I have watched WWWF/WWF/WWE for going on 60 years now. I have attended many, many live events, subscribed to their network almost since its inception, bought its products, and introduced my son to them. But if they go ahead with taking the blood money from the Saudis, I will be cancelling my subscription and promoting a boycott of WWE products. It's not even just the murder of the journalist, as horrible as that was. (They were "only" torturing him and it went "wrong"!) WWE claims to be sooo anti-terrorist, but cozy up to the biggest promoter of terrorism, the place where most of the 9/11 attackers came from. They torture and kill political opponents and journalists, and are involved in the slaughter of thousands of civilians in Yemen. And WWE claims to be sooo pro-women, so encouraging of women's equality, but they have no problem leaving their women behind to please the royals of a country in which women are second-class citizens. It's ironic that Edge should have talked about "a moral compass" and "a stain on your soul" during Smackdown tonight. Apparently WWE has none of the first and a whole lot of the second. We'll wait to see what, pardon the expression, evolves, but the Saudi government and the Trump administration have already been scrambling to cook up a cover story, so McMahon is almost certain to have an out when the time comes. The wrestlers, at least most of them, Mayor Demon "Libertarian" excepted, don't want to go. They should be supported. The only thing McMahon understands is money, so if he had indication that subscribers would cancel, advertisers would bail and a boycott could result, he might just look differently at the blood money he'd be getting.
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