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The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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awesome hell in a cell I bet that was a tough match to write too and I'm glad the Rated R Era has arrived in BTW...keep up the great work...

The Rated R CMStar

Monday Night BTW Preview

At Busted Open we finally crown our new World Champion. What will be the repercussions of BTW living in the Rated R Era?

Test finally showed us his champion spirit beating both his challengers in a hell of a match, what is next for this renewed champion?

We also had two hell of matches. In which one of them we witnessed Jeff Hardy pull out the win in a Lumberjack Match to retain his championship. We also saw extremist RVD and Sabu burn each other making the ref end their match, will they be in good condition this Monday Night?

At Busted Open, we witnessed the impressive debut of the World Strongest Man Mark Henry, that also announce he will make another Impact on Monday Night, what will it be?

And finally, Crushing C has confirmed Edge will defend his championship against the man he pinned to win it, Brock Lesnar. Besides we have also been confirmed that Cage will be making a statement.

The Rated R CMStar

BTW rumors brought to you by PWInsider.com

Edge is suppose to have many people supporting him backstage and we are told that he's slated to have a long time run, most of that because most of the companies biggest draws are faces.

BTW is aiming to have another Lesnar and Goldberg feud this by the request of Vince Mcmahon that want somebody to end the feud he started and couldn't conclude.

Eventough Mark Henry debuted attacking Jeff Hardy, they are not slated to have a feud. Rumors are told that Mark Henry will be in an angle involving Christian Cage.

Randy Orton and Umaga are officially signed by BTW. Orton has already made his debut and Umaga is scheduled to be involved in a high profile angle very soon.

In the last days there had been talks about John Cena coming to BTW with the blessing of Vince Mcmahon in a high profile trade, but all fail when BTW, wanting to expand his horizons, started to make business to TNA when they have already a signed contract with WWE.

It has been revealed that Crushing C is not the owner of BTW and that the real owner of BTW is actually a man called Matteo Quintavalle, a silent investor that is after seeing the succes of BTW has start conversations with Paul Heyman, Jim Cornette and Eric Bischoff to be the new GM on screen, leaving Crushing C's job hanging in balance.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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interesting rumors...curious to see who Umaga feuds with and who the new GM will be...


Mark Henry is a hack, lol, hope to see Lesnar and Goldberg round 2

The Rated R CMStar

Monday Night BTW
Staples Center
Los Angeles, California

Styles: How are you doing ladies and gentleman, I’m Joey Styles being accompanied in commentary by John Bradshaw Layfield as we come fresh from our first PPV, Busted Open, and what a hell of an event it was!

JBL: Good night ladies and gentleman, and yes, finally, BTW has a World Champion, that by the way is coming out right now, the Rated R Superstar, Edge.

“Metalingus†sounds through the arena as veil of smoke covers the stage. Out of a sudden Edge comes through the smoke with BTW World Heavyweight Champion around his waist. He takes the championship off and raises it above his head with lots of pyro coming out. Edge receives lots of boos and heel heat as he makes his way to the ring with microphone in hand.

Edge: California, entire world, BTW, I told you so, I told you that I would be standing here tonight as your World Champion. And guess what, I am!

Crowd boos Edge as he smiles in an arrogant way.

Edge: I took me one single spear, and now I am your champion. But that’s not what I am here for, as I can brag about being champion as I am not losing this title in a while. I am here to determine my Number One Contender at Apocalypse as I am a defending champion. As you all nasty people now I have a title match against Brock Lesnar tonight, but we know that is just formalism, so, to officially kick out BTW’s Rated R Era, I am inviting any superstar to step up and challenge me to a title match at Apocalypse

JBL: That’s a champion, that’s our champion.

“Kennedy†sounds as an angry Mr. Kennedy comes to the ring. He tells Edge that he will challenge him at Apocalypse and makes a title sign.

Edge: So Kennedy, are you the man stepping up, damn, I expected someone that would be a challenge to me.

Kennedy looks offended and starts brawling with Edge as out of nowhere Goldberg comes running down the ramp and cleans house hitting a powerslam on Edge and a spear on Kennedy. He takes the mic from a knocked down Edge’s hand.

Goldberg: I am not a talkative person, so I am gonna make this sweet and short, tonight, Number One Contender’s Match, Goldberg vs Mr. Kennedy, winner faces World Champion at Apocalypse.

