I got to play this at my conference
Controls aren't that drastic of a change over last year. We only had an early build, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, John Cena were the only selectable. THQ modded there display, the build they were using clearly had most of the other wrestlers in it, but were shut off in the mod mode. None of the none exibition modes were selectable. It was hard to hear as they were right across from EA's booth who had multiple Rock Band 2 set ups. So I couldn't tell you too much more then what hasn't already been reported. They did say (slightly off topic here) that it is not actually true that Foley has been removed from the Legends of Wrestlemania game. However, they have had the WWE in the past on games force them to make roster changes within a day before going to mass production which has caused delays. So they suspect that the WWE will contact them at some point during production to remove Foley.
The one big news they talked about was the Street Date. Its being called Superstar Sunday. November 9th is the official Street Date for Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 in North America.