Im getting my copy friday hopefully if I have the time to get down the shpops to get it and il have the whole weekend to play it and ye they should of had that wheel in all matchups
this never happened to me in svr07. and haven't noticed anything in 08 system said:Is the whole glitch where you edit your caws look and some of the hard grapples go back to its default ones. is it still there like in 07?
fuck cm punk, want a challenge? again, CREATE A FUCKING SUPERSTAR and start from scratch on hard difficulty. trust me, its not easy.I got the game at lunchtime and it's looking pretty sick and TDK pretty much summed up all the pro's and cons but my only complaint is no CM Punk in 24/7. I gotta agree the ai is so easy to face I won my first match (that is quite an achievemtn for me, something i never normally do) and the storylines in 24/7 are confusing (one minute your feuding with someone and your shaking hands with them backstage and stufff like that) and other small things kinda bug me too like the commentators yell out "SPEAR, SPEAR!" before I even hit it but that's about all my critixcisms and everything is pretty cool with it.