The Voting Categories
-Superstar of the Year
--Max "The Shizz" Knight
--Max "The Beast" Ripper
--"The Badass" Zach Bronko
--"Mr. Demented" David Manning
--Lord Vycious
--“The Alpha Male†Sicc Nick
--Ted DiBiase, Jr.
--Jimi James White
--“The Teacher†Tobias Mezkov
--“The Boss†Raymond Traylor
--“The Big Thing†Brock Lesnar
-Championship Reign of the Year
--"Mr. Demented" as PWA Undisputed Champion
--Max "The Beast" Ripper (x2) as PWA Undisputed Champion
--Max "The Shizz" Knight (x3) as PWA Undisputed Champion
--"The Viper" Randy Orton as PWA Undisputed Champion
--Yoshi Tatsu as PWA UnsanXioned Champion
--Andrew Sanders as PWA UnsanXioned Champion
--Ted DiBiase, Jr. as PWA North American Champion
--Jimi James White as PWA North American Champion
--Randy Orton as PWA North American Champion
--Dakotah Gardnerd as PWA North American Champion
--Zach Bronko (x2) as PWA International Champion
--Brock Lesnar as PWA International Champion
--"The King Regime" David Otunga and Wade Barrett as PWA Tag Team Champions
--"new World order" Scott Hall and Kevin Nash as PWA Tag Team Champions
--"The Revolution" D.J. Bratt and Heath Slater (w/Jaxxon Ripper) as PWA Tag Team Champions
-PPV of the Year
--PWA Summerassault
--PWA Vendetta
--PWA Wrestlemania I
-WWF Staff of the Year
--Eric Bischoff
--Claressa King
--Paul Heyman
--Jim Ross
--Daniel Collins
-Newcomer of the Year (Later Half)
--Lord Vycious
--Randy Orton
--El Loco
--"Die Hard" Eddie Edwards
--Johnny "Blood" Red
--"The Bird's Eye" Jacob Nevermore
--"The Deal" Dal Knox
--"The Don" James King
--"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels
--"The Fortunate Son" Ted Dibiase Jr.
--"The Icon" Sting
--"The Loose Cannon" Shaun Knight
--"The Pitbull" Thiago Alves
--CM Punk
--David Otunga
--Wade Barrett
--Mike "The Miz" Mizanin
--Antonio Lupa
--Billy Kidman
--Billy Young
--Black Fire
--Bryan Danielson
--"The Blueblood" Christopher McMichaels
--Kevin Nash
--Michael Cage
--Scott Hall
--The Joker
--Austin Aries
--Alex Riley
-Feud of the Year
--The Shizz vs. The Beast
--Brock Lesnar vs. Zach Bronko
--Andrew Sanders vs. Yoshi Tatsu
--Billy Young vs. Zach Bronko
--Randy Orton vs. The Shizz
--Sicc Nick vs. Mr. Demented
--D.J. Bratt and Heath Slater vs. Daniel Bryan and Funaki
--Andrew Sanders vs. Sicc Nick
--Tobias Mezkov vs. The Boss
--Tobias Mezkov vs. Jaxxon "The Superbeast" Ripper
--Brock Lesnar vs. Billy Young
--"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar vs. DJ Bratt
--"The Revolution" vs. "War Machine"
--"The Revolution" vs. "The King Regime"
--"The Revolution" vs. "nWo"
--Sicc Nick vs. Yoshi Tatsu
--Lord Vycious vs. Sheamus
-Faction/Tag Team of the Year
--The Revolution
--The Brothers of Steel
--The new World order
--The Brothers of Anarchy
--The King Regime
--Bischoff's Regime
--The Flock
--The Lunatic Fringe
--War Machine
-Gimmick of the Year
--Lord Vycious' Gentleman Gimmick
--Randy Orton's Psychotic Gimmick
--David Manning's Psychotic & Disturbed Gimmick
--Jimi James White's Disco Gimmick
--Yoshi Tatsu's Mephisto Gimmick
--El Loco's Psychotic Gimmick
--Sicc Nick's Alpha Male Gimmick
--Andrew Sanders' Anarchist Gimmick
--James King's 1930s Gangster Gimmick
-Goodbye of the Year
--Andrew Sanders is retired by Zach Bronko.
--The Brothers of Steel retire.
--Max Knight is injured after a botched move.
--Mr. Demented disappears with the old PWA Undisputed Championship.
--Billy Young falls down his stairs and quits.
--Flare retires after he becomes tired of not getting his shot.
--Eclipse retires to pursue another career.
-Match of the Year
--(March 18, 2010) - PWA Shockwave 3 - 10 Man Battle Royal: The Shizz vs. Bomber, Flare, Max Ripper, Mr. Demented, Niko Bellic, Sicc Nick, Steve Panik, Wesley Angelos, and Zach Bronko
--(July 22, 2010) - PWA Vendetta - Last Man Standing Triple Threat: The Shizz vs. Max Ripper vs. Randy Orton
--(August 30, 2010) - PWA Summerassault - NO DQ/Fatal Fourway: Mr. Demented vs. Max Knight vs. Max Ripper vs. Sicc Nick
--(April 5, 2010) - PWA: Knight vs. Ripper - Steel Cage: Andrew Sanders vs. Sicc Nick
--(August 30, 2010) - PWA Summerassault - Battle Royal: Randy Orton vs. Flare vs. Pete Vicious vs. Jimi White vs. Raymond Traylor vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Tobias Mezkov vs. El Loco vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Blade
--(February 1, 2010) - PWA Shockwave 1 - Ladder Match: Dakotah Gardnerd vs. Prince Dess
--(August 30, 2010) - PWA Summerassault - Last Man Standing: Brock Lesnar vs. Zach Bronko
--(July 22, 2010) - PWA Vendetta - NA Championship Tournament
--(August 10, 2010) - Webshow - The Shizz vs. Flare
--(Augst 6, 2010) - PWA Zero 2 Hero - Eddie Edwards (w/Max "The Shizz" Knight) vs. Tyler Black (w/David Manning)
--(May 28, 2010) - PWA Shockwave 1 - Mr. Demented vs. Max Ripper vs. Randy Orton
--(May 16, 2010) - PWA Wrestlemania - Max "The Beast" Ripper © vs. Max "The Shizz" Knight (w/Jack Ripper)
--(May 16, 2010) - PWA Wrestlemania - Steel Cage: Mr. Demented vs. Sicc Nick
--(April 30, 2010) - PWA Shockwave 7 - Flash and Max Ripper (w/Sicc Nick, Andrew Sanders, Daniel Bryan, Funaki, Evan Bourne, Tobias Mezkov, and Eric Bischoff) vs. Max "The Shizz" Knight (w/Zach Bronko, D.J. Bratt, and Heath Slater) and (mystery)
-Roleplayer of the Year
--Lord Vycious
--Rated R Superstar
--Shaun Knight
--The Nicker
--Claressa King
--[?]The Riddler[?]
-Roleplay of the Year
--"An Act of Gallantry" by LV
--"A Heart Breaking Experience" by Ashez/BDC
--"Sayeth the Body Count, Nevermore!" by Claressa King
--"Open Invitantion Match" (Ashez's roleplays as Raven)
--"When I Think of the Name Zach Bronko" (All Participants)
--"Left of Center" (by Flip17)
--"Anyone for Twix?" (by ShowtimeScarbi)
--"Out of the Frying Pan..." (by EOM)
--"Open Invitation Match" (by Michael Cage)
--"Vicious Debuts On PWA" (by PeteVicious)
--"And In The Center Of The Ring" (by dbproject)
--"That Is Going To Sting" (by olschoolWCW)
--"And I Want It Now" (by Claressa King)
--"Sicc Nick Complains Pt. 1" (by Sicc Nick as Sicc Nick, and Eric Bischoff as Eric Bischoff)
--"A Revolutionary Meeting" (by BDC as Shizz, Bratt, Slater, Ashez as Bronko, and PeteVicious as Pete Vicious)
-OMG Moment of the Year
--Zach Bronko is busted for using steroids.
--Jack Ripper comes out of the closet.
--Darkness plays a series of cryptic videos on Shockwave.
--David Manning stabs himself several times with a butcher knife.
--Max Colton and Flare use Bomber's power against him.
--Eric Bischoff wins control over most of PWA from Bomber.
--Dakotah Gardnerd presses his brother, Dess' face in thumbtacks.
--Demented walks onto a burning stage with his rainjacket and yellow umbrella and reveals to the PWA universe that he killed a man.
--Evan Bourne is thrown head-first into a cake.
--Zach Bronko lights Niko Bellic's Russian flag on fire in front of the PWA universe.
--The Shizz screws The Beast over by winning the first Undisputed Championship via chair-shot.
--Steve Panik botches a vaulting body press off of the balcony and misses Sanders, going straight through the security barrier.
--The Revolution has trash thrown at them after they attack Mr. Demented, The Boss, Sicc Nick, and Max Ripper, post-match.
--Andrew Sanders makes Bischoff wear a crown of thorns.
--Sanders lights a cadaver attached to a crucifix on fire.
--Sicc Nick hits The Neverminder on a dumbass ref.
--Panik smokes pot on national television.
--Flash pops out of the crowd and attacks the Shizz.
--The PWA Frontline (Ripper, Sanders, Sicc Nick, and Flash) come out to Zach Bronko's open challenge and end up making The Revolution retreat.
--David Manning beats Max Ripper in 20 seconds.
-Comeback of the Year
--Zach Bronko returns to retire Andrew Sanders.
--Heath Slater returns from an injury to face the nWo in a championship match.
--Mr. Demented comes back from the dead.
--Sting appears in the rafters after almost a year.
--Ken Shamrock returns for Bloodbath's head after his injury, on Raw.
-Most Improved Superstar
--Lord Vycious
--Zach Bronko
--DJ Bratt
--David Manning
--El Loco
--Jacob Nevermore
--Ted DiBiase, Jr.
