Olympus Pro Wrestling [written by Jeff & Juice]

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Marty McFourth

My Strange Addiction
Feb 9, 2020
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Bryan and Okada about to go at it for an hour.

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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Damn... that's a mighty fine idea and presentation and a Roster that is truly fitting for being the Mount Olympus of Wrestling. I can't wait for all the inevitable dream matches to happen. The Danielson vs. Sabre 60-Minute Iron Man Match. The WALTER vs. Minoru Suzuki chop fest. The Kenny Omega vs. Kevin Steen bout. ... This gonna be great.
Thank you for the kind words!

Marty McFourth

My Strange Addiction
Feb 9, 2020
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That card is the biggest :coketony ever and I love it. You guys trying to make Fourthy faint over here.


2. DIY
3. CM Punk
4. Zack Sabre Jr and Minoru Suzuki
5. Konsuke Takeshita
6. The Young Bucks - Mystery Team: Roppongi Vice (Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero)
7. Seth Rollins
8. 60 Minute DRAW
9. Kenny Omega

Marty McFourth

My Strange Addiction
Feb 9, 2020
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I was struggling on who the tag team could be, but Rocky & Trent always a safe pick. I'm doubting my choice though. :lol
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Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Oh yea... predictions would be fun for this.

OPW Underworld Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal
Kevin Owens vs. WALTER vs. Keith Lee vs. Adam Page vs. Ricky Starks vs. MJF vs. Malakai Black vs. Miro vs. Tomohiro Ishii vs. Eddie Kingston

DIY vs. reDRagon

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. CM Punk

Go Shiozaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Zack Sabre, Jr. & Minoru Suzuki

OPW Underworld Championship
Konsuke Takeshita vs. Josh Alexander

Path to Mt. Olympus - Elysium Tag Team Championships
FTR vs Briscoes vs Lucha Brothers vs The Usos vs The Young Bucks vs. ??? (Motor City Machine Guns)

OPW Gaea Championship #1 Contender Match
Kota Ibushi vs. Jay White vs. Seth Rollins

Kazuchika Okada vs. Bryan Danielson

OPW Gaea Championship
Kenny Omega vs. Will Ospreay

Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Doesn't matter if Roppongi Vice or MCMG or a completely different tag team. The winners are us fans.

Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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OPW Underworld Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal
Kevin Owens vs. WALTER vs. Keith Lee vs. Adam Page vs. Ricky Starks vs. MJF vs. Malakai Black vs. Miro vs. Tomohiro Ishii vs. Eddie Kingston

DIY vs. reDRagon

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. CM Punk

Go Shiozaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Zack Sabre, Jr. & Minoru Suzuki

OPW Underworld Championship
Konsuke Takeshita vs. Josh Alexander

Path to Mt. Olympus - Elysium Tag Team Championships
FTR vs Briscoes vs Lucha Brothers vs The Usos vs The Young Bucks vs. ??? (Motor City Machine Guns)

OPW Gaea Championship #1 Contender Match
Kota Ibushi vs. Jay White vs. Seth Rollins

Kazuchika Okada vs. Bryan Danielson

OPW Gaea Championship
Kenny Omega vs. Will Ospreay


Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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Scotiabank Arena - Toronto, ON, Canada


Kevin Owens vs. WALTER vs. Keith Lee vs. Adam Page vs. Ricky Starks vs. MJF vs. Malakai Black vs. Miro vs. Tomohiro Ishii vs. Eddie Kingston

The opening contest of the event would see all ten men start the match in the center, without their even yet being a holder of the Underworld Championship. It wasn’t at all surprising that the match would be very smash mouth in its style, with the ring almost too small to contain them, not to mention their larger than life personalities. The match would very much act as a catalyst and building blocks for what could potentially grow into a number of potential feuds. Moments would include Adam Page and MJF battling against the ropes and eliminating each other in the chaos. It was also clear that Miro and Ishii seemed to have a large amount of tension, but this would even come close to the clear hatred held between Owens and Keith Lee. WALTER would really impress by claiming for eliminations himself, but it would be Malakai Black who would win the contest by nailing Kingston with the Black Mass before tossing him out of the ring to become the number one contender for the Underworld Championship.

