heres the thing guys, the show will be up in the next few hours. reasons for the show being delayed was that there simply isn't enough writers on the staff, the shows will usually be up around the time Raw starts and 1 hour before the show was due a match still hadn't been written, so I took that match as well as the others that I had wrote this week but the server went overly slow, bear in mind it was like half 1 in the morning in the UK where I am and I get up for college at half 6. So me and Jmay worked hard to get what we thought would be a delayed show on time but couldn't manage it.
The show will be posted soon and a card wont be posted until Monday and then we will back to normal, need to find a few writers so really if anyone can write one match for the next show let us know. Sorry about the delay and hope you enjoy the show.