--"The Loose Cannon" Shaun Knight
-Face of the Year
--Nominate one. Your nomination will count as one vote toward that particular superstar. If any superstar fails to get more than one vote, then there will be no winner in this category.
-Heel of the Year
--Nominate one. Your nomination will count as one vote toward that particular superstar. If any superstar fails to get more than one vote, then there will be no winner in this category.
-Lifetime Achievement Award
--Nominate one. Your nomination will count as one vote toward that particular superstar. If any superstar fails to get more than one vote, then there will be no winner in this category. Whoever wins the award for this category will receive a spot in the Hall of Fame.
The Actual Show
(As the camera fades in from black, and image displayed within the camera frame comes into focus, we see young Daniel Collins sitting upon in a large lounge chair, his legs folded, a book clutched in his hand. To the right of Collins is a roaring fireplace. As Collins sees the camera, he put the book down on the fireplace and begins to speak.)
Daniel Collins: "Why hello there, ladies and gentlemen. I'm glad you could join us for the 2010 WWF Whammies. Without further ado, I give you our general manager, Eric Bischoff! Have an excellent evening!"
(The camera switches chaotically to teh inside of the arena, waying from right to left before focusing on Eric Bischoff, who walks out onto the stage with a microphone in hand.)
Eric Bischoff: "I am not going to take all day to do this, because we all know what the man has done in the PWA. This man has won the PWA Undisputed Championship more times than any other wrestler on the entire PWA Roster, and he has definitely been involved in the biggest segments and situations that have ever occurred in the PWA. From the time he got here, he was just a guy wanting to make a name for himself, and he was placed in the perfect position to do so. Getting right in the middle of a match between Sicc Nick, Steve Panik, Goldust, and Sting, there was no way that this man was going to allow himself to fall off the radar. He was going to cause some turmoil, and he sure did by taking out Sting, forming The Revolution, taking out Daniel Bryan or Bryan Danielson (or at least having his goons do so), and he has even tamed David Manning, Sicc Nick, Max Ripper, and many others on the way. I said I wasn't going to take all day doing this, but it seems as though I'm going that way. SO, Without further ado...Via satellite...Because Sting kicked his ass...THE SHIZZ! MAX! KNIGHT!"
(As Bischoff finishes his introductions, the Titantron, once again, comes on and the crowd gives a mixed reaction to the Shizz. Most of the crowd gives an ovation, but some still can't get over some of the things he's done and even some of his comments tonight.)
Shizz: “Ya know I'm not sure why I should be surprised! When I came to this organization, it was struggling. Bomber could buy a pot to piss in. And I came on about the same time as the Bisch. And, Eric, you're welcome! I know if it wasn't for me, the PWA would have sunk a while ago! Ha!â€
(There is once again a mixed reaction.)
Shizz: “Anyways, no need to thank me, Mr. GM. I gladly accept this PWA Superstar of the Year award as the ONLY superstar to ever have done so! Are ya getting' used to me saying' that? Ha! I am!â€
(Toby Mac's SHOWSTOPPER revs up as the Titantron goes blank and Bischoff walks into the back. Moments later, Bronko walks out to accept his award; he is met with a standing ovation from the crowd. A "Bronko" chant is started, and Bronko has no choice but to smile. Once at the podium, Bronko picks up the mic.)
Bronko: "First of all, I'd like to thank Brock Lesnar for giving me the fight of my life... on TWO separate occasions. WrestleMania, you had the upper hand, but the second time around, it was all me! Then there was the match that granted me my first title. Mr. Nico Bellic, you tried so hard, but didn't get too far. I dominated you, and made your name obsolete."
(Bronko raises his award in the air, and grins.)
Bronko: “So I would like to thank everyone that voted for Zach Bronko! You made a wise choice, and I won't disappoint anyone this year! I promise I will be the World Champion by the end of the year!"
(Bronko puts down the trophy and mic, and listens to the standing ovation that the crowd gives him. The Titantron interrupts Bronko as we see the Shizz smiling that crap-eating grin of his.)
Shizz: “Yeah, what a year, huh? Me beating nine men in one night and taking the Undisputed three times. And, you Zack, taking it...Well, you didn't take it, did you Bronko? Oh, well! I'm not sure why they couldn't just come around and give the award just to me, but I guess they feel they have to kiss your ass with me on injured reserve, eh? HA!â€
(Bronko doesn't look happy to see his old friend.)
Shizz: “Well, thanks anyway! The point is that the Feud of the year was the Shizz vs. anybody that stepped into the ring with him! I made a lot of people famous, didn't I? What's that Bronko? Oh, that's right! You weren't one of those people either, were you? Well, I made ya famous anyways by bringing you in to our faction and MAKING you an International Champion, eh? Well, Badass, hold it together til I get back and, maybe, we can get that secondary gold back around that waist of yours, ok?â€
(The Titantron goes blank and Bronko seethes as he storms off the stage with his award. As the crowd calms from the last acceptance speech, Jim Ross makes an announcement concerning the next award. Jim Ross comes out to a standing ovation. He waits for the crowd to calm down. The Hall of Fame announcer doesn’t look happy.)
Jim Ross: “Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, I was supposed to come out here and present the award for Pay Per View of the year.â€
(Jim Ross stops and looks to the back.)
Jim Ross: “Well, I say supposed to because somebody else had different ideas. Allow me to introduce, one of the men with the biggest win at WrestleMania last year which just so happens to be the Pay Per View of the Year for 2010!â€
(The crowd erupts in approval. Jim Ross still looks uneasy.)
Jim Ross: “PWA and WWF fans alike give it up for the Unstoppable force! The next big thing, Brock Lesnar!â€
(The crowd gives a tepid reaction as the monstrous Brock Lesnar steps out of the back with the Whammy in his huge, unrelenting fists. He steps up to the podium with a sinister little smile on his chiseled face.)
Brock: “I asked Mr. Ross to allow me to present this award because it was a symbol of my greatest achievement in the PWA. It was at WrestleMania 2010 that I took the International title from Zack Bronko! And the person I am to present it too was partially responsible for that win.â€
(The crowd begins to cheer in anticipation.)
Brock: “I just thought it fitting that it would be me that presented the PPV of the year award to my EX-Manager and WWF staff member; Claressa King!â€
(The crowd is in full ovation now. Lesnar sneers as the lovely Ms. King steps onto the stage. She is wearing an awesome red dress with lace trim. She is positively stunning, but she sees Brock and is suddenly noticeably shaken. Brock sees her hesitate and urges her on.)
Brock: “No. No, Claressa, come on up and accept your award. It was your debut and my greatest victory here. Why would you hesitate to come and accept what is rightfully yours?â€
(Claressa steps up cautiously and reaches for the award. Brock hands it to her, but doesn’t let it go. Instead he uses the award to pull her close and get his other hand on her arm; restraining her. Fear breaks out on her beautiful features. Brock seems to be enjoying this.)
Brock: “Maybe it’s because a few Pay Per Views down the road you knifed me in the back and gave MY title back to that no talent, Bronko! Huh?!â€
Claressa: “Please, Brock…â€
(Brock grins and begins to shake her.)
Brock: “Please, Brock what? Please don’t hurt me? Maybe, you should have thought of that before you went and betrayed me like that!â€
(Suddenly, from the back, Sheamus appears and catches Brock off guard. He surprises him with a Baroque kick to the head! This sends Brock through the podium and onto the steel stage. Sheamus picks up what is left of the wooden podium and goes to hit Brock with it. But, Claressa urges him not to. Instead she leads him off stage and away from Lesnar. Sheamus never took his eyes off of the fallen MMA star. And Lesnar gets up holding his head and making it for the back as Sheamus follows. Meanwhile, the lights go down as Easy-E’s music floods over the PA System. However, the young Daniel Collins walks out on to the metal stage, made to be a focal point by the spotlight. Collins extends his arm outward and moves his shoulder simultaneously, before bending his elbow and bringing a long, black WWF mic up to his pink lips.)
Daniel Collins: “Well, my good people, I must inform you that Bischoff is busy at the moment and cannot return to the stage, so I will accept this award on his behalf. Thank you all, and here’s to another great year!â€
(Claressa King, shaken, but not stirred, walks back onto the stage to announce the next award.)
Claressa King: “He made Ted DiBiase a name for all of us to shout. In fact, he made Ted an essential part of the federation. Not to mention embracing Alex Riley and bringing in Sheamus. He made himself a complementary member of one of the biggest factions of the year; the King Regime. And, no matter what happens in the near future, he will always be a part of PWA history and the WWF future. I give to you, the Best Newcomer of 2010, Ted DiBiase!â€
(After Claressa’s gracious introduction of him, Ted walks out onto the stage in a solid black suit and heads towards the podium. He kisses Ms. King’s hand and is handed the trophy that he rightfully deserved. Ted pulls out a piece of notepaper from his pocket and lays it on the podium before speaking.)
Ted: “Thank you for the wonderful tribute Ms. King. I came into this company a couple months ago, but was quickly overshadowed by a ludicrous faction war. You had the departure of the Viper, the beginning of the end of the Revolution, the rise of Demented, and somehow the Fortunate Son got lost in the shuffle. Simply put, the PWA management and the fans messed up, but lucky for all of you, Claressa King saw my potential! I brought Sheamus with me and taught Alex Riley everything he knows about this business, and in doing so, I helped create a faction that dominated unlike any other. So thank you Claressa, for making the smartest choice in your life and assisting me in acquiring this Newcomer of the Year award. Even though I should rightfully be Superstar of the Year and Champion of the Year as well! I will show all of you voters the error of your ways soon enough, because the Fortunate Son is on the rise again.â€
(Ted hoists his trophy triumphantly into the air and walks backstage with Claressa King. Meanwhile, ring announcer Lillian Garcia rises from her seat and begins to speak to the audience. As the Feud of the year award is announced, Lillian Garcia introduces the presenter.)
Lillian Garcia: And here to present this award, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the Dueling Gentleman, Lord Vycious!
(Lord Vycious then comes from behind the curtain, waving and grinning, as the crowd welcomes him with rousing cheers. He takes the stand discreetly and very professionally, and begins his speech.)
