Oh God, I'm going through DB, DBZ, DBGT and I'm going over the randomness that is Bobobo-bo Bo-bobobo.
Can't say I'm a fan of the latter two (in fact, I hate GT) but the former ones are pretty good (at least from memory, which isn't great with DB and too good for DBZ). Favorite arc/saga in DBZ?
Yeah, Nami's and Robin's aren't the greatest look. And they made Chopper just cuter. I also dislike something about Chopper, but I'll just end up telling it to you when you're done Fishman Island.
Lets take a step back and not remember try to reminisce that. :urm:
So nothing really outstanding. Case Closed is a fun watch as always. I feel like it's a show that I can re-watch at anytime, whether it be a new or an old episode. As I said before, it gets kinda ehn around 600 episodes. It has it's moments though.
Also, I think I said Fairy Tail was good? I take that back. After watching other anime's, I've realized that it has many flaws. It's fun to watch, but everything is just a mess.
I honestly like that Chopper is just cuter, it fits his character well.
Nah, not in those batch. I've watched quite a few more episodes. Case Closed is definitely something I can re-watch infinitely, it's just always a solid and fun watch. Actually got saw what is probably my favorite episode I've seen thus far, the one with this guy . . .

As for Fairy Tail, any specific anime make you realize it's flawed? Hunter x Hunter or Claymore (I figure Hunter x Hunter is the more likely though, both being battle shonens)? I actually read more of it Fairy Tail, the Galuna Island arc was good and the Phantom Lord arc was pretty solid. It's a fun read but that's kind of it, so I guess I'm in the same boat as you.
As for the other anime/manga I've watched/read, for the most part they were all pretty good. On the manga side Negima has finally started edging out the harem/fanservice/terrible jokes in favor of the shonen elements so for once I actually enjoyed reading it. The field trip arc was nothing special but it was good, helped by the fact that preceding it was crap. Still hate Negi (the main character) which isn't a good thing (though in truth I don't care much about most of the characters). Read some Yu Yu Hakusho, the spirit detective saga/arc so far was better in the anime.
As for anime I've seen more Case Closed (obviously), Ghost In The Shell, Gungrave, Level E, Noir, School Rumble, & Stellvia. GitS has finally hit a point where I'm loving it. The last three episodes I saw were just great, though I did admittedly hate the one prior to those three. Gungrave has improved every single episode and the ending of episode 8 (the last one I saw) was quite powerful. May end up as one of my favorites at this rate, though I still shake my head at the retardedness of the first episode. Level E is a comedy about an alien who crash lands on Earth and decides to move in with a human (and no, said human was not consulted at first) by Yoshihiro Togashi (the creator of Yu Yu Hakusho & Hunter X Hunter). I'm only two episodes but I've laughed quite a bit. Kind of a complement since most anime, particularly comedies, don't do it for me. Seems rather fast-paced in terms of it's plot too, which is good thing. Didn't laugh once during the last School Rumble episode I've seen. Noir is continuing to improve, quite liking it so far. Stellvia's first episode was kind of bad, hopefully it improves.
I actually found this pretty cool. Considering that William and Mustafar are caught up to the proper arc, I might as well post.
Poor Kid, being compared to one of my least favorite villains in One Piece. Honestly, I don't really get that comparison. Otherwise yeah, cool pic.
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