Olympus Pro Wrestling [written by Jeff & Juice]

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Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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Prediction Contest Tally

Tied 1st: Gambitto/The Fourth Wall - 6
3rd: Looch - 5

With @Gambitto & @The Fourth Wall tying they both win the contest and get to draft a tag-team to development who have never held a major tag team title + a female wrestler to act their manager/valet. Just send in your selections to me via DM.

Marty McFourth

Indy Wrestling Connoisseur
Feb 9, 2020
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I see I called the 60 minute draw, the stuff of wrestling dreams right there.


Death By Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Amazing job by my best friend!

I was pretty impressed you figured out my booking already :oops
Come on, we all know you changed it the moment Fourthy called it.
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Canadian Dragon

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Preview for Rebellion

Kenny Omega championship celebration
CM Punk explains his actions
Jay White back in action against Ricky Starks
FTR take on Go Shiozaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima
Josh Alexandre vs Kevin Owens - Underworld Division
Main event: The Young Bucks battle Seth Rollins and Jon Moxley

Preview for Adrenaline

Adam Page takes on Tomohiro Ishii - Gaea Division
The American Dragon speaks
DIY vs Suzuki and Sabre Jr.
Main Event: Underworld Title Match: Konosuke Takeshita vs. Malakai Black
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Canadian Dragon

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Rebellion #001

Toronto, Canada, Coca Cola Center


The night would begin with Kenny Omega’s music blaring as he walked down the ramp, Gaea Championship on his shoulder and flanked by the Young Bucks to a thunderous ovation. Streamers would hit over the ring as holds the title high above his head in the center of the ring. He asks for a microphone.

Kenny: Thank you for all the praise, Toronto, but let’s be honest, was there ever a doubt? Was there ever a doubt the Best Bout Machine would deliver and once again climb the tallest mountain and sit on top of the wrestling world? I don’t think so. The God of Pro Wrestling sits on his throne once again and no one is ever going to take it from me.

Seth Rollins' music hits and he comes out to the ramp with Jon Moxley.

Seth says I wouldn’t be so sure about that, and he’s been many things in his career. Might as well add God Slayer to the list. Seth says Kenny is a smart guy but he’s smarter and has been on top in America for longer. Kenny says Seth only achieved those things because he was busy conquering Japan and starting his own company. He says all Seth is a Paul Levesque lapdog, and he’s going to put him down.

Seth says they should do it tonight then, why waste time? Kenny says it would be unbecoming of a champion to wrestle the day of his celebration and that Seth should have some class. Besides, he’s already fulfilled his contractual obligations for the evening. Seth responds that if that’s the case, maybe his two sidekicks would like to fight tonight. Seth suggests that perhaps they prefer hiding in Kenny’s shadow after failing to capture the tag titles. The Bucks bite and we have a main event set for this evening:

Seth Rollins and Jon Moxley will take on The Young Bucks.

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Opening Contest

The match would be a high energy opening match that would go a good 15 minutes showcasing two excellent teams. Ultimately, FTR would prevail with The Shatter Machine.

Winners: FTR

After the match FTR cut an in ring promo saying they intend on challenging for the Elysium titles as soon as they can. They state that while the ladder match didn’t go their way, they are the best tag team in the world.

They are interrupted by Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilley. They say that with their victory over DiY they should be next up for a title shot. They say that FTR are the flavor of the month and ReDragon is the greatest and longest lasting tag team of all time. FTR gets face to face with them and challenges them to a fight but are hit from behind by Adam Cole. The Undisputed Era beat down FTR and Adam Cole hits Dax Harwood with The Boom. They stand tall to close the segment.

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CM Punk walks out to a mixed but loud reaction from the Toronto crowd. He takes his time and soaks it all in making his way down and into the ring. He takes the mic and after some more boos he says that he’s sorry some people are mad that he did what he had to do to put food on his table and elevate his status. He says that he didn’t sign up to Olympus Pro Wrestling to make friends with legends like Tanahashi. He came here to make millions of dollars and cement his legacy as The Best in The Word and that had to start by humiliating Japan’s favorite son in front of the world. Punk says that OPW should get used to having their wrestlers embarrassed because that’s exactly what he’s going to do to his next victim, whoever that might be. He says he will destroy everyone’s favorites until he gets to rule on top of Mt. Olympus, even if he has to go through Kenny Omega himself to get there.