Lord Vycious: “In every walk of life, it is inevitable to have rivalries. You have certainly had them, in your personal life as well as in your professional life. Even within families, differences can occur, often too great to be settled. The dueling world is no different; in fact, it thrives on such conflicts. Fortunately, however, the profession we have chosen provides us with a way to settle such scores, and in the process entertain our admirers and supporters. And this year, one such difference in opinion stood out from the rest. No, not my altercation with that Irish rogue Sheamus; something far, far more significant. Ladies and gentlemen, the "Feud of the Year Award" goes to Max Ripper, of the War Machine, and to my dear friend Maxwell Knight!â€
(The crowd once again erupts into cheers as Ripper gets up from his seat and walks towards the stage. The fans then await with bated breath the appearance, on the Titantron or in person, of the Shizz, but he does not appear, refusing to speak with Max Ripper.)
Ripper: "Wow, this is such an honor. I can't believe I have won. I'd like to thank first and foremost God. He has been such a huge help and inspiration in my career. I'd also like to thank my family for being there for me when I needed them most. And to you, the fans, this is dedicated to you. I also dedicate my
Royal Rumble win to all of you. thank you once again for believing in me!"
(After Ripper finishes speaking, Claressa, once again, comes to the podium from the back, wearing a slinky, sequined black number. She waits for the crowd to hush.)
Claressa King: “PWA and WWF fans: the next award is for the group or tag team that most captured the attention of the management and the masses. And, although, I would like to argue with the choice here, I find myself agreeing with the results. When Max Knight captured the PWA Undisputed championship early last year, he was an unknown and no one knew what to expect. What happened next is a piece of PWA history. He was joined by his best friend and cohort, DJ BRATT. And, shortly, afterwards added the One Man Rockband, Heath Slater. Then, as icing on an already delicious cake, the Shizz brought in the PWA Badass himself, Zack Bronko. Now, I could stop there, and we would already have the first ever International, Tag Team and Undisputed champs covered. But, the Shizz went on to bring in our longest reigning North American Champion, the Mayor of Funkytown himself, JJ White. He also brought on a newcomer that has put the wrestling world on alert; future champion and all around gentleman, Lord Peter Vycious! Ladies and Gentlemen, without any further ado, I give to you, the best Faction of 2010; The Revolution!â€
(The PA System breaks the somber moment and the crowd is on their feet! P.O.D.'s REVOLUTION plays as DJ BRATT, Heath Slater, Zack Bronko, JJ and Disco Joe White and Lord Peter Vycious come up to claim their prize. DJ and Heath are the first to the mic (seeing that they are faster and a slight bit less sophisticated than the rest. DJ grabs the brunette bombshell holding the award and lays one on her. The crowd gives a 'whoa!' and applauds.
Heath Slater: “Well, so much for an acceptance speech! Ha!â€
(DJ finishes a long, exhausting kiss with Claressa King)
DJ: “Whoa! 2010! What an awesome year! Me and the Rockband here owned the tag division, like we will this year! Ha!â€
Heath Slater: “You better believe it, people! We had our good times and bad. But we held together like family! Screw the Nexus, that's just business! The Revolution? That's family!â€
DJ: “You got that right!! Me and the Rockband ain't goin' anywhere!! And, Max? Can't wait til you get better!!â€
(As Zach Bronko stands on the metal stage, he looks to the crowd with the mic up to his face. He holds "The Revolution's" trophy high in the air.)
Bronko: “We, as a team, won this trophy. We were the best of the best. We could have stayed that way too, but then someone had to go and ruin our run... Sting. Let's not focus on that though. In the beginning, it was Shizz, DJ Bratt, Heath Slater, and me. We ran the show. We had the tag titles, the International title, and the PWA Undisputed Championship. You all hated us, and that just made us that much better, to be honest. That's when we had a breakdown. Shizz started to go behind our backs, we couldn't get along with each other, and I thought I was going to leave. Eventually we all got over our disputes, and once again became a force to be reckoned with. Then slowly, and surely, you all started to love us. We still ran the show, and we still dominated everyone who got in our way. This faction surely had its ups, and its downs. That doesn't matter though, because we ALL earned this trophy!"
(Bronko lowers the trophy and puts the mic down as well. Bronko then awaits the next person to accept the trophy. Suddenly, we see JJ White dressed in a completely white three piece suit with clogs, a golden walking stick and solid gold sun glasses that are studded with sparkly diamonds. The crowd gives it up for the Funk Master.)
JJ White: “What a funky night! And I wouldn’t spend it anywhere else but with my friends and family. Now, these guys took me in even when they didn’t want to. They trusted me when the whole PWA was imploding. And I think I proved myself worthy of the company!â€
(The crowd gets loud for the Mayor of Funkytown as he does a spin and moonwalks in a circle.)After the crowd quiets down, JJ finishes.)
JJ White: “But, as Zack said, this isn’t about what I did or DJ did or the Badass did. This award is about what WE did! So, I want to take this moment to tip my hat to the best group of wrestling superstars that you will EVER find, ANYWHERE! And want to thank them for the chance to Believe in the REVOLUTION TOO!!!â€
(The crowd gets crazy as JJ slaps hands with DJ, Heath and Bronko. He, then, turns and shakes hands with the last member of the group.
After everyone has spoken their piece, Lord Vycious steps up to the podium for another time that night. As he holds yet another trophy aloft, he addresses the wildly cheering crowd.)
Lord Vycious: “I have stated before, on this very night and on this very stage, that I do not particularly value trophies and trinkets such as this. However, this one assumes special significance, for it rewards the unity and camaraderie of a group of individuals who, without each other, would not have succeeded as they did, and would therefore not be addressing you as we speak...!â€
(The Lord pauses to flash a boyish, proud smile at his Revolutionary fellows before resuming his speech.)
Lord Vycious: “Indeed, I could not have gotten where I am today without the help of these fine fellows! And even while we have had our differences, and not always seen eye to eye, I can vouch to these gentlemen being my very best of friends within this proud institution. James, Zachary, Joseph, DJ, Heath, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!â€
(The Lord has another winning smile before suddenly becoming rather more grave and somber. The next part of his speech is delivered in a tone stricken by commotion, and as he goes on he is visibly trying to control himself and not become too tearful.)
Lord Vycious: “But of course, there is one essential person missing from this family that is the Revolution. Our thoughts and prayers go out to our esteemed leader, our father figure, our mentor, our guiding light...Maxwell Knight. Too soon has misfortune taken Maxwell away from us, and on this night, as we stand here and are honored by the WWF Universe, we can be sure that none of this would have been possible without him. So ladies and gentlemen, please join me in giving a round of applause to someone who is absent, but always present in our hearts...Maxwell Knight!â€
(The Lord then starts applauding vehemently, and is joined by the entire cheering Arena. He then regains his seat, teary-eyed and trying to stifle a sob, as the Revolution step down from the stage. Suddenly, the Titantron explodes into static and, then, after a while, focus' in on Max 'The Shizz' Knight.)
Shizz: “Thanks DJ! Heath! Can't wait to get back! Wish I was there...Me and DJ been together a long time. Heath was a natural. The rest....well, just goes to show what the Shizz can do with not much to work with! Ha! Here's to the greatest Faction to ever grace the PWA and the greatest to never be duplicated in the WWF! Viva la Revolution!!!!â€
(The Titantron goes out and DJ and the Rockband slap hands and run off with the award. Bronko, JJ and Lord Vycious do NOT look happy with what the Shizz had to say. Lord Vycious steps up and accepts the next award from JJ White, smiling and shaking his friend's hand warmly, as they exchange some private words. He then takes the podium to a deafening ovation from the crowd.)
Lord Vycious: “Thank you...thank you, my friends...that will suffice...yes, thank you, ladies, gentlemen...â€
(The cheers finally die down as Lord Vycious begins to talk.)
Lord Vycious: “Ladies and gentlemen and...others...â€
(At this point, the Lord glares towards the heels of the company. He then goes on, in a somewhat patronizing, lecturing tone.)
Lord Vycious: “...the dueling world does, at times, seem a tad too obsessed with awards and trophies, does it not? Ladies, gentlemen! Trophies are not what matters! What matters is being true to yourself and your values, and enjoying what you do! I duel purely because it pleases me to do so, and should I ever covet any sort of trophy or otherwise, it would be merely because I felt the need for a new challenge! In fact, I am considering putting forth a conscious effort towards the acquisition of one of this institution's divisional belts, but I do it not out of greed or ambition, but merely out of the desire to challenge myself with a new and more difficult endeavor...!â€
(The crowd displays mixed reactions to the Lord's speechifying, with some taking it as a slap to the face of everything wrestling is known for. Most, however, sympathize with His Lordship's sentiment, and tell him as much in their cheers. The Lord seems unfazed one way or another as he goes on.)
Lord Vycious: “Now, on to this award. Despite my immediate thoughts on the subject, I do appreciate the faith, trust and appreciation the awarding of this trophy represents. And while I am a tad unsure as to how being oneself, and a Gentleman, constitutes a "Gimmick", I nonetheless wish to thank you, my supporters, as well as all the good people in this organization, for the attaining of this award. Thank you!â€
(With these last words, spoken as he steps away from the microphone, Lord Vycious steps down and resumes his seat next to Brandi, carrying his trophy, among considerable cheers. During this time, the arena falls into darkness, while purple lights are emitted from below the stage, and fog covers the metallic structure. Burst of fire begin to shoot up from the stage, while a large, dark figure, dressed in black cowboys boots, leather pants, and a spiked leather jacket begins to roam around the stage, pacing back and forth. The figure is masked with a mask displaying both the laughing and saddened operatic faces. In his hands, the figure holds a sleek black umbrella which has been opened, as if rain were falling inside of the building. Static floods over the PA System, as the lights dim to nothingness. At this point, the text “Goodbye of the Year†appears on the titantron, but seconds later, snow fills the screen. Within a moment, new text replaces the previous: “GOoDYE THe(IS) YEAR,†before this text too is lost to snow. Suddenly, the lights come back on and the Titantron comes to life again and we see Max 'The Shizz' Knight smiling in the camera, after having been informed that he has one match of the year; this is made apparent to the audience with the text “Match of the Year†appearing on the screen in conjunction with the Shizz’s appearance.)
