Official TNA Hard Justice Thread

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Aug 10, 2007
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Nottingham, UK
Winner Takes All Match
Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe

Doomsday Chamber of Blood
Sting, Abyss and Test vs Christian Cage, AJ Styles and Tomko (Sting gets the pin)

Tag Team Dream Match
Team 3-D vs. The Steiner Brothers

Bar Room Brawl
Rhino vs. James Storm

Ultimate Humiliation
Robert Roode vs Eric Young


Chris Harris vs Black Reign (Dustin Rhodes)

Motorcity Machine Guns vs Black Machismo & Sonjay Dutt vs Triple X

Raven vs Kazarian


Jul 24, 2007
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I don't follow TNA anymore but is the Triple X competing tonight Daniels & Skipper, Skipper & Low Ki, or Low Ki & Daniels?

The Godfather

Jul 14, 2007
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Nashville, TN
Winner Takes All Match
Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe

Doomsday Chamber of Blood
Sting, Abyss and Test vs Christian Cage, AJ Styles and Tomko

Tag Team Dream Match
Team 3-D vs. The Steiner Brothers

Bar Room Brawl
Rhino vs. James Storm

Ultimate Humiliation
Robert Roode vs Eric Young

vs VKM

Chris Harris vs Black Reign (Dustin Rhodes)

Motorcity Machine Guns vs Black Machismo & Sonjay Dutt vs Triple X

Raven vs Kazarian


My Hard Justice points of the night, yes I actually ordered it.

-Loved the PPV, didn't expect anything great, but it was awesome.
-The X-Division Opener blew me away, the double warrior's way was awesome.
-Tha Trademarc, Cena's rapping cousin, rapped Angle's theme and was Karen's Boyfriend, I thought it was fucking hilarious!
-Pacman has better mic skills than Lashley.
-Truth came back strong, ripped as hell.
-Chamber match kind of blowed, it really blowed.
-Main event was awesome, knew Angle was going to win, but wanted to see if TNA would really give it to Joe.
-Every other match was awesome, good to see Steiner's win.
-Black Reign...holy crap it's silver/gold dust.
-Quote of the night...Don West: "He just hit him in the nads!"

I thought it was awesome despite the haters.


TNA Now Offically Sucks after Hard Justice

After Hard Justice everyone in the Shoutbox lost their faith in TNA, everyone thought we would see the best PPV in TNA history, or even a decent PPV, we were dead wrong, this PPV sucked with the exception of the first match, Karen ruined the Main Event, TNA decided to put the titles on Angle.

The Doomsday match sucked, I don't even think that Styles was bleeding, or at least as it appeared to looked like his face was clean, and that match just sucked anyways. People now should just hate TNA, I think this is the thing that will put TNA out of business...


My Hard Justice points of the night, yes I actually ordered it.

-Loved the PPV, didn't expect anything great, but it was awesome.
-The X-Division Opener blew me away, the double warrior's way was awesome.
-Tha Trademarc, Cena's rapping cousin, rapped Angle's theme and was Karen's Boyfriend, I thought it was fucking hilarious!
-Pacman has better mic skills than Lashley.
-Truth came back strong, ripped as hell.
-Chamber match kind of blowed, it really blowed.
-Main event was awesome, knew Angle was going to win, but wanted to see if TNA would really give it to Joe.
-Every other match was awesome, good to see Steiner's win.
-Black Reign...holy crap it's silver/gold dust.
-Quote of the night...Don West: "He just hit him in the nads!"

I thought it was awesome despite the haters.

:rofl: Totally agreed with everything to a point XBA. It wasnt the best PPV of the year, but it was still much better than anything WWE puts on.

As for you Trav. My Thoughts are that you are now officially the biggest Sheep on this forum. All you sit here and do is praise WWE. You are just like Bill and Doug, only the exacpt opposite. You shit on TNA but dont back up your response with why WWE is so great. Yes, we all knew that Karen was gunna interfere, but so what. You still dont know whats gunna happen in the upcoming weeks, where as in WWE, you know whats gunna happen 75% of the time. Everyones predictions for this PPV were about 50%. See, thats the beautiful thing about TNA. You cant predict everything. WWE, you can predict 90% of whats gunna happen.

You sit here and shit on TNA with the current situation with Abyss and Karen and Kurt Angle, but you would rather see a little fucking midget who has done the exact same thing for the past year and does nothing but prance around the ring every match have the Crusierweight Title? Also have a guy that doesnt say one word in english and has like 3 moves. Kick, Punch, and Chop. Thats about 5 more moves than Cena, and thats bad, really bad.

