
Sean Avery is a joke. He acts like a tough guy but when the other teams enforcer has something to say to him he just stares at the ref and acts like a doll. What a tool, disgrace to hockey. This is why the instigator rule and many other new nhl rules needs to get thrown out the door, Betmann and Campbell are clowns. There will be more Sean Avery's in the new NHL and it's pathetic.
Hockey use to be something so sacred and good, where the characters of men would shine and all that shit you heard in school about teamwork, hardwork and morales all that good stuff was displayed. Sitting down and watching it no matter how shitty or amazing your day would ALWAYS complete your day.
Now it's just all about the money, performing for your paycheque. Guys will turn coats at the first sign of a bigger cheque and why wouldn't they, they're forced to. If they don't leave someone else will and even if you were the guy who wanted to keep the chemistry together someone else will go and take that cheque you turned down then your numbers will dwindle the media starts attacking you then you're traded because the god damn cap can't be paying you if your not performing
I agree mostly. Avery is a first class dipshit, and tries to market himself instead of the game. He also thinks he's Mr.Hollywood, and bigger than the NHL.
However, don't let him ruin the image of the NHL.
Hopefully, if he ever plays the Flames, they'll put an end to him, and that'll be that.
omgwtfbbq. Colin's right. Back in the old days before Gay Bettman, hockey was a great sport. It's going downhill now.
Oh and if I had the decision, Avery would be out for the entire season + playoffs. I hate fucktards like him thinking he's an enforcer but really he's just a bully on skates.
Dude, Bettman has been in charge since 1993. And hockey was still great throughout the 90's.
Also, for anyone complaining about lack of fighting. The NHL has had more fighting majors this serason than any season since 2001-2002. So it's has far more fights, and even been more physical than 2002-2003, and 2003-2004.
Hockey is still a great sport. I love physicality and fights, and wish there was a bti more, but I can;t complain, because there are a ton of fights and big hits. It just depends what teams you watch.
The leafs, for example, are soft (I'm saying this cause you're from Ontario). Whereas if you watch a team liek Calgary (liek I do) or Anaheim, Philly, San Jose, Dallas, Vancouver, New Jersey, Minnesota, Chicago, and even some other teams, you can see good physical play.