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Starks would play the babyface role and the crowd would eat up his taunts and antics. On the opposite end, Jay White would create jeer after jeer with his masterful bending of the rules. Starks would hit the spear but White would kick out. Ricky would attempt the Roshambo but White claws the eyes and counters with Blade Runner for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Jay White

Back from the commercial Jay White is standing backstage being interviewed. He says that Seth Rollins got lucky stealing the victory from him at Ascension. Jay White says there is not a single person on this roster that is on his level and if they think they are, step up. Walter then enters the frame and stares him down. Jay White gulps. Walter says he’s stepping up. Jay White nods and carefully backs away.

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Underworld Division Match


Both men would receive a hero’s welcome in their home country but it would be Josh Alexandre, the local Torontonian, who would play the role of babyface. Owens would use his veteran savvy to gain the advantage early, hitting a series of cannonballs and a front knee brainbuster. Owens would continue to attempt to bully Josh but he would fight out of a powerbomb attempt on the apron. Josh would hit a series of suplexes to regain control of the match and would lock in the ankle lock. Owens escapes via the ropes. C4 Piledriver attempt countered and superkick by Owens. Frog Splash by Owens. Package Piledriver seals it clean.

Winner: Kevin Owens

Owens goes to shake Josh’s hand but he slaps it away in disgust! Josh walks away and KO shrugs and celebrates with the crowd.

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Danhausen has made the trip from the minor league and is attempting to cut a silly promo backstage. Miro enters the scene and asks why he thinks he can come to Rebellion and take screen time away from The Redeemer. Danhausen says that’s not very nice but it is very evil. Miro responds by saying he redeems evil demons too and that if Danhausen wants some screen time, he has to fight for it right now.


Miro would play with his food and this match lasts about 2 minutes longer than it needs to be. Miro would eventually get serious and hit the Machka Kick and put his foot on Danhausen’s chest for the easy victory.

Winner: Miro

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Adam Page would cut a backstage promo sharing his disgust with the current antics of Gaea Champion Kenny Omega. He says he has slayed him in the past and that OPW will not be different. He switches gears to his opponent coming up on Adrenaline in the form of Tomohiro Ishii. He goes on to say that Ishii is one of the toughest guys in the business and one of the hardest hitters. He has nothing but respect for him but come Adrenaline, he’s hitting the Buckshot Lariat and getting that pinfall to take one step further to the Gaea World Championship.

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Main Event

Kenny Omega would get his own long and over the top entrance before anyone else for a second time this evening. The Young Bucks would then make their entrance and taunt and insult the crowd on their way down the ramp. All three would pose in the middle of the ring, Kenny once again holding the OPW Gaea Championship above his head while basking in the boos.

The crowd would erupt for Wild Thing and Moxley chants would begin as he does appear immediately on the ramp. Instead, the entrance music hits a record scratch and changes track.

It’s the old Shield theme and out of the rafters come Jon Moxley and Seth Rollins in tactical gear paying homage to their old stable.

The match would be a barnburner of epic proportions to no one’s surprise. The Bucks would play all their hits early, using their speed to isolate Rollins in their corner (with some savvy distractions by Omega). Rollins would reverse the Meltzer Driver with a heel click causing Matt and Nick to have a malfunction at the junction. Mox finally gets in with a hot tag. Lariat city. King Kong lariats on Matt for a quickfall. The former Shield mates take over now with quick tags and hard hitting shots on Matt Jackson, including a buckle bomb in the corner for another near fall. Frog Splash attempt by Rollins counter by Nick superkicking him out of the air to save his brother. Referee forces Nick out so Omega pulls Mox off the apron and chucks him into the ring post. Omega looks extremely pleased with himself. More Bang for Your Buck on Seth who kicks out yet again. Mox back in his corner but nursing his shoulder. Hot tag attempt by Seth but Omega pulls Mox off the apron again.The referee berates him and Mox gets nose to nose with Omega as they jaw jack. Nick attempts to use the distraction to hit a con hilo on Mox to the outside but Mox pulls in Omega and he nails him with it instead. Seth nails Matt off the apron with a big right hand and dives to the outside, taking out Nick Jackson who was already the worst for wear from his own mishap. Slides him in the ring, tag to Mox, Death Rider to Matt who tries to rush in! Stomp to Nick Jackson. Death Rider to Nick Jackson to add insult to injury.


Winners: Mox and Rollins

Mox and Rollins would celebrate together as the Bucks licked their wounds. Omega would sneakily slide in and hit Rollins in the back of the head with the title. Mox tries to attack Omega but a recovered Matt Jackson kicks him in the crotch. He holds Mox from behind and Kenny takes a running start and nails him in the face with the title as well, busting him open. He instructs the Bucks to get him up and put him on his shoulders and he drills Mox’s neck into the canvas with the One Winged Angel. The Elite stand tall to close out the show.​
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Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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Whoever made those banners is a fucking nerd!
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Canadian Dragon

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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