I loved the Angle with Pacman and Kilings. I would have rather had them be tag partners, but since he cant wrestle, they are enemies and he can touch or be touched. It caused controversy. Did someone touch him??? I dont know about you but once again, I have no clue where this is headed.

Anyway, for more on Hard Justice, I will have a review for it in about 2 hrs maybe, and the Power 10 should be up soon. IN the meantime, peace out Twatish Sheep


Bull Fucking Shit, I loved the opening match, that was greatness, it was better than GAB and JD put together, but the rest of the PPV sucked balls, it was so predictable and the Doomsday match just sucked, and Peep, you never say anything good about WWE, you only like TNA, which makes you like Bill and Doug too. I enjoy iMPACT and some of the PPV's, but tonight might have just killed TNA, every single person in the Shoutbox hated it. Even TNAisWrestling is saying how much TNA sucks and how Joe should leave TNA. EVERYONE agreed with him. Not just 2 or 3 people, EVERYONE
Jun 10, 2007
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I for one am very pissed off, I wanted Joe to win so badly and I think Karen Angle really ruined the match IMO. Why did they have to have a fucking interference in a match that didnt need one!? You can see the frustration in the crowd when the ref went down.

TNA better fucking make up for this at No Surrender


Aug 4, 2007
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Richmond VA
i really didnt like the ppv

* i thought Dustin looked like a freaking blueberry
* Doomsday fucking sucked
* the main event you could see from a mile away

matter a fact the only good thing was the opening match
Jul 8, 2007
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After Hard Justice everyone in the Shoutbox lost their faith in TNA, everyone thought we would see the best PPV in TNA history, or even a decent PPV, we were dead wrong, this PPV sucked with the exception of the first match, Karen ruined the Main Event, TNA decided to put the titles on Angle.

The Doomsday match sucked, I don't even think that Styles was bleeding, or at least as it appeared to looked like his face was clean, and that match just sucked anyways. People now should just hate TNA, I think this is the thing that will put TNA out of business...

TNA is putting out better crap than WWE.


I'm fucking done with TNA! And I'm no WWE sheep, just in case someone gets any ideas.

For the most part the PPV was good, hell, I was excited to see LAX getting the win. The opener was incredible, and Raven looked as good as he has in years. The lower to mid-card talent busted their asses tonight! But the last two matches just blew it for me. I like Abyss, but why is TNA so hell-bent on making him the top face? THe match lasted 10 minutes and just wasn't any good,

Joe vs Angle was good, but the finish that you could see from miles away just killed it for me. As soon as the Karen/Kurt thing started a couple of weeks back, everyone knew she would end up turning on Joe. Here's why Joe can't be TNA champion... Not becuase he lacks talent, not because he lacks charisma but because.... He's been Kurt Angle's BITCH since the moment Kurt made his TNA debut. Were supposed to believe that Joe can be champ, when he gets played for a fool week in and week out? Hell no!

And before I end this, I want to send a FUCK YOU to the bookers, for treating the fans like we're fucking blueberries! WE ALL KNEW KAREN WOULD TURN ON JOE, WE ARE NOT IDIOTS!

I'm fucking done with TNA. I've tried to support them, tried to buy them as an "alternative" to WWE, and I end up getting a shitty version of WCW's last days (and that's really shitty!).


Bull Fucking Shit, I loved the opening match, that was greatness, it was better than GAB and JD put together, but the rest of the PPV sucked balls, it was so predictable and the Doomsday match just sucked, and Peep, you never say anything good about WWE, you only like TNA, which makes you like Bill and Doug too. I enjoy iMPACT and some of the PPV's, but tonight might have just killed TNA, every single person in the Shoutbox hated it. Even TNAisWrestling is saying how much TNA sucks and how Joe should leave TNA. EVERYONE agreed with him. Not just 2 or 3 people, EVERYONE

TNA is preditable??? :roflmao: What a fucking joke. Dude, I was just reading everyones predictions, and almost half of the people got over 50% of them wrong. I have guessed 22/24 Matches in the last 3 WWE PPVs. And TNA is preditable. :rofl:

Sure, the Main Event Outcome was predictable, but everything else wasnt quite. Its obvious to me that your head is so far up your ass, you cant even see the light of day. What champion in WWE is a credible champion? Please tell me and explain??? I would love to hear. MVP is the only one I can think of off the top of my head.

Please elaborate :)
Jun 10, 2007
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I am the biggest TNA mark you can find and I will even tell you this...

I cant believe the ending to that PPV, Angle/Joe was awsome but why Karen?? This isnt WWE we dont need an Ex Wife turns on guy who broke them up Angle Dammit!! Samoa Joe has been buiried IMO and I dont think he'll ever win the TNA World Title. I'll give TNA their chance and maybe they just fucked up tonight, but they really REALLY have to improve