Crowd pops huge at the announcement showing their approval as Goldberg gets out of the ring and retrieves to the back as we go to a commercial


Styles: Well, you all have heard it, later on tonight we will have a new Number One Contender as Mr. Kennedy battles Goldberg.

JBL: Goldberg is just jealous about Kennedy. Kennedy had already accepted the challenge and he has to came out and ruined the whole thing.

Styles: But that’s coming later, as right now we have a Busted Open rematch, as Elijah Burke faces CMS.

(Video recap from their match at Busted Open)

1st Match: Elijah Burke vs CMS

They both come to the ring and look at each other for a long time, before CMS finally attacks him with a right punch, then a left punch, Elijah ducks another right punch and pushes CMS away. CMS retaliates and dashes toward Burke looking for a clothesline but he ducks it and connects a wheel kick. Elijah smiles to the crowd as he then starts hitting mounted punches on CMS.

The referee finally pushes Burke away from his opponent but he quickly comes back and delivers a kick to the gut. He then begins to connect elbow smashes and knocks CMS down with an uppercut. Burke sees everything won and goes for the pinfall: 1…2…, CMS gets his shoulder and the match continues.

Burke doesn’t want this match to go long as the one at Busted Open and announces the Elijah Experience. He dashes toward the ropes looking for it but when he approach CMS his opponent caught him in mid air and set him in the Powerbomb position. CMS gives a loud scream and hits the Bomb to Facebuster. He then goes for the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: CMS pins Elijah Burke

Styles: He did it, he defeated Elijah Burke one more time.

JBL: Yes, he might had won a battle but I bet the war is still going, and I am sure Elijah will have plenty to say next week.


We return with Muhammed Hassan in the ring.

JBL: That’s a competitor, Muhammed Hassan, the man that vowed to be the first arab American World Champion in history.

Styles: But he hasn’t been that good on BTW, as he have not even been close from a champion.

JBL: That’s about to change girl pants, as next we have Muhammed Hassan vs BTW Extreme Champion Jeff Hardy.

“Loaded†plays as Jeff Hardy does his classic entrance. He enters the ring and comes face to face with Hassan and puts his title in front of him as the ref rings the bell.

2nd Match: Jeff Hardy vs Muhammed Hassan

Match starts with Jeff Hardy taking advantage of his speed and running around his opponent. Hassan looks nervous as he gets surrounded by the Extreme Champion. Muhammed finally makes his attacks as he connects a clothesline on Hardy. Jeff gets quickly up but gets grabbed by Hassan that tries to connect a Manhattan Drop, but Jeff reverses it into a DDT. Immediately after that Jeff hits a moonsault leg drop as he goes for the cover: 1…2…, Hassan kicks out.

Jeff goes for a punch but gets blocked by the Arabic competitor which connects a series of elbow smashes. He then hits a flag suplex and a series of knees to Hardy’s face. Hassan starts focusing on his opponent’s head and connects a series of punches and finally lifts Jeff up. Hardy is groggy as Hassan laughs and does a poke to the eyes. The referee calls Muhammed’s attention. Hassan continues to dominate the match as he throws roughly Jeff to the corner. He follows him and connects a catapult with Jeff Hardy hitting his neck on the ropes.

Styles: God that was nasty!

JBL: Excuse me Joey; I have a question, who is supposed to be the champion here?

Hassan continues his attack as he locks a chin lock using the ropes as the referee starts the DQ count: 1…2…3…4…, Muhammed lets Jeff Hardy go to avoid the disqualification. Jeff Hardy slowly gets up as Hassan looks at him and smiles and taunts for the crowd receiving tons of heel heat. Jeff starts getting cheered by the crowd and motivated by that tries to hit a kick to the gut on Muhammed, but he blocks it and with the other hand he says no, but Jeff moves his head in affirmation and connects a reverse mule kick.

Crowd pops huge as Jeff gets to his feet and starts highstepping. Muhammed Hassan slowly gets up and gets kicked and grabbed by Hardy. Hardy then yells announcing the Twist of Fate but when he is about to connect it, Hassan reverses it and connects his Modified STO. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Jeff reverses it one more time with an inside cradle, the ref starts the count: 1…2…3.

Result: Jeff Hardy pins Muhammed Hassan.

