs!

thats why its different than religion. and there's a reason why its called "gay"....

What's wrong about it? Sure, I think having sex with men is disgusting but, let's say I like fat hairy women....that'd disgusting as well....do you think they should be treated like peons too?

And the meaning of "gay" changed after it's affiliation with homosexuality, not the other way around.

Oh so its because you're so insecure about yourself, i got it.
a response?

That's a perfect response. You claim that it's wasting love on a woman instead of a man? Well, you don't get every woman anyways, so there's plenty of love for you to be jealous of without gays being involved.

guess what, i can cripple a guy using a tv rc right? is that the propose they made the rc? no.

i hope u understand.

OK, so using that logic, what's the purpose of having the ability to make choices if they are automatically wrong? Wouldn't have God edited out the wrong decisions.

insulted me again. i can insult u too u know. anyway, how the fuck am i a hypocrite?

You are a hypocrite because you praise lesbian porn yet are anti-homosexuality. That's like saying you love Burger King but hate McDonald's because they slaughter cows for food.

the dark knight

wait, you cant just end it. can you sum up what have i said thats "wrong"? and how did i lower your IQ?


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
from what i can tell based on the homos i know in real life, genes may not be a reason for it.
THEORIES not facts. but mental illness makes more sense. thats why i said they should be locked inside an asylum.

You have limited exposure to homsexuals. "From what I can tell" since whens is your opinion the end all? Oh, and quoting wiki, thats good. Too bad any schlub with a computer CAN EDIT WIKIPEDIA. Try this..




This is what we call, FACT. I know its a foreign concept to you, but kep trying, it'll break through.

i hate that word. im not a god damn bigot! sticking to my thought and my theory doesnt make me a bigot. you're contradicting your self now. i thought i had the "freedom" to state my opinion.
Did I ever say YOU CANT SAY THAT? No. You have the right to say whatever you want. Just like I have the right to call you a biggot.

if its about slaying the homos, you sir do NOT have any sense of lame humor. its like "ill cornhole you if u didnt bring the game on sunday" and when my friend doesnt get it, i just give him the finger. doesnt mean im really gonna cornhole him. if i was serious about killing or even insulting homos, i would've killed a 100 b4. and i even have a reason to do it, a lot of gay cocksuckers used to hit on me in school. i just told them to fuck off. nothing else.
Well the truth comes out, youre homophobic....

actually, its either u changed the Q or i misunderstood it. sorry. who decides = people who have logic. but i admit that it wont really work cuz the presidents these days have the IQ of my cat.

What is logic? Hitler thought he had "logic" on his side when he was "ridding the world of the evil Jews." Before you make statements like this, back them up.

by your "logic", i assume that you are against smoking in public places. and dont tell me cuz it effects others. homosexuality can have a major effect on a lot of things in an in-direct way.

I dont care if someone smokes in public, as long as I dont have to sit with them. That's why there is a SMOKING and a NON SMOKING section in a lot of places. And please tell me how two gay guys having sex will negatively affect you. I cant wait to hear this pile of bullshit...

another reason, because what the kid is going to do is WRONG!

And why is it wrong? BECAUSE HE IS HURTING PEOPLE!! Idiot!!!

because religion is something we should have. its like a staple in a human's life. bottom line, its something good or atleast NOT BAD.

Oh, im sorry LORD, I didnt know you were dictating what SHOULD and SHOULDNT be done by the entire human race. You keep saying this has nothng to do with religion but you also keep showing what a religious BIGGOT you really are...

homosexuality, wrong wrong wrong wrong and some more wrongs!
thats why its different than religion. and there's a reason why its called "gay"....
Homosexuality is wrong because YOU say it is? Wow, what great "logic" there...

you call
a response?

YOu just said it. Not me. I just put it into words you could understand. Just because you dont like the fact that I pointed it out doesnt make it less true.

ok, maybe you misunderstood me like other times cuz u missed some points and your responses were somewhat far from the point. your brain understands everything tdk says wrong lol.
My brain understands everything literally. You LITERALLY said something wrong, so I said it was wrong.

again and again and again. YOU DID NOT UDERSTAND correctly! read the full post.

Dont get mad just because im calling you on your bullshit logic.

Did you now?

Please tell me where it says SOME HOMOSEXUALS anywhere in this post....

blacks and gays is a different story.

anyway, i'd really really really really fight to ban same sex marriages. it motivates people to feel free for homosexuality which is wrong for tons of reasons. imagine that you see the hottest woman alive a lesbian, wouldnt u feel like shit? and isnt that actually disgusting?

lets take a look at some of the reasons:

A) more freedom to do whatever they want. announce a death sentence to homos and look what's goona happen. too many choices = for the people.

B) the male/female is too ugly to have sex with the same sex. seen some examples in real life.

C) the male/female is psychologically disturbed. which means they should be locked in an asylum or sumthin. i've talked to a lesbo b4 and she said she hates men cuz they're assholes. she said that her father used to treat her and her mother as slaves! so she turned lesbians and sworn that shes never gonna kiss a man.

im not religious but the reason a man has a dick is to stick it in a woman's vagina. AND, if im god, i would've sent any homo straight to hell unless its proven that its a mental problem ( look at option C above ).

lets bring sara poe here and ask her why is she lesbian shall we?

homosexuality is gay....lol


guess what, i can cripple a guy using a tv rc right? is that the propose they made the rc? no.
Gay's and lesbians arent hurting anyone. Once again your logic is bullshit.

i hope u understand.

insulted me again. i can insult u too u know. anyway, how the fuck am i a hypocrite?

Because being opposed to gays and then wanting to watch lesbians have sex is hypocritical. I dont know how I can make that any clearer. If youre too stupid to understand, thats your problem, not mine.

And since you think gays are sooooooooooooo ugly, why do you watch gay women? Hypocritical statement #500.

the dark knight

They should be locked in an asylum for being sexually attracted to someone?

no. they should be locked in an asylum so they can be psychologically cured.

I think it was the hating people because of they;re lifestyle part that got you labeled as a bigot.....not sticking to your opinion.

wait, my mom irritates me. do i hate her? no.

He never said you couldn't....no contradiction there.

then why does he keep insulting me? i dont remember any good debate having insults flying around.

Like what?

lets see, what if you had a country full of gays, wouldnt that finish off the population is sometime? for example, USA, after allowing the same sex marriages u find out that all of the residents are gays. new born? no. country dies? yes.

"indirect way" so dont tell me it wont happen right away.

What's wrong about it? Sure, I think having sex with men is disgusting but, let's say I like fat hairy women....that'd disgusting as well....do you think they should be treated like peons too?

why did god create different sexes?

And the meaning of "gay" changed after it's affiliation with homosexuality, not the other way around.

its still gonna be called gay. why? because its "different" and unusual.

That's a perfect response. You claim that it's wasting love on a woman instead of a man? Well, you don't get every woman anyways, so there's plenty of love for you to be jealous of without gays being involved.

my bad, i misunderstood his post. i did not say i wanna fuck em all or that all women. its just stupid imo.

OK, so using that logic, what's the purpose of having the ability to make choices if they are automatically wrong? Wouldn't have God edited out the wrong decisions.

when did i say that people should choose all our choices? we're free to do a lot of things. but some things should not be allowed. can i ask you something? why is it a sin in the bible? there has to be a reason.

You are a hypocrite because you praise lesbian porn yet are anti-homosexuality. That's like saying you love Burger King but hate McDonald's because they slaughter cows for food.

i dont actaully praise it. i just said its fun to watch. so would i allow homosexuality so i can watch lesbos? no. and as i said, being a bi is better than being a strict homo.

You have limited exposure to homsexuals. "From what I can tell" since whens is your opinion the end all? Oh, and quoting wiki, thats good. Too bad any schlub with a computer CAN EDIT WIKIPEDIA. Try this..




This is what we call, FACT. I know its a foreign concept to you, but kep trying, it'll break through.

stop being a smartass. i did not read whts inside the link but, maybe...MAYBE, genes have a big effect on sexuality. and fyi, wiki does not allow anyone to post crap. it has to be acurate. not necessarely 100% acurate.

AND, my mom has a degree in psychology. she told me before that mental health can have a major effect on sexuality. there's a fact.

Did I ever say YOU CANT SAY THAT? No. You have the right to say whatever you want. Just like I have the right to call you a biggot.

and i have the right to say you're stupid. or atleast acting like one.

Well the truth comes out, youre homophobic....

i am? ty.

What is logic? Hitler thought he had "logic" on his side when he was "ridding the world of the evil Jews." Before you make statements like this, back them up.

it was his opinion. every opinion is based on a logic. every logic has flaws.

are u jewish? u keep popping them up every post...