Shizz: “Wow, again? Really? I mean, I can't say that I blame you though! HA! Match of the year, huh? Well, of course! Every match the Showstopper participates in is a spectacle to behold! And, Ripper? You're welcome! I know I carried you through most of the year! And, thanks to Sting, you got to own it one more time! But, give it up, Max! Without me there or an act of GOD, you're going to be hard pressed to get this award next year! Sorry, thems the breaks! Get it, Ripper? The breaks? Ha! Whatever! Thanks for the award and see you soon!â€
Lillian Garcia: “Without further ado, it is my honor to announce the OMG Moment of the Year!â€
(Clips of this year’s events shuffle through the screen until they stop on the clip of Bronko, in which he admitted that he had taken steroids. Bronko walks back onto the stage, not sure what to think this time. He doesn't look as happy as he did for the other awards. Bronko picks up the mic and addresses the WWF audience.)
Bronko: "See I should be happy about winning an award, right? Well I don't know what to think about this one. Billy Young screwed me over, and planted the drugs in my locker. He admitted that, and has anyone heard of him since? He got beaten up beyond returning. His short career got ended. So again, I'd like to thank everyone for voting for me, although this was a scandal. I've never used steroids. Never have, and never will. This isn't my proudest accomplishment, but thank you anyway WWF!"
(Bronko shakes his head, and walks backstage. Meanwhile, the belligerent Sicc Nick walks onto the stage and begins to speak about the award from Best Comeback.)
Sicc Nick: “Y’know I really don’t give a rat’s ass about this guy, so let’s get this rolling.â€
(As Sicc Nick finishes, EVERYTHING IS BROKEN by Uprise plays and the crowd gives a somewhat mixed ovation. The song goes on and on and Sicc looks uncomfortable and not a bit happy. Suddenly, a spotlight hits the rafters. We see Sting standing in the furthermost parts.)
Sting: “Ya know, Sicc. You can take your award and Shove it!!!â€
(The crowd lights up as Sicc tries to answer only to be interrupted.)
Sting: “I know you're up to something! After my last match with you, I could tell you were planning a cheap shot. And, if you think I'm going to set myself up for a Neverminder, well, just look for another fool!â€
(The noise begins to shift and get louder.)
Sting: “I don't need your award! It's not why I came here! I came here to clean up the PWA! Well, now I find myself in the WWF with a worse situation than what I started with! I'm onto to your lies! I'm not your fall guy anymore! And, if you want me, you know where to find me!â€
(With that, Sting disappears into the rafters. The text “Most Improved†appears on the screen, as Claressa King walks out once again. She is then followed by Lord Vycious and Brandi. Before Vycious can say a word, Claressa kisses him on the cheek. After Claressa's intervention, Lord Vycious is too dumbfounded to think coherently, merely swooning and sighing for a minute, while Brandi seethes with jealousy. He then dazedly, almost mechanically, steps down and resumes his seat, oblivious to the fact that his girlfriend is huffing and turning away from him ostentatiously. The WWF award ceremony is in full swing. Most of the awards have already been presented, with the Shizz emerging a clear victor, and some surprising events have taken place. As she has done for the every other previous award, Lillian Garcia stands in the center of the stage, ready to announce the person who will award the Face of the Year Award.)
Lillian Garcia: “...and to present the winner of the Face of The Year award, please welcome, the Lord of The Ring, the Dueling Gentleman, the WWF Nobleman, YOUR LORD VYCIOUS!â€
(Lord Vycious stands upon the stage, while Brandi is still huffing, and walks nonchalantly towards the podium, climbing up its steps. The fans cheer wildly as the Lord gestures them to tone it down, before beginning.)
Lord Vycious: “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! The following award seeks to reward a person whose ideals have never wavered, whose dedication was beyond question, who consistently fought on the side of good against those who seek to undermine this organization!â€
(Lord Vycious glares towards the heels, who are all bunched in a corner of the audience glaring straight back at the face nobleman.)
Lord Vycious: “As such, it is my pleasure and my honor to present this award to a dear friend of mine, and one of the most upstanding gentlemen I have had the pleasure of meeting! Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in giving a warm welcome to Mr. JIMI JAMES WHITE!â€
(The crowd pops appreciatively as JJ comes out from behind the curtain, dancing to his new Eddie and the Hotrocks song and grinning sheepishly. No sooner had the name Jimi James White escaped the prim and proper lips of Lord Peter Vycious, the lights went down and the left hand stage began to smoke. The disco ball comes down from the ceiling and the lights begin to pulsate with a funky bass beat. The crowd is already on its feet as the band begins to get down!â€
(JJ’s voice is heard, although he is not seen.)
JJ White: “Sly and the Family Stone could not be here tonight. So, join with me, my FUNKY MASSES, in welcoming the funkadelic styling’s of Eddie and the Hot Rocks tonight in the musical homage to help me say…THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BE MYSELF….AGAIN!!!â€â€
(As Eddie gets funky behind the mic, JJ and Disco Joe strut out to the center stage to the delight of the fans in attendance tonight! Jimi James is wearing a solid black suit with a dark blue shirt showing at the collar. His collar and Jacket are open to show off his chest hair. And, speaking of hair, he has opted for the massive pompadour that he started with. Disco’s afro is larger than usual. JJ’s brother is sporting a silk yellow shirt underneath a vest and pants combo decked out with a tiger skin motif! The White brothers waste no time getting to the groove. They both break out in a funky groove that sets the crowd jumping’ and jiving’ to the beat and rhythm that Eddie and the Hot Rocks are blasting! Without much ado, JJ and Disco strut over to the band as they all break down the beat and wow the crowd with a synchronistic get down! The whole arena is up on its feet now and funkin’ out to the groove! After a lengthy dance number, the music stops abruptly and everybody strikes a pose! After an unbelievable ovation, JJ struts over to the podium and waits the crowd out.)
JJ: “Thank you. Thank you. I cannot ah express the love I have for this business, my associates and you, the reason I’m here, the fans!â€
(White once again waits out the crowd.)
JJ: “I proudly accept this award for FACE of the Year because it means I fought the good fight; that I am YOUR hero!!â€
Audience: “JJ! JJ! JJ!â€
(White smiles a bit embarrassed and takes a small bow.)
JJ: “And I have only one thing that I can promise you for 2011. That I will continue to be the funkiest member of the PWA…WWF. Sorry, still having problems adjusting to all the changes. But, no matter the name of the organization, I will forever be the One and Only MAYOR OF FUNKYTOWN! Your HERO Jimi James White! Thank you!â€
(The crowd gives JJ a sendoff like none other. Finally, the second to last award is announced as the Heel of the Year award. Lillian Garcia introduces the award to the audience.)
Lillian Garcia: “Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner for the Heel of the Year award is none other than ‘Mr. Demented’ David Manning!â€
(The lights of the arena flare off, while “Singin’ in the Rain†by Gene Kelly begins to play over the PA System. The song is played normally for about thirty seconds, before it begins to be played in reverse. As the song’s reversion ends, the lights gradually come back to life. Minutes go by from this point on, and no awards are announced. Most superstars take this as downtime, or at least, a short intermission. As the night progresses, we see DJ Bratt looking uncomfortable in a tux with tennis shoes on. DJ asserts himself and ascends to the stage. He smiles for the camera.)
DJ: “Ok, so here it is. I've been asked to come out here in this monkey suit and introduce my best friend in the entire world! I'm supposed to hand him the first and, maybe, the last PWA lifetime achievement award!â€
(The crowd gives an ovation anticipating the award presentation.)
DJ: “I got Bronko planning his own thing and Petey and JJ doing whatever they do here. And everybody goes and forgets the Shizz. Well, ya know what? I haven't! Me and the Rockband are still hanging' with the Shizz! Cause if anybody deserves an award in this sorry excuse for a wrestling organization; it's Max Knight!â€
(Most of the fans seem to agree.)
DJ: “So, while everybody else is planning life without the Shizz, Me and Heath are just waiting for him to come back! And I don't care what that reject Sting has to say about my best friend! So, give it up for the greatest superstar to ever set foot in the PWA or the WWF; The SHOWSTOPPER! THE JAW DROPPER! THE BIG PAPPA! The one and only FRANCHISE, Max 'THE SHIZZ' Knight!â€
(The crowd goes crazy as we look toward the Titantron and nothing happens. Suddenly, as Toby Mac's SHOWSTOPPER plays on, Max Knight appears ON STAGE in a wheel chair being pushed by two buxom blond bombshells! The Shizz' left knee is in a cast, but he's all smiles as the crowd is on its feet! The girls wheel him out to the edge of the stage and Max gives them the patented SHIZZ 'check me out pose' without getting out of the wheelchair! DJ high-five’s his best friend as they all celebrate. SUDDENLY, the masked wrestler everybody recognizes as BLACKFIRE rushes from the back and nails DJ with a steel chair sending off the stage! The well-endowed blondes run for cover as the masked assailant grabs the Shizz' wheelchair!! Before the Shizz can react, BLACKFIRE pushes Max off the stage! Then, without hesitation, he does an elbow drop off the stage onto Knight's cast covered knee! As BLACKFIRE begins to put the boot onto the Shizz, Sting rushes from the back and jumps from the stage onto the masked wrestler! As they fight, DJ gets up and is joined by Heath, Bronko, JJ White and Lord Vycious. The now defunct Revolution begins to pull BLACKFIRE and Sting off each other. Surprisingly, BLACKFIRE jumps the barricade and runs through the crowd! JJ, Lord V and Heath give chase as Bronko and DJ beat the crap out of Sting! The broadcast ends with the medics attending to the Shizz who is screaming bloody murder about his knee and an unconscious Sting! The WWF symbol appears ending the show!)
