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Southtown Original

New Member
Jul 10, 2008
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HHH = coz he is married to steph. Nuff said.
HBK = doesnt get the recognition he deserves for his years in the wwe or what he does to get up and coming stars over.
TISTA = good entertainer and bashed to easily
Cena (at times) He is probs the hardest working star in the wwe and he gets nailed rightly or wrongly for the way he is booked. Cena is a big hit with kids and to be fair they buy the merchandise. He would have more of a following if he was booked to the older spectrum but this is business and it ain't gonna happen. A lot of Cena's heat off fans comes down to booking and making money for the company not necessarily Cena himself.
How does that make Triple H underrated? I think you meant overrated!

Evil Austin

I think he can hold a mike like few can but he needs not to be pushed so fast I think he started at the same time as MVP in 05' and they are both great at Mike work and Ring work but Kennedy imo is less than MVP overall and Kennedy should work more in the upper mid card with MVP, jeff and Umaga before going into the Main Event with HHH , Edge , Taker. Kennedy isn't over rated he just needs time before being pushed .

The Rated R CMStar

That's the problem, he's still doing the same shit since 2006, and its getting old very quickly.

In fact he's not. In 2006 on SD he was given the chance to actually speak for 10, 20 minutes. He basically talked every week in a 10 minute promo from No Mercy to Royal Rumble, and they were good, heel promos.

However, now...now, all he does is repeat his last name. He hardly gets more mic time and when he does, is just an extra 30 seconds to set up his catchpraze.


Jul 8, 2008
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I don't think Kennedy is overrated, first how can you say he is overrated he has only won 1 major title?

You don't seem to understand the question, you see a word (Overrated) and just go with it, instead of reading the post.

This is not a question of who is overrated BY the WWE, this is a question of opinions, on who is overrated by the WRESTLING FANS

And Mr Kennedy in my opinion is one of the most overrated by FANS


Jul 8, 2008
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How does that make Triple H underrated? I think you meant overrated!

Thats obvious, Triple H is massively UNDERRATED because of his marriage to Stephanie McMahon, people simply think its because of her he is where he is in the company, despite the fact he is one of the best heels of all time, is excellent on the mic and is a very good mat wrestler, as well as being a founding member of one of the best stables in wrestling history


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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How does that make Triple H underrated? I think you meant overrated!

NO i meant exactly what i wrote HHH is UNDERATED coz of his marriage to steph. I will elaborate. people only think that HHH is were he is coz he is banging steph and is Vince's son in law so he doesn't get the recognition he deserves. For his work rate in and out of the ring what he can actually do In the ring on the mic etc, He gets slagged and blamed for pretty much everything that goes wrong in the wwe for ppl not getting pushed to ppl getting suspended. every time he holds a title basically for every thing he does and doesn't do. That is why IMO he is underrated :jawdrop:

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Alright, there are three that come straight to mind for me. Can't really split them, so let's just go through them all lol.

Mickie James: For someone who is meant be some great women's wrestler, she barely goes through a match without botching a move. She had that one good match with Trish. Nothing more. Yet people act like she is some great women's wrestler. She is hot. But not a whole lot else.

Mr Kennedy: So the guy can say his name .... so can I. He's alright on the mic, but nothing that makes me want to buy a PPV or anything. In the ring, he is really nothing great. Average at best. I can't remember a match where I thought, "Wow, Kennedy has looked good." He bores me in the ring, plain and simple.

Rey Mysterio: So he changed wrestling in the US .... in the past. Someone else would have, he was just fortunate enough to get picked up. That isn't my point though. Point is that Mysterio is said to be the greatest hgih flyer in the world. Everyone goes, "OMG, he can jump oiff the ropes!" People like Mistico put Mysterio to shame. He is really nothing but your average luchador in today's world. And as far as his mic work goes, it is just shit.

Southtown Original

New Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Triple H is going to win the belt more then 16 times. Don't get me wrong he is a good wrestler, but underrated is straight up bogus. And I don't think Kennedy is overrated in most wrestling fans eyes, I won't to know were you get your facts from? Because if you surf the web and other forums it seems like everyone is in love with Kennedy.

The Rated R CMStar

Again dude, we are talking about overrated in the eyes of the fans, and you can run a survey here, and I am sure that 9 out of 10 members will tell you that the reason HHH is where he is today, as the biggest main eventer in the WWE, is his marriage with Steph, having nothing to do his skills. That's underrated. And in the eyes of some fans, it doesn't matter how many times he wins the belt or carries the company, he's not doing it because he's talented, but just because he's politicking and is the son in law of Vince


And I don't think Kennedy is overrated in most wrestling fans eyes, I won't to know were you get your facts from? Because if you surf the web and other forums it seems like everyone is in love with Kennedy.

This is exactly why he is overrated. People are in love with him when he hasn't really done much of anything in his 3 years in the WWE.

"OMFG! Did you hear that Promo? KK is the new Rock!!!"

"Kennedy is so good in the ring!! He carried Batista!!!"

the dark knight

by internet fans, the forum or generally?

generally, cena's the most over rated human being on the planet. by the internet, samoa joe is. by the forum, cm punk.

kennedy...he's got potential. they're just not using him right..dont think he's over rated or under rated. like everyone else, he got his fans. doesn't mean he's over RATED. know what i mean? i like kane and im a big fan of him. but lookin at him before what happened on raw days ago, he's a charity case.

Southtown Original

New Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Last time I checked having alot of people like you dosent make you overrated. Casual fans and Internet Fans both go by ACCOMPLISHMENTS to judge if a wrestler is overrated just like any other sport. Mr. Kennedy once again only has one major title reign, other than that he has been feuding in the mid-card level for most of the time. And I see where people go with Triple H being married to Steph makes him underrated, I understand I like Triple H but what im saying is if he wasn't married to Steph would he be a 12 time champion? I don't think so.

Southtown Original

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Jul 10, 2008
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Now if you want to talk about a underrated wrestler, ok maybe his mic skills aren't underrated by most people, but Santino Marella is a very underrated wrestler when it comes to wrestling ability, you never get to see this because most of the time he is having short matches and losing. Santino actually has a good amount of wrestling ability and I wish they let him use it by putting him in a feud with longer matches so everyone can see. I mean he was a MMA fighter before being a wrestler.


He also has yet to have a real good match. I have yet to see a real good and entertaining match from him.

I don't know how I overlooked this, but I have to stop you there. I'm not even a huge Kennedy fan, and I can admit that he has had a few entertaining matches.

His entire series with the Undertaker was really quite phenominal. Kennedy really stepped up and played the young git perfectly against Taker. It all culminated with their Last Ride match (I believe), which may have been the best match on the card that night.

His match with Michaels not too long ago (I want to say at Armageddon again, this time '07) was just great. The psychology was top-notch all the way through and it ended up being one of the better matches of last year.

So yeah, I'm not a huge fan, but I can admit he's had some good matches.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
KenFan's List of Overrated Wrestlers:
-MVP: Basically where Kennedy was in 07, where everybody were going like "OMG!!!..HE CARRIED 'TISTA!!!..OMG, He NEEDS TO BE PUSHED!!!"...and its all way too soon, and by the way, ....how does MVP go from basically another Miz to all of a sudden the Next Eddie Guerrero?....two to three to four matches with Benoit in a overrated US-Title feud...then a overrated feud with matt hardy were the main theme was "partners who hate each other"...sounds like something we've seen a thousand times in 07...and even before that ....basically....MVP's ring work consists of ......Big Boot....some holds...nothing special....nothing stiff....He's basically just another Lance Storm...too much of a pussy to "stiff" up his game...but his mic skills are passable...nothing "ROCK/Flair/HBK/HHH/CENA/Y2J" level...just more like CMPUnk/Orton level....a bit average....but since he feuded with benoit that automatically makes his mic-skills "WAYYYYYY-ABOVE AVERAGE"....which is B-S if ya-ask me...tehe...
anyways....still wears some gayass-generic powerrangers suits, all be it, they've been looking good lately(slivergrey'ish & black one comes to mind).
so anyways....its kind've odd...
everyone goes from like ..."yay...OMG!!!..this guy's the next rock!!!"
they do that for any new star that has ok'ish mic-skills...
just look at the list;
Cena(his robatic rap rhymes, then all of a sudden "OMG!Dwayne's SON!")
Carlito(second gen-superstar from some Islands....must be the next rock)
Orton(3rd-gen superstar...automatically equals Rock-Status)
and now, we've got MVP and, Santino, and Even Kennedy who are now being compared to THE ROCk...
which is impossible...cuz noone can near rock's level...
so basically "fuck off with All The Rock Comparisons"

-CM Punk: Every Match consists of Runs to a Corner, Knees a guy in a face, then follows up with a bitch(bull)dog...then GTS...then all of a sudden he's like the next Bret Hart/Kurt Angle....
does anyone remember a HitMan Hart match from the 80's & 90's?
I mean...just watch Hitman vs Stone cold from that Steve-Austin Dvd...
now thats a TECHNICAL Match...

-Santino Marella: Funny Promos...sure...
but when it comes to doing things "Seriously" , he lacks and has several flaws...obviously noone can really take him seriously...and well...that 'bout sums it up...just hope he keeps cracking tha-jokes...

-John Cena: not on any Bullshit-Anti-"I HATE CENA"-Bandwagon here....just saying, He's a good worker, a great-in ring general...but...
well his promos....kind've "meh'ish"....he tries too hard at trying to be funny, at trying to be entertaining....he's basically got the same problems that TripleH's DX-06-Try to Hard to Force stuff to be funny, instead of letting funny stuff happen-syndrome...
I dunno, but other then that...when it comes to Being Serious and Hyping up a title match, then CENA-OWNS....
and in the ring, with basically anyone on the roster...he can have a great match...but he's still somewhat overrated by people who thinks his some major-draw...he basically cost us some original fanbase from the 90's -2000's period...I know for a fact that several kids from my school kind've dislike cena and they don't even log on to a forum....they just don't like him...but ...I dunno...they're emo-kids and stuff..

-Elijah Burke: Kind've...I dunno, basically....
he lead the new breed and has done jack-shit since then..by tha-way...where is he?

Chris Jericho: just another net-nerd loved-personnality....basically the way it goes is that "If you have ever competed in, or have heard of the BingoHall of old ECW, then you are automatically a Main Eventer and will forever have Net-Nerd's Overrating your potential for life..."...so basically...I dunno why or what, but Y2J is consistent and good on the mic and in the ring, but he just falls back somehow into "After-thought" hell, where most fans tend to forget about him for some reason cause something else on the show stole it ....

KenFan's List of The "Under"rated:

-MR.KENNEDY!!!!...............KENNEDY!!!!: whoa..don't believe me?...then read the first 3 pages of this thread...baiscally the guy's getting random net-heat....baiscally like Cena in 05...good on the mic, can cut some great promos...but ain't quite mainevent-bigmatch talent in the ring yet...
but he is still Solid-To-Great in the Ring, just check out his matches.
You can see a great-ring-general and someone that's natural to the business.. he's got an old-school solid-stiff style...
His Promo's are usually good, and I'm talking about His "PROMOS", not his Ring-Introduction, cause his ring-announcing-introduction is basically just his gimmick...
But his actual "PROMOS" are excellent...
style promos...and he's not trying to be the Rock..
in fact, I read somewhere that he's one of those "Boyz In Da' Back" that kind've dislikes the rock...
So basically...
His Promos from whenever he's in an Actual-Feud
(like with Undertaker/Batista/HBK/Regal/Flair) he manages to cut some great-serious promos..
like That "Father-Time" one comes to mind where he got sweetchin'ed music'd by hbk earlier in the show and he was backstage (still selling the superkick) and cut a promo on HBK...
His "I am going to WASTE_YOU" promo on Flair was pretty solid...then HBK had to rob tha-same exact thing by adding in that Old-Yeller-Reference and saying the same thing Kennedy said a month earlier.
And If You're saying "OMG!!! HE injured-CENA and LASHLEY!!!"
well, so if what you're saying is that He's "Dangerous" in the ring, then what does that make Orton in the ring?
I mean...c'mon...
Triple H tore is quad cause of wrestling Orton in a match, in much the sameway that Cena tore his muscle in his match againest Kennedy...so that must make Orton irresponsible in the ring cause Triple H tore a muscle by accident...and stuff.
and how about HBK?
I mean...His Knee blew-out about a week before his Judgement Day 07 match againest orton and Orton Kicked Him in the Head (So as to write HBK-out; storyline-wise) so that must mean orton injured him.....i mean even-thou hbk was already injured to begin with and before the match, but it don't matter cuz-orton still kicked him so it was Orton that injured HBK...Ka-Durh!?
cuz the same thing with lashley....he was already injured(bobby's shoulder was tweaked and fucked up by around april-07) , and lashley worked most of the last few months of his WWE-career(spring-summer) with a injured shoulder...then he needed time off to heal, so they booked Kennedy to "Kick" lashley's shoulder so they can write out the "dominator" storyline wise...
so basically....
that doesn't make Kennedy "dangerous" in the ring, otherwise you could consider Orton or even Triple H dangerious in the ring cause guys "accidently" got injured such as orton during his match with HHH during One night Stand...that was an accident...
much the same way HHH was injured (not by orton) but by accident at NewYear'sRevolution, just like Cena getting injured (not by ken) but by accident...so basically..."STFU" with Ken-Somehow Being Dangerous in the Ring...so like..don't $hittalk my wrestler and I won't $hittalk yo wrestler...ya-heard?!?!

-The Big Show: Hey...just cause he's a bit "slow" for a big man doesn't mean he sucks by default...cause he doesn't Suck...maybe "slow" but he can tear it up in the ring and has great psychology and ablitity to tell some kind've story in the ring.

-Batista:Remember when People realized he was Great in the ring(05), then how quickly they turned on him in 06?...
so basically, has anyone ever care to hear like...
ya-know..read 'bout some backstage stuff..
I mean, Booker T hated tha guy, and batista was booked againest him..
'Tista still having some Ring-Rust was basically thrown back into the Main-Event spot....I mean, its kind've obvious that Booker T(king booker) wasn't motivated and basically sand-bagged several batista-bombs and was lazy as hell and made batista look like $hit in the ring...
ever since then, people have been mowing-down batista's cred...
He's actually really-good in the ring...
maybe not technically..
but He can Sell Well for someone that's big, considering most "BIG" men tend to no-sell.

-Vladimir Kozlov: He's basically getting that "Bobby'Joe'Berg'Lesnar'" push at the moment...
doesn't have much theme-music and alll...
but in the ring he can actually tear it up a bit..
he doesn't suck as much as people say he does...
if he's booked againest...lets say...someone like "Finlay" or "regal" or maybe "Bryan Danielson(if he gets signed by WWE)"... then I'm sure it'll be a pretty good old-school stiff-style match...but at the moment, he's basically competing in "Job Matches" where he dominates, not much happens, then "BAM!" headbutt and its over...which is gay cause that basically gets no-one over this day and age(unless you're umaga).
