Just beat the game yesterday!
Best game ever IMO. Im not a game player at all really, only wwe and nhl games on occasion, but this game had me hooked.
I liked it better than all the others. Better graphics, better response to the players, and you were way more free to do what you want. Like sleep, date, more places to go.
The storyline was sick as well. I prefer the organized crime families over the street gangs from other games, so it was good to see some good old Mafia in it.
Storyline was very good, great game.
BTW, I used the revenge storyline, not the deal.
10/10 my dick. most over rated game in the history of video gaming. where the fuck should i start? i wanted to make a huge rant thread but everytime i think about the game, i get pissed off enough to forget everything. but ill try..first off, i wanted to quit the game from the first 30 mins. so from there, ill just make it short.
the only good thing about the game is the graphics and maybe car physics. other than that, its shit. ok its not shit, but its nothing on the old GTAs. its a very good game of its own, but its not a fucking GTA.
- no firefighter missions
- no ambulance
- no RHINO. i could fucking swear, watching some videos when GTA III was released, the rhino is what caught my attention the most and actually convinced me to buy the game and eventually add the series to my fav ever.
- no HUNTER.........how could you possible have vigilante missions with no HUNTER? the new gay annhilator is...gay
- new shooting and cover system= trash. and wtf happened to free aim?
- few weapons
- small map
- crappy humor.
- fewer cars
- absolutely nothing to do after you finish the game. there are, but they dont motivate you enough to do it.
- whats the point of getting all the cash when you cant really spend it on anything but weapons?
- taxis make missions a lot easier
- how can you unintentionally die? it only happened twice...both times were raodkills ffs.
- when you die, you dont lose your weapons. lol wow at least in san andreas you had to date that paramedic girl first..
- ITS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE TO GET BUSTED IN THE GAME. seriously, you could just sit there in the car and wait for em to bust your ass, nothing happens. standing right infront of the cop doesnt work either. they just wack you. so, you dont lose your weapons......my ammo is always maxed. i only buy armors, grenades and rocket launcher's...rockets. sometimes i buy ammo for my M4 just in case, but its usually a round or two and its maxed out again.
- in almost ALL GTAs, you get your ass kicked when you leave your car in a mob/gang territory. nothing here...everyone screams and runs away when you take out your weapon
- no jets? if its cuz of 911, die please. seriously, get the fuck over it and move on. if its because you wanna make the game more realistic, GTFO. its a video the game. the whole point of playing a video game is to have fun doing something we cant do irl or we wouldnt have fun doing it. if it was a simulation/racing game i'd understand but...this is supposed to be an action/adventure/sandbox game?
- TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING SHORT. finishing the game in 20 hours when im usually messing around, goin out on dates and doing side missions is Blue. come on...SA took me 24-27 hours and i thought it was short.
some of you are gonna compare this to GTA III, go fuck yourself. there are standards now. look at GTA III and how it revolutionized gaming and how much they improved from the previous GTAs. III came out when no one expected a game to be half as good as that. VC improved and delivered its expectations. SA improved in some areas, screwed up a little but was still a very good game and reached our expectations. IV? pfffffft, take out the graphics and its NOTHING more than any other GTA rip off.
- way too easy. mission failed...only twice? oh and speaking of that, where the fuck is
k i forgot what else i wanted to say...but for now, here are some screen shots of my record (or at least i think so)
brag bitch, brag!
sorry my phone's camera sucks. and my tv's not HD so it reflects a lotta light.
seriously though, i havent played a min since i finished it. i took the shots, quit, and leave the disc in the cover...its been there for about 2 weeks now? the thing is, i only got to play 40 mins to 2 hours a day ("busier than a dyke in a hardware store"...RIP carlin) and it felt so bad. the only mission i really liked was the bank robbery one...
how long did it take all of you to finish the game? only thing that would motivate me enough to play the game again is someone beating the game in a quicker time (stupid term...sorry)...