Reading this thread once it kind of swerves off-topic only serves to remind me how truly unique my opinions on Punk's work are on this forum. I thought the vast majority of all SES Society/Savior promos were the same exact dribble just a different week, of the ones I saw anyway. I gave up watching weekly a month or so in when I was able to finish Punk's sentences. I still think when he hit the mark in those promos, he was excellent though. In fact, that's an extension of my feelings to most of Punk's heel work, overly repetitive (though good isolated) with the occasional bouts of glory. His feud with Hardy was excellent though and my second favorite Punk run. Also, I thought the Summer Of Punk so to speak, was great up until and including Night Of Champions. The Raw post-Champions killed that for me instantly though. I could delve into more detail if anyone finds my previous statements to be ludicrous to but I'd rather not (partially cause I've done so before in excruciatingly long detail). I also enjoyed his first World Championship reign.