Here's a list from THQ's website of what we can expect in WWE Universe, released today.
Create a Show
Players now have the freedom to create their own shows while scheduling which day they appear on, from Monday through Saturday. In their show creation process, players will be able to choose the presentation graphics, the arena, which rosters appear on the show, and assign up to four Championships to be contested over.
Create a Pay-Per-View
In addition to custom shows, players can also create a Pay-Per-View that can be held on any Sunday. Along with choosing the presentation graphics and arena, players can choose which shows participate in the Pay-Per-View, as well as the match-type theme.
Players can now view various championship and show statistics within their WWE Universe. Containing both historical statistics and statistics that update as your WWE Universe progresses, players can try to further one Superstar’s championship reign or try to beat it.
Superstars will enter into feuds against each other as part of a rivalry, while competing for #1 contender rights for a championship title, and more. Take part in 200 new storyline feuds and choose which Superstars stand out in your Universe.
More Content, More Freedom
Many improvements and other additions have been made to Universe, such as more matches per show and the freedom to edit whole match cards, customizable championship rankings, and the ability to restart your Universe from the beginning.
and here's a list I put together from a 30-minute Q&A video with Cory. It was easier for me just to make a list because most people don't have time to sit and watch a 30-minute video:
How many 'Spectacular Moments' can you do per match?
Ring Collapsing, Announcer Table, Baracade are the only ones with limited use in matches.
Can you reverse Mid Air Finishers?
No because those Mid-Air Finishers are reversals.
Are Mid-Air Finishers limited to certain Superstars?
Code Breaker, RKO, Attitude Adjustment, Go-To-Sleep, Worlds Strongest Slam, Chokeslam, Tombstone and the Superkick are the only moves that can be Mid-Air Finishers.
What goes into adding a new wrestler?
100 days to create a model from scratch
- Photo Reference (going to Events to get up-close views of wrestlers)
- Style Guide
- Shaping Models
- Review Process through Yukes, WWE etc.
- Motion Capture (Entrances, Winning Scene etc.)
There is a cutoff period from when they are allowed to edit and add superstars which you can tell by attires.
Are the servers going to be improved for WWE 13?
They are still working for the WWE 12 Servers to make sure those same issue don't carry over, which they said the primary issue was the amount of people getting online at once and all the content being loaded. They do plan on removing content that isn't downloaded which should help with that.
Are Special Guest Referee matches only 1-on-1 or can you do Fatal Four Ways?
You can use a Special Referee for tag-team matches, Fatal Four Way, Hell in a Cell, Extreme Rules etc. There are 16 different match types you can use Special Referees for.
Will there be Referee Shirts in Special Guest Referee matches?
No. They didn't have the time to add one for every superstar because they wanted to dedicate that time to the player models.
Control Changes?
Any changes to Comeback Moments?
They are all the same, added Sheamus, Big Show and CM Punks Comeback Moments.
Kinect Support?
No Kinect Support.
How many hours will it take to complete Attitude Era Mode?
10-14 hours for an expierenced user.
What Chants will be in WWE 13?
Let's Go Cena, Cena Sucks!, Yes! Yes! Yes! and Boots to Asses are some that have been added.
Can you use multiple versions of Superstars in the same match?
We already knew this was possible because of the Achievements that were released, but yes, it's possible.