After the match Montel Vontavious Porter comes out and stares to Jeff Hardy as we go to a commercial.


We return with Test in the ring in casual clothing.

Test: Last night, I proved to everyone why I am the finest champion in all history. Everybody criticized me about my lack of intensity, after my title defense, that’s just out of question.

Crowd boos Test.

Test: I am the Impact Player of BTW, but most importantly, I am the best, the most impressive, the Largest Athlete in the World.

“The Show†plays to the shock of the crowd as the Big Show comes out. He enters the ring and comes face to face with Test, taking the microphone out of his hand.

Big Show: Excuse me, the Largest Athlete in the World?. That’s just pathetic. Did you watch me yesterday at the Hell in a Cell match? You probably didn’t ‘cause if you did you couldn’t even dare to come out and call yourself a wrestler.

Big Show starts getting a mixed reaction from the crowd, as Test begins looking angry.

Big Show: That, with many other reasons, is why I am challenging you, to a match at Apocalypse, for your title. Consider the match as a favor from me to you, letting you prove your worthiness.

Test looks offended as he tries to attack the Big Show, but he blocks him and quickly hits the Showstopper. Rikishi comes running to the ring but gets caught by the Showster and immediately thrown outside of the ring, The Show turns around and sees Rhino looking for a Gore. Rhino dashes toward him but the Big Show hits a big boot and then his Cobra Clutch.

We then receive an inform about RVD and Sabu saying they are not in the arena, and that next week we will have CM Punk and Colt Cabana facing Maven and Albert and the winner faces RVD and Sabu at Apocalypse for the BTW Tag Team Titles.


“Just close your eyes†plays as Christian Cage comes out receiving a lot of boos. He enters the ring and grabs a mic.

Christian: I think I don’t need an introduction, but to anyone who doesn’t knows me, I am the Instant Classic, Christian Cage thank you very much.

He cockily smiles as he gets booed by the crowd.

Christian: Last night, when I was bloodied at the ring and being covered by Triple H, I started remembering all that good moments I had with my problem solver, Tyson Tomko. And I also couldn’t help to think that maybe all that could not have happened if I had a problem solver with me, and that’s why I decided and signed a new, private Problem Solver, and tonight he is making his in-ring debut against the man that pinned me yesterday, Triple H.

“The Game†sounds through the arena as Triple H comes ready to action; he does his entrance and spits the water on Christian Cage’s face. Cage first seems angry but then he retained his calmness and smile. He again grabbed the microphone.

Christian: Are you ready Hunter? ‘Cause you have never faced a man like this before. You might call yourself the Game, but he calls himself a silverback, he is “The King of the Jungleâ€. Hunter, please say hello to my new Problem Solver, the World Strongest Man, Mark Henry!!!

3rd Match: Triple H vs Mark Henry

Triple H looks shocked by Mark Henry’s size, but he immediately starts giving punches to him, but Henry barely moves. Mark finally retaliates connecting a clothesline on the Game. The Cerebral Assassin shows his determination and quickly gets up, but gets rapidly connected by a second clothesline. He gets The Game up and throws him toward the ropes, and when bounce toward him he caught him in mid air in a military possiton. He then throws Triple H but he manages to fell standing up. He rapidly does a tackle to Henry’s leg but he doesn’t fell. Hunter then dashes to the ropes and hits a knee smash, but Mark Henry does not fell. Triple H looks half shocked and half frustrated and he surprisingly is able to get Henry up and connects a spinebuster.

The Game now looks confident, and gives a mocky smile to the crowd as he then does his DX taunt to Mark Henry. He then sees Christian Cage outside of the ring an gets distracted insulting him and he finally makes his DX taunt. Henry is recovering; Triple H turns back and gives a kick to the gut to him. He then puts The World Strongest Slam in the Pedigree position, but Henry shows his amazing power getting Triple H up, he then puts The Game in the Slam position and hits the World Strongest Slam.

JBL: See Joey boy, that’s dominance, he is the King of the Jungle.

Styles: Maybe John, but do not forget that Triple H is the King of Kings.

