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Jul 8, 2008
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Now everyone seems to have an opinion of some kind with regards to the right guys getting pushed, everyone wants to have there say on who should be pushed, who should be champ and who doesn't deserve those things!

So therefor what performer do YOU think is the most over rated in the WWE, lets not kid ourselves either, I don't mean over rated by the guys in charge of the shows, I am talking more about from the "INTERNET WRESTLING COMMUNITY"

There always seems to be heat on the same guys (Batista, Cena and CM Punk) yet these same guys who give others abuse are quick to praise the efforts of other guys who if your lucky could sell 10 tickets between them.

For me the guy I believe who is the most over rated in the WWE is none other than Mr Kennedy...............Kennedy

He does nothing at all for me, his in ring move set is boring, his look is neither here nor there, his promos are usually boring as well and his name sucks, the only reason in my opinion he was pushed as far as he was is because of his close realationship with Stone Cold Steve Austin whom they tried to morph him into, however he lacks the one basic ingrediant to be another Austin, NATURAL TALENT

This is of course my own opinions on Mr Kennedy but I am interested to see who others would choose as the most over rated and why!


^^^I agree. Kennedy is the most overrated wrestler by far.

I won't get into his below average in ring skills. I will however completely bash his so called mic skills. The dude comes off as cheesy and unnatural. Almost as if he is trying to be funny, but just sounds like a complete douchebag. The guy has never cut a great promo and everyone wanted to call him the second coming of Dwayne Johnson.

I also think these wrestlers are overrated by the internet fans;

Rey Mysterio

On the flip side, here is my list of wrestlers underrated by the IWC;



Anyways, I think his mic skills are a bit overrated. He's good on the mic, but not as good as people sya, all he says is the same stuff. if he freshens it up, itd be good.
Hes very good in the ring though, so I still think he can be a world champ/

Anyways, for me, none of the main eventers are overrated.
The only overrated gusy are lower card guys that people think should be main eventers. But thats only a few people, so I wont sya that.
I guess Ill go with Kennedy.. I like him, and hes got a good future, I hope, but he's still overrated by alot of people.


:confused: Back up Khali plz.

I didn't want to sabotage the thread, but here goes...

He has awesome mic skills. He sounds exactly how you would picture an evil giant from India to sound. He also has great presence and chairsma

He isn't nearly as bad in the ring, as his WWE work would make him appear. His moveset is extensive, the WWE just doesn;t think a heel giant should have anything but a punch, stomp and powerslam.

He has a great look. You can throw him in at any time with any main eventer and he would seem credible.

As far as I am concerned, they should give him a belt and let him squash everyone for a year then have an up and coming face conquer the giant in what would be a huge and monumental match for the ages.


I didn't want to sabotage the thread, but here goes...

He has awesome mic skills. He sounds exactly how you would picture an evil giant from India to sound. He also has great presence and chairsma

He isn't nearly as bad in the ring, as his WWE work would make him appear. His moveset is extensive, the WWE just doesn;t think a heel giant should have anything but a punch, stomp and powerslam.

He has a great look. You can throw him in at any time with any main eventer and he would seem credible.

As far as I am concerned, they should give him a belt and let him squash everyone for a year then have an up and coming face conquer the giant in what would be a huge and monumental match for the ages.

I understand the part about the mic skills, but he has great charisma? He just stands there and points and people while muttering jibberish. How does that give him great charisma? And I also understand your point about the WWE not wanting to give the giants a big moveset, but I don't see how that makes him underated. His moves are his moves. IDK, I just don't see how you could call him underated, but I've heard much worse arguments for wrestlers.

The Rated R CMStar

While WWE might not let him do more things, why would them when what he currently does is awful?

His cornered kicks to the middle section are awful, horribly fake as they don't even come close to the gut of his opponent. His elbows to the face....horrible.

And Mr. Kennedy isn't overrated. If he would have continued doing what he did on SD on 2006, then his mic skills would be considered the best in the biz, because they are, and he showed that by carryign practically by his promos all his feuds on SD in that year.

Now, if you say that currently he has the best mic skills, currently, then you are lying, because he gets no chance to talk. All he does is repeat his name. In fact, the last time he got to do a long promo was when he interrupted Vince Mcmahon saying he was his son and was busted lying.

He needs to be given once again his long 10-15 minute promos, where once again he can showcase his mic skills, instead of just repeating his name. Then again, the heel promo time is given now to MVP.


Rey Mysterio

The ones in bold I don't agree with. HBK is one of the top ten workers of the past 25 years, if not all time. Jericho has lost some of speed due to gaining some muscle, but he's still a damn good wrestler. Mysterio pretty much introduced and popularized that lucha-libre style in the US.. Too call him overrated is just a tad much.