-Superstar of the Year
--Max "The Shizz" Knight
--Max "The Beast" Ripper
--"The Badass" Zach Bronko
--"Mr. Demented" David Manning
--Lord Vycious
--“The Alpha Male†Sicc Nick
--Ted DiBiase, Jr.
--Jimi James White
--“The Teacher†Tobias Mezkov
--“The Boss†Raymond Traylor
--“The Big Thing†Brock Lesnar
-Championship Reign of the Year
--"Mr. Demented" as PWA Undisputed Champion
--Max "The Beast" Ripper (x2) as PWA Undisputed Champion
--Max "The Shizz" Knight (x3) as PWA Undisputed Champion
--"The Viper" Randy Orton as PWA Undisputed Champion
--Yoshi Tatsu as PWA UnsanXioned Champion
--Andrew Sanders as PWA UnsanXioned Champion
--Ted DiBiase, Jr. as PWA North American Champion
--Jimi James White as PWA North American Champion
--Randy Orton as PWA North American Champion
--Dakotah Gardnerd as PWA North American Champion
--Zach Bronko (x2) as PWA International Champion
--Brock Lesnar as PWA International Champion
--"The King Regime" David Otunga and Wade Barrett as PWA Tag Team Champions
--"new World order" Scott Hall and Kevin Nash as PWA Tag Team Champions
--"The Revolution" D.J. Bratt and Heath Slater (w/Jaxxon Ripper) as PWA Tag Team Champions
-PPV of the Year
--PWA Summerassault
--PWA Vendetta
--PWA Wrestlemania I
-WWF Staff of the Year
--Eric Bischoff
--Claressa King
--Paul Heyman
--Jim Ross
--Daniel Collins
-Newcomer of the Year (Later Half)
--Lord Vycious
--Randy Orton
--El Loco
--"Die Hard" Eddie Edwards
--Johnny "Blood" Red
--"The Bird's Eye" Jacob Nevermore
--"The Deal" Dal Knox
--"The Don" James King
--"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels
--"The Fortunate Son" Ted Dibiase Jr.
--"The Icon" Sting
--"The Loose Cannon" Shaun Knight
--"The Pitbull" Thiago Alves
--CM Punk
--David Otunga
--Wade Barrett
--Mike "The Miz" Mizanin
--Antonio Lupa
--Billy Kidman
--Billy Young
--Black Fire
--Bryan Danielson
--"The Blueblood" Christopher McMichaels
--Kevin Nash
--Michael Cage
--Scott Hall
--The Joker
--Austin Aries
--Alex Riley
-Feud of the Year
--The Shizz vs. The Beast
--Brock Lesnar vs. Zach Bronko
--Andrew Sanders vs. Yoshi Tatsu
--Billy Young vs. Zach Bronko
--Randy Orton vs. The Shizz
--Sicc Nick vs. Mr. Demented
--D.J. Bratt and Heath Slater vs. Daniel Bryan and Funaki
--Andrew Sanders vs. Sicc Nick
--Tobias Mezkov vs. The Boss
--Tobias Mezkov vs. Jaxxon "The Superbeast" Ripper
--Brock Lesnar vs. Billy Young
--"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar vs. DJ Bratt
--"The Revolution" vs. "War Machine"
--"The Revolution" vs. "The King Regime"
--"The Revolution" vs. "nWo"
--Sicc Nick vs. Yoshi Tatsu
--Lord Vycious vs. Sheamus
-Faction/Tag Team of the Year
--The Revolution
--The Brothers of Steel
--The new World order
--The Brothers of Anarchy
--The King Regime
--Bischoff's Regime
--The Flock
--The Lunatic Fringe
--War Machine
-Gimmick of the Year
--Lord Vycious' Gentleman Gimmick
--Randy Orton's Psychotic Gimmick
--David Manning's Psychotic & Disturbed Gimmick
--Jimi James White's Disco Gimmick
--Yoshi Tatsu's Mephisto Gimmick
--El Loco's Psychotic Gimmick
--Sicc Nick's Alpha Male Gimmick
--Andrew Sanders' Anarchist Gimmick
--James King's 1930s Gangster Gimmick
-Goodbye of the Year
--Andrew Sanders is retired by Zach Bronko.
--The Brothers of Steel retire.
--Max Knight is injured after a botched move.
--Mr. Demented disappears with the old PWA Undisputed Championship.
--Billy Young falls down his stairs and quits.
--Flare retires after he becomes tired of not getting his shot.
--Eclipse retires to pursue another career.
-Match of the Year
--(March 18, 2010) - PWA Shockwave 3 - 10 Man Battle Royal: The Shizz vs. Bomber, Flare, Max Ripper, Mr. Demented, Niko Bellic, Sicc Nick, Steve Panik, Wesley Angelos, and Zach Bronko
--(July 22, 2010) - PWA Vendetta - Last Man Standing Triple Threat: The Shizz vs. Max Ripper vs. Randy Orton
--(August 30, 2010) - PWA Summerassault - NO DQ/Fatal Fourway: Mr. Demented vs. Max Knight vs. Max Ripper vs. Sicc Nick
--(April 5, 2010) - PWA: Knight vs. Ripper - Steel Cage: Andrew Sanders vs. Sicc Nick
--(August 30, 2010) - PWA Summerassault - Battle Royal: Randy Orton vs. Flare vs. Pete Vicious vs. Jimi White vs. Raymond Traylor vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Tobias Mezkov vs. El Loco vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Blade
--(February 1, 2010) - PWA Shockwave 1 - Ladder Match: Dakotah Gardnerd vs. Prince Dess
--(August 30, 2010) - PWA Summerassault - Last Man Standing: Brock Lesnar vs. Zach Bronko
--(July 22, 2010) - PWA Vendetta - NA Championship Tournament
--(August 10, 2010) - Webshow - The Shizz vs. Flare
--(Augst 6, 2010) - PWA Zero 2 Hero - Eddie Edwards (w/Max "The Shizz" Knight) vs. Tyler Black (w/David Manning)
--(May 28, 2010) - PWA Shockwave 1 - Mr. Demented vs. Max Ripper vs. Randy Orton
--(May 16, 2010) - PWA Wrestlemania - Max "The Beast" Ripper © vs. Max "The Shizz" Knight (w/Jack Ripper)
--(May 16, 2010) - PWA Wrestlemania - Steel Cage: Mr. Demented vs. Sicc Nick
--(April 30, 2010) - PWA Shockwave 7 - Flash and Max Ripper (w/Sicc Nick, Andrew Sanders, Daniel Bryan, Funaki, Evan Bourne, Tobias Mezkov, and Eric Bischoff) vs. Max "The Shizz" Knight (w/Zach Bronko, D.J. Bratt, and Heath Slater) and (mystery)
-Roleplayer of the Year
--Lord Vycious
--Rated R Superstar
--Shaun Knight
--The Nicker
--Claressa King
--[?]The Riddler[?]
-Roleplay of the Year
--"An Act of Gallantry" by LV
--"A Heart Breaking Experience" by Ashez/BDC
--"Sayeth the Body Count, Nevermore!" by Claressa King
--"Open Invitantion Match" (Ashez's roleplays as Raven)
--"When I Think of the Name Zach Bronko" (All Participants)
--"Left of Center" (by Flip17)
--"Anyone for Twix?" (by ShowtimeScarbi)
--"Out of the Frying Pan..." (by EOM)
--"Open Invitation Match" (by Michael Cage)
--"Vicious Debuts On PWA" (by PeteVicious)
--"And In The Center Of The Ring" (by dbproject)
--"That Is Going To Sting" (by olschoolWCW)
--"And I Want It Now" (by Claressa King)
--"Sicc Nick Complains Pt. 1" (by Sicc Nick as Sicc Nick, and Eric Bischoff as Eric Bischoff)
--"A Revolutionary Meeting" (by BDC as Shizz, Bratt, Slater, Ashez as Bronko, and PeteVicious as Pete Vicious)
-OMG Moment of the Year
--Zach Bronko is busted for using steroids.
--Jack Ripper comes out of the closet.
--Darkness plays a series of cryptic videos on Shockwave.
--David Manning stabs himself several times with a butcher knife.
--Max Colton and Flare use Bomber's power against him.
--Eric Bischoff wins control over most of PWA from Bomber.
--Dakotah Gardnerd presses his brother, Dess' face in thumbtacks.
--Demented walks onto a burning stage with his rainjacket and yellow umbrella and reveals to the PWA universe that he killed a man.
--Evan Bourne is thrown head-first into a cake.
--Zach Bronko lights Niko Bellic's Russian flag on fire in front of the PWA universe.
--The Shizz screws The Beast over by winning the first Undisputed Championship via chair-shot.
--Steve Panik botches a vaulting body press off of the balcony and misses Sanders, going straight through the security barrier.
--The Revolution has trash thrown at them after they attack Mr. Demented, The Boss, Sicc Nick, and Max Ripper, post-match.
--Andrew Sanders makes Bischoff wear a crown of thorns.
--Sanders lights a cadaver attached to a crucifix on fire.
--Sicc Nick hits The Neverminder on a dumbass ref.
--Panik smokes pot on national television.
--Flash pops out of the crowd and attacks the Shizz.
--The PWA Frontline (Ripper, Sanders, Sicc Nick, and Flash) come out to Zach Bronko's open challenge and end up making The Revolution retreat.
--David Manning beats Max Ripper in 20 seconds.
-Comeback of the Year
--Zach Bronko returns to retire Andrew Sanders.
--Heath Slater returns from an injury to face the nWo in a championship match.
--Mr. Demented comes back from the dead.
--Sting appears in the rafters after almost a year.
--Ken Shamrock returns for Bloodbath's head after his injury, on Raw.
-Most Improved Superstar
--Lord Vycious
--Zach Bronko
--DJ Bratt
--David Manning
--El Loco
--Jacob Nevermore
--Ted DiBiase, Jr.