Henry taunts for the finish raising his hand as Christian yells him to end it right now. He starts walking really methodical before exploding and dashing toward the ropes and hitting a splash. He smiles viciously as he rushes to the ropes and hits another splash. He is about to make the cover as Christian Cage yells him one more time saying him not to, and then points the top rope. Henry moves his head in signal of approval and drags Hunter close to the corner, he then climbs to the top rope. Henry stands on the top rope and starts hitting his chest and finally hits the Big Splash from the top rope. The referee makes the count: 1…2…3.

Result: Mark Henry defeats Triple H.

We go to a commercial with a divided screen showing Mr. Kennedy and Goldberg each one coming to the ring.


We first return by a promo of Randy Orton from his locker room challenging anybody to a match next BTW show.

4th Match: Number One Contender Match: Goldberg vs Mr. Kennedy

Goldberg starts looking for Mr. Kennedy like if he was his prey. Kennedy is trapped on a corner by Goldberg, but when he tries to punch him, Kennedy ducks him. Goldberg manages to trap Mr. Kennedy on the opposite corner. He tries to punch him again, but Kennedy manages to escape again and then he delivers some punches of his own.

Ken Kennedy starts controlling the offense of the match, he connects a series of punches and then he throws him to the ropes, but Goldberg regains the momentum hitting a shoulder block. Kennedy quickly gets up but gets knocked down by a slam. Bill Goldberg is not through with Mr. Kennedy as he gets him up, and puts him in a suplex position, but he holds Kennedy on air like in a flag suplex, but instead hits a Brainbuster.

Goldberg then explodes and goes to the corner taunting for his spear. Mr. Kennedy slowly gets up using the ropes, he returns to his feet but he is still giving his back to Goldberg. He slowly turns around and Goldberg dashes toward him, but Kennedy shows his speed hitting a spinning kick. Kennedy gives to the crowd a cocky expression receiving heel heat and then mocks Goldberg’s taunt. Kennedy then approaches him and starts stomping Goldberg’s leg. Kennedy puts Bill’s leg on the ropes and then hits a senton on the leg jumping using the ropes. He then yells “break up his legâ€, and jumps hitting a knee drop on Goldberg’s leg.

Ken Kennedy locks in his inverted Figure-Four Leg Lock. Goldberg is in a great deal of pain.

JBL: That’s it, this is over. There’s no way Bill Goldberg is coming out of this.

Styles: I don’t know, you never now the power this man can have when motivated.

Kennedy locks it tightly, but when Goldberg is about to tap out, he manages to roll himself over turning the pression of the hold on Kennedy. They both finally realize the hold. Kennedy gets up first as Goldberg stays on the floor complaining about his leg.

Bill Goldberg shows his determination as he gets up using the ropes. Kennedy Irish Whips Goldberg and tries to hit a dropkick, but Goldberg miracously grabs to the ropes making his opponent punish his back.

Goldberg is now limping as he goes to the corner taunting again for a spear as he waits Mr. Kennedy to get up. Kennedy gets up but this time he can’t avoid the attack as he gets connected by a spear. Goldberg gets his rival up and goes for the jackhammer, but when in air Kennedy reverses it and it’s a neckbreaker. He then climbs to the top rope and hits the Kenton Bomb, he makes the cover putting his feet on the ropes: 1…2…3.

Result: Kennedy pins Goldberg.

JBL: He did it, Mr. Kennedy is going to Apocalypse to fulfill his destiny.

Styles: What? Are you blind? He stole the damn match.


Styles: Up next is the title match between Edge and Brock Lesnar.

JBL: Another easy win by Edge.

“Here Comes the Pain†plays as Brock Lesnar comes out. He starts jogging and then starts his way down the ramp. Out of nowhere, a masked man comes out with a chair and starts attacking Goldberg knocking Lesnar out. The masked man drags Brock down to the ring and there he jackhammers Brock. He then grabs a microphone and removes his mask letting everybody see he is Goldberg.

Goldberg: Lesnar, how does that feel? Remember when you did that to me a few weeks ago? I never had the chance to retaliate, but now, payback is a bitch, and at Apocalypse Lesnar, you, will be NEXT.

Scene fades back and shows ends with Edge holding his World Title backstage looking in a T.V Goldberg celebrating over Brock Lesnar.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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nice show... liked the Henry/HHH and Kennedy/Goldberg matches... keep it up.... Check out HEW... preview is up...

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Good show but kinda weird that right after his match Goldberg attacked Brock. And HHH jobbing to Mark Henry, guess this definitly isnt wwe.