Official SummerSlam Discussion Thread

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The summerslam ppv was good. Ending to cm upnk,batsita match totally sucked. I mean at elast have a proper finish wwe. Orton cena match was the match of the night. I was so pissed off orton lost. By the looks of things 3 titles will change hands at unforgiven. Tista will beat khali in a gimmick match. Orton will beat cena in orton vs cena II,and punk will beat morrison in a hardcore match. I dont see why orton didnt win the match though. Maybe they are making cena the year champion which sucks alot.


Montana's SummerSlam Review

I'd like to start out by saying this was a alright/average PPV. I think it under delivered in some areas, but overall entertaining. (on a side note, Peep AKA WWeMark got 3 of 8 wrong, even though the wwe is predictable and the odds were like 50/50)

Kane vs Finlay

Not bad, Not good. These guys did a solid match for about 10 minutes, nothing we couldnt have seen on SD though.

Umaga vs Kennedy vs Carlito

Again, ok match, I thought Umaga would pin Carlito, and carlito would stay in a fued with Umaga. Not sure why they jobbed kennedy out.

Rey vs Chavo

Match of the night Imo. No clue what was up wtih the silver paint, but the match was solid. I'd rate this as high as 3.5 stars. Great wrestling/high flying match, and i think chavo stepped his game up for this one.

CM Punk vs Johnny Morrision

I think EVERYONE thought Punk would win. This may be a little far fetched, but could we see CM Punk on Raw tonight? Nah. that won't happen. But thats the only logical explaination to why punk wouldnt have won this. poor ending. Less than 3 stars.

Diva Battle Royal

Too long

MVP's Challenge

I thought this was pretty good. I thought austin may appear, and did so. It kinda looks now like MVP just might be the next rock. He's getting major exposure, and is easily the best overall talent on SD. Keep this in mind ....MVP + Austin equal ratings.

HHH vs Booker

I feel asleep to honest...HHH looks way too skinny. What i saw, these two looked like they had very little chemistry, i heard this was a good match, but i saw most of it, and did not think so at all. I think DQ would have been teh right thing here.

Batista vs khali

Again, missed this one too, but i'd say Khali should have cleanly won.

Ortonvs Cena

This was a good match, but not great. This was the blockbuster match of the era, and probably could have went 5 more minutes. Again, these guys didnt have a lot of chemistry in the ring, as Cena looked pale, and old, while Orton look tanned and fresh. This one could have gone either way. I'd imagine they'd have a rematch. 3.25 stars. ( Any more than that, would be based strictly on dream match factor)

Overall, this was probably a 6/10. The matches were alright, the segments were great, but the way it was booked, and the endings was just plain bad. Im still shaking my head how John Morrision beat CM Punk. Oh well. Its the wwe.


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
I don't get the big deal over Mysterio/Chavo it was good (***3/4) but Orton/Cena was just that much better and I though the middle of Mysterio's match was slow and also no Vicky appearance? Orton/Cena (****)

HHH looks terrible skinny also what was with the massively botched ending with Morrison/Punk? No finisher attempts ruined the match.


I don't get the big deal over Mysterio/Chavo it was good (***3/4) but Orton/Cena was just that much better and I though the middle of Mysterio's match was slow and also no Vicky appearance? Orton/Cena (****)

HHH looks terrible skinny also what was with the massively botched ending with Morrison/Punk? No finisher attempts ruined the match.

I agree. Mysterio/Chavo was decent, but Orton/Cena basically blew every other match out of the water.

You could tell Rey had some ring rust. His timing was way off and the match was a little slow at times. Chavo carried that match.


I agree. Mysterio/Chavo was decent, but Orton/Cena basically blew every other match out of the water.

You could tell Rey had some ring rust. His timing was way off and the match was a little slow at times. Chavo carried that match.

You gotta be kidding me? What was so great about Cena/Orton? I saw about 5 minutes of headlocks, a few knockdowns. The stfu, and the RKO and then the FU. The ending was predictable. Like i said, the only way this match was better than a 3.25, would be based on hype alone.