Winner: Malakai Black

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DIY vs. reDRagon

Both teams would put on a fantastic contest with both teams pushing the other to their utmost limit, with the fact that this match was only a standard thirty minute contest really was a good indication of just how deep the talent in OPW’s tag team division was in the very beginning of this new promotion’s life. The great flow and back and forth of the contest, would unfortunately be spoiled by the appearance of Adam Cole who would come down to the ring in a tee emblazoned with ‘reDRagon’ with it being clear just where his loyalties and would play distraction and would engage Ciampa long enough for KOR and Fish to take advantage of the situation and take Gargano out with Chasing The Dragon to pick up the victory. With the trio celebrating the victory in the ring altogether like three brothers at a family reunion.

Winners: reDRagon (Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish)

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Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. CM Punk

Both veterans would feature in a great contest, with two men at their peaks very much being the very best that Japan and the United States had to offer. Both men would show the fans that they very much were still capable of being considered as the ‘Best in the World’ in a match in which both men would show the ability in impressing with charismatic signature moves and industrial technical maneuvers to show the fans just how rich both their arsenal were. The match would end with a referee bump, that would be lead to Punk turning heel as he would nail Tanahashi with a low blow before following up with a GTS to pick up the victory - with it clear from Punk’s smirk that he didn’t care how he had won the match, but that winning was the only thing that mattered in this situation.

Winner: CM Punk

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Go Shiozaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Zack Sabre, Jr. and Minoru Suzuki

Unlike the contest between DIY and reDRagon, this contest was a much more physical matchup with the former stars of the Japanese wrestling scene showing onlookers just how hard they were willing to go and that they weren’t solely dependent on style and charisma. Both teams would blood each other up and there would be a number of heavy bumps, but to an untrained eye might have been considered as being botches. The match would end with Shiozaki and Suzuki battling at ringside, with the ‘Murder Grandpa’ seeming to almost break Go’s neck with a Gotch style piledriver, that would allow ZSJ to show off his killer instinct as a submission expert and would force Nakajima to tap out via the Tesco Meal Deal (Head scissors/hammerlock combination).

Winners: Zack Sabre, Jr. & Minoru Suzuki

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Konsuke Takeshita vs. Josh Alexander

The first championship match of the evening, would be a strong indication of just how competitive and potentially prestigious the OPW Underworld Championship could end up becoming with both Takeshita and Alexander both going at each other like savages, but rather than using hate or bending the rules to claim a win would use superior technical submissions moves and pinpoint precision in focusing on particular areas of each other’s body that would result in the match being a really war of attrition. The match would end with Takeshita managing to reverse the clutches of the C4 and instead nail Alexander with a Tombstone Piledriver. Josh would wobble back to his feet only to be clattered back to the mat with an expertly timed Zahi (Flying Knee Strike) to keep Alexander grounded long enough for Konsuke to claim a pinfall and become the inaugural OPW Underworld Champion.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

Post match: After the match, Konosuke would not have much time to celebrate as the lights would dim and Malakai Black would walk through the curtain and stare daggers at the newly crowned champion. Konosuke would dare him to make a move, but Malakai would grin and walk back to the locker room.

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FTR vs Briscoes vs Lucha Brothers vs The Usos vs The Young Bucks vs. ???

The inaugural Elysium Tag Titles hang high above the ring in this everything goes, TLC inspired gimmick match. It would feature five teams that laid claim to the moniker of best tag team in the world, and it would not disappoint. The chaos would start after the 5th team made its way to the ring. The ring announcer says the match has actually been modified to add one more team…


Holy shit! Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston are in the house, with Big E to accompany them, still nursing his neck injury and not cleared for contact