--"The Loose Cannon" Shaun Knight
-Face of the Year
--Nominate one. Your nomination will count as one vote toward that particular superstar. If any superstar fails to get more than one vote, then there will be no winner in this category.
-Heel of the Year
--Nominate one. Your nomination will count as one vote toward that particular superstar. If any superstar fails to get more than one vote, then there will be no winner in this category.
-Lifetime Achievement Award
--Nominate one. Your nomination will count as one vote toward that particular superstar. If any superstar fails to get more than one vote, then there will be no winner in this category. Whoever wins the award for this category will receive a spot in the Hall of Fame.
The Actual Show

(As the camera fades in from black, and image displayed within the camera frame comes into focus, we see young Daniel Collins sitting upon in a large lounge chair, his legs folded, a book clutched in his hand. To the right of Collins is a roaring fireplace. As Collins sees the camera, he put the book down on the fireplace and begins to speak.)
Daniel Collins: "Why hello there, ladies and gentlemen. I'm glad you could join us for the 2010 WWF Whammies. Without further ado, I give you our general manager, Eric Bischoff! Have an excellent evening!"
(The camera switches chaotically to teh inside of the arena, waying from right to left before focusing on Eric Bischoff, who walks out onto the stage with a microphone in hand.)
Eric Bischoff: "I am not going to take all day to do this, because we all know what the man has done in the PWA. This man has won the PWA Undisputed Championship more times than any other wrestler on the entire PWA Roster, and he has definitely been involved in the biggest segments and situations that have ever occurred in the PWA. From the time he got here, he was just a guy wanting to make a name for himself, and he was placed in the perfect position to do so. Getting right in the middle of a match between Sicc Nick, Steve Panik, Goldust, and Sting, there was no way that this man was going to allow himself to fall off the radar. He was going to cause some turmoil, and he sure did by taking out Sting, forming The Revolution, taking out Daniel Bryan or Bryan Danielson (or at least having his goons do so), and he has even tamed David Manning, Sicc Nick, Max Ripper, and many others on the way. I said I wasn't going to take all day doing this, but it seems as though I'm going that way. SO, Without further ado...Via satellite...Because Sting kicked his ass...THE SHIZZ! MAX! KNIGHT!"
(As Bischoff finishes his introductions, the Titantron, once again, comes on and the crowd gives a mixed reaction to the Shizz. Most of the crowd gives an ovation, but some still can't get over some of the things he's done and even some of his comments tonight.)
Shizz: “Ya know I'm not sure why I should be surprised! When I came to this organization, it was struggling. Bomber could buy a pot to piss in. And I came on about the same time as the Bisch. And, Eric, you're welcome! I know if it wasn't for me, the PWA would have sunk a while ago! Ha!â€
(There is once again a mixed reaction.)
Shizz: “Anyways, no need to thank me, Mr. GM. I gladly accept this PWA Superstar of the Year award as the ONLY superstar to ever have done so! Are ya getting' used to me saying' that? Ha! I am!â€
(Toby Mac's SHOWSTOPPER revs up as the Titantron goes blank and Bischoff walks into the back. Moments later, Bronko walks out to accept his award; he is met with a standing ovation from the crowd. A "Bronko" chant is started, and Bronko has no choice but to smile. Once at the podium, Bronko picks up the mic.)
Bronko: "First of all, I'd like to thank Brock Lesnar for giving me the fight of my life... on TWO separate occasions. WrestleMania, you had the upper hand, but the second time around, it was all me! Then there was the match that granted me my first title. Mr. Nico Bellic, you tried so hard, but didn't get too far. I dominated you, and made your name obsolete."
(Bronko raises his award in the air, and grins.)
Bronko: “So I would like to thank everyone that voted for Zach Bronko! You made a wise choice, and I won't disappoint anyone this year! I promise I will be the World Champion by the end of the year!"
(Bronko puts down the trophy and mic, and listens to the standing ovation that the crowd gives him. The Titantron interrupts Bronko as we see the Shizz smiling that crap-eating grin of his.)
Shizz: “Yeah, what a year, huh? Me beating nine men in one night and taking the Undisputed three times. And, you Zack, taking it...Well, you didn't take it, did you Bronko? Oh, well! I'm not sure why they couldn't just come around and give the award just to me, but I guess they feel they have to kiss your ass with me on injured reserve, eh? HA!â€
(Bronko doesn't look happy to see his old friend.)
Shizz: “Well, thanks anyway! The point is that the Feud of the year was the Shizz vs. anybody that stepped into the ring with him! I made a lot of people famous, didn't I? What's that Bronko? Oh, that's right! You weren't one of those people either, were you? Well, I made ya famous anyways by bringing you in to our faction and MAKING you an International Champion, eh? Well, Badass, hold it together til I get back and, maybe, we can get that secondary gold back around that waist of yours, ok?â€
(The Titantron goes blank and Bronko seethes as he storms off the stage with his award. As the crowd calms from the last acceptance speech, Jim Ross makes an announcement concerning the next award. Jim Ross comes out to a standing ovation. He waits for the crowd to calm down. The Hall of Fame announcer doesn’t look happy.)
Jim Ross: “Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, I was supposed to come out here and present the award for Pay Per View of the year.â€
(Jim Ross stops and looks to the back.)
Jim Ross: “Well, I say supposed to because somebody else had different ideas. Allow me to introduce, one of the men with the biggest win at WrestleMania last year which just so happens to be the Pay Per View of the Year for 2010!â€
(The crowd erupts in approval. Jim Ross still looks uneasy.)
Jim Ross: “PWA and WWF fans alike give it up for the Unstoppable force! The next big thing, Brock Lesnar!â€
(The crowd gives a tepid reaction as the monstrous Brock Lesnar steps out of the back with the Whammy in his huge, unrelenting fists. He steps up to the podium with a sinister little smile on his chiseled face.)
Brock: “I asked Mr. Ross to allow me to present this award because it was a symbol of my greatest achievement in the PWA. It was at WrestleMania 2010 that I took the International title from Zack Bronko! And the person I am to present it too was partially responsible for that win.â€
(The crowd begins to cheer in anticipation.)
Brock: “I just thought it fitting that it would be me that presented the PPV of the year award to my EX-Manager and WWF staff member; Claressa King!â€
(The crowd is in full ovation now. Lesnar sneers as the lovely Ms. King steps onto the stage. She is wearing an awesome red dress with lace trim. She is positively stunning, but she sees Brock and is suddenly noticeably shaken. Brock sees her hesitate and urges her on.)
Brock: “No. No, Claressa, come on up and accept your award. It was your debut and my greatest victory here. Why would you hesitate to come and accept what is rightfully yours?â€
(Claressa steps up cautiously and reaches for the award. Brock hands it to her, but doesn’t let it go. Instead he uses the award to pull her close and get his other hand on her arm; restraining her. Fear breaks out on her beautiful features. Brock seems to be enjoying this.)
Brock: “Maybe it’s because a few Pay Per Views down the road you knifed me in the back and gave MY title back to that no talent, Bronko! Huh?!â€
Claressa: “Please, Brock…â€
(Brock grins and begins to shake her.)
Brock: “Please, Brock what? Please don’t hurt me? Maybe, you should have thought of that before you went and betrayed me like that!â€
(Suddenly, from the back, Sheamus appears and catches Brock off guard. He surprises him with a Baroque kick to the head! This sends Brock through the podium and onto the steel stage. Sheamus picks up what is left of the wooden podium and goes to hit Brock with it. But, Claressa urges him not to. Instead she leads him off stage and away from Lesnar. Sheamus never took his eyes off of the fallen MMA star. And Lesnar gets up holding his head and making it for the back as Sheamus follows. Meanwhile, the lights go down as Easy-E’s music floods over the PA System. However, the young Daniel Collins walks out on to the metal stage, made to be a focal point by the spotlight. Collins extends his arm outward and moves his shoulder simultaneously, before bending his elbow and bringing a long, black WWF mic up to his pink lips.)
Daniel Collins: “Well, my good people, I must inform you that Bischoff is busy at the moment and cannot return to the stage, so I will accept this award on his behalf. Thank you all, and here’s to another great year!â€
(Claressa King, shaken, but not stirred, walks back onto the stage to announce the next award.)
Claressa King: “He made Ted DiBiase a name for all of us to shout. In fact, he made Ted an essential part of the federation. Not to mention embracing Alex Riley and bringing in Sheamus. He made himself a complementary member of one of the biggest factions of the year; the King Regime. And, no matter what happens in the near future, he will always be a part of PWA history and the WWF future. I give to you, the Best Newcomer of 2010, Ted DiBiase!â€
(After Claressa’s gracious introduction of him, Ted walks out onto the stage in a solid black suit and heads towards the podium. He kisses Ms. King’s hand and is handed the trophy that he rightfully deserved. Ted pulls out a piece of notepaper from his pocket and lays it on the podium before speaking.)
Ted: “Thank you for the wonderful tribute Ms. King. I came into this company a couple months ago, but was quickly overshadowed by a ludicrous faction war. You had the departure of the Viper, the beginning of the end of the Revolution, the rise of Demented, and somehow the Fortunate Son got lost in the shuffle. Simply put, the PWA management and the fans messed up, but lucky for all of you, Claressa King saw my potential! I brought Sheamus with me and taught Alex Riley everything he knows about this business, and in doing so, I helped create a faction that dominated unlike any other. So thank you Claressa, for making the smartest choice in your life and assisting me in acquiring this Newcomer of the Year award. Even though I should rightfully be Superstar of the Year and Champion of the Year as well! I will show all of you voters the error of your ways soon enough, because the Fortunate Son is on the rise again.â€
(Ted hoists his trophy triumphantly into the air and walks backstage with Claressa King. Meanwhile, ring announcer Lillian Garcia rises from her seat and begins to speak to the audience. As the Feud of the year award is announced, Lillian Garcia introduces the presenter.)
Lillian Garcia: And here to present this award, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the Dueling Gentleman, Lord Vycious!
(Lord Vycious then comes from behind the curtain, waving and grinning, as the crowd welcomes him with rousing cheers. He takes the stand discreetly and very professionally, and begins his speech.)