Where as i thought Rey/Chavo had great chemistry and ring exchange, submissions, pyschology of Chavo working the knee. THe failed 619 attempts. You knew Rey was winning, but they pulled a great match out of it. CHavo was atop his game. So decent high flying attacks. I still feel this is the only match that was better than expected.

Wrestling Station

^Agreed with Montana, Rey/Chavo match was the better match that night. I didnt like Orton/Cena match. Yes it was the longest match on card, but still there were too much pausing in it with chin locks more than needed.

Batista/Khali match was really short and Khali made it so boring with his grip holding the trapezius of Batista several times (like in SD! when Khali was holding Kane's injured ribs for so much time). I think Khali should lose the title ASAP!! he ruined the WHC match with him just holding the trapezius! I think the DQ had to be applied due to Khali sucking the match. So i think there next match must be hell in a cell or a No DQ match to end this bullshit era called Khali (T-Rex) era.

Returning of injured wrestlers (HHH/ Rey)
Rey made the biggest impact with his in ring high flying skills than HHH. The only thing HHH had the upper hand on Rey's return was his entrance and the show he made BEFORE the match. Rey simply made his show DURING the match.


I think the finish of the punk and khali matches could have been better. If they were id say a 8/10 ppv but a 7/10 it was. Stone cold moment with mvp was gold and ortons match with cena was good. I think a title might change hand on a wwe tv show this week.

the dark knight

quick thoughts..

Kane vs finlay

one on one match....cant expect more. and i thought that the match would go either way several times, that made the match very good imo. also, great way to restore kane's lost dignity.

rating: ***

Umaga vs Carlito vs Kennedy

expected a lot, nothing really happened. the ending wasnt so good. no spots. the results arent so bad.

rating: ***

Tin Man vs Chavo

well, i expected way more. the match wasnt bad, it was good...just not what i expected. rey saying that he'll introduce new moves.....PFFFFFFFFT.


Divas battle royal

a little long. but hey, who needs to take a piss? wasnt so bad. they got someone new to the women's division...


MVP's challenge

.....stone cold getting back. something special for the fans at the arena. but for us, without really owning someone on the mic, stone cold wasnt really a good thing to do.

we got money money....yea yea.

Punk vs morrison
i havnt watched ECW. but i just placed my bet on punk cuz SP did lol. anyway, the match is like hardy vs nitro (which we saw 1000 times). nothing special at all. now where will punk go?

rating: ***

Triple H vs King Bookah

triple h's entrance....his shape....everything. the match itself was cool. and booker did every move he learned to do...forget about that its a WM rematch, TRIPS IS BACK. that alone deserve a good rating :)

rating: ****1/4

Khali vs Batista
i fast forwarded. tista won but still not the champ. SEND HIM TO ECW now!!! maybe he can switch with CM punk :g:.

rating: *1/2

Cena vs Orton
:sleep: cena retained like everyone expected.

rating: **

the promos were great. the PPV was kinda disappointing if you ask me. and a little bit over hyped. anyway, not so bad. average tbh and should've been way better....6.5/10 on the rechter scale.


You gotta be kidding me? What was so great about Cena/Orton? I saw about 5 minutes of headlocks, a few knockdowns. The stfu, and the RKO and then the FU. The ending was predictable. Like i said, the only way this match was better than a 3.25, would be based on hype alone.

Montana, you're talking to Cenamark. Anything with John Cena gets no less that 3 stars. Wasn't he the one that said the match would be a classic? I'm pretty sure no one will remember this match in a couple of weeks.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
I liked the Orton/Cena match thought it would be crap,but turned out to b a good match probably the best on there.enjoyed HHH/Booker only for the fact that trips was in It.I think he looks better than he has done for a few years now and glad he has lost some bulk he looked bloated just before his injury and he could hardly come back jacked up with muscle considering the whole steroid thing wouldn't look to good. Hope he stays toned rather than bulking up he looks miles better.