I'm not blaming anyone. I have been on the manipulated end of the stick where I was used and emotionally abused, and it sucks. I allowed those toxic people to remain in my life so while they were horrible people, I was stupid for allowing it and should have valued myself more. I can't blame a person entirely for taking advantage of me when I allowed myself to become a doormat. A lot of people experience this in life and it sucks but I have to own up to the fact that I allowed those kind of people to be in my life when I knew they were bad for me. I feel like the people Nappy hurt will see this in time. They don't need to forgive him but they need to forgive themselves for thinking so little of themselves.Yeah but if you have to blame someone, blame Nappy. Not just for doing the things he did, but how he handled it.
I don't know what happened in its entirety but I have seen enough to think Shady has made a great choice. I would have done the same. He might remain on good terms with Nappy but for the sake of his channel and his fans, he can't collab with him anymore. I unsubbed to Nappy. I am sure others will too but he will still have his fan base. I just hope he learned from this not to take advantage of people who are already down on themselves.