Lord Vycious: “In every walk of life, it is inevitable to have rivalries. You have certainly had them, in your personal life as well as in your professional life. Even within families, differences can occur, often too great to be settled. The dueling world is no different; in fact, it thrives on such conflicts. Fortunately, however, the profession we have chosen provides us with a way to settle such scores, and in the process entertain our admirers and supporters. And this year, one such difference in opinion stood out from the rest. No, not my altercation with that Irish rogue Sheamus; something far, far more significant. Ladies and gentlemen, the "Feud of the Year Award" goes to Max Ripper, of the War Machine, and to my dear friend Maxwell Knight!â€
(The crowd once again erupts into cheers as Ripper gets up from his seat and walks towards the stage. The fans then await with bated breath the appearance, on the Titantron or in person, of the Shizz, but he does not appear, refusing to speak with Max Ripper.)
Ripper: "Wow, this is such an honor. I can't believe I have won. I'd like to thank first and foremost God. He has been such a huge help and inspiration in my career. I'd also like to thank my family for being there for me when I needed them most. And to you, the fans, this is dedicated to you. I also dedicate my
Royal Rumble win to all of you. thank you once again for believing in me!"
(After Ripper finishes speaking, Claressa, once again, comes to the podium from the back, wearing a slinky, sequined black number. She waits for the crowd to hush.)
Claressa King: “PWA and WWF fans: the next award is for the group or tag team that most captured the attention of the management and the masses. And, although, I would like to argue with the choice here, I find myself agreeing with the results. When Max Knight captured the PWA Undisputed championship early last year, he was an unknown and no one knew what to expect. What happened next is a piece of PWA history. He was joined by his best friend and cohort, DJ BRATT. And, shortly, afterwards added the One Man Rockband, Heath Slater. Then, as icing on an already delicious cake, the Shizz brought in the PWA Badass himself, Zack Bronko. Now, I could stop there, and we would already have the first ever International, Tag Team and Undisputed champs covered. But, the Shizz went on to bring in our longest reigning North American Champion, the Mayor of Funkytown himself, JJ White. He also brought on a newcomer that has put the wrestling world on alert; future champion and all around gentleman, Lord Peter Vycious! Ladies and Gentlemen, without any further ado, I give to you, the best Faction of 2010; The Revolution!â€
(The PA System breaks the somber moment and the crowd is on their feet! P.O.D.'s REVOLUTION plays as DJ BRATT, Heath Slater, Zack Bronko, JJ and Disco Joe White and Lord Peter Vycious come up to claim their prize. DJ and Heath are the first to the mic (seeing that they are faster and a slight bit less sophisticated than the rest. DJ grabs the brunette bombshell holding the award and lays one on her. The crowd gives a 'whoa!' and applauds.
Heath Slater: “Well, so much for an acceptance speech! Ha!â€
(DJ finishes a long, exhausting kiss with Claressa King)
DJ: “Whoa! 2010! What an awesome year! Me and the Rockband here owned the tag division, like we will this year! Ha!â€
Heath Slater: “You better believe it, people! We had our good times and bad. But we held together like family! Screw the Nexus, that's just business! The Revolution? That's family!â€
DJ: “You got that right!! Me and the Rockband ain't goin' anywhere!! And, Max? Can't wait til you get better!!â€
(As Zach Bronko stands on the metal stage, he looks to the crowd with the mic up to his face. He holds "The Revolution's" trophy high in the air.)
Bronko: “We, as a team, won this trophy. We were the best of the best. We could have stayed that way too, but then someone had to go and ruin our run... Sting. Let's not focus on that though. In the beginning, it was Shizz, DJ Bratt, Heath Slater, and me. We ran the show. We had the tag titles, the International title, and the PWA Undisputed Championship. You all hated us, and that just made us that much better, to be honest. That's when we had a breakdown. Shizz started to go behind our backs, we couldn't get along with each other, and I thought I was going to leave. Eventually we all got over our disputes, and once again became a force to be reckoned with. Then slowly, and surely, you all started to love us. We still ran the show, and we still dominated everyone who got in our way. This faction surely had its ups, and its downs. That doesn't matter though, because we ALL earned this trophy!"
(Bronko lowers the trophy and puts the mic down as well. Bronko then awaits the next person to accept the trophy. Suddenly, we see JJ White dressed in a completely white three piece suit with clogs, a golden walking stick and solid gold sun glasses that are studded with sparkly diamonds. The crowd gives it up for the Funk Master.)
JJ White: “What a funky night! And I wouldn’t spend it anywhere else but with my friends and family. Now, these guys took me in even when they didn’t want to. They trusted me when the whole PWA was imploding. And I think I proved myself worthy of the company!â€
(The crowd gets loud for the Mayor of Funkytown as he does a spin and moonwalks in a circle.)After the crowd quiets down, JJ finishes.)
JJ White: “But, as Zack said, this isn’t about what I did or DJ did or the Badass did. This award is about what WE did! So, I want to take this moment to tip my hat to the best group of wrestling superstars that you will EVER find, ANYWHERE! And want to thank them for the chance to Believe in the REVOLUTION TOO!!!â€
(The crowd gets crazy as JJ slaps hands with DJ, Heath and Bronko. He, then, turns and shakes hands with the last member of the group.
After everyone has spoken their piece, Lord Vycious steps up to the podium for another time that night. As he holds yet another trophy aloft, he addresses the wildly cheering crowd.)
Lord Vycious: “I have stated before, on this very night and on this very stage, that I do not particularly value trophies and trinkets such as this. However, this one assumes special significance, for it rewards the unity and camaraderie of a group of individuals who, without each other, would not have succeeded as they did, and would therefore not be addressing you as we speak...!â€
(The Lord pauses to flash a boyish, proud smile at his Revolutionary fellows before resuming his speech.)
Lord Vycious: “Indeed, I could not have gotten where I am today without the help of these fine fellows! And even while we have had our differences, and not always seen eye to eye, I can vouch to these gentlemen being my very best of friends within this proud institution. James, Zachary, Joseph, DJ, Heath, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!â€
(The Lord has another winning smile before suddenly becoming rather more grave and somber. The next part of his speech is delivered in a tone stricken by commotion, and as he goes on he is visibly trying to control himself and not become too tearful.)
Lord Vycious: “But of course, there is one essential person missing from this family that is the Revolution. Our thoughts and prayers go out to our esteemed leader, our father figure, our mentor, our guiding light...Maxwell Knight. Too soon has misfortune taken Maxwell away from us, and on this night, as we stand here and are honored by the WWF Universe, we can be sure that none of this would have been possible without him. So ladies and gentlemen, please join me in giving a round of applause to someone who is absent, but always present in our hearts...Maxwell Knight!â€
(The Lord then starts applauding vehemently, and is joined by the entire cheering Arena. He then regains his seat, teary-eyed and trying to stifle a sob, as the Revolution step down from the stage. Suddenly, the Titantron explodes into static and, then, after a while, focus' in on Max 'The Shizz' Knight.)
Shizz: “Thanks DJ! Heath! Can't wait to get back! Wish I was there...Me and DJ been together a long time. Heath was a natural. The rest....well, just goes to show what the Shizz can do with not much to work with! Ha! Here's to the greatest Faction to ever grace the PWA and the greatest to never be duplicated in the WWF! Viva la Revolution!!!!â€
(The Titantron goes out and DJ and the Rockband slap hands and run off with the award. Bronko, JJ and Lord Vycious do NOT look happy with what the Shizz had to say. Lord Vycious steps up and accepts the next award from JJ White, smiling and shaking his friend's hand warmly, as they exchange some private words. He then takes the podium to a deafening ovation from the crowd.)
Lord Vycious: “Thank you...thank you, my friends...that will suffice...yes, thank you, ladies, gentlemen...â€
(The cheers finally die down as Lord Vycious begins to talk.)
Lord Vycious: “Ladies and gentlemen and...others...â€
(At this point, the Lord glares towards the heels of the company. He then goes on, in a somewhat patronizing, lecturing tone.)
Lord Vycious: “...the dueling world does, at times, seem a tad too obsessed with awards and trophies, does it not? Ladies, gentlemen! Trophies are not what matters! What matters is being true to yourself and your values, and enjoying what you do! I duel purely because it pleases me to do so, and should I ever covet any sort of trophy or otherwise, it would be merely because I felt the need for a new challenge! In fact, I am considering putting forth a conscious effort towards the acquisition of one of this institution's divisional belts, but I do it not out of greed or ambition, but merely out of the desire to challenge myself with a new and more difficult endeavor...!â€
(The crowd displays mixed reactions to the Lord's speechifying, with some taking it as a slap to the face of everything wrestling is known for. Most, however, sympathize with His Lordship's sentiment, and tell him as much in their cheers. The Lord seems unfazed one way or another as he goes on.)
Lord Vycious: “Now, on to this award. Despite my immediate thoughts on the subject, I do appreciate the faith, trust and appreciation the awarding of this trophy represents. And while I am a tad unsure as to how being oneself, and a Gentleman, constitutes a "Gimmick", I nonetheless wish to thank you, my supporters, as well as all the good people in this organization, for the attaining of this award. Thank you!â€
(With these last words, spoken as he steps away from the microphone, Lord Vycious steps down and resumes his seat next to Brandi, carrying his trophy, among considerable cheers. During this time, the arena falls into darkness, while purple lights are emitted from below the stage, and fog covers the metallic structure. Burst of fire begin to shoot up from the stage, while a large, dark figure, dressed in black cowboys boots, leather pants, and a spiked leather jacket begins to roam around the stage, pacing back and forth. The figure is masked with a mask displaying both the laughing and saddened operatic faces. In his hands, the figure holds a sleek black umbrella which has been opened, as if rain were falling inside of the building. Static floods over the PA System, as the lights dim to nothingness. At this point, the text “Goodbye of the Year†appears on the titantron, but seconds later, snow fills the screen. Within a moment, new text replaces the previous: “GOoDYE THe(IS) YEAR,†before this text too is lost to snow. Suddenly, the lights come back on and the Titantron comes to life again and we see Max 'The Shizz' Knight smiling in the camera, after having been informed that he has one match of the year; this is made apparent to the audience with the text “Match of the Year†appearing on the screen in conjunction with the Shizz’s appearance.)