The match explodes right off the hop. Briscoes and FTR continue their blood feud and brawl on the outside. Usos and the The Young Bucks stare down in the middle of the ring and trade super kicks. New Day and Lucha Bros try to out taunt each other. At one point, FTR destroys Jimmy Uso with a Big Rig through a table. Young Bucks hit More Bang For Your Buck on Jay Uso. Xavier Woods sneaks up the ladder but Penta meets him there and hits a destroyer off the ladder rendering Xavier dead. Kofi hits trouble in Paradise on Nick Jackon. Fenix and Matt Jackson have a battle on top of the ladder, Fenix wins it and knocks Matt down. He grabs the belt but FTR slide in and tip the ladder. Fenix hangs onto the belt, and drops on top of Dax for a hurricanrana! Jay Uso super kick to the back of the head of Cash. He tries to set the ladder but now Fenix is back up. More crazy spots. Eventually, FTR hit a big rig assisted off the ladder to take out Jay Uso, but are both hit with super kicks by the bucks. They go for BTE Trigger on but the other teams run in. more brawling. Jay is out. FTR are KOd. Jimmy hits a frog splash to the outside and sends both Briscoes brother through a table. Kofi Kingston hits a trust fall from the ladder to take out Nick Jackson. Matt misses an elbow on Xavier and then gets thrown out of the ring. Xavier and Fenix both climb the ladder and brawl on top. Penta climbs the ladder under Xavier and puts him on his shoulders. Fenix climbs the ladder and HITS A STOMP TO THE CHEST ALL THE WAY DOWN to the ring floor. Penta held on to the ladder. Everyone is out, Penta finishes the climb and unhooks the belts! The Lucha Bros are CHAMPIONS!

Winners: Lucha Bros (Rey Fenix & Pentagon, Jr.)

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Jay White vs. Kota Ibushi vs. Seth Rollins

The match would begin with the unholy alliance of Switchblade and Seth Rollins team up on Ibushi with a variety of equally vicious and athletic tag team offense. White hits a Saito suplex on Ibushi and Rollins follows up with a frog splash and a cover. White betrays Rollins immediately and goes for the Blade Runner but Rollins rolls out of it. Pushing and shoving between both men. Dropkick to the back of Rollin’s head sends him into White. Ibushi goes crazy hitting both men with flying knees and explosive suplexes. Lawn Dart to Rollins, he rolls out of the ring. Running Lariat counter by White. Kick Out by Ibushi. Dive to the outside by White into Rollins and throws him into the barricade. Tope Con Hiro by Ibushi onto both men and the barricade, all men laid out. For outside fighting for a while. Rollins gets a chair and crushes Ibushi’s skull in. Blade Runner on Rollins but he can’t get him back in the ring in time! Second Blade Runner countered, ripcord knee, Stomp! Pin by Rollins but Ibushi hits a Phoenix Splash. Too slow on the cover and Rollins kicks out. White kicks out. Slow get up and three men brawl and hit a bunch of their signatures. Ibushi has the chair and drills Rollins in the head, he goes for the Komi Goye with the chair on Rollins head who begs for mercy. Low blow by White, Blade runner face first on the chair. Cover. Rollins breaks in up, Stomp White on the chair. Pins. 123! Seth Rollins is the number one contender.

Winner: Seth Rollins

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Kazuchika Okada vs. Bryan Danielson

There is no need to go into great detail, as this match goes exactly how one would imagine the first part of an epic wrestling poem would be told. Both men would slowly feel each other out, then take turns trying to gain the advantage with their signature offensive styles. A Rainmaker would be saved by a foot on the rope. A Cattle Mutilation would be countered into a tombstone. A rainmaker countered into a flying knee. A dropkick countered into a heel hook. Both men would go all out and bring each other to the brink of destruction but neither would yield. A rainmaker would be countered into the Label Lock and the 60 time limit would expire just as it appeared Okada was about to tap out.

Winner: DRAW

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Kenny Omega vs. Will Ospreay

NJPW style main event style. Ospreay kicks out of V Trigger. Kenny kicks out of Hidden Blade. Big spots on the outside and dives passed railing for both dudes. Kenny busts out Croyt’s Wrath but Ospreay kicks out. Ospreay hits a Storm Breaker but Kenny rolls outside to his horror. Ospreay gets his foot on the rope after a One Winged Angel and slow pin by Kenny. Finisher counter battle ends with a V Trigger to the back of the head of Ospreay, followed by another One Winged Angel to seal the victory at the 40 minute mark

Winner: Kenny Omega.

Post Match: Following the match Kenny celebrates in the ring and is joined by The Young Bucks, reforming part of The Elite and they too sweet. Seth Rollins walks out from the gorilla and claps while cackling. The crowd gasps as Jon Moxley also comes from behind the curtain and puts his hand on Seth’s shoulder, staring daggers at his old nemesis Kenny Omega. The show goes off the air as Kenny holds up his title and talks trash along with the Bucks as Seth and Mox smile and laugh.
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