I dont care if someone smokes in public, as long as I dont have to sit with them. That's why there is a SMOKING and a NON SMOKING section in a lot of places. And please tell me how two gay guys having sex will negatively affect you. I cant wait to hear this pile of bullshit...

i laughed for a second there. the situation "2 guys fucking" wont effect me directly. thats why i wont kill them :) but it still does not mean that its something right to do.

And why is it wrong? BECAUSE HE IS HURTING PEOPLE!! Idiot!!!

didnt i tell u dont tell me that its because they're hurting people? and btw, is everything wrong in the world must hurt some people? someone gave you an exam yesterday asking whats 2+2? u answered 9.5 which is wrong. did that hurt him?

Oh, im sorry LORD, I didnt know you were dictating what SHOULD and SHOULDNT be done by the entire human race. You keep saying this has nothng to do with religion but you also keep showing what a religious BIGGOT you really are...

lmao. i dont even pray. but there are a lot of good points in religion. and once again, its my opinion. i did not say im LORD. religion satifies human nature, the need to follow something. everyone needs a leader to follow. and in my case, i dont follow anyone. its my choice. still, it'll help me a lot to follow my cell phone or something.

Homosexuality is wrong because YOU say it is? Wow, what great "logic" there...

hold on, are you saying homosexuality is not wrong? if you do, you totally lost respect.

neverminding it and thinking that its right are 2 different stories.

YOu just said it. Not me. I just put it into words you could understand. Just because you dont like the fact that I pointed it out doesnt make it less true.

the point was not clear. i kinda got it now and responded to chuck.

My brain understands everything literally. You LITERALLY said something wrong, so I said it was wrong.

just because your mind said its wrong it have to mean that its wrong?

Dont get mad just because im calling you on your bullshit logic.

call me whatever you want. just dont name stupid meaningless reasons.

Did you now?

Please tell me where it says SOME HOMOSEXUALS anywhere in this post....


FUCK THE BULLSHIT. now im startin to get pissed.

ill try to make it simple but its not my fault you did not understand my point.

"some reasons"? some reasons why some people are homos. i dont know how is it so hard to understand. you can understand by the context. unless you DO understand everything I say wrong.

Gay's and lesbians arent hurting anyone. Once again your logic is bullshit.

i hope u understand.

gays hurt ME. ok? wanna know how? i do not feel good walking around some gay fucks knowing that they're having a lust on me. and it happened a lot. fucking assholes touched me b4 and shit. it just piss me off.

Because being opposed to gays and then wanting to watch lesbians have sex is hypocritical. I dont know how I can make that any clearer. If youre too stupid to understand, thats your problem, not mine.

check what i said to chuck. and just to clear up your mind, whenever u see a "lol" or a ":p" it means NOT SERIOUS or JK. ok?

And since you think gays are sooooooooooooo ugly, why do you watch gay women? Hypocritical statement #500.
fucking bullshit again. i did not say that ALL gays are ugly. i said its one of the factors that could change a guy's sexuality. not my fault if u dont understand.

edit- did i take 1 whole hour writing this crap?


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
tdk, you are entitled to your opinions, but you are painting yourself in a corner here. There really is no arguement for not allowing personal choice especially when it does not harm you in anyway shape, or form.

the dark knight


gay parades is irritating to me and a lot of people. should be banned. sorry :(

homosexuality wont kill me but like i said in my previous post, gays can be annoying sometimes. so it does bother me but i wont kill someone for it.

Wrestling Station

If someone decided to act gay in his life, its his problem, but the thing is, he will lose many things afterwards that is concerned about after life big present, which is so called Heaven.
Its clear that God created men to be MEN and women to be WOMEN. and the word Mariage is a definition of Man marrying a woman. Any change to this concept is considered a Sin. And whatever you guys trying to act smart about it, the fact is clear and simple. Just for people that trying to change the fact of the word marriage and the concept of life and duties, it doesnt mean that they are doing the right thing.
I dont care about gay craps, but if they get in my sight, i will feel disgusted, thats a fact. Deal with it.

And to whoever started this thread, if your life is concerned about gay rights, then thats too pitty. sorry to say that, there are more important and better things in life to talk to and discuss than talking about poeple making sins and you are trying to defend sins.



Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
Don't forget WS, what you think is a sin isn't necessarily true of everyone else. Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
stop being a smartass. i did not read whts inside the link but, maybe...MAYBE, genes have a big effect on sexuality. and fyi, wiki does not allow anyone to post crap. it has to be acurate. not necessarely 100% acurate.

No, they let anyone post whatever they want, and if they think it sounds logical, they allow it to stay. And I know you wont read the studies because they PROVE YOU WRONG. Its funny how you went from GENES HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT to Ok maybe they do.

AND, my mom has a degree in psychology. she told me before that mental health can have a major effect on sexuality. there's a fact.
Mental health has an effect on EVERYTHING you do EVERY DAY of your life. That's like saying "The sun has an effect on the Earth." Well no shit sherlock. Mental health effects everything from how you talk to what you eat and when you eat it, to what GOD YOU PRAY TOO. Yes, mental health effects you sexually. But ask your mom if homsexuals are "mentally insane" and "need to be locked up."

and i have the right to say you're stupid. or atleast acting like one.

i am? ty.

I have no response to the stupidity of this statement. I have never heard of someone being PROUD to be afraid of someone elses sexual orientation before. It's just mind boggling.

it was his opinion. every opinion is based on a logic. every logic has flaws.
Opinions are not based on logic because the nature of opinions are that they can not be FACTUALLY proven one way or another. Which you would know if you paid attention in school. Pure logic has no flaws. 2 + 2 will always equal 4 on our plane of existance. There is no changing that unless you change what the numbers mean. You arent talking about "logic" you are talking about arbitrary observations. Thats how opinions are formed.

are u jewish? u keep popping them up every post...
No, but way to avoid answering the question, bigot.

i laughed for a second there. the situation "2 guys fucking" wont effect me directly. thats why i wont kill them :) but it still does not mean that its something right to do.
So when Chuck an I ask the same question to the same response from you, we get two different answers. Thats neat. Anyway, who are you to say what is and isnt right for someone else to do?

didnt i tell u dont tell me that its because they're hurting people? and btw, is everything wrong in the world must hurt some people? someone gave you an exam yesterday asking whats 2+2? u answered 9.5 which is wrong. did that hurt him?
Flawed analogy number 155. The exam didnt hurt anyone, the idiot taking the test hurt himself. If someone wants to hurt themselves, its their business. If they wanna be stupid, fine, fuck em.

But to give a short answer, because those are the only ones you seem to comprehend, yes, the baseline for something being "wrong" is that it hurts someone else.

lmao. i dont even pray. but there are a lot of good points in religion. and once again, its my opinion. i did not say im LORD. religion satifies human nature, the need to follow something. everyone needs a leader to follow. and in my case, i dont follow anyone. its my choice. still, it'll help me a lot to follow my cell phone or something.
You are acting like you are, when you make statements saying YOU KNOW what people should and shouldnt do.

hold on, are you saying homosexuality is not wrong? if you do, you totally lost respect.
Ok, thats it. I dont care if I get warned or banned. Dude, you are a FUCKING MORON!!!!!

just because your mind said its wrong it have to mean that its wrong?
Yes. WHen taking in the context of our current cyber surroundings and the current coversation and when using LOGIC, my brain tells me its wrong. 2+2=4. Does your brain say 9.5?

call me whatever you want. just dont name stupid meaningless reasons.
No meaning? Like they "My mommy told me" meaning that you use?

FUCK THE BULLSHIT. now im startin to get pissed.

ill try to make it simple but its not my fault you did not understand my point.

You didnt say SOME PEOPLE. Sorry. Try again.

gays hurt ME. ok? wanna know how? i do not feel good walking around some gay fucks knowing that they're having a lust on me. and it happened a lot. fucking assholes touched me b4 and shit. it just piss me off.
Oh so now its back to gays CAN directly hurt you. But lets see, using your logic, everyone who posts on a wrestling forum (because thats who you are) is a bigot and a moron.

fucking bullshit again. i did not say that ALL gays are ugly. i said its one of the factors that could change a guy's sexuality. not my fault if u dont understand.
Yes you did. You are now just trying to back out of your words.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2007
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I live in Los Angeles, as some of you know (If you didn't know, you do now) There is a lot of homosexual women, as well as men. I have no problem with anyone being gay, I can actually understand why a women would be gay, women are just so sexy lol...But seriously, I'm not homophobic or anything if your gay well good for you, all I know is I love women and thats the bottom line.
Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
in my opinion, i could give a shit less what you do or who you are. If you like a person of the same sex then the more power to you. Just don't try to push your lifestyles off on me.

the dark knight


this isnt a reply for kaedon's bullshit about me yet but i thought i'd post that as i just found it while browsing in wiki lol

i still dont have time, ill reply later.