
It's not even about that. It's about taking a guy who within a matter of mere months had the best heel heat and role in the entire company and then in a matter of weeks shit all over it by having him feud with a fucking referee and now have him put someone over R Truth of all people into the main event? WWE couldn't even hold down CM Punk's momentum in the main event and now they're gonna throw another person in there to see if he sticks?
It's all desperation to try and fill the void of Jeff. But WWE should have seen shit like this coming for years now and been slowly building guys into the main event role instead of these last minute ass backward desperation attempts at creating stars.
You know how shitty this looks for CM Punk, a guy who just retired Jeff Hardy and feuded with the Undertaker to be taking losses to R Truth who has done NOTHING since being in the company.
And need I bring up PRETTY RICKY?
CM Punk wasn't at the level yet where he can just drop down through the card and not have it look weird. WWE finally succeeded in making a new main event star with Punk and they shit on it almost instantly.
LOL, so people complain WWE doesn't want to push new people to the top, but when they use CM Punk to create a new main eventer, God damnit it's a crime.
This is ridciculous. Yes, Killings is a horrid wrestler. But the talk that Killings bombed, that he shouldn't be pushed is Blue. Here is a guy who despite not being pushed properly, who despite not getting air time stays remarkably over. The IWC hates his act (I'm not a fan either), yet the average WWE fan loves him, so pushing him is the smart thing to do. It's not a race thing; it's common sense.
As far as Punk being the guy to help him goes, Gerald has it right. Guess what, Punk's got nothing else to do, so why not make use of the momentum he has to assist others in getting momentum too. Unless of course you want to see The Undertaker being the one to help Truth, despite the fact he's World Heavyweight Champion (and rightfully so since we're coming to WrestleMania season and he's a much bigger draw than Punk). Or you may want to see Batista just currently end his feud with Rey and help him out. Or have Chris Jericho end his tag team run suddenly too.
Really, ridiculous. WWE is doing the right thing here.