And also probably the best design cat there is in Pokemon. Looks like a super saiyan cat
He's a kitty! :yay:
Most people are saying it is a Gate ripoff (from Megaman)...A kitty that is electrically charged, wearing giant gloves, perhaps a little grumpy you took its temptations, and willing to shock and claw and motherfucker that even thinks of looking at its catnip.
Most people are saying it is a Gate ripoff (from Megaman)...
Idk, electro kitty looks way to akward to me. I'm all for wacky designs - a LOVE things like Klinklang, Druddigon, and Bruxish - but it looks way too disporportional even for me
:yay: Sun and Moon Soul Link is starting soon!
Anytime they mention it, I draw it :tough:Time for some art to get featured again.
Looks pretty sick to me. Much better than the abomination that was the cat starter we got in Sun and Moon.Me likey Zeraora
If they wanted to use the original 151 again, then they should've just remade Kanto but have the player be Lillie. The player from Sun/Moon could appear in the aftergame for a battle of champions like in Gold and Silver.I am somewhat glad they are fake but at the same time I am worried that other rumor is true...
Of them starting fresh on the Switch with either all new Pokemon or the first 151 again.
If they wanted to use the original 151 again, then they should've just remade Kanto but have the player be Lillie. The player from Sun/Moon could appear in the aftergame for a battle of champions like in Gold and Silver.
All original Pokemon would be cool so long as they utilize more creativity than in gen five and make most of them actually good. But Nintendo has loved making horrid concepts since gen five (trash bag --> keys --> sand castle), I'm fully expecting at least 10% being awful. I'm guessing they'll make a sentient controller for the next game.
I'd like to see Pokemon take a greater RPG approach with your decisions actually influencing the story more like in Mass Effect and Dragon Age. There's no point in having options of what to say whenever they don't change the story whatsoever. Additionally, multiple save files would need to be added so people can play through a game again without having to lose their original save (I only have one playthrough of Pokemon X because of this). Difficulty settings would be nice, more character customization options would definitely be nice...but above all else, some sort of 3DS port would be wonderful. I got the 3DS literally just for Pokemon. I don't feel I should do that for the switch or whatever their new system is called.I want new mons personally. I don't want to start over with new ones either. They can easily just jump into gen 8. Bring back megas (add in some new ones I mean) and give us a new take on our character. Maybe allow the player to create their own story as themselves in a sense. Allow us better customization, age range, and a difficulty option. They can't ignore that a lot of their fan base is in their 20's and 30's. Well, I mean they could ignore it... and have... BUT THEY SHOULDN'T!