Shizz: “Wow, again? Really? I mean, I can't say that I blame you though! HA! Match of the year, huh? Well, of course! Every match the Showstopper participates in is a spectacle to behold! And, Ripper? You're welcome! I know I carried you through most of the year! And, thanks to Sting, you got to own it one more time! But, give it up, Max! Without me there or an act of GOD, you're going to be hard pressed to get this award next year! Sorry, thems the breaks! Get it, Ripper? The breaks? Ha! Whatever! Thanks for the award and see you soon!â€
Lillian Garcia: “Without further ado, it is my honor to announce the OMG Moment of the Year!â€
(Clips of this year’s events shuffle through the screen until they stop on the clip of Bronko, in which he admitted that he had taken steroids. Bronko walks back onto the stage, not sure what to think this time. He doesn't look as happy as he did for the other awards. Bronko picks up the mic and addresses the WWF audience.)
Bronko: "See I should be happy about winning an award, right? Well I don't know what to think about this one. Billy Young screwed me over, and planted the drugs in my locker. He admitted that, and has anyone heard of him since? He got beaten up beyond returning. His short career got ended. So again, I'd like to thank everyone for voting for me, although this was a scandal. I've never used steroids. Never have, and never will. This isn't my proudest accomplishment, but thank you anyway WWF!"
(Bronko shakes his head, and walks backstage. Meanwhile, the belligerent Sicc Nick walks onto the stage and begins to speak about the award from Best Comeback.)
Sicc Nick: “Y’know I really don’t give a rat’s ass about this guy, so let’s get this rolling.â€
(As Sicc Nick finishes, EVERYTHING IS BROKEN by Uprise plays and the crowd gives a somewhat mixed ovation. The song goes on and on and Sicc looks uncomfortable and not a bit happy. Suddenly, a spotlight hits the rafters. We see Sting standing in the furthermost parts.)
Sting: “Ya know, Sicc. You can take your award and Shove it!!!â€
(The crowd lights up as Sicc tries to answer only to be interrupted.)
Sting: “I know you're up to something! After my last match with you, I could tell you were planning a cheap shot. And, if you think I'm going to set myself up for a Neverminder, well, just look for another fool!â€
(The noise begins to shift and get louder.)
Sting: “I don't need your award! It's not why I came here! I came here to clean up the PWA! Well, now I find myself in the WWF with a worse situation than what I started with! I'm onto to your lies! I'm not your fall guy anymore! And, if you want me, you know where to find me!â€
(With that, Sting disappears into the rafters. The text “Most Improved†appears on the screen, as Claressa King walks out once again. She is then followed by Lord Vycious and Brandi. Before Vycious can say a word, Claressa kisses him on the cheek. After Claressa's intervention, Lord Vycious is too dumbfounded to think coherently, merely swooning and sighing for a minute, while Brandi seethes with jealousy. He then dazedly, almost mechanically, steps down and resumes his seat, oblivious to the fact that his girlfriend is huffing and turning away from him ostentatiously. The WWF award ceremony is in full swing. Most of the awards have already been presented, with the Shizz emerging a clear victor, and some surprising events have taken place. As she has done for the every other previous award, Lillian Garcia stands in the center of the stage, ready to announce the person who will award the Face of the Year Award.)
Lillian Garcia: “...and to present the winner of the Face of The Year award, please welcome, the Lord of The Ring, the Dueling Gentleman, the WWF Nobleman, YOUR LORD VYCIOUS!â€
(Lord Vycious stands upon the stage, while Brandi is still huffing, and walks nonchalantly towards the podium, climbing up its steps. The fans cheer wildly as the Lord gestures them to tone it down, before beginning.)
Lord Vycious: “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! The following award seeks to reward a person whose ideals have never wavered, whose dedication was beyond question, who consistently fought on the side of good against those who seek to undermine this organization!â€
(Lord Vycious glares towards the heels, who are all bunched in a corner of the audience glaring straight back at the face nobleman.)
Lord Vycious: “As such, it is my pleasure and my honor to present this award to a dear friend of mine, and one of the most upstanding gentlemen I have had the pleasure of meeting! Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in giving a warm welcome to Mr. JIMI JAMES WHITE!â€
(The crowd pops appreciatively as JJ comes out from behind the curtain, dancing to his new Eddie and the Hotrocks song and grinning sheepishly. No sooner had the name Jimi James White escaped the prim and proper lips of Lord Peter Vycious, the lights went down and the left hand stage began to smoke. The disco ball comes down from the ceiling and the lights begin to pulsate with a funky bass beat. The crowd is already on its feet as the band begins to get down!â€
(JJ’s voice is heard, although he is not seen.)
JJ White: “Sly and the Family Stone could not be here tonight. So, join with me, my FUNKY MASSES, in welcoming the funkadelic styling’s of Eddie and the Hot Rocks tonight in the musical homage to help me say…THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BE MYSELF….AGAIN!!!â€â€
(As Eddie gets funky behind the mic, JJ and Disco Joe strut out to the center stage to the delight of the fans in attendance tonight! Jimi James is wearing a solid black suit with a dark blue shirt showing at the collar. His collar and Jacket are open to show off his chest hair. And, speaking of hair, he has opted for the massive pompadour that he started with. Disco’s afro is larger than usual. JJ’s brother is sporting a silk yellow shirt underneath a vest and pants combo decked out with a tiger skin motif! The White brothers waste no time getting to the groove. They both break out in a funky groove that sets the crowd jumping’ and jiving’ to the beat and rhythm that Eddie and the Hot Rocks are blasting! Without much ado, JJ and Disco strut over to the band as they all break down the beat and wow the crowd with a synchronistic get down! The whole arena is up on its feet now and funkin’ out to the groove! After a lengthy dance number, the music stops abruptly and everybody strikes a pose! After an unbelievable ovation, JJ struts over to the podium and waits the crowd out.)
JJ: “Thank you. Thank you. I cannot ah express the love I have for this business, my associates and you, the reason I’m here, the fans!â€
(White once again waits out the crowd.)
JJ: “I proudly accept this award for FACE of the Year because it means I fought the good fight; that I am YOUR hero!!â€
Audience: “JJ! JJ! JJ!â€
(White smiles a bit embarrassed and takes a small bow.)
JJ: “And I have only one thing that I can promise you for 2011. That I will continue to be the funkiest member of the PWA…WWF. Sorry, still having problems adjusting to all the changes. But, no matter the name of the organization, I will forever be the One and Only MAYOR OF FUNKYTOWN! Your HERO Jimi James White! Thank you!â€
(The crowd gives JJ a sendoff like none other. Finally, the second to last award is announced as the Heel of the Year award. Lillian Garcia introduces the award to the audience.)
Lillian Garcia: “Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner for the Heel of the Year award is none other than ‘Mr. Demented’ David Manning!â€
(The lights of the arena flare off, while “Singin’ in the Rain†by Gene Kelly begins to play over the PA System. The song is played normally for about thirty seconds, before it begins to be played in reverse. As the song’s reversion ends, the lights gradually come back to life. Minutes go by from this point on, and no awards are announced. Most superstars take this as downtime, or at least, a short intermission. As the night progresses, we see DJ Bratt looking uncomfortable in a tux with tennis shoes on. DJ asserts himself and ascends to the stage. He smiles for the camera.)
DJ: “Ok, so here it is. I've been asked to come out here in this monkey suit and introduce my best friend in the entire world! I'm supposed to hand him the first and, maybe, the last PWA lifetime achievement award!â€
(The crowd gives an ovation anticipating the award presentation.)
DJ: “I got Bronko planning his own thing and Petey and JJ doing whatever they do here. And everybody goes and forgets the Shizz. Well, ya know what? I haven't! Me and the Rockband are still hanging' with the Shizz! Cause if anybody deserves an award in this sorry excuse for a wrestling organization; it's Max Knight!â€
(Most of the fans seem to agree.)
DJ: “So, while everybody else is planning life without the Shizz, Me and Heath are just waiting for him to come back! And I don't care what that reject Sting has to say about my best friend! So, give it up for the greatest superstar to ever set foot in the PWA or the WWF; The SHOWSTOPPER! THE JAW DROPPER! THE BIG PAPPA! The one and only FRANCHISE, Max 'THE SHIZZ' Knight!â€
(The crowd goes crazy as we look toward the Titantron and nothing happens. Suddenly, as Toby Mac's SHOWSTOPPER plays on, Max Knight appears ON STAGE in a wheel chair being pushed by two buxom blond bombshells! The Shizz' left knee is in a cast, but he's all smiles as the crowd is on its feet! The girls wheel him out to the edge of the stage and Max gives them the patented SHIZZ 'check me out pose' without getting out of the wheelchair! DJ high-five’s his best friend as they all celebrate. SUDDENLY, the masked wrestler everybody recognizes as BLACKFIRE rushes from the back and nails DJ with a steel chair sending off the stage! The well-endowed blondes run for cover as the masked assailant grabs the Shizz' wheelchair!! Before the Shizz can react, BLACKFIRE pushes Max off the stage! Then, without hesitation, he does an elbow drop off the stage onto Knight's cast covered knee! As BLACKFIRE begins to put the boot onto the Shizz, Sting rushes from the back and jumps from the stage onto the masked wrestler! As they fight, DJ gets up and is joined by Heath, Bronko, JJ White and Lord Vycious. The now defunct Revolution begins to pull BLACKFIRE and Sting off each other. Surprisingly, BLACKFIRE jumps the barricade and runs through the crowd! JJ, Lord V and Heath give chase as Bronko and DJ beat the crap out of Sting! The broadcast ends with the medics attending to the Shizz who is screaming bloody murder about his knee and an unconscious Sting! The WWF symbol appears ending the show!)