Shelton has only had 1 very good match in his WWE career, and that was against Shawn. He's great for high-spots, but he's not as good in the ring as some would say. I love both London and Kendrick, but neither one of them is as good as people say.

By the way, Orton is OVERRATED by EVERYONE! There's still times where he just looks lost in the ring, he's still not that good in promos, with.his.constant.pauses.everytime.he.speaks.

Cena is evenly rated (Yes, I said it). A nice portion of the IWC have come to the realization, that while Cena will never be an Angle or Benoit in the ring, he is the best big-match wrestler in the world at this very moment.. It doesn't mean that they'll like him, but they can accept when he delivers a big spectacle in the ring.

Beer Money Army

I think mr. kennedy is overrated by others....

Mr. kennedy is excellent on the mic, he can turn nothing into something. but i think what lacks him is his in ring skills, Yes they aren't too bad but there not ready for Main Event level yet...

but one person i think is Overrated is JBL...

now here me out, I love him at Colour commentry, His Wrestling promo's are good, But in his feud with Y2J, he was getting pwned on a weekly basis and i reckon thats why they ended early because JBL Charmisa couldnt keep up with Y2J..

but My rant is this guy wrestling ability.. In his 12 year stand with WWE i have yet to see a **** from the man, just like Mark Henry...

So my question is why is this Man good on promo but wrestles midcard level is still in Main Event level on Raw, I dunno the answer to that, As I think he had one of the most overrated WWE World Title reign in the past 5 Years, as it didn't draw ratings, buyrates went down, he had a shit stable along with him and his Matches were barely averaging ***....

I wished JBL stayed Colour commentry, because i dreaded the day when he came back...

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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I really agree with you on the Kennedy one, every time the WWE tries to push him, he either does something stupid or tests positive. I never really was a fan of him to begin with, I think the whole annoncuer schtick is stupid. I wouldn't call him awful, I would say he's too hyped.

I wouldn't call Rey Mysterio overrated, I'd call him watered down. His role as a babyface is so stupid, he's such an underdog it's disgusting. And his moveset is watered down too, for most of the match he's literally being pwned, and from out of nowhere he makes an illogical comeback.

And I agree with SP with the Orton one, all I have to say is CHINLOCK of DOOM!

JBL was OK a couple of years ago, he could draw so much heat from the fans it's ridiculous. I'm OK with his in ring style, it's more of a throwback to a brawler type of wrestler. But lately, I could care less about him.


I'll give a disclaimer.

Just because I said Khali is underrated, doesn't mean I think he is good. I have heard a lot of people say they want him fired and he is the worst wrestler in history. He is a servicable giant who does his job well.

Also, I will admit HBK is one of the best wrestlers of all time. Its just that people tend to put him up on the same level as Hogan, Austin, the Rock and Flair. He is good, but he has not proven he can carry a company the way an Austin, Hogan, or even Cena can.

Regarding Jericho, he is just as overrated as Kennedy. People call him a main eventer. The guy is a career midcarder and his biggest shot in the main event was a huge flop. I read somewhere that Vince said putting the undisputed title on Jericho was one of the biggest mistakes he ever made.

The Rated R CMStar

I just feel to say this:

Orton in the mic: barely passable. Too scripted

Orton in the ring: Amazing, and you can't fight that argument.


The guy is a career midcarder and his biggest shot in the main event was a huge flop.

Because he was made to look like a joke who couldn't win a match unless there were multiple interferences. No one ever took him seriously as champ.

I do agree about HBK's lack of drawing power.


I think mr. kennedy is overrated by others....

Mr. kennedy is excellent on the mic, he can turn nothing into something. but i think what lacks him is his in ring skills, Yes they aren't too bad but there not ready for Main Event level yet...

but one person i think is Overrated is JBL...

now here me out, I love him at Colour commentry, His Wrestling promo's are good, But in his feud with Y2J, he was getting pwned on a weekly basis and i reckon thats why they ended early because JBL Charmisa couldnt keep up with Y2J..

but My rant is this guy wrestling ability.. In his 12 year stand with WWE i have yet to see a **** from the man, just like Mark Henry...

So my question is why is this Man good on promo but wrestles midcard level is still in Main Event level on Raw, I dunno the answer to that, As I think he had one of the most overrated WWE World Title reign in the past 5 Years, as it didn't draw ratings, buyrates went down, he had a shit stable along with him and his Matches were barely averaging ***....

I wished JBL stayed Colour commentry, because i dreaded the day when he came back...

JBL vs Eddie Guerero at Judgement Day 2004 is one of the most underrated matches I've ever seen. If you haven't seen it, do. The emotion in it is surreal and it was an all-around great brawl. There's one that's easily four stars. In addition, I'd argue that JBL/Guerrero at GAB, JBL/Benoit, JBL/Mysterio, and JBL/Cena (The I Quit match) were all upwards of four stars. So